The Advent 91: Welcome Resident Evil and Naruto fans to my new story Naruto's Resident Evil: Raccoon Escape! Now to all those that are expecting Naruto to have any jutsu or Chakra for that matter as well as a demon in his belly then the answer is NO. In this story he is normal human like you and me with a mysterious background, like I said NO JUTSU is in this story! Inspiration for this fic came to me when I was playing Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City which I thought was good for a non-canon game (Except for your AI partners being so stupid they walk into mines but is a game better played on multiplayer with your friends instead of solo.). After kicking Ustanak's ass in the Jake Campaign of Resident Evil 6 which was AWESOME! After all of that this an idea came to me and I thought what if Naruto were part of the RE universe but not having jutsu and ninja skills?

What if he was within the Raccoon City Incident? I started getting exciting ideas imagining the whole thing in my head playing it like a movie and decided to make that fan fic into reality which you are about to read right here and now! Now I want to relay the following of what will not be in this story and what will be which is listed below…

What will NOT be in Resident Evil: Raccoon Escape


NO HAVING JUTSU OF ANY KIND IN THIS FIC! Not even Kakashi or others will but they will have their own unique skills like for example Sakura would be a medic, a real life one.

In this fic it's ONLY NARUTO in Raccoon City! NONE of the other characters of Naruto are in here and you will read why.

What WILL be in Resident Evil: Raccoon Escape

Wolfpack from RE: Operation Raccoon City. Don't worry as these fan fictions will not whatsoever follow the story within Operation Raccoon City but I am going to use Wolfpack, trust me you will see why. Plus the character Vector is unknown seeing as no one knows who he is and I know just who to make Vector, you will like it.

PS: Please do not bother me with pairings of who Naruto should be with because they are not important right now. The next coming chapters require my focus as I am sure that anyone who likes this story would like for me to deliver the next chapter or chapters as soon as possible. But please also know that I am working on other chapters for other stories such as my most popular story Naruto's DmC: Devil May Cry. Now please enjoy this prologue and know that in this prologue the outbreak hasn't happened yet. This is a prologue of Naruto's life within Raccoon City.

DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own Naruto or Resident Evil as they belong to their respective creators!

July 23, 1998…Raccoon City

It was the 23rd in the month of July within the year of 1998, the day was still bright and the Namikaze family was still buzzing with life within its walls living in the neighborhood. Four individuals lived in this household one being a retired soldier and police officer Minato Namikaze who was the husband of Kushina Namikaze who was a doctor of the Raccoon City Hospital and one of the best. They had a single child within the household who was currently sixteen years old who was in his upstairs room listening to his music through his headsets as he lied atop his bed, the teenager listening to one of his favorite Japanese artists called Gackt. If one were to look at the foot of his bed one would see his canine dog curled up resting just under his fee, this canine was named Kurama. The teenagers name was none other than Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze, he moved with his family from home that was Tokyo leaving behind all of his few friends he had and assholes that picked on him for kicks. In fact Naruto was born and lived in Kanoha which was a large, rich economic and strong town but ever since that incident that took place which he seemed to have no memory of?

After that he moved to Tokyo with his parents to get away but even within Japan it wasn't enough so he and his family decided to move into America so as to start over. Right now Naruto had just gotten out of school that was his 11th grade junior life within the walls of Raccoon City High School and he had the highest grades within his classes, he was no idiot. Here is also another interesting fact as Naruto had gotten into only two fights here at Raccoon City High; they intended to pick on the new kid. Let's just say it didn't end the way they wanted it to. They were even being racist with him when he first arrived calling him names and insults due to his ethnicity, they assumed he was only Japanese descended but in truth he was only half of that since his mother was a red head American, his father was full Japanese. So Naruto is really half Japanese and American.

Now if Naruto wasn't taught how to fight from his father in martial arts then perhaps those bullies that picked on him in school could have won. Naruto in his martial arts was above that of an average level and was also experienced in swordsmanship and with that of a katana although he has never used a real one but practiced with a wooden one.

Naruto like his father had the color of his hair being that of the color blond but only that it wasn't in his father's hair style, his hair was spiky and like that of Cloud's within Final Fantasy VII Advent Children, blue eyes and white skin, his face was like that of his mother's (Naruto does NOT have whisker marks!). He wore a black leather jacket that was his father's S.T.A.R.S. jacket having the patch of S.T.A.R.S. on the back and he was only able to wear the jacket so long as Minato wasn't on duty and he wasn't for a week. That's right Naruto's father was part of Raccoon City Police Departments Special Tactics And Rescue Service otherwise known as S.T.A.R.S. and was that of Bravo Team. Back to the rest of the clothing that he wore a white shirt underneath the jacket, black shoes and pants. Naruto sat himself up taking off his head phones just in time to see the news on his Television which was airing the Raccoon City News; the subject was that of the disappearances of the citizens who ventured into the mountains never returning as well as gathered evidence of suspected cannibalism. He continued to watch and listened as the news lady on the station mentions that the city's police department was dispatching its S.T.A.R.S. unit to investigate.

