Here is a list of their ages:
Keiko=8-9 years old
Sasuke/Naruto=5-6 years old
Itachi=10-11 years old
Shisui=14-15 years old
By the way, to all those who thought Keiko and the Uchihas would have a love triangle, that was not what I meant in my question. I'll rephrase it again since till now only one person guessed it correctly.
What made Shisui and Itachi act so differently around Keiko?
PS. I've written this chapter with the song 'Christina Perri - A thousand years', it's really beautiful and I advise you all to listen to it.
So not happening!
By Angelbloodlover
~ Friends show their love in times of trouble, not in happiness.
Chapter 14: Unsightly Troubles
"Heart stop beating like that,
Feet keep moving, we're so close,
Eyes, don't look back.
...if you do, all your strength will evaporate."
- Keiko
I sniffed quietly, glancing at Naruto who was sleeping, his little body snuggled close to me. Although my body reacted badly to his touch, I didn't want him to let go of me. Ever. The smell of forest-after-rain invaded my nostrils and I breathed out, relaxing.
Suddenly the door opened and revealed another midget, softening my eyes at his scared, trembling form, I nudged him towards me. I couldn't deny him anything, really. Even after all the wrongdoings I had done, I couldn't deny them anything.
"Sasuke, are you alright?" I asked softly, not wanting to wake up Naruto.
He shook his head and shuffled towards me, blanket held loosely in his hands. I opened my arms and mentally prepared myself for his fingers to clutch my kimono. After I had eaten chocolate cookies, and had trained Sasuke and Naruto, I had been forced to stay for the night. Mikoto had insisted a bit forcibly, but I was actually glad she did, for I wouldn't be here, snuggled close to Konohas most sweetest boys. At this point, Sasuke and Naruto were all I was not. It felt good to be surrounded by this much innocence, very refreshing to my heart.
When he was on my other side, he shuddered out a breath, "Don't worry Sasuke, I will protect you from the evil in this world." From Danzo, Orochimaru, Tobi, Akatsuku and Madara.
"Arigatou, nee-chan..." He slurred tiredly, eyes drooping down.
Hesitating whether I should do it or not, I leaned towards his forehead and kissed his forehead. His eyes shot open and under the light of the moon I could see that he was pleasantly surprise, a small blush adorning his cheeks.
A soft chuckle escaped my lips, "Sleep, Sasuke."
Dumbly, he nodded, closed his eyes and finally the quietness returned. I listened to the slowly beating of their hearts and the calm breathing. Somehow, I felt so light, much different from when I was around Shisui and Itachi.
Speaking of those two, I became very suspicious of their behaviour. I hadn't seen them all day, not after Itachi had gone after Shisui. I really couldn't help but have a nagging feeling at the back of my mind that somehow he had discovered my most darkest secrets, but that couldn't. He couldn't have heard anything when I had talked to the Hokage and Jiraiya, Hiruzen had used a strong sound-proof jutsu. None could penetrate that, not even Danzo.
So, that left me clueless. Could it be that he had read my emotions clearly, I had tried my utmost best not to reveal anything, but could he have solved the puzzle that I was?
...I certainly hoped not.
Before I could join the sleeping duo into a deep slumber, I felt two chakra flares, two very familiar ones. When they walked closer to the room I was residing, I closed my eyes, effectively faking sleep.
I calmed my breathing, my heart and thought of nothing.
Ba-dump.. Ba-dump..
The door creaked open and I heard two quiet feet walk in-if it weren't for my sensitive hearing, I wouldn't have been able to hear a single thing, they really were good, but in the face of Orochimaru and limitless training under his eyes, I was above them.
"Shisui, you can't tell her." Itachi spoke quietly, his voice a mesmerizing silk.
I could feel Shisuis chakra flicker in rage, disgust, hate. "No, Itachi, you don't understand," He started, "..she can't deal with it alone, it's too much for her, I know it, I have seen countless react that way."
That moment, I felt my heart stop, did he discover it? Was I that obvious? I couldn't stop the sob escaping my lips, and then another one.
