The amazing house slowly became more amazing the longer I was there. Every morning when my alarm when off on my phone for 6:00AM I would hit the DISMISS button then I would wake up climb out of bed and head out my room and down the hall towards my MASTER BATHROOM to find the shower already started and warmed up to just the right temp. The clothes I picked out the night before was folded nicely on the little shelf next to the sink, and a clean towel or 2 hanging onthe towel rack.

Today was Friday; the rest of the week went the same way as my first day. I got up took my shower and put on my clothes that I picked out last night(which were a orange shirt black pants and boxers and a grey overcoat with 2 white stripes going up both sleeves plus my rock necklace) took the elevator down stairs and had breakfast that Antonio had made for everyone (today we had scrambled eggs and bacon.) then got a ride to school with my parents after saying good-bye and thank you to our wonderful staff.

The school day was always the same I had difficulty finding the right route to take to all my BORING classes in order to make it on time before the last and final bell rang. After school I would train at the Bobby Wasabi Dojo until 5. I found out that since it was Friday Rudy locked up early at 4:30 but was still in the building so he could work on bills or other errands. Sometimes he would leave the doors open so we could train if we wanted to but nobody did. (Today was one of those days).

The gang me and sat at FALAFEL PHIL'S joking around and swapping stories of my old school and some of the things they did in the past when Kim walked up to us in the stunning outfit she wore to school that day. (Gold skirt that flared out, tan/orange jacket blue shirt and a yellow undershirt she also had a necklace on with a pretty pendent of some kind)

"Hey Jack." She smiled.

I went to speak but Milton Eddie and Jerry chimed in before I could. "HEL-LOW KIM." They said in unison.

Kim looked at them strangely. "Um-Can I talk to you for a minute?"

Ounce again they started to say different things before I could get out a single word. I just shook my head.

"Guys can you give me a second..." I politely asked then waited a couple of seconds.

They didn't move.

"GUYS VAMOOSE!" I said a little louder waving my hands back and forth telling them to skedaddle


"THAT MEANS GO." I pointed out a little annoyed.

That set something off in Jerry which confused me.

"I KNOW WHAT VAMOOSE MEANS!" Jerry hollered then started yelling something in Spanish all the way out the door with Milton and Eddie close by.

Kim took a seat in the booth across from me. "Looks like you know a little something about karate." She smiled.

I smiled smugly back. "A little bit."

"So what are you doing at Bobby Wasabi's, you should be training at the best dojo in town." She stated

That took me off guard a little. "What do you know about karate?" I asked thinking she had a brother in it.

She raised her eyebrows and looked at me with a "Serious" face got up and motioned me to come follow her.

Curiosity got the best of my and I followed her out of Falafel Phil's and down the courtyard. We exited the mall and headed down the street a little bit towards a huge building with a sign saying THE BLACK DRAGONS we entered the lobby and she told me to wait on the benches in the main room and that she would be back in a second.

I waited 5 mins or so then I saw Kim walk out in a red and black Gi. She walked over to 2 cement blocks and placed a bored on them so that each end of the bored was sitting on a cement block.

"HI-YAH!" Kim yelled then punched the bored. It snapped in 2 like a toothpick.

I was surprised she looked like just another southern bell. "I guess you do know a little something about karate." I smirked.

"This place made me a black belt, everything at the BLACK DRAGON is the best of the best." She informed me.

I smiled and loaded a bored. Just as I was about to break it I heard my name being called out.

"Jack, I've heard so much about you…" a tall medium built guy with spiky hair and brown eyes exclaimed. "I want to let you know that if you join this dojo you will become like a cobra, fast, dangerous and quite comfortable sleeping in a basket. He paused a second contemplating what he just said.

I raised my eyebrow and looked at him funny.

"What sensei is trying to say is if you train here we'll make you a champion. Kim explained more clearly.

"Check out this bo-staff its 4oz of perfectly balanced graphite. It's the same ones the astronauts use …" he paused trying to find out how to save that sentence. "You know for when they need a bo-staff in space."

I took the bo-staff if my hand. It was the best bo-staff I ever held. I did an old karate routine and swung it around effortlessly.

"Yes… Very nice…whoa you almost took my head off." I heard the sensei say from behind me so I stopped my routine.

"So what do you say Jack will you join the Black Dragons." Kim questioned hopefully.

"Id like to but I can't." I honestly stated.

"Jack come on Bobby Wasabi's a Joke." Kim scoffed,

That hurt me I was taught to live by the wasabi code by my grandfather and I still do to this day the code is a part of who I am today.

