AN Note: I am at a standstill with the End or theBbeginning and this popped into my head. Hermione manages to obtain an apprenticeship with Professor Snape. Something strange begins to happen. Rated M so you are warned.
Chapter 1: Apprentice
It took her five years to convince him that she should apprentice under him to obtain her Potions Mastership.
Time and time again he said no and walked away, no explanation or reasoning behind his answer.
Walked away when she asked him while he sat at the bar at the Leaky Cauldron nursing a glass of Firewhiskey in Diagon Alley.
Walked away when she asked at the yearly celebration on the defeat of Lord Voldemort. Three to be exact.
She suspected she drew the line when she talked Headmistress McGonagall to arrange a meeting with him. He arrived to the Headmistress's office as expected, black robes billowing around him, anger flashing for a moment and hand tucked quickly in the pocket of his robes. Before she could ask, he quickly removed his hand from his robes, growled out "No!" Turning around and left without a word.
It was then that she realized she may have overstepped the boundary of….well…a driven purpose turned to stalking for she knew his schedule and often spied on him. She suspected he knew she followed him.
One last time and it would be stalking of a personal sort.
She arrived at the entrance to Spinners End feeling uncomfortable at the dilapidated houses and continued up the street, placing a shield around her remembering the fact that he placed a hand in the pocket she knew contained his wand. One last plea and this would be it.
She found his house and stepped carefully up the path missing a large amount of cobbled stones and took a breath to compose herself as she looked at the dilapidated house.
The door swung open before she raised a hand to knock and found him before her minus his black robes and instead in black trousers and a white shirt with a black vest covering it snarling out. "Once again the answer is no Miss. Granger! I tire of your stalking, interfering with my free time. If you continue I will go to the Department of Law Enforcement to obtain a restraining order against you."
Hermione did not back down. "Just a moment of your time Professor Snape and I promise that I will never seek you out again."
"I'll let you have your say Granger and I expect you to sign a contract stating that very fact." Snape growled out.
She waited to be let in and quickly realized that she would have to say what she wanted at the door.
"Well Miss Granger I'm waiting." Pulling a blank parchment from his pocket and tapped it with his wand and a contract appear.
He crossed his arms in front of his chest and waited.
Hermione took a moment to think. This was her last shot because she was a witch of her word.
She took her time knowing Snape became agitated more and more at the silence as minutes ticked by.
"Professor Snape, you have never taken an apprentice and recognized as one of the foremost Potions Masters in Wizarding Britain. Haven't you ever wanted to import your knowledge to pass to the future and create a legacy?"
Snape remained silent for a moment. Hermione took this as a positive sign and smiled to him.
He flicked the contract out. "Tap this with your wand and be away witch and never approach me again." He growled out.
He watched her tap her wand on the contract and immediately ran away without a word.
A year passed since she contacted him, finishing her final year at an accelerated Transfiguration program and accepted her Mastership.
Headmistress Minerva McGonagall met up with her after the ceremony. "Congratulations Hermione. Most fail at the intense course offered. I knew you would succeed."
She fingered the medallion around her neck indicating a mastership of Transfiguration. "It's not the one I wanted." Sighing sadly. "I'm proud of it though." Assuring her ex Head of House that she was proud of her accomplishment as the old witch put forward a seat for her.
Minerva smiled. "Of course you are. You remind me that I have this. From Professor Snape no less." Reaching into her tartan robe and pulled out a light green envelope bearing the seal of Hogwarts and handed it to her.
She watched Hermione open it. "What does it say?"
Hermione looked up from the parchment in amazement because she had not contacted him in a year, honoring their agreement. "It's an offer ship for a position of Potions Apprentice to be provided at Hogwarts by Professor Snape with an appointment to meet him in one week's time to go over the details.
Minerva clapped her hands. "I wonder what made him change his mind Hermione? You asked him enough times."
Professor Snape sat at a table at the Hog's Head waiting for Miss. Granger to arrive for her appointment. Her words pulled him at the thoughts of leaving a legacy behind. He was not a vain wizard and realized maybe it was time to leave one behind to carry forth the knowledge he gained at evil hands to be used for good. He watched her sit down in front of him at the appointed time.
"Good afternoon Professor Snape. I admit I'm surprised that you've offered me an apprenticeship."
She watched her soon to be Master motion over a barmaid and ordered two glasses of Firewhiskey and looked at her.
"I'm curious Miss. Granger and I promise this is relevant to the position that I offer. You and Weasley were an item. Why did you abandon him?"
The question was not unexpected. "Everyone thought we were destined but six months after the battle we realized we did not want the same thing. "
"But you already know this Professor Snape." She continued. "It's public knowledge after all."
she took up his glass of Firewhiskey and sipped it before placing it down in the table.