This made the two stiffen, their chakra spiking in absolute horror and worry, "Keiko..?" Shisuis shaky voice reached my ears, but I couldn't wake up, I couldn't face them, not after they had discovered my secret. So, I faked having a nightmare, but I knew that they wouldn't be fooled. Not after I was losing my control over my emotions.
Ba-dump! Ba-dump! Ba-dump!
Was it me or was my heart trying to flee from all these troubles? Was it me or was my brain trying to flee from all these troubles?
"..Keiko, we know you're awake.." came Itachis trembling voice. Never did I hear him this scared, this vulnerable..
Another sob escaped my lips and I could feel the tremors running through my body. If this kept going on, the two children would wake up. Reluctantly, I stood up, gently prying their soft hands from my tainted body. Two pair of onyx eyes were watching me sadly, and it was making me sick. When I finally untangled myself from the mass of innocence, I turned around, hands shaking and eyes, red and puffy from the crying. Till now I couldn't stop the tears, they wouldn't obey me.
"I-I...I.." Nothing came out of my mouth, what good could words do when your heart was beyond reparation.
Shisui took a hesitant step forward, but then stopped. Abruptly. His big, wide eyes were shimmering with tears, and he clenched his fists, looking away.
That act right there made me want to rip out my heart and stomp on it.
Itachi motioned outside, and once he took Shisui with him, I followed. I really didn't feel like having this conversation, not after seeing that look from Shisui. Cradling my calloused hands close to my heart, as if it would shield me from the pain, I followed.
Once we were in the backyard of the Main House, I found Shisui on the ground, clutching his curls tightly like he wanted to rip them out of his scalp. Itachi stood there, eyes glinting under the moonlight and if I looked closer I could see that he was forcing himself not to crumble ike Shisui had done. A comforting hand was placed on the wrecking mess that Shisui was. As if that small touch could keep him sane.
My heart clenched at that sight, squeezing the life out of me. It was hard to breath, and my heart was trying to burst out of its cage. I cradled it tightly, wishing that it wouldn't be this painful. It was as if someone was ripping it out of me and only my clutching, trembling hands were keeping it there.
"Keiko.." came Itachis broken whisper.
I looked up at him, eyes blurry, "H-Hai..?" I knew what he wanted to know, and looking inside his black orbs, I knew that he knew that I knew.
"T-tell me, us the truth, the real truth."
Muffling my anguished, quiet cries, I shook my head, not wanting to reveal that disgusting secret to them. They wouldn't want me as a friend anymore, who'd want a tainted girl like me?
However, when Shisui looked up and his eyes met mines, I froze at that look. "Tell us, Keiko." His voice was hoarse from the crying and his fists were trembling madly, eyes roaring with such a fury it made me stumble backwards. When I looked behind me, I could see the freedom behind me, I didn't have to tell them anything, nobody could force me, nobody. Glaring at him, I sneered, "I won't."
This made their eyes widen at the hate that laced my voice. But Itachi wasn't one to go down easily, "Keiko," he warned, taking a step forward. He was trying to surround me, run, I should run and never turn back. My mind was screaming at me that it wasn't safe, that I should run. I glanced behind my shoulder, the freedom luring me with its sweet words.
I blinked my eyes.
What the hell was I thinking? Running? Away from my only friends?
Turning around, I grimaced at Itachis serious eyes, red swirling from within. "I-I..I can't.." I spoke finally, feeling all my energy trickle out of my body. I felt drained, lost, and scared.
My eyes widened when Shisui flickered in front of me, grabbing my shoulder, "Keiko." his breath fanned over my face and I shook at the mad look he was giving me, "You need to tell me who it was, you need to." His voice was scaredly calm, but he was all but.
A sigh reached her ears, "Shisui, you're scaring her."