"It's not a joke to me." I quickly defended the bobby wasabi dojo. "I gave my word it's the wasabi code." I added doing the traditional wasabi fist to palm.

"The wasabi code." Frank mocked from behind his sensei.

"Zip it frank." The sensei ordered.

"Well I have to go." I said handing the sensei back his bo-staff. Truth is I wanted to get out of there as fast as possible I didn't like it there.

"You keep it, let it be a reminder that your always welcome here." The Sensei notified me.

"Wow thanks." I exclaimed happily. And walked off twirling the bo-staff.

"But that was my bo-staff, my mother gave it to me fo…" frank said from behind his sensei's back.

"And I gave it to her, that's right you heard me I'm seeing her." I heard the sensei tell Frank before I rounded the corner and headed out the doors right back to bobby wasabi's.

Rudy's POV

I was just about to start session when jack strolled in.

"Sorry I'm late." Jack apologized twirling an awesome new bo-staff.

I was a little ticked off. "Sorry doesn't cut it jack... wait where did you get that astronaut bo-staff?" I questioned him suspiciously.

"It was a gift from the BLACK DRAGON; see we can all use it." Jack stated

"AH NO, no, students are forbidden from even entering THE BLACK DRAGONS. I ordered a little too harshly but I meant every word.

"What you can't forbid me from doing anything." Jack scoffed.

"How could you betray me like this… if it wasn't for me you would be banned from the mall for 2 weeks." I paused, OH NO I just slipped up and told him the truth.

Jack was appalled "Banned from the mall, you told me I was going to Juvie." Jack said as calmly as possible but I could tell he was furious.

I laugh/scoff and try to play it off.

"you know I say a lot of things I'm what they call chatty." I warned.

"You lied to me… you broke the wasabi code." Jack spat out clearly hurt that I wouldn't man up to my mistake.

"Whaaaat" I stammered.

"Kim was right this place is a joke…. I'm outta here." Jack hissed and stormed off.

"Fine go ahead." I yelled as Jack pushed through my double doors.

I turned around and faced the guys. "Who needs him." I asked

"WE DO!" They all hollered back.

Oh no I thought to myself. "What have I done… come back… come back." I screeched as I ran to the doors and swung them open. "Come back."


I woke up on a Saturday still mad about what Rudy said. I thought about going over to the BLACK DRAGONS and training there but I didn't like the way they made me feel. And going back to Bobby Wasabi's been out of the question Rudy lied to me and broke the code. Oh well ill just train in one of the spar rooms on my floor they were certainly big enough. I got up and went to look for my karate bag I couldn't find it.

I pressed the buzzer in my room and Stewart knocked on my door.

"Yes Jack." He said as I opened the door.

"Have you seen my karate bag?" I questioned thinking he put it somewhere.

"Not since I gave it to you before school yesterday." He replied nicely.

"Thanks." I added.

"Is that all sir?" he asked.

I nodded, to lost in thought to respond with words.

Stewart bowed then turned and walked away.

After a minute or 2 of think I remembered where it was and sighed. I left it at the Bobby Wasabi's dojo yester when I got back from the BLACK DRANGONS. I quickly threw on some comfortable clothes and raced downstairs, retrieved my skateboard from the closet and took off out the door down my beautiful driveway and straight for Bobby Wasabi's. I wanted to get this done and over with as soon as possible.

I arrived at the Dojo 15 mins later. I walked in and looked around everyone was packing things in boxes.

"Jack your back." Rudy said surprised.

"I just came to get my stuff… what's going on?" I questioned worriedly.

"Were closing… NO JACK… NO BELTS… NO DOJO." Jerry sadly explained why they were packing up.

It made me feel guilty.

"MILTON DAVID KRUPNICK… so this is your French horn lesson." Some one roared from behind me.

An older man in his early 40's with curly brown hair and glasses stood between the entrance posts.

"Dad I'm sorry, I was taking karate lessons because people kept beating my up for taking French horn lessons." Milton tried to explain to his dad.

"Let's go Milton your lucky you didn't hurt yourself." Milton's father replied clearly annoyed and over protective.

"It's closing anyway." Milton sighed. "This is the only place I felt I really belonged; ill let my bully know I'm available." He did one more sigh.

"now my mom's gonna send me back to Mrs. King's Dance Academy… my body was not made to mambo. Eddie whined.

"Guess I'm a lone wolf again, and that's the way I like it. Don't think for a second that I'm gonna miss any of you meat bags." Jerry said on the brink of crying.