"Dad is a part of the force." Naruto recalled. His father had a week of vacation off from work from captain of S.T.A.R.S. himself, Albert Wesker. Minato right now was actually confused as to why he was given the week off? "I wonder what dad's job is like?" He wondered aloud and looks down to Kurama at the foot of his bed that looks back at him and gives a single bark. "Right Kurama?" Naruto asked as he pets his companion atop its head giving it some scratches as well which Kurama enjoyed. Naruto heard footsteps coming up the stairs outside his room and opening his door revealing himself was Minato, his father.

"Hey buddy?" Minato greeted.


"So your mother is working late tonight." Minato said.

"And your team is going into the mountains." Naruto mentioned.


"You worried?" Naruto asked.

"Yes I am." Minato answered.

"Why don't you go?"

"I wanted to but the Captain believes that I earned the week off."

"Just you…?" Naruto said as his dad gave him a nod "Don't you find that kind of strange or somewhat suspicious?"

"I do…Chris and the others deserve a vacation as well."

"Not to mention that you're a valued member of the team." Naruto said.

"Well I don't mean to brag but yeah." Naruto's father said with a smile.

"So what's the plan?" Naruto asked.

"Well I'm going down to the station to pick up my pay check. Want to come with?"


"The R.P.D. loves dogs." Minato said "After we'll get something to eat." He said and began making his way down stairs with Naruto following while Naruto called Kurama to follow.

Minato and Naruto along with Kurama having arrived at the station in a truck now walk and enter through the doors of the police station. Minato was immediately getting greetings from his fellow officers of the R.P.D.

"I'll be right back Naruto, have a seat over there." The man said with him getting an ok from his son who walked too with Kurama following to an empty chair while Minato himself went to go and pick up his check. As Minato ventured in the station he soon came upon a desk where he would pick up his pay check.

"Minato isn't it your week off?" The familiar voice called and Minato looked to the source of the voice sighting Chris Redfield of Alpha Team S.T.A.R.S.

"Hey there Chris, just picking up my pay." Minato said retrieving his check and walking up to Chris stopping before him.

"You know Bravo Team is being deployed tonight right?" Chris said seeing as Minato was part of Bravo.

"I assumed both teams were going in?" Minato said confused.

Naruto was scratching the top of Kurama's head and occasionally go to scratching behind his ears when a certain captain of S.T.A.R.S. took notice of Naruto, the man dressed in his S.T.A.R.S. uniform like any other member and he had slicked back blond hair wearing a pair of black sunglasses. It was Albert Wesker.

"The son of Minato Namikaze…" Wesker said within his thoughts as he continued to watch the boy from his position.

Suddenly Kurama started to growl with Naruto obviously taking notice.

"What's wrong boy?" Naruto asked as he watched as his companion turned and looked to the direction of the man he was growling at bearing his teeth.

Naruto looked in that same directions with his eyes were looking upon Albert Wesker…the two stare at one another from a distance "Who's that…?" Naruto said as Kurama continued to growl "Calm down boy," Naruto said patting Kurama's side, if there was one thing that Kurama can do it was sensing the bad in people and Naruto can just tell by looking at the man that was Wesker…he was definitely bad news.

"According to Intel this is Naruto Namikaze, 16 years of age born October 10th, 1982, currently a junior in school and one of the few survivors of the Kanoha Attack in Japan including his mother and father." Wesker thought, before the man walks away he gives Naruto from a distance a smirk before turning his head away now having broken eye contact with Naruto "Interesting…"

"Who was that…?" Naruto wondered as Kurama began to calm down until Wesker was out of sight, at the same time Minato arrives that just waved Chris Redfield a farewell. Naruto's stomach growls "I'm hungry…"

Wesker sat behind his desk having his computer on and was typing in a name that immediately brought up a file, the file came up from the database of the departments records and it was the file of Naruto Namikaze as the boy made him curious seeing as he was a survivor of the Konoha Attack six years ago. The Kanoha Attack, Kanoha was a large sized town that was bigger than Raccoon City that rested within Japan; the town was very popular as a tourist resort, attraction or a place to have a vacation. Naruto was only ten years old at the time and at 10 PM a terrorist group attacked the large and peaceful town, the group that attacked to this day is unknown. According to reports it was a biological attack and Naruto managed to survive that attack and was found by his father when Umbrella forces along with Japanese forces moved in and took control of the situation. The attack was actually classified as a biological attack failure seeing as it didn't go the way the terrorists expected to but there were casualties that numbered in the thousands.

It was quite the experience for Naruto that changed him, Naruto was once happy and full of energy being quite the prankster now he was mostly quiet and keeping to himself and also somewhat moody. That was not all as he also could not recall any of the events leaving doctors to believe that he was suffering from amnesia. However it wasn't an amnesia that was inflicted upon like hitting his head but one that was mentally self-inflicted? Whatever happened to him was so terrifying to him and was something that he didn't want to remember he made himself forget; refusing to remember such memories and this amnesia was very rare. Luckily the Kanoha Attack was the only event that Naruto couldn't remember as he did know his own name as well as when he was born, the simple things. His father with U.B.C.S. forces from an Umbrella facility in Japan close by found him unconscious but alive on the shore of a river.

