When I started this story, I had this idea of a short little thing in my head, something that would be quick to write, over quickly, and probably short to medium length. In fact, when I dropped working on 'Magic's Child' to focus on this I thought I'd be done by the end of the summer. That was nearly two years ago.

Obviously, what I got wasn't what I expected.

It has been fun, and I've enjoyed writing Susan, and exploring her world. I've tried to keep it balanced, and to write what I'd consider a 'realistic' expansion of the game, meaning that the game itself doesn't hide much from us, and that people behave as I'd like to think real people would behave. There are a lot of practical problems with the romance between the MC and Grabiner, most of which can only be solved by time, patience, and a dedication to making it work. I didn't want them rushing in and drowning in the deep waters - they have to learn to swim at each stage, and they have to learn how to deal with each other.

They need to see each other as equals, partners, for a real marriage to work, in my opinion. That doesn't mean they need to be the same - just that they are on equal footing to one another, when dealing with each other. Being student and teacher works against that, but they can get there.

I did find myself as I was writing thinking about how things would go in the future. Obviously there are at least two more years of school, and the rest of their lives. Susan has an idea for a role for herself at the school - but how would that work out? She's already taking on some of the responsibilities. What else would come to her, and how would that change how the school, her friends, and even herself see her? She and Heironymus are obviously working toward a 'full' marriage: how would that work? What steps and stumbles would they have? What other problems might get thrown their way?

I've got a thousand words of outline towards my answers to those questions. I'm not sure if I'll get a chance to turn them into actual stories, but I might. What I'd almost like to do is write it piecemeal: One scene at a time, in random order, as I have time and my muse takes me, putting it together as I go along. Chapter 52 and 'Night of Truth' (which I'm going to declare in continuity for this story) show that I might be able to pull it off, but it would be the confusing way to write. ;) (And it makes it harder for things to surprise me and affect things later in the story, which happened several times during the course of writing this.)

I've also thought of just posting the notes, but it seems a bit sparse to me. (Quick example: I have notes that Suki would win one of the seats on the expanded student council their Junior year. But the notes don't really show how I think Suki is likely to have changed with two years of education in controlling her magic, or exactly why she is the perfect choice for that seat.) Still, I leave the idea open for consideration and discussion, if people want.

Short term, my original plan has always been to finish this and then go on to finish 'Magic's Child'. The stories share similar characters and backstories, as well as a similar world. That I'm going to keep as the plan. (I also have another story I may start posting - a reaction to all the 'innocent sweetness and light' characters matched up with Grabiner. They are fine, but every once in a while I want to write someone with a bit less pure a mind. ;) ) After that... Who knows? I'll have the notes, and I may start using them. In a lot of ways, these character's story isn't really over yet - this was just a waypoint, much like the end of the Freshman year was a waypoint.

Which I think is one of the appeals of this particular route: We aren't presented with a 'whole' romance in the game. We are presented with a long, difficult, start to one. Ellen, Virginia, Donald, even Damien's endings all encompass a relationship taken to fruition, while Grabiner's path you end with the two characters agreeing that they can try to start one. Who knows where it will end up?

I'm glad so many people have enjoyed my attempt to answer that question.