Chapter 5 Rivalry pt 2

Ok well I had a few shocks to the whole revenge thing last chapter which I expected. I invite you all to reread the end of chapter 3 just in case you forgot XD.

-Jeremy's room-

"I'd say that if I hadn't gone heroically through that horrible tower wall, Ulrich here wouldn't have a single code left." Odd gloated about his victory while everyone chuckled at his exaggerations.

"Riiight. If you hadn't messed with Jim and got me Detention I would have had to push you!" Crystalic rolled her eyes.

"Hey you have to admit it was funny."

"Don't speak so soon Odd." Jeremy called their attention. " The spectre caused a lot of damage. I'm activating the procedure."

The computer roared to life as it began to assess the remaining codes in the four coded warriors.

Aelita 88%
Odd 68%
Yumi 79%
Ulrich 75%

"So Odd is till the big loser huh?" Crystalic looked over to Yumi, who looked a bit sadden by the news.

"I lost more codes than I thought." She sighed.

"Ouch and looks like Xana is up to 75%. That's not good at all."

"Xana is trying to gain more power." Jeremy said. "We need to be careful."

"Anyway, ow I'll be super careful when a girl's all over me. You never know." Odd laughed, striking a nerve in Yumi without meaning to.

"Odd you don't know the meaning of careful." Crystalic shook her head.

"Well." Yumi turned around. "I have to go meet William again." She closed the door behind her without noticing Ulrich's jealousy sparking again.

"I'm gonna go unwind for a bit."


"Don't you think Ulrich's being weird now?" Aelita asked.

"That's the William double-effect. Seeing two in the same day had to mess with his head." Odd spun his fingers around the side of his head, making the crazy in the brain motion.

Crystalic laughed. "It's obvious he's jealous that Yumi's spending so much time with him. If you ask me he needs to come out and say 'Oh Yumi I love you!' and get it over with."

"He's way to stubborn for that. I've been trying to get him to do that for years now."

"We at least I have some romance cooking right now." He stopped walking and pulled out his cell. "Hello Elodie? It's Odd. Della Robia you know."

While Odd was busy, Jeremy and Aelita looked at each other thinking the same thing. Aelita burst out laughing the minute Odd exclaimed about Elodie being busy. All of a sudden Odd tossed his cell on the ground.

"What the hell!" He looked down at his phone sparking and making a strange noise.

"This can't be possible. Xana's never launched two attacks in one day!" Jeremy tossed his on the ground as well.

"We need to warn the others." Aelita opened her bag to find her cell phone smoking. "Uh well that's not good. We can't even return to Lyoko for 12 hours."

"Well there is Ulrich and I. But if Xana's able to relaunch an attack so fast he has enough power to prevent Ulrich from getting into the Tower if we get caught off guard."

"If he gets devirtualized it's all over." Jeremy exclaimed. "You guys need backup."

"William?" Aelita suggested.

"That guy isn't reliable." Odd yelled.

"I'm with Aelita, he's all we have. If he starts something with Ulrich I'll be sure to end it one way or another." Crystalic cracked her knuckles.


"Ulrich!" Aelita ran into the gym where Ulrich was punching a punching bag. "Xana launched another attack."

"Cell phones exist you know."

"Not for long." Aelita replied. "Xana is trying to hack all the phone lines."

"Spectre attacks weren't enough for him anymore? Do the others know?"

"Crystalic's on her way to clear the way to the tower while Odd and Jeremy left to find William to go with you two to Lyoko."

Ulrich's eyes burned with anger. "William?! No way he's not coming. It's completely nuts!" Ulrich grabbed his jacket and stormed out the gym.


Crystalic materialized her visor. "Let's see. 49 degrees west. Simple enough." She head a beep and switched screens. "Oh hey Jeremy nice timing on virtualizing Ulrich. Did you guys find William too?" She received no response. "Jeremy?"

She felt something blur past her at a high speed. Looking back at the area map of her surroundings on the visor she could see Ulrich's dot.

"HEY ULRICH WAIT UP!" She hopped on the Overdisk and attempted to catch up to him. "Guessing he didn't take the William news nicely and virtualized himself."

"Unbelievable!" She heard Aelita's voice.

"Oh hi Aelita."

"Crystalic you have to catch up to him. He's the only one who can deactivate the tower!"