Naruto's survival did not go unnoticed as he gained a sort of celebrity status, even when he and his parents lived in Tokyo for the next four years so to escape it all for Naruto's health the Namikaze family moved to the United States settling in the mid-western town that was Raccoon City. One would think why move? Wouldn't they want Naruto to remember? Naruto honestly didn't want to, he preferred not remembering, he was afraid of what he would remember.

Wesker chuckles leaning back into his chair and said "Very interesting." Just then Wesker heard a knock on his office door and with a click on the screen of his computer with his mouse he X out Naruto's file before saying "Come in!" while standing up from his chair and entering was Chris Redfield, his Point man of his Alpha Team of S.T.A.R.S. "Chris?"


"Is there something you need?" Wesker asked.

"It's about Bravo Team going into the mountains tonight Captain."

"What of it, worried?"

"Not just that Captain but why just send in Bravo Team, shouldn't we be going in with them as well?"

"Bravo Team is being sent in to assess the situation Chris. After such we will be called in and put this investigation to a close, we intend to put a stop to these crimes of cannibalism taking in the murderers or cults." Wesker lied.

"Captain, if Bravo Team is going in tonight then don't you think Minato should go in as well? He is an asset on Bravo Team and S.T.A.R.S."

Wesker had an excuse for this.

"I gave him a week off so to be with his son." The man said as he sat himself in his chair.

"His son…"

"Yes, tell me Chris have you ever heard of the Konoha Attack in Japan?"

"I read about it, a lot of casualties caused by a group of terrorists, few survivors…"

"Minato's son…is one of those few that managed to escape and survive." Wesker revealed.


"Yes…so I decided to give Minato some time off to be with his son, for the young man's health."

"That was very generous of you sir."

"Anything else Redfield?" Wesker asked.


Within Raccoon City at a gas station parked outside of it within one of its parking spaces was the truck of the Namikaze's, Naruto and Minato were eating burgers as Naruto was sitting atop the trucks back railing with Kurama sitting in the back like a good boy and Minato leaning against the truck.



"While I was waiting for you at the station…I saw this guy…"


"Yeah…Kurama didn't like him." Naruto said.

"Can you describe this man?" Minato asked as he took another bite of his burger.

"Well the guy had slicked back blond hair and wore a pair of sunglasses, he even wore the same S.T.A.R.S. uniform like you did while on duty? You know him?" Naruto said and asked.

"Know him, he's my superior."


"The man you saw was Captain Albert Wesker of S.T.A.R.S. and leads Alpha Team. He is also the unit's founder."

"Well your captain was just stareing at me."

"Pardon?" Minato asked as he turned his head looking at his son.

"Yeah…we both stare at one another. All the while Kurama is growling at the guy. Kurama can sense the bad in people dad and that guy Wesker, even while we stare at one another I can just feel it. The man is bad news." Naruto said.

"What else happened?"

"He just suddenly walked away…"

"That is strange," Minato said.

"More like creepy." Naruto said.

"Probably because he has never seen you around? As a matter of fact I never mentioned you to him."

"Please don't."

Naruto was back home and was in the backyard of their house with a fence surrounding the backyard, Naruto with Kurama and was playing fetch with him throwing a Frisbee. Kurama running after and catching it within his mouth as he leaped into the air and would return it. Naruto would say good boy and make Kurama fetch it again as he continued to play with him. As he threw the Frisbee once again he couldn't help but take notice of a large sign that was close by having Umbrella advertisement on it that said "Preserving the health of the people!" Naruto knew what Umbrella was and what it did; he knew that it was a pharmaceutical company that created cosmetics, consumer products and foods. Naruto or anyone else was not aware of what Umbrella did behind its closed doors...not yet at least.

To be honest Naruto was annoyed with that sign standing out back about six houses down. Going into his back yard playing with Kurama and to see that sign every time, sometimes he wished he had mental super powers and ignite the sign on fire just to get rid of it.

"What an eye sore," Naruto said as he was given the Frisbee by Kurama and threw it once again having Kurama chase after it.

As the day progressed the night came as Naruto was sitting at the table in the kitchen seeing it was 11 PM, he was reading a manga called Karugo who was a young ninja within his village out to prove himself and cursed with holding an evil monster within him. The young ninja aims to become the best within his village to gain the respect he wants and to not be ignored, scorned or spite on and was one that was aiming to become the ultimate ninja. The ninja Karugo was one with a lot of stamina and was loud and unpredictable, in the manga all these ninja were able to use jutsu the can be conjured with the use of Chakra. It was an interesting manga and he would be lying if he said that it wasn't one of his favorite manga's but manga wasn't the only thing that he read because of course he read books. Hearing the sound of jingling keys at the front door and knowing who it was he closed the manga book that was Karugo setting it aside as his mother walked in through the front door.