"See you around guys." Milton said waving and walking towards his dad.

"Milton, hang on." I spoke up real quick the guilyness got the best of me. "why don't you show your father how you can break a board." I smiled placing a bored in-between 2 cardboard boxes.

"Break a board I can hardly cut a well cooked piece of fish." Milton informed me.

"Just believe in yourself and do It." I pushed

"I can't when I was born my parents thought they'd given birth to a baby bird, I mean tha…" Milton started to say

"DO IT KRUPNICK." I shouted.

"A-AH." Milton screamed then his hand collided with the board and it broke in half. "Holy Christmas nuts.

"That ain't no baby bird right there HUH-UH." I heard mage say as I sauntered over to Rudy.

"That was unbelievable Jack. These guys are your friends they didn't break the wasabi code… I did." Rudy tried to apologize.

"I broke it too." I stated after I thought about it. "You don't walk away from your friends when they need you." I added sincerely.

"Wasabi." Rudy said holding his fist to his palm.

"Wasabi." I said repeating the action.

"WHOOO!" Jerry screeched.

"Yeah." Eddie and Milton said In unison.

After everything was unpacked we trained for the rest of the day even staying till after dark since the big tournament was the next day.


We were all changed and ready for all our opponents when I heard the announcer over the P.A start talking.


The BLACK DRAGONS made their entry. Then it was time for the dude to introduce us.


"Okay Eddie's up first." Ruddy said.

I looked at the mat and saw a frightened Eddie.

"Aw man, Hey." I started to say as I dashed up to Eddie to give him some advice.

"Jack the guy I'm fighting is huge." Eddie said his voice trembling.

"Oh come on he can't be that big" I responded then took one glace at the dude. "WOW, what do they feed you brother." I exclaimed looking at the size of the guy.

"You going down!" he reassured us pointing at Eddie.

"I don't think I can do this, even Marge the lunch lady throws me around.' Eddie confessed.

"Eddie look this is your day to change all of that, if losing to Marge gets you angry then use it." I advised. "Come on man." I cheered as I walked away.

"Come on Eddie." The rest of the gang cheered after me.

"Come on man." I repeated.

"MARGE!" Was all I heard Eddie yell right before he took down the giant.

Rudy jumped up. "He did it he got our first belt."

"Okay nun chucks are up next Jerry all you gotta do is…" I started to say.

"Save it Jack I got this." Jerry cockily, interrupting me.

I just held up my hands in defense.

Jerry stood up and walked onto the mat.

"All right." I applauded.

"All right come on Jerry." Everyone else followed my lead in rooting him on.

The guy from the BLACK DRAGONS did his routine and added a flip at the end which made me worried.

"Not bad, check this out." Jerry said overconfident.

Jerry started flinging around his nun-chucks and was doing really well that for a second I thought he might actually win.

"Yeah!" I shouted.

"WHOOO!" Jerry yelled.

Then all of a sudden one of the nun-chucks hit Jerry right in the grapes of wrath. (WHAT IS THE EPISODE CALLED WHERE JACK SAYS THAT TO JERRY?)

"OHHH." We all cringed back into our seats.

I ran up to Jerry worried that he hurt himself too badly. "Hey man you okay." I wondered."

Everything is…" Jerry groaned. (WHAT COLOR DOES JERRY SAY EVERYTHING IS)

I helped Jerry to his feet and together we walked off the mat and back to Rudy.

"Okay Milton you're up next, if you can break more boards then your opponent we win our second belt." Rudy explained.

"I'm ready Rudy." Milton confirmed.

He then pulled out his hands which were covered by oven mitts. (WHAT COLOR ARE MILTON'S OVEN MITTS)

"Will you please take off the oven mitts." I asked kinda embarrassed.

"By oven mitts do you mean WEAPON WARMERS!" Milton replied throwing off the oven mitts.

As Milton walked onto the red mat his dad yell from behind me "I LOVE YOU MILTON!"

"I love you to dad." He responded.

"WASABI!" his father then hollered.

I just shook my head I couldn't believe that I was friends with this group of people. But then I smiled to myself I wouldn't have it any other way.

Milton was up against Frank they bowed and Frank went right to work breaking a bored with ease.

Milton looked at the guy that was the ref of the competition.

"Double it." Was all he said.

"YES." I shouted. "MY MANS GOING FOR THE WIN." I added excitedly.

"Milton" Marge said from behind me as well

"AH-AHH." Milton hand cam down so fast that the boards split in two.

"You go baby bird" Mage spoke again.