He snarled, sending Itachi a narrowed look. "No." He said without hesitance, "I'm not going to hurt her, I'm not like those people." He faced me again and I was afraid, this was not the Shisui I had met. Who was this vengeful being in front of me? Was he an impostor, cloaked in Shisuis skin? I released a small sob, my wide frightened eyes set on his shaking form. And God, the rage that was rolling off him was absolutely terrifying me.
His eyes switched from black pools into demonic-red, until at last the form stayed on his Sharingan, the form completely changing into something I had only seen once, before my panic attack. (And of course through the television, but that was far from important..) I was breathless, his hypnotizing eyes captivating my entire attention, I felt nothing.
"Keiko, who hurt you?" Shisuis voice rang clear in my ears, infused with madness and rage.
I blinked my eyes and opened my mouth to respond but suddenly Itachi pulled me towards him. In an instant I snapped from the hypnotizing red and watched Shisui with shock-he had used the Sharingan on me? I felt rage bubble within me, all thoughts escaping my abused mind, "You used the Sharingan on me?!" I shrieked in anger, ripping Itachis grip off me.
For a moment, he felt guilty until his red orbs hardened into the soldier he really was. "It was necessary to find the person who hurt you."
I stiffened, remembering that Shisui would never succumb to hate-would this affect his personality? Was this the Shisui that would sacrifice himself for Konoha?
I retracted my steps back, shaking my head as I looked into those vengeful eyes. I was confused, "H-How did you find out?" I looked down, shame clouding my senses. I didn't want to see their eyes that would be filled with disgust.
"Keiko, look up, don't be ashamed of yourself. You have nothing to be ashamed about."
Itachis words soothed my nervousness for a bit, and looking up I could see how he was restraining himself from placing a hand on my shoulder, or even embrace me. I looked back down, my lips curling upwards. Until Shisui spoke up, a tired sigh leaving his lips. "Keiko...I-I'm s-sorry..I s-shouldn't have u-used the Sharingan b-but I.." I wrung my hands, looking at Shisui, who was trying desperately to keep himself strong, to keep himself sane, "..just p-please..tell me w-who hurt you..?" His uncertain, begging voice knocked the very breath out of me. "..please..."
I tried to compose myself, I tried to be the cold, heartless, ruthless Keiko, but I couldn't. I slumped on the ground, feeling defeated, but I answered anyway. I didn't want them to create a self-made mission to revenge me. I didn't want them to turn towards the darkness, like I had been sucked into. I wanted them to stay the way they were, innocent and beautiful. "I killed him. I killed them all." Gripping the grass blades, I ripped them out, repeating with a choking voice, "I tortured them, I killed them, I bathed in their blood." Louder, darker, "I ripped their hearts out." There I had said it.
Courage fleeting my presence, I didn't dare to look at them, too afraid to face the consequences.
But I could hear Shisuis choked cries, and Itachis troubled, loud breathing. They shouldn't have noticed nothing amiss, and yet they still did. My presence was really corrupting their mind. Shuddering out a breath, I looked up, "Shisui, Itachi," I called out their names. It was time that I should act like the age I was supposed to be. These were children, they shouldn't see how much I was breaking in the inside. "I'm fine."
When I did look up I saw Shisui shaking his head, "You're not fine, don't lie to us. Don't lie to yourself."
I pushed my wobbly legs and forced my muscles to hold my weight. "I feel fine." I insisted.
"You're not."
I glared at Itachi, but he ignored my look and continued, "You think you're fine but you're not. Keiko, you need help, this can't go any longer."
"I said I'm fine!" I repeated louder and firmer. I was even starting to believe my own words.
Itachi sighed, "You're still in denial of what had happened."
I stiffened, shaking my head. "I'm not."
He rubbed his temples, "The way you act gives me reason enough to believe so."
"I'm not in denial, I feel perfectly fine."
"Really?" Shisui asked, eyes narrowed in disbelief. He stood up stealthily like a cat and advanced upon me.
I felt fear swirl inside of me, churning to the point where I could taste the bile in my tongue. Stubbornly, I kept my feet rooted on place, trying to convince them that I was fine. I didn't want to hurt them even more by stating the opposite. Besides, I was feeling perfectly fine. If only they would back off and leave me alone. At last, Shisui stopped in front of me, grabbing my shoulder.