"I'm home!" Kushina Namikaze said as she walked in closing the door behind her as she wore her long brown coat around her nurse outfit with her perce hanging from her left shoulder.

"Hey mom!" Naruto said as he looked over his shoulder toward her and like always his father walks into the picture giving his wife a kiss on the side of her cheek.

"Hello Naruto," His mother said as her and his father walked into the kitchen.

She was happy walking into the kitchen seeing as Minato already made dinner seeing as her husband and her son have been waiting for her to join them. As she sat down joining the rest of the family she can smell the food and see that it was warm and came out just in time. Kurama was even in the kitchen lying on the floor chewing on a bone courtesy of Minato. As the three were having their dinner they were unaware of knowing that S.T.A.R.S. Bravo Team could not be contacted, it was at this night and at this time right now unbeknownst to Minato that S.T.A.R.S. Alpha Team was being sent into the mountains where their horrors would begin that would be the beginning of a nightmare.

July 24, 1998…

He woke up in the morning of Tuesday from his bed and it was time for him to get dressed and get off to school. Getting out of bed he got his cloths from his drawers and his own jacket being a black leather coat with a hood he went to his upstairs bathroom. He took his shower, drying off afterwards to putting on his cloths being blue baggy jeans, a gray shirt wearing the jacket over it to putting on his black shoes. Afterwards he brushed his teeth to going back to his room grabbing his sports like backpack that looked like it was for a member of the basketball team to put his basketball in only it was not for such a thing as this was his backpack. He makes sure that he has all of the appropriate things for school being his books and finished homework, which he always finishes at school to get it over with and not worry about doing it at home later, and grabs his cell phone to heading down stairs and get breakfast. When he arrived downstairs he wasn't surprised seeing his mother making breakfast for him, it was good old delicious pancakes.

Now that he was thinking of breakfast his thoughts went to the character Karugo who every mourning sat down and ate a cup of ramen that was his breakfast, lunch and dinner and repeat so on and so forth. Naruto wondered how Karugo could eat ramen all day almost every single day of his life.

"And what in his mind made him wear that embarrassing jumpsuit?" Naruto wondered. He walked into the kitchen "Mourning mom." He greeted.

"Mourning son, could you do me a favor and get your father, he's in his office." Kushina said.

"Sure," Naruto said turning on heel and walking down the hallway downstairs passing his parents shared bedroom and then bathroom and then at the very end was Minato's office door. As he got closer and reached for the doorknob he stops as he hears conversation between two individuals within the office and one of them was obviously his father and the other sounded familiar…

"Minato I am telling you the truth. Umbrella is not what it seems or says it is! Wesker was even working for them and because of that bastard we lost almost everyone! He even said the reason why he suggested your week off was because he knew you would become a problem out there." The male voice said. "You do believe me don't you? We even went to police chief Irons and asked to investigate Umbrella but he has so far kept turning us down."

"I don't know Chris…everything you say is like something out of a horror film?" Minato's voice said revealing Minato's guest being Chris Redfield.

"You think I'm lying don't you."

"No. I never said that Chris. If Umbrella is responsible for such things then indeed they should be investigated, chief Irons not allowing you to do such a thing tells me otherwise to believe your story."

"You think he's dirty like Wesker was?" Chris asked.

"Was…?" Naruto thought.

"I suspect so," Minato said "I should have gone last night. Damn it!"

Naruto heard a pair of footsteps walking toward the door and before he can leave the door of Minato's office opens in front of him and standing in the doorway in his path was Chris Redfield and his father Minato looking down at him. Naruto felt like someone that was caught sticking his hand in a cookie jar that wasn't his and wasn't supposed to get.


"Oh um dad! Mom sent me to come and get you, breakfast is ready." Naruto said.

"Oh good I'm starving," Minato said "Would you like to join us Chris?"

"Sorry Minato but I got to go. Look into all of this."

"As you wish."

Chris looked down at Naruto as if studying him and gave him a smile "I can tell by just looking at you that you are going to become a great man like your father."

"Thanks," Naruto said and noticing that he was in the way he gave his apologies and stepped aside.

Now seeing Naruto he looked to Minato and said "I forgot to mention to you something else, something that you should know." Chris said to Minato giving him a serious look that also said that it was important.

"Come back at three today then."

"Right," Chris said as he looked back at Naruto and gave him a smile then patted on the young teens right shoulder and leaves walking down the hallway to going out the front door of their house.

Naruto looks back up to his father who only says "Well I'm hungry! Let's go see what you mom made!" Minato said as he and his son make their way to the kitchen.

"Pancakes," Naruto answered.

"Spoiler!" Minato said pointing an accusing finger at his son, tears coming down his eyes.

