This is a oneshot series based on my other story, but so you don't have to read that, this chapter has everything you need to know.

People who have read my other story, go to the next chapter!

A fairytale, as told to a Prince by a Queen.

Once upon a time, there was a race of people who were called The Elementals. These people were just like everyone else, smart, passionate, and happy, with one difference. This difference wasn't something big and important, and it wasn't something that made them bad people. It was a gift, from the stars to their favorite children, so that they could play in new and special ways. The Elementals could each control an element-nay, they could embody that element. They and their families and friends all had Elements, and they lived quite happily alongside the rest of the universe, laughing with their joys and crying with their tragedies. But that didn't last forever.

You see, other races, for all they were fantastical and splendid creatures themselves, were envious of the Elementals and the powers they were blessed with. Especially the men. They muttered that Elementals weren't safe, that they were waiting for a chance to attack and rule. Fear was not fought outright in those days as in these, not in the forms of Fearlings and Dream Pirates. It was a sneaky thing then, violent but uncontested until it's too late. And the Fear caused by jealousy was particularly powerful. So the Fear deepened. Night and day, it manipulated the hearts and minds of the men and women of the Colorful Age, until they hated and feared the Elementals. It created animosity and betrayal between neighbors, and soon the Elementals were hated by even the children, who watched and learned from their parents.

Finally, something gave way. A Fire Elemental had fallen in love with a young maiden, and her furious father had forbidden the pair from marrying. Farense hated Elementals with all of his heart, and he wanted to kill his daughter for daring to love one. So he tried to separate them as much as he could. Enil and Mereditia could not be separated, though. They loved each other with a passion few had seen before, and even fewer had experienced for themselves. They were a fated match. Mereditia's father, Farense, finally issued a challenge—if Enil could fairly defeat him in single combat, he would allow him to marry his love. There was a catch, though. Farense had only said that the combat had to be fair and one-on-one, he didn't specify that Enil had to be the one playing fair. If Farense cheated, Enil would not be able to call him out on it without admitting that the combat was unfair and losing Meredita.

Enil saw this, of course, for Elementals have always been intelligent, but he loved Meredita deeply and he accepted despite her pleas for him to stop. Farense came the next day to fight Enil, who had prepared to fight his hardest against a single, cheating opponent. After all, a man could never hope to beat an Elemental.

He had not anticipated that Farense, the madman, would have hired another man to kill his own daughter. An assassin appeared out of nowhere with a sword, dashing towards Meriditia, and-

Enil saw in a second what he had to do. He could finish the battle one-on-one and keep his honor; or he could kill the assassin, break the rules, and lose his love forever, but ensure her safety. He lashed out in an instant and killed the assassin.

While Enil was distracted calming Meriditia, Farense took out his bow and nocked an arrow slicked with oil. Elementals let out more of their Element than usual when upset, and Enil would surely catch it on fire in his shock over nearly losing his love. Farense drew back carefully and shot his own daughter through the heart.

As he had planned all along, the oil caught fire, and Enil, unable to stifle his own Element, watched her burn helplessly. Farense sneaked away as Enil burned the forest they had fought to the ground in in his rage and grief.

When he got back to their village, Farense cried, "Murder! Murder! That flaming monster has murdered my daughter!"

The villagers gathered around, first confused and murmuring, and then more and more furious until they were but a mob, of one mind, wishing only to hurt and destroy the Elementals.

Enil died that day, and the Elementals were furious.

The next day, men's cities burned and froze over and drowned. Crops failed. Plants refused to grow, and trees overtook houses. Blades dulled and rusted overnight. It was a small massacre.

The men killed Elementals, trapped them alone and stabbed them or hit them and killed them.

War raged on for centuries, until both armies were devastated. There was little left for either race, but both were fighting for their very survival, until a final, decisive blow was struck. In a battle called the Battle of Color, the Colorful Age ended. The Elementals and men put their last soldiers forward, soldiers that were little more than children or the old; unarmed, desperate soldiers fighting only for survival. That day the Elementals fled from battle for the first time since the war had started. They finally knew Fear.

The Elementals ran from battle, ran from the solar system, fled the galaxy, kept running until they could no longer be seen even by their parents, the stars. They found a quiet planet to hide in, and began to live and grow again. The tiny lives of men passed, and they were forgotten.

However, their war was not finished.

The Elementals now knew Fear.

Slowly, their Fear consumed them, one by one, until only their royalty and their guards were free of it. The people fought so bravely...but for nothing.

And that brings me to you, my child, the last desperate hope of the Elementals. The little prince, the only Elemental which will never, never know Fear. My child of frost. It won't be long until I turn into a corrupted Elemental myself, and you will be our last free Element. The men, who used to be our friends...they call us Fearlings now, and Dream Pirates. I hope you never have to see another Elemental again. Goodbye, my child! Bring joy, laugh in the face of Fear as a true Elemental! May your wind blow ever bolder and your ice ever colder!

This is the basic premise of the whole thing. Earth isn't even an idea yet, and Kozmotis Pitchner is a relatively unknown foot soldier. Sandy is running around in his star, though.