Its 1864, in Mystic Falls.
My name is Elena, and I'm a vampire.
I've been a vampire for almost 500 years, and yet it gets to me every time. I mean he gets to me every time. Life is not what it seems, especially here. Humanity is a vampire's greatest weakness, and yet I still allow it to fight its way back in. or maybe he makes me let it all in.
I close my diary as the curly headed man entered my room. I looked up at him, drawing a breath from his beauty. I locked eyes with his icy blue ones, as I spoke.
"I didn't expect you to be here until later, you surprised me." I smile shyly
. He speaks with his angelic tone, "I just missed you." As he returns my smile. I stand up, picking up my dress as I walk over to stand in front of him. I run my fingertips gently down his pale skin
"I missed you just as much." His pale skin turns crimson as he looks away nervously; I speak softly "why are you always so nervous around me?"
He lets out a soft sigh, "I just want to be with you forever."
My hand slowly drops as I look away. "Damon, we talked about this, I am not turning you into a vampire."
"Why wouldn't you?" his voice rising with hurt.
"To be in an eternity of misery? I don't want that for you Damon. If I could do anything to have a human life with you I would." I feel my breaking point; this is all we've been talking about lately. Turn it off. My heart beckons.
I gulp hard, turning to face him. "Well you cant. So turn me, it won't be misery if I'm with you."
I feel the tears threatening to come from my eyes. "Damon, I'll be leaving soon."
"Then this is our chance Elena... I love you." I feel his arms around my waist and I can't help but break. I crash my lips against his as all my emotions pour into this one man. He grasps my hips as he pulls me closer, I feel the heat rising against my skin as he leaves gentle kisses against my neck. I run my fingers through his raven hair, thinking of how I never want this moment to end. He begins to rip into my corset, as I rip off his shirt with vampire strength. I push him against the wall as I feel our lips molding together. I run my hands all over his chiseled chest. I feel his heart pounding, as if it's about to burst from his chest. He's ocean eyes meet my doe ones.
"Are you sure you want this?" I breathe out slowly,
"Yes, more than anything." With vampire speed I push us both onto my bed, ripping off Damon's belt; I leave trails of kisses along his neck and chest. I slowly penetrate his neck with my teeth, drinking him in lovingly. He groans in pleasure and pain as I feel his hands within my chocolate locks. I lick my lips, as I once again crash our lips together, I feel his hands slowly moving my panties down my legs, and I comply letting him do as he pleases. I take his pants off in one swift motion, as I draw his briefs off with my teeth. I kiss his happy trail, as I make my way up his chest. I slowly sit upon him, taking him all in. He breathes heavily, taking in my tightness, this new world he is about to enter. He gazes up at me bewildered. "I've been waiting for you." I whispered as I kissed him with such passion, I didn't even know I had. Our bodies molded together, as we made love for the first time.
I awoke the next morning to an empty bed. I was dazed and confused.
"Damon?" I called out. As my senses come into focus I can hear the shower running. My foot hits the floor as I wrap myself in my linens, and I tiptoe into the bathroom. I open the curtain, the lightest bit to take in his flawless figure. I'd never seen more of a beautiful man in my life. I slowly slip in behind him as I wrap my arms around his torso.
"Good morning" I smiled.
He jumps a little, "I didn't know you were awake!" he laughs his boyish laugh. He turns to greet me with a passionate kiss, my hands fall upon his face as I hold him ever so gently.
He pulls away slowly as he peers into my eyes. "Are you sure this is what you wanted?" I look up at him with concern
. He sighs, cupping my face in his hands. "Elena, I love you. No matter what. I don't regret anything, nothing at all."
I nod as I kiss his lips gently. "If your father finds out, he will not be happy about this."
He turns his back to me as he finishes his shower. "I really don't give a damn what he thinks."
Damon's father was a very strict man, if he wasn't guzzling vervain, I would've compelled him to leave Damon alone a long time ago. I've even thought about killing him, but I knew how much that would hurt Damon, even though he wouldn't admit it. "So what does this mean" I say softly as he steps out of the shower, leaving my under its cascading presence. "It means I tell my father he can go to hell. I don't want to marry Katherine." I sigh "Damon you know he won't like that-"he quickly interrupts me as he tone becomes cold. "I have done everything he's ever wanted, the perfect solider son, the son who's always perfect. Should I let him take away my choice to marry? I don't love Katherine; she's nothing but a wealthy whore." I hear him walk out of the room; with every inch he walks I feel his anger boiling higher. I slide out of the shower, turning it off. I wrap a towel around my slender figure as I make my way to his side. "'I'm sorry Damon…if I could do something I would." "You could turn me, and we could run away together." I stay silent. "That's what I thought." He snaps quickly. "I have to go, I have to meet my father, my brother and Katherine for dinner." He grabs his clothes quickly, leaving me alone in my room. I've thought about turning Damon a million times, but I can't bring myself to do it. I never wanted to be a vampire, I was forced. I always think maybe I should've never told him what I was, and this wouldn't be.