At the table Naruto and Kushina were the only ones eating their food, Kurama lying next to Naruto's chair. It was here that both Kushina and Naruto noticed that Minato hadn't even touched his food yet even though he said he was starving. The only thing he seemed to have done was drink his coffee? Looking at the man's face Naruto knew that face having seen it multiple times, it looked like his father was in deep thought about something and Naruto knew it had to have had something to do with the conversation he was having with Chris. Something with Umbrella, Wesker being a traitor working for Umbrella and losing almost everyone and police chief Irons denying investigation? Naruto remember one part of Chris's words that he repeated within his mind…

"Umbrella is not what it seems or says it is?" Naruto thought repeating Chris's words in his head. Then came the thought about that man Wesker being a traitor "I knew that guy was bad news."

Minato had a lot on his mind from the story Chris told him. Almost all of Bravo Team was killed, a mansion that was out in the Arklay Mountains neither that he nor anyone else knew about being a secret Umbrella facility. Dead walking flesh eating dogs, the walking dead and a weapon called the T-Virus, B.O.W's, giant snakes, Wesker being a traitor working for Umbrella as a double agent, a Tyrant that Wesker himself wanted for his own gains that ended up killing him in the end to them escaping from the mansion and killing the Tyrant before it blew up leaving behind no evidence to validate the survivors of last night story.

Only five survived the night and they were Chris Redfield, Jill Valentine, Rebecca Chambers, Barry Burton and Brad Vickers. Four Alpha S.T.A.R.S. survived while he and Rebecca were the only ones alive of Bravo S.T.A.R.S. and Minato was never there. Wesker that bastard, Minato should have insisted to have gone along with Bravo Team! If he had gone things could have possibly gone a lot differently, who knows maybe more of Bravo Team would still be alive or more S.T.A.R.S. members at that. But seeing Minato as a problem Wesker managed to give Minato the week off keeping him out of the knowledge of the Mansion Incident or involved. After all Wesker did want to gather data and having Minato there would most likely have interfered with combat data gathering as well as Wesker's mission to destroying the mansion. Now that Minato thought about his week vacation that was requested by Wesker was approved by police chief Brian Irons which must confirm that the chief of police was dirty most likely bought out.

It was a bio weapons outbreak within the mansion and yet it was just in the mountains so close to home. Minato and his family leave Japan for Naruto's health to escape the memories of the failed bio weapons attack on Konoha, which were memories Naruto was aware of that he didn't remember and preferred not remembering them. Moving to America in Raccoon City where they can settle down only for another biohazard that didn't fail like in Kanoha to succeed. Luckily with the explosion of the mansion where the biohazard was taking place was destroyed and didn't reach Raccoon City and Minato was grateful for that. However all the evidence was lost leaving nothing behind to convict Umbrella?

"Minato?" Kushina's voice called and Minato snaps out of his train of thought making some blinks with his eyes before settling them upon his wife. He can see that his son was looking at him as well having a questionable look on his face wondering what was he was thinking about.

"Sorry about that," Minato said to his wife.

"Are you ok?" Kushina asked.

"Yeah I'm fine."

"Are you sure dad?" Naruto asked.

"You seem to be in deep thought as well as upset?" Kushina said.

That is when Minato decided to tell them "Almost all of Bravo Team and Alpha S.T.A.R.S. were killed in the forest last night." Kushina gasped while Naruto's eyes widened at the revelation "Rebecca was the only survivor of Bravo Team last night…Chris, Barry, Jill and Brad were the only survivors of Alpha…Wesker is dead as well."

"Minato…I'm so sorry," Kushina said placing a hand on his arm and Naruto took notice of Minato's balled up fists. He was obviously angry not being there.

"Dad…I am sorry for most of your team…but I am also grateful that you didn't go." Naruto said.

This is when Naruto heard the beeping of a bus and it was the bus outside his house that would take him to school.

"You better get going champ," Minato said "I'll see you after school." His son gave him a nod getting up from his chair pushing it in and headed for the door to go to school. When Naruto was out the door Kushina asked…

"What happened?"

Walking up the steps of the bus and the door closing behind him thanks to the bus driver pulling the lever he walked to an empty seat and upon sitting he looked out the window toward his house. He was wondering what took place within the mountains that got most of the S.T.A.R.S. killed. Was it that cult he heard on some news report the news would theorize about? But Naruto seriously doubted it because how can a cult of people take down members of S.T.A.R.S. that consisted of ex-military individuals? So a cult killing members of S.T.A.R.S. he wasn't going to believe. As Naruto sat in his seat on the bus it began to move driving through the neighborhood making way toward Raccoon City, its destination being Raccoon High.

Naruto kicked himself back in his seat on the bus closing his eyes and as he was unaware that this punk called Flash, eighteen years old, who was a football player of his school and was the quarterback of his team. Like every and most assholes of today that don't show any character he was intending on picking on the "sleeping" Naruto. Of course Flash was seated with his fellow football players around him having his girlfriend beside him having his arm over her shoulders, he asked one of his friends…more like followers…to hand him the football and so his follower did as told tossing him the football. Flash turned around in his seat to look down Naruto's direction and said.

