Author's note: after a long period of time I'm finally back! This is my return of the comeback offering! Enjoy

My Return

Chapter 1: Worthless

For the past six months all I see was darkness and completely darkness. What should I expect I'm stuck with the 'darkness' itself. I sighed. But at least I can still hear something beyond this stupid prison. I hear Shu and the others talk every time they visit the sealed grounds like they're visiting a dead person in ones tomb. But on the contrary I'm not dead. Being sealed with the darkness doesn't mean that I lost my life. Unfortunately this information is exclusively for me. Duh! How can I tell anyone if I can't even get out of here! This is perfect! Just perfect. It looks like those kids are having their routine of fighting again in front of my "TOMB".


"Shu! What on earth are you doing?" Jiro snarled. Shu was taping a weird drawing in front of the tomb.

"I'm posting Zola's picture. Every tomb has their picture in it right?" he was almost finish when Jiro quickly removed it and threw it somewhere. Shu quickly stood up and shouted.

"what is your problem? Why did you do that? What you just threw is a work of art! It took me days just to finish my masterpiece!"

"Masterpiece? That pathetic thing doesn't look like Zola!" Jiro hissed.

"You can day that again maro!" Maromaro added. Shu lost his temper and the tension began. But before anything brutal happens Kluke shouted.

"All of you! Stop it! Can't anyone remember the reason why we're here? We're here to visit Zola's tomb not to start another cockfight!"

"Kluke's right. Don't you have any respect for Zola's memories?" Bouquet added. The boys looked at each other then started blaming each other. Kluke started packing her things.

"What are you doing kluke? " Bouquet asked. She looked puzzled. Even the boys stopped fighting and stared at Kluke who remain speechless. Finally she stood up and said.

"I'm leaving." She was about to walk when the boys stopped her.

"Hey! Where do you think you're going?" Jiro said. Tears started rushing from Kluke's eyes.

"Klukeā€¦" Shu tried to comfort her but she shouted.

"I had enough of this! It's been months since Zola left us but look at us? What's the difference? Every time we come here you always start fighting! You never change! " She started marching towards a different direction.

"Hey but our village is that way. Aren't you going home maro?" Maromaro asked.

"What's the use of living together? Were not the seven soldiers of light anymore? We don't have shadows anymore and don't forget we don't have to fight the darkness because we already sealed it WITH ZOLA! " She screamed. Deafening silence filled the place. Jiro took his thing and said.

"She's right. There's no reason for us to be together. Zola is the one that can gather us together. Without her were not a team. I guess this is the end." He started walking to another direction.

"Oh come on guys! Please don't do this!" Bouquet started crying. Shu comforted them and said.

"Let them go. We don't need them!" Bouquet continued crying.

"This won't happen if Zola was here maro." Maro maro sighed.


Great! Just great! It's my fault again! It's always my fault! I'm worthless. I deserved to be stuck here forever!


A man was reading beside a tall pile of books. One can notice that all of the books had a common topic: "darkness". He stopped reading and said to himself.

"Be patient 'my princess'. You'll get out from your prison." Then he smiled like a devil.

Author: should I write the next chapter? Please review!