Inwardly, I cursed when I couldn't suppress the flinch at his rough touch. "You're absolute right, you're fine." His voice dripped with sarcasm and I winced when he leaned closer towards my ear, "Then tell me, why is your heart telling me otherwise?"
I gasped when he lifted my chin up, his ruby-red eyes gazing right into my soul, "If you're adamant about being fine, why is your heart beating like a madman?"
Breathing seemed to have lost me as I looked into his eyes. he was right, who was I trying to kid, I was fucked up beyond normality. Everyone could see it, even Hiruzen and Jiraiya had seen it but they hadn't spoken a word about it. And now, Shisui and Itachi could see the same, everyone could see it.
Suddenly, I felt paranoia trickle inside of me. Could everyone see the disgusted, touched Keiko for who she really was?
I shook my head, refusing to believe that statement. No. No. No. I didn't believe that, only the people who knew me saw though the veil I had created to shield myself.
..then why could Jiraiya, a total stranger to me, see through me?
Another shuddering breath escaped my lips, and my eyes involuntarily flickered to meet Shisui. "I-I.."
He glared at me, "That's right, you don't have an excuse for it." He shook his head, opening his mouth, but Itachi beat him to it. "Shisui, I think we should let her rest."
"But we're not done." His glare intensified, but I could see how tired he was, he wanted nothing more than to sleep this pain away.
"Shisui, you're losing control of yourself."
Offended at Itachis words, Shisui shook his head in refusal. "I'm perfectly in control of my deeds."
I wanted to get away from this suffocating atmosphere-no breath, no room, no peace and quiet. Was that so hard to ask? I had come to Konoha, thinking that I would relax if only for a bit, but instead I get this. It felt as if everyone and everything was against me.
..right then, I felt alone.
I pushed Shisui away, ignoring his hurt look. Stepping backwards, I stumbled on the ground, wanting to get away from them. I wanted to get away from myself. I pushed myself up, and turned away from the duo.
Run! Run, you fool!
I scrambled upwards, ignoring the fresh rolling of tears and ran away from them.
Until, "Keiko!"
That voice, that pained rasp, that shriek of helplessness and desperation.
It shattered and crumbled my strength. I stopped and turned around.
Black met ruby-red.
"Shisui." I spoke his name far too calm, even surprising myself at the steady, smooth voice. "This is not the Shisui that I know." I turned to Itachi, his sorrow-filled eye looking at me. "And you aren't the Itachi I know." I shook my head and walked away, hiding in the shell that was known as Keiko. I walked back inside the house, adamant about finishing this mission and returning to the place I belonged until I became nothing but a rotting body.
I was already rotten from the inside, now only on the outside.
I splashed my face with cold, freezing water, gasping for breath when I looked up. I snarled at the person who locked eyes with me.
"I hate you."
I quickly turned around before it could repeat me, but I still heard it.
Clenching my fists, I ignored the loud laughter that was coming from behind me.
When I sat down in the Main House, it was quiet, the air around me felt too cold. And Sasuke and Naruto were even rubbing their arms, glancing from Itachi, to me, and then back to each other.
I suppressed growling when Itachis gaze kept firmly on my form. Stop looking at me!
He narrowed his eyes, but I ignored him, grabbing the tea-cup and bringing it to my lips. Subconsciously, I sniffed it but nothing wrong with the tea.
Better to be safe, then sorry.
Then, I stopped, my body going stiff and rigid. Shisui.
The moment he stepped in his gaze rested on me, but I simply ignored him. "Ohayo gozaimasu." In the corner of my eyes I saw him bow formally, his eyes locking with mine. I glowered in anger, baring my teeth at him. To my childish satisfaction, he winced.