"Watch this," He said getting chuckling from his followers and girlfriend.

He threw the football toward Naruto's direction as it spun in the air making its course but sadly to them before the football can even hit the so called sleeping Naruto, said fifteen year old brought up his left hand catching the football within his grasp with his eyes closed. Others who saw this gave a whoa while Flash and his followers were speechless. Naruto opened his eyes having his eye directed at them and reached into one of the side pockets of his bag spinning out a silver pen, clicking down the top the writing end of the pen pops out. As Naruto stares at Flash he stabs his pen into the football to pulling it out and the air in the football leaves…now the football was drained of all its air and Flash's follower now had to get that person a football, most likely he won't.

Naruto looks at the follower that owned the football holding it up in the air football up and asked "Was this yours?" The guy was speechless as Naruto tossed him the flat football who caught it "Looks like your master is going to have to buy you a new one."

Meanwhile back at the Namikaze residents Minato and Kushina were talking, they have been for the past ten minutes so far. The events of what took place in the mountains; Kushina was up and slowly pacing back and forth listening to the story as Minato told it while sitting in the chair.

"You believe that Minato?" Kushina asked.

"Chris wouldn't lie like this Kushina," Minato said.

"Minato I find it hard to believe that Chris had an encounter with the walking dead in a mansion, that no one has heard about, in the mountains turned into said zombies from a virus that sounds like something made up for some survival horror video game? Not to mention that Umbrella which is a company that is about medicines and medical supplies that even supplies most of our hospitals around the world? Why would Umbrella that has done so much good in the world create some virus that could kill so many?" Kushina asked. Now Kushina wasn't being a bitch or anything but she was just skeptical about the whole story.

"Sounds like a biological weapon to me." Minato said referring to the T-Virus.

"You believe his story?"

"Don't forget about Konoha, Kushina…" Minato reminded "Konoha was a failed bio weapons attack, we were lucky that the whole thing was able to be contained and the city able to be rebuilt. Not to mention that Naruto survived. Chris's story is not just his own…Jill, Barry, Rebecca and Brad validates the same story. If this is all true…everything that the last remaining surviving members of S.T.A.R.S. say about Umbrella…it makes me question if Umbrella had anything to do with the Konoha Attack."

"Excuse me…?" Kushina asked confused.

"When we were about to move in to retake Konoha aiming to save survivors and the city itself Umbrella was there to help in an instant? I remember as we were moving in taking everything back I saw a group of U.B.C.S. observing? As if they were gathering information? Like watching an experiment unfolds and as if they were jotting down results?"

"So you're theorizing that the Konoha Attack was a conspiracy planned by the Umbrella Corporation simply using Konoha itself as a testing bed?" Kushina asked "What exactly would they have been testing?"

"Small traces of viral infection were detected in the city Kushina, Intel said that it was of course spread by a group of unknown individuals and it was spread through the air. The viral weapon was a failure though; it was some sort of prototype, the virus." Minato said.

"So what are you going to do?"

Naruto is now seen in the cafeteria of his school with a blue tray having a cartoon of juice, a small plastic container having pieces of apples and having waffles with half of it gone and was playing a game on his cellphone. He was playing Tetris as he moved his finger across the touch screen of his phone aiming to get the new high score, his phone was actually pretty cool and advanced seeing as it was a phone from his home city that was Konoha. It was actually a phone that was not in the United States yet as it was only exclusive within Japan, of course anyone from the states can get one as well but that would only be by ordering one through internet and paying for shipping and handling. This smart phone was called the Neo Galaxy-X and an upfront buy was $200. When the bell rang it signaled to all of the students that it was time to go to first period class and so Naruto went to class so that he can get this day of school over with.

As Naruto was at school and the day progressed and Kushina having gone to work Minato was at home in his office along with Chris who sat opposite of him.

"Wesker mentioned my son?" Minato asked.

"Yeah, right before he released that B.O.W that killed him and nearly killed us…" Chris said.

"What did he say?"

"He mentioned the Konoha Attack…He said that it was Umbrella's own doing to test a prototype version of the T-Virus."

"Prototype version?"

"Yeah, and he even said that your son was involved in some sort of experiment casted on him by the "terrorists"…and the terrorists Minato were none other than Umbrella Scientists, five day of experimentation on him with the Prototype T."

"Prototype T, you mean the prototype version of the T-Virus?" Minato asked.

"That's exactly it."

"So my son carries a virus within him?"

"Well seeing as he isn't like those zombies that we encountered in the mansion the Prototype T seems to have bonded with him, he should have turned into a zombie within Umbrella's hands at the time but he didn't. In other words your son is very lucky to be human still. He even called your son SUBJECT 9."

"Could this Prototype T be another reason behind his amnesia? SUBJECT 9?" Minato wondered.

"Wesker planned on betraying Umbrella to pursue his own interests and he even told us that he wanted your son, mainly for the Prototype T within him."

