Disclaimer: I own nothing everything belongs to Sega.

Summary: Okay in this story Shadow will take Sonic's place as hero although he will be happier and Maria will be alive and Sonic will take Shadow's place and Sonic's a girl so if you don't like gender benders (or whatever you call them) don't read this story.

Okay this is my third fanfic and please review and has a lot of chapters and also there are a few Sonic games I haven't played and I also haven't read the comics or the comics with Sally and the others in it but I have watched the show with Sally in it and I don't like her so she and anyone else in the comics with her in it and the show will not be in here so there will be none of those characters there will only be the characters from Sonic Adventure DX, Sonic Adventure 2 Battle, Sonic Heroes, There may be a small chance the Babylon Rouges may be in it, There also may be Silver, and Blaze (but don't count on Silver being in it a lot for I hate him so sorry for those who like Silver) Okay anyway I'll shut up and get the story started.

Oh also here are the couples Shadonic (Shadow and Female Sonic), Knuxouge (Knuckles and Rouge), Taiream (Tails and Cream), and one-side ShadAmy (Shadow and Amy) and 4 of my OCs and now I will shut up and get the story started now and also two OCs of mine will take Prof. Gerald (actually Prof. Gerald won't even exist in this story) and Maria's places on the ARK and I will have a few other of my OCs in this.

This " used when talking and underlined words will be thinking

*Sonic's POV*

I was playing with Prof. Rob (short for Robert)'s Grandson Mack he's a nice kid but he's sick I think I was created to help make a cure for him and also him and I are really good friends actually we're best friends and then it happened Prof. Robert burst in the room "Mack take Sonic and get to the pod room I'll meet you there" "But-" "No buts Mack now take Sonic and go the pod room" "Professor Robert what's going on?" I had asked confused on what was going on "G.U.N is here now you two need to get to the pod room now go! I'll meet you there!" Mack grabbed my hand and we started to run towards the pod room which was next to the room me and Mack normally stared down towards the the planet we saw some soldiers running after us and we kept running we got to the pod room and that's when it happened Mack shoved me into a pod "MACK WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" I yelled at him as the glass closed me into the pod and I saw a soldier enter the room he pointed a gun at Mack and then Mack looked at me and said "Give the people down there a chance to be happy promise me" "No Mack!" "Sayonara Sonic The Hedgehog" and then I heard the gunshot and saw Mack fall to ground and he pulled the lever and I then got shot out of the Space Colony Ark just as I shouted "MACK!" and that was the last time I saw my best friend my only friend.

*end of Sonic's POV and fifty years later*

*Shadow's POV*

It was a good day so far I mean Eggman hadn't kidnapped my little sister Maria or Amy Rose and then I saw my little brother "Hey Lil'bro!" I yelled out and he turns around and he looks happy "Hi Shadow!" He says back happily "How ya doing?" "I'm great how's Maria?" "She's good although a little worried about me leaving her alone because of Egghead" "Well she has a reason to be I mean it's either her or-" "SHADOW!" And then the next thing I know I'm being choked to death by the annoying pink brat named Amy Rose that I only save because she's a friend not because I love her "Amy let me go breathing becoming problem" and she lets go "Opps sorry" sometimes I wish I wasn't friends with her "So what's up Amy?" Tails asked her "I'm doing fine and Hey Shadow wanna go on a date?" No you pink pest what i what is for you to leave me alone "Uh no sorry Amy I'm a little busy" "What do you mean your a little busy Shads?" "I'm going to the store for Maria she has a cold right now and she's worried about leaving the house because of Eggman so I need to hurry before Maria starts to get too worried about me bye Lil'Bro bye Amy" I left after then because I did tell the truth I was going shopping for Maria so I went to the store bought the stuff and then went home.

*end of Shadow's POV*

*Eggman's POV*

I was on Prison Island after reading my Grandfather's diary on Project: Sonic and I was going to get the Project because it may help me get rid of that annoying pest Shadow and when I arrived at the place I was going to I saw a capsule and I walked over to it and put a chaos Emerald in the slot and typed in the password which was Mack which was my cousin's name and the room filled with fog and the capsule opened and wait is that? Shadow! "You!" the fog cleared to reveal a blue hedgehog with green eyes and it was a she and she was wearing a white T-shirt and blue jeans and red shoes with a white strip and a gold buckle on each shoe and white gloves and she had no emotion and then she said "I am Sonic the hedgehog your wish is my command" and then she did a little bow and then I heard a robot and turned towards it "Allow me to get us out of here" And then she leaped at the robot and went right thru it and destroyed it and then she walked over and grabbed the chaos emerald I had used to wake her up and then walked over to me and I saw more robots coming and there were a few G.U.N soldiers with them and then she yelled "CHAOS CONTROL!" and then we disappeared and then reappeared outside.

*end of Egghead's POV* (Sorry just had to say Egghead)

*Amy's POV*

Shadow made up that dumb excuse about Shopping for his sister he should make her do her own shopping oh well I'm on my way to his house right now anyway and then I saw Shadow and his little sister Maria's house and then I walked up to the door and knocked and a blonde colored hedgehog with blue eyes and is wearing a blue headband and a blue dress with blue shoes "Oh hi Amy I thought it was Shadow or Tails since Tails called earlier and said he was coming over at some point and Shadow's gone out shopping because I have a cold so I couldn't go but I would love to have some company if you would come in" I frowned I didn't remember Shadow saying she was sick "Of course I'll come in Maria" she smiled and let me in and then we sat on the couch and we talked and watched movies for a few hours and then there was a knock on the door "I'll get it Maria" "Thank you Amy" I got up and answered it and it was Tails "Hi Tails come in" I let Tails in "Hi Tails how are you?" "I'm good Maria just a little nervous" "Why Tails?" I asked "Because it's been a while since Eggman attacked that's all" "Yeah it has been don't you agree Amy?" Maria asked me "Yeah it has been well anyway I need to go bye Maria bye Tails and Maria I'll come back tomorrow" I left after Maria and Tails said good-bye and then I went home.

*end of Amy's POV*

To be continued.

Wow longest chapter I've done anyway I'm wondering how many chapters I should put up anyway in the next chapter shall be when Shadow and Sonic first meet YAY!.