I told Damon I was a vampire two years ago, in a very unexpected way. We were under an oak tree during the afternoon. He followed me out after I ran out of his house.
"Elena!" his voice echoing as he called out. I stopped under the tree, until he caught up to me. He stood in front of me, the sunlight reflecting off his dark locks, and his eyes becoming more stunning than ever. "I noticed your eyes, when I cut my finger." Talking while catching his breath.
"You were cutting onions; my eyes are always weird with onions." I said, lying through my teeth.
He gulped, as he locked eyes with me. "My dad always told me stories of vampires and werewolves. I never believed him until now."
I looked up at him as I laughed, trying to play it off, "A vampire? Really? What kind of sick joke is that? A girl can be very fragile with onions."
"You don't have to lie, Elena. I've known for a while now."
I stopped laughing as I locked eyes with him. "Bite me." He stared blankly.
I pushed him against a tree with vampire speed as I bit gently into his soft neck. I felt his blood flowing down my throat, as he held me tightly as I fed. I felt his hands in my hair, as I pulled away gently. I wiped my mouth with my hand. I made eye contact with him; I was going to compel him until he said "I love you, Elena."
I stared back into his blue eyes confused. "Damon…" I let his name slip from my mouth. He then cupped my face and kissed me passionately. I loved him as much as he loved me.
I slipped on my sapphire dress, watching its length hit the floor. My hair curled into tight locks. I hadn't talked to Damon since he walked out on me earlier in the day, but his brother Stefan, invited me to this dinner occasion. His brother had no idea I was a vampire, and also no idea that I was completely in love with Damon, but he was infatuated with me. As I made my way up to the Salvatore home, I was quickly pulled behind a tree. I quickly turned, about to snap when I felt lips crash upon mine. I was taken back, until I realized it was Damon. I began to kiss him back just as passionately. I felt his hands moving up my dress, and a tug at my panties. I pushed myself back against the oak tree, where we first kissed. I beckoned him in between my legs, as he slowly slides himself inside of me. I gasped at his length, running hands through his curly locks. I let a moan, gasping his name as I felt his thrusting himself slowly, in excruciating way. I beckoned my hips forward, holding him closer to me, I felt like I couldn't hold him any tighter than I was. He lips pressed along my neck, as I felt his strong hands holding my thighs. I bit him gently, as I drank him in, hearing him moan with pleasure. I quickly threw my head back as I came around him, as he did within me. He slowly slides me down, until my feet were on the ground. I gathered my breath as I looked at him in approval but also in shock.
"Where did that come from?" I cooed as I moved his one curly lock behind his ear.
"I'm sorry", he whispered slowly.
"For what my love?" I cup his face gently.
"Being an idioit, I shouldn't take my anger out on you." I kiss him gently and slowly.
"You are not an idioit. I love you, Damon. Everything will work out with time, I promise."
He smiles as he kisses my temple. "We should be going inside." He leaves before me, entering his house.
I wait five minutes until I ring the doorbell. The door opens, where I find Stefan.
"Why hello Miss Elena, look as gorgeous as always." He takes my hand pressing it to his lips.
"Stefan." I smile, "always a pleasure."
I glance over to see Damon and none other than Katherine. Her bright blonde hair and blue eyes, you could really make her into a Barbie doll. Damon's father looked so proud; he would probably join in and marry her as well. I sighed, making my way over to them, with Stefan accompanying me.
"Elena." Katherine's tone, more fake than ever, "So nice to see you again."
"Like wise" I smile. "Please excuse me; I need to use the bathroom."
I make my way down the hallway as I hear faint footsteps behind me. I close the bathroom door, as someone stops it.
"it's called the ladies room for a reason Stefan." I gasp as he enters. "Well I wanted to be somewhere more private." He reeks of alcohol. I push him away, "Stefan your drunk."
He grabs me forcefully, and I push back with just as much force. I pin him to the door, and look deeply into his eyes "You're going to leave this bathroom; you're never going to try to something sick like this again." He repeats after me, as he makes his way out of the bathroom. I close it.
As I make my way back to dinner, I hear Stefan saying "well she tried telling me what to do and actually expected me to follow through, it was weird dad." My eyes widen as I peer around the corner. I see Damon's eyes widen in horror. "Son, we need to talk." Mr. Salvatore pulls Stefan aside; I lock eyes with Damon in horror, hoping that Mr. Salvatore doesn't find out my secret.