"Well he's dead right…?" Minato asked. Even if Wesker were alive and came after Naruto there was no way he was going to let the man lay one finger on his son.

"Yeah, he's dead." Chris confirmed (That's what he thinks).

Finally with the bell ringing at four Naruto as well as his other classmates exit from their final class of the day so as to either get on a bus, get a ride, take their own or be picked up to go home. As Naruto was walking out of the school arriving into the parking lot he saw Flash coming up and blocking his path with Naruto himself stopping in his tracks looking at the football jock with an annoyed look.

"Hey foreigner, you owe my friend a football…" He said louder than he should as he approached Naruto, it was starting to attract attention and Naruto wasn't surprised. Flash wanted to get a show to make himself look like a badass when in truth he was nothing but a common bully and the real loser. Any bully that picks on one that is smaller and weaker than him is nothing but a loser and the real weakling; in Naruto's case he didn't hate bullies but pitied them and Flash was one of them.

If you are ever pushed on by a bully to fight that person be the real winner AND BETTER MAN by just simply walking away. Don't listen no matter what words they use to taunt you with afterword have to get a rise out of you because it's what they want and not giving them what they want will make them upset, be the better individual and walk away because if you do then YOU are the real winner!

Naruto looked over his shoulder to see Flash's other friends surround making a ring so as Naruto will not get away "Last time I checked if it weren't for your kindergarten behavior than said football would not be flat in the first place, it is you who owes Flash." Naruto said and took notice of a gathering crowd of students.

"That is not how it works Jap, if you don't fork over say that fancy phone of yours to make up for it then maybe I won't have to hurt you." Flash threatened.

"Oh and who gets my phone? Your follower or you keep it for yourself in the end?" Naruto asked not intimidated by Flash or his friends in the least.

"What's it going to be Jap? Easy way…or the hard way?"

"I don't want to hurt you Flash…" Naruto said getting laughs from Flash's surrounding followers.

"You hurt me?" Flash asked chuckling afterwards "Look I may have heard that you know how to fight and all but as far as I am concerned I am not worried in the least."

"Funny," Naruto said.

"What…?" Flash asked.

"The other two were just like you Flash…and it didn't end the way they hoped."

"You going to hand over the phone…or am I going to have to take it?"

"No," Naruto answered.

Flash only chuckled while taking off his football jacket and tossing it to one of his followers, a crowd of students began circling repeating the word fight like a bunch of kindergarteners acting immature. Seriously is this how young adults act? Like five to ten year old children?

"Your funeral Jap," Flash said as he brought up his fists walking up to him and stopping five feet from him, Naruto didn't even bring a fist up "Come on! Fight!"

"Flash I am warning you right now, if you engage me in the sequence of combat I will use self-defense and it will only end in your defeat and embarrassment." Naruto reasoned but of course like every bully Flash didn't listen "Last chance." Naruto warned.

"Shut the fuck up and fight already!"

"Well I tried reason," Naruto said.

Flash threw the first punch only for Naruto to effortlessly dodge the punch moving his head to the right dodging Flash's right fist. Flash threw a left punch but Naruto dodged that to like it were nothing, in fact every punch he was throwing Naruto never broke eye contact with him.

"What's the gain out of this Flash?" Naruto asked and Flash threw a right swing only for Naruto to catch within his left hand "Respect? Reputation? Satisfaction? Or are you just simply an asshole?"

Flash grunts in anger ripping his right fist out of Naruto's left hands grasp and starts throwing more punches only Naruto was blocking all of them with his forearms bringing one up after the other blocking all of Flash's attacks as well as dodging and sidestepping some others effortlessly. All the while the crowd was stunned and put at awe because Flash was seen as the toughest kid in the school of Raccoon and here Naruto who was the new guy was making Flash look like an idiot. After throwing more than a dozen punches or to Naruto's count more than twenty, Flash went for Naruto ears intending to bang the sides of both his fists into them in order to numb Naruto out. However Naruto obviously being the one with more skill saw this as an idiotic move and saw his opening, he quickly brought up both his arms pushing Flash's arms back and away with his own making Flash's chest wide open.

This is when Naruto delivered a right palm thrust into Flash's chest making the bully fly back off his feet and hit the cement ground that was the parking lot, which had to hurt. Everyone that saw this was of course at awe seeing Flash on the ground.

"Are we done?" Naruto asked as he was simply standing.

"Come on Flash get up!" One of his followers said.

"Kick his ass!" Another said.

This is the part when someone being one of Flash's followers goes too far as he reaches in his pocket and pulls out a switch blade. Seriously a blade! The follower runs at Naruto from behind but Naruto trusting his senses quickly turns around to see the attacker and the weapon in hand who slashes at him only for Naruto lean his head back but the end of the blade managed to cut the skin right above his right eye! Everyone seeing this obviously knew that this was not right, dangerous and most of all…

"Are you crazy?!" Naruto yelled and even Flash saw and even though he wouldn't say it out loud was and was going too far. Seriously the guy could have seriously injured Naruto!