Quickly wiping off that expression on my face, I looked neutrally at Fugaku who quirked his eyes brow at that. "Good to see you, Shisui. Come, join us." Before he could utter a command, Mikoto stood up, a gently smile on her face, "Shisui, take a seat, I'll bring you some steamed rice and miso soup."
Before he could decline the offer, the Uchiha Matriarch was gone.
A tired sigh reached my ears and then he sat opposite of me. At that moment Mikoto came back with a plate, the two dishes placed neatly on top of it. Food placed in front of him, he dug in, "Itadakimasu."
Finally, after the torment was done, I helped Mikoto with the cleaning, earning myself an approved glance from Mikoto. Inwardly, I rolled my eyes. The Uchihas were very traditional, which also meant that the roles of the females were very strict; cooking, cleaning, childbearing, and so on. But I suspected that the Hyuuga clan were even stricter than the Uchiha.
When I walked back to the living room, I noticed Sasuke and Naruto playfully fighting with Shisui who was laughing loudly. Looking further I found no Fugaku nor Itachi- where could those two be? Chakra flaring slightly, I found the duo in Fugakus office, and by the feel of their chakra alone, it was some serious shit they were talking about. Narutos bubbly laughter broke my concentration and I looked at the trio, my heart melting at that sight. The anger long dissipated-how could I stay mad at Shisui when he was clearly looking after me?
Sighing, "Shisui...?"
He stopped playing, and that sight right there made me giggle in amusement; Naruto was on Shisuis back, arms around his neck as if he was trying to strangle Shisui, Sasuke was biting his arm, his tiny hands firmly locked around Shisuis muscles, and poor Shisui was shaking the little monsters off him but he was failing miserably, although if one looked closely they could see the playfulness swirling inside his orbs.
His face became red and to keep his pride intact, he flickered away from the fighting midgets.
Composing myself, I stared at him, "C-can we talk?"
"Sure." He turned to the disappointed duo, "I'll be right back."
I turned around and walked away, Shisui trailing behind me until he fastened his pace to walk next to me. When we appeared in the backyard, I sat on the grass, enjoying the faint breeze that caressed my black, wet hair. After waking up, I had taken a shower. Didn't like feeling sweaty from the constant nightmares that had plagued my mind.
"You know, all you want to be when you're a child is to be all big and independent...," I shuddered out a breath, "..but then when you are given the chance to grow up and be viewed as an adult, you want nothing more than to go back in time and remain a child.."
Shisui hummed in response, a sad, melancholy feeling cloaking his chakra. "..sometimes I wish, too, that we all could stay children."
I nodded, my eyes resting on the large Sakura tree that in the left side of the training ground, the flowery petals whirling down softly, the sweet scent flowing with the wind and into our nostrils.
He looked at me, his eyes boring into mine, and slowly, he lifted his hand, "Can I hold you hand?" He asked quietly, his eyes flickering uncertainly.
A tiny smile erupted on his face and then his warm, calloused hand was resting on top of mine. I relaxed completely, smiling softly. "You know, you're good with children."
He snorted, "Those pesky brats wouldn't leave me alone."
I giggled, eyes fixed on his black, shimmering orbs. He was doing his best to make me as comfortable as possible and for that I was very grateful. "Thank you."
"Huh?" And then realization dawned in, a giant, goofy smile appearing on his face. "The magnificent, amazing Shisui at your service."
I knew that he was trying his best to make me feel safe, showing me that the real Shisui was still there and not forgotten. He breathed out, his hand squeezing me, "I-I'll always be here for you I-if you want to talk about it." Forced cheerfulness, but underneath I could feel the amount of pain that was being suppressed.
Squeezing his hand back, I smiled in gratitude, tears welling up in my eyes, "Thank you, Shisui, thank you.." Thank you for not being repulsed by my presence, thank you for letting me deal with it slowly on, thank you for accepting me, thank you for being here, thank you for staying my friend, thank you for your comfort, thank you for everything, ...
Before they could drip down, he wiped them away with his thumb, "Don't cry, Keiko-chan."
"I wasn't crying, there was something in my eyes."
He scowled good-naturedly, "As if!"