He leaned forward. "Your words from a year ago pulled to me and I need to know if you are in it for the full run. With a standard Mastership one could pass it in two years. With what I have to impart to you requires an additional two." Pulling out a long parchment and bade her to read it.
He watched her for twenty minutes, sipping from her glass of Firewhiskey from time to time as she read it.
She placed it down. "A strict course Professor Snape. If I agree it means I remain under your control for the next four years."
"You pursued an apprenticeship for five years and now you balk at what I offer." Snape stood up. "I knew it would be a waste of my time. So much for leaving a legacy."
"I didn't say no Professor Snape. There are a few points we need to discuss. It states that I am to be in residence with you. I hope that means an area consisting of a bedroom, bathroom and a study exclusive to myself.?"
Severus tapped his wand on the parchment. "It does now."
Hermione tapped one another paragraph. "And what of a vacation or break Professor? The standard is two months a year granted for the apprentice to be away from their Master as it has been found a successful break allows success of the apprentice to complete studies."
"That does not apply to a Potions Mastership." Pulling out a think handbook and handed it to her. "Everything that is expected of you is in there. I'll give you one day to decide. Send the agreement to me if you agree and if so I will see you at beginning of term at Hogwarts. If you accept it I promise you will hate me more than you ever did in the past."
She watched him stand up and walk away, dark robes billowing behind him.
She chuckled watching the patrons and wait staff jump out of his way. Despite the years that passed revealing his part as a spy, society still feared Severus Snape.
The first year was the hell she expected and he was abrasive, condescending, and downright infuriating. When she went and tried to talk reason to him he referenced the hand book stating a paragraph and would leave before she could speak.
"Masters are the final authority in the apprenticeship after a matter is brought up by the apprentice."
His lack of an answer was considered taking care of the issue as his non response indicated what he thought was correct.
Still, he was amazing when it came to potions. He kept to what was expected of him during the first year and it was hell for her as there was nothing new learned and instead focusing on basic skills and honing them in areas like ingredient preparation and skills in stirring. She scoffed at it at first and then realized as the year continued the training was correct as she learned more than what she expected. He told her early on that year three would be the time to move forward and learn theory and design.
After being taught all of hiding places in Hogwarts that students gravitated to, she was assigned her own detention schedule. She was angry when he followed her without knowledge and dressed her down when she arrived back at his quarters, sitting through his tirade of just sending students away with no punishment and a threat of punishment the next time found.
"When I was new here I did that as well and the students mocked me, and that helped in an unhealthy disrespect of my authority. You must come down like a ton of bricks so they learn the lesson Apprentice for they will not respect you when it is needed in the future."
Soon she had the same reputation as her Master and found that it did help her when she taught classes when he was called away on business.
It was at the Graduation Ball that he surprised her. "Apprentice, I have business that calls me away for one month. You are free for that time and I expect you back on time so we can continue. I do have a curriculum for you to cover during that time and I will test you on it upon my return."
"Thank you Master." Taking the thick folded parchment and tucked it into her robes.
She walked away from him, concealing her excitement of being away for a month.
Her return for the second year was the same as the first, except he allowed her to brew the potions for the Infirmary on her own. He would sniff them and growl out "Acceptable." Before leaving her to continue working.
The regimen changed and introduced basic theory and she relished in it. This was what she was waiting for.
She noticed that he was a bit more relaxed around her, when interaction demanded that he needed to show her, he wrapped his arms around her, grasping her hand as he patiently explained the subtle differences in her ear as he guided her.
They would sit for two hours in their common room, time he allowed to her as an open study and he would answer her questions despite them being beyond what was on his curriculum for her.
Things moved along and he never uttered a word of praise on her progression.
It was the summer of her third year that something changed.
She arrived as expected after the seemingly free month off from her first year was allowed again in her third and entered their common room. "Hello Master, I'm back for more abuse and look forward to it." finding the tall, pale wizard looking to a tall rectangular object hidden by a thick grey tarp. "What is that?" She inquired with curiosity.
"Nothing that concerns you Apprentice." He growled out.
She recognized the harsh hint of dismissal and walked to her quarters and shut the door behind her. Nothing ever changed.
She showered and changed into her nightgown, not bothering to study for this was the first day back and she completed her studies while away from the castle. He would not test her until after classes.
She slipped under the duvet on her bed and drifted off to sleep.
She woke up when her tempus alarm sounded out, feeling unrested. Her dreams….what she remembered of them, were erotic to the extreme.
Frowning, she showered before dressing into her apprentice robes and sat at