"Dude put the blade down!" One of the followers of Flash reasoned seeing the situation.

It was here that Naruto seeing his attacker looking at said individual that tried reasoning with him saw the opening and moved in quickly grabbing his attackers' wrist and slapping the knife out of his attackers' hands as it went hitting on the black concrete. Seeing as he was disarmed Naruto's attacker attacks using his fists only for the sixteen year old to duck under it to swiping with his right leg or more like tripping making the attacker fall sideways and then Naruto brings up his left knee into the attackers gut making him spite up. The attacker atop Naruto's stomach as he slide off hitting the cement while having his arms around his stomach. This is when Naruto heard someone yell out campus security and true here came four of them while students walked away not wanting to get in trouble. Here is how the results went down, all of Flash's followers with the attacker having the blade cuffed and Naruto himself who was only defending himself was in the office with surrounding campus security. Footage from cameras set up around the school was being viewed and Naruto was not worried about being the bad guy here because he was simply defending himself.

That is when Naruto looked to his right and opening the door he saw Minato his father! His old man did not look too pleased with him, Naruto tried to talk…


That was all Naruto was going to get out but was cut off when Minato brought up his hand telling him to basically shut up.

"Why is he upset with me? I didn't do anything wrong?"

A couple of minutes later Naruto and Minato are in the principal's office sitting across from said principal.

"Mr. Namikaze I am sorry to have taken you away from any business you were attending to," The principal said.

"It's my week off," Minato said.

"My sympathies to what happened to your team."

"Thank you," Minato said and of course all of Raccoon knew about it because it was in the paper except anything about a mansion, virus, zombies, B.O.W's and Umbrella behind it all.

"Your son was involved in a fight recently."

Minato looked to Naruto and said "Another one…" He then took notice of the dried blood that should have been from a source being a cut but Minato saw no such thing? Where is the cut? "That's strange…?"

"Mr. Namikaze?"

"My son has been in two other fights with other students of this school but they were completely off campus, self-defense." Minato explained.

"Well you see he was involved in a fight with a student, Flash."

"Hey I tried reasoning with him but he wouldn't back off," Naruto said defending himself "After I put him down to the ground I intended to stop right there but next thing I know one of his followers pulls out a knife and tries to kill me!"

"A knife!" Minato said looking to the principal.

"Yes, footage from out cameras shows that it was the student John Eclipses. He is one for getting in trouble and he indeed pulled out a knife," The principal said as he opened his drawer revealing to Minato the weapon that was in a plastic bag and letting Minato see it seeing as he was a cop.

The Bravo member of S.T.A.R.S. held the bagged weapon in one hand looking at it and then held it up looking back at the principal and asked "How does someone get a blade in school?"

"Well you must understand Mr. Namikaze that we can't have campus security searching everyone, students need to get to class and can't afford to be late."

"Right," Minato said as he gave the bagged weapon back to the principal "So what is to be done?"

"Well seeing as fighting is not allowed at this school…your son will be suspended for a week."

"Suspended?!" Naruto said "Why should I get suspended? I wasn't the one that started that fight?! I was defending myself!"

"Yes you were Naruto and I understand that, you're a good student but the point is that you still fought." The principal said.

"So what was I supposed to do? Let myself get beat up and get stabbed?"

"You could have walked away," Minato said silencing his son who didn't say a word seeing as it was true, if Naruto had walked away than none of this would be happening to him.

"Flash and his friends will be receiving the same treatment, all except John as he's going to Juvie." The principal said.

"A week of suspension," Minato said "You're going to be working your ass off when you get home Naruto."

Naruto had a feeling that his father was going to keep up with his promise of punishment. At the same time was when police chief Brian Irons disbanded S.T.A.R.S. being on Umbrella's payroll and replaced them with S.W.A.T.

Back within Minato's office at home…

"This is bullshit!" Chris yelled.

"Calm down Chris," Minato said.

"Calm down? Minato he disbanded the team! He is obviously dirty; he's on Umbrella's payroll!" Chris said as Minato did believe him, seeing as the surviving members of S.T.A.R.S. returned from the mountains, reported their story on Umbrella and requested a full investigation on the company's activities and Irons denying the investigation to disbanding S.T.A.R.S. was a big give away. "I'm going to put a stop to this, not just me but also Jill and the others." He then looked to Minato "I'd like you to help us Minato…"

"I can't just leave without an explanation Chris, if Umbrella's really is how dangerous you say then I have to stay here and protect my family." Minato said. "If Wesker knows of my son being this SUBJECT 9 then Umbrella knows as well."

"You're right, sorry about that."

"Where do you plan to start with these anti Umbrella activities Chris?" Minato asked.


The Advent 91: Review if you want but most of all I hope you enjoyed or found this interesting and would look forward to the next chapter of Naruto's Resident Evil: Raccoon Escape. Naruto's nightmare approaches…