"I mean it!"
"No, you don't! Liar!" He replied hotly.
Rolling my eyes, I stood up, "Do you want to have a spar?"
"Seriously, you came out of the hospital a day ago! I don't think it's ver-" "Is Uchiha Shisui afraid of facing a little girl?" I mocked him, half-lidded eyes locked with his sputtering self.
"You're on!"
Before he could compose himself, Fugaku appeared, a scowl on his face, like always. "Keiko, isn't it?"
I nodded dumbly, wondering what he would possibly want from me.
He jerked his head towards the house, indicating that he wanted me back inside. "Follow me, I need to talk to you."
Sending Shisui a frowned glance, I shrugged and followed the head of the Uchiha clan into his office. Mentally, I wondered where Itachi could be until I found him in the backyard, his chakra spiking angrily, with Shisui. Not a second later, and Shisuis chakra was spiking in worry. This made my frown deepen.
What the hell was going on?
I fidgeted under Fugakus stoic look, his narrowed eyes set on my petite form. Clearing my throat, I decided to break the ice, "Fugaku-sama, may I inquire the reason as to why I'm here?"
"I've noticed that you've gained my son and nephew's attention." He stated coolly.
I nodded, "Indeed, we're good friends." Where was he going to?
He stood up smoothly, his back straight and his steps graceful, "Shisui and Itachi are very important for the Uchiha clan, as you've noticed. The pride of the Uchiha clan." I kept silent as he continued, "They are the role models of every Uchiha within this clan, many respect their sheer strength and prodigious talents, as do I." His eyes glinted with pride as he spoke about them and he settled his eyes back on mines, "So, you see, I place their training under high importance and I would prefer there would be no distraction that would deter their training." He narrowed his hardened eyes as he intertwined his hands, resting his chin on top of it.
I stiffened, interpreting the meaning behind his words.
Look underneath the underneath.
"With all due respect, Fugaku-sama, but Shisui and Itachi are serious when it comes to their shinobi career. No distraction would stop them from reaching their goal, which is to bring pride and honor to the Uchiha clan." I kept myself calm, refraining from pummeling this idiot into oblivion. "And I'm fully supporting the choices that they make."
His lips twitched in annoyance, but his face remained serious, "I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't interrupt their training regime."
"Like I had said before, Fugaku-sama, Shisui and Itachi are perfectly capable of thinking like an adult. They know what's good for them and what not." I breathed through my nose, trying very hard not to lose control. "Besides, they are my best friends, and I won't see them for another year of two, so I'd appreciate it if you could cut them some slack." I bowed stiffly, but kept my defiant eyes on him, "Whether you like it or not, they are still children, and no child should be put under so much pressure." I couldn't stand this man, I had to leave, "If you would excuse me, Fugaku-sama, I have two friends waiting for me." Just to spite him further, I smiled in satisfaction, enjoying the way his finger twitched in irritation and anger at the way I had stood up towards him.
He must have been very surprised to see someone talk to him in that way, especially considering my age, though mentally I was older.
When I returned I found the two aforementioned Uchiha prodigies talking in hushed anger.
Raising my eye brow, I coughed to get their attention, "Everything alright here?"
They raised their head and looked at me in slight surprise. How engrossed were they with their talking if they didn't even notice me coming? Silently, I wondered where Sasuke and Naruto were? Checking on them with my chakra, I found them in Sasukes room, probably playing or something.
They were safe and that was all that mattered to me.
"Everything's fine, how'd you come up on the idea that there was something wrong? There is absolutely nothing wrong, nothing wrong at all-" "Shisui." Whenever Shisui would stammer like there was something wrong, something big that I wouldn't like. At. All.
I narrowed my eyes when he avoided my gaze, gulping nervously. Averting my attention on Itachi, I found him staring at me. "Itachi, what's wrong?"
He sighed, not feeling like dealing with all these troubles that were bouncing after them one by one. "Father doesn't want us associating with Naruto or you."
I reeled in anger, "What?!"