We all cheered along with him.

I saw Milton run over to the BLACK DRAGONS, and thought to myself what is he doing.


I started to laugh until I heard Frank scream out in pain.

"AH, STOP." Frank yelled in horror.

"No, No he's doing the nipple twister that's illegal. Rudy cried out in shock

Franks screams continued to echo through-out the dojo.

Milton finally released Frank's nipples and strolled over to Rudy with a big smile on his face.

"Milton you lost the belt it was in your hands, do you have any idea what this means?" Ruddy questioned disappointment written all over his face.

"Yes I do." Milton stated the grin on his face getting wider if that was even possible. "It means I just had the best moment in my life." He added.

"That's it, I have to move back in with my parents." Rudy whimpered.

"Rudy, we still got a chance, Jacks doing the vertical peg kick." I heard Eddie say as I took my place on the mat.

I smiled inside my opponent was Kim.

"I was hoping wed be on the same team Jack, but now I'm gonna have to take you down." She said with an innocent smile.

"You know I think you have a little crush on me." I teased.

"Ew, No." she quickly responded while we bowed.

I stood up and went to the other side of the mat. "Yeah I think you do." I teased again.

I heard the BLACK DRAGON sensei whisper something to Frank.

Then came the SNAP and I crumpled to the ground in agony Frank broke my leg with a powerful kick. (WHAT LEG DID FRANK KICK)

"AH" I yelped.

"Oh no he didn't." I heard Marge say loudly somewhere in the distance.

"Ow." I said again. My leg still hurt but the pain was now bearable.

"FRANK THAT IS SO WRONG, YOU ARE BANISHED FROM THIS DOJO BANISHED I SAY." The sensei said over doing his acting surprised.

"Rudy I can't get up." I simply stated.

"Yes you can you're the champ, you gotta get up, you gotta get up champ." Rudy pleaded.

"Rudy I can't get up because you're kneeling on my leg." I pointed out annoyed.

"Oh sorry my bad." Rudy said getting up and helping me up as well.

My arms went around Jerry and Rudy and I hopped back to the bench.

I saw Kim and her sensei talking I didn't know what they were saying cuz I was focused on pushing my pain down so I could do the kick and save the dojo.

Then out of no where I heard the Sensei yell "TAKE THAT BACK TAKE THAT BACK."

Kim walked over to me and looked me in the eye. "So are going to be able to do this?" she asked sweetly.

"I don't know." I truthfully answered.

"Your whole dojo's counting on you." She softly reminded me.

"If I do this will you admit you have a crush on me." I taunted.

"I do not have a crush on you." She vowed.

I threw my hands up letting her win.

Kim took a seat on the bench next to Eddie.

I then walked to the corner of the mat contemplating how I wanted to do this. I decided to do a move that my grandfather taught me. A move that was done only once before.

"I can't believe he's going to launch of one foot, that's one bad mama jama." I heard Milton say from the bench.

I raised my hands up over my head.

"He's not launching off his foot, he's launching off his hands." Eddie stated clearly aware of my plan.

"That's only been done once before by a man named Bobby Wasabi." Rudy quickly chimed in.

"WHOA." The rest of the gang said in unison.

Then what everybody said the day before flashed through my mind.

First Eddie. "Now my mom's gonna send me back to Mrs. King's Dance Academy."

Then Jerry. "Don't think for a second that I'm gonna miss any of you meat bags."

And finally Milton. "This is the only place I felt I really belonged."

I inhaled a deep breath and took a couple of steps then went on my hands and pushed off doing a flip then I sprang from my feet and kicked the peg clean off its stand sending soaring through the air. (WHO DOES THE PEG HIT).

"We got our belts, we got our belts." I heard Rudy yell.

"Yes…Yes." I exclaimed in joyfulness.

"I Hate Bobby Wasabi." The BLACK DRAGON sensei cried out.

Rudy ran up to me and lifted me up to my feet com on guys were going home." He stated.

"You know what I'm feeling." Jerry asked.

"I think were all feeling it." I replied.

"WHOO!" everybody yelled as we jumped into the air and kicked.


As I lay in my bed smiling at the events that occurred today I thought to my self. *maybe ill stay at the BOBY WASABI DOJO after all I enjoyed everybody that was there and who knows this could be a good thing. After all Kim was now a part of the BOBY WASABI DOJO AS WELL.* (WHAT IS THE EXACT CONVERSATION THAT TAKES PLACE IN ORDER FOR KIM TO BECOME A WASABI WARRIOR)