"Yes well my Overdisk can't exactly match his superspeed unfortunately."

Aelita turned her atttention to Ulrich. "Ulrich your doing exactly what you hate about William and that's going solo! Ulrich answer me!"

"I think you're just making him mad Aelita, but nice attempt."


"So basically, you only call me when things go wrong?" William replied, after the boys explained what was going on to him.

"We don't have time to discuss this!" Jeremy said. "We really need your help!"

"Why should I say yes?"

"Because Ulrich is alone and in danger." Yumi told him.

"You're right. He's not cut out to be solo."


"He's on Lyoko?" Jeremy rushed over to Aelita.

"We couldn't stop him."

"And after they say I'm the one who acts solo? At least Crystalic wasn't cocky about it." William smiled.

"Get to the scanners Willaim now!"

William landed in the Mountain sector next to Crystalic.

"Oh hey long time no see. I see you came to stop Ulrich as well?" she laughed, knowing something was bound to happen now.

William smiled. "Jeremy can you please send me the Overbike?"

"The Overbike? Oh somebody isn't going to be happy about his toys being messed with." Odd laughed and Yumi nodded.

"Not my problem." Jeremy said.

"Now this will be interesting!" Crystalic followed after William, who took off on Ulrich's Overbike.

They caught up to Ulrich, who was in the middle of reflecting lasers form the krabes and bloks attacking him.

"What the hell are you doing on my bike?!" Ulrich lost his concentration and was hit.

William circled around him and stopped to look around. "Nice welcome."

"The same could be said as to why you're flying solo and being suicidal." Crystalic jumped off her Overdisk and tossed it at one of the krabes.

"So I get the impression you'll have trouble doing this alone." William said.

"Oh yeah?" Ulrich was even more pissed now. He dashed under a krabe and jumped on it. He stuck his sabers into the eye on top and jumped back over to William smiling.

"Oh you wanna play now I see." William revved up the Overbike and drove it into a blok. He then jumped on the remaining krabe and sliced it with his sword. He super smoked back over to Ulrich. "Happy?"

"What are they playing?" Yumi said.

"If you ask me, it's who has the biggest sword." Odd shrugged.

Ulrich and William started to look as if they would break out in a fight, regardless of the remaining blok.

"BOYS! CONCENTRATE ALREADY!" Crystalic shouted.

Crystalic's warning didn't come fast enough. The last blok shot Ulrich knocking him to the edge of the sector. Before he could even stand he was shot again and barely grabbed the ground before he fell.

"Jeremy devirtualize him!" Aelita panicked.

"Then nobody will be able to deactivate the tower!"

"William grab him you can get there faster than me!" Crystalic yelled at William. She ran up to the blok and sliced it with her bladed tonfa.

William super smoked over to Ulrich, who was struggling to hold on for his life. "Take my hand."

Ulrich reached up and grabbed his hand and William pulled him up. "Thanks." He said with half attitude, his pride hurt.

"I think you have a tower to deactivate." Was all William said.

"Hurry! Xana's sent more monsters." Crystalic shouted over to him before getting devirtualized herself.

Ulrich nodded and super sprinted into the tower.





William bowed as the group cheered.

"So boys. Did you learn something today? Like say, no more fighting?" Crystalic pointed her finger at them.

"You really did it man! Without you, we would've been done for!" Odd congratulated William. He turned over to Crystalic who smacked him. "And you too of course Crystalic."

"I'm really sorry." Ulrich said to everyone. "I shouldn't have acted like that."

"You just cracked, it could happen to anyone."

"Some more than others." Crystalic huffed.

Odd looked at his phone. "Yes it works! Now I can get back to business!"

Everyone looked at each other giggling.

"Elodie, block off your calendar. Odd is back!"

Crystalic grabbed his phone. "For the last time leave that poor girl alone!"

"But she's totally in love with me! She's just playing hard to get."

"She's not playing you baka-neko! She doesn't like you! No girl on this planet likes you like that!"

"Why do you keep calling me baka-neko anyways? What does it even mean?!"

Crystalic poked him. "Baka means idiot and neko means cat. You're a cat on Lyoko but an idiot 24/7. Therefore you're a baka-neko! Also, you're not getting this phone back until you leave Elodie alone!"

"Oh come on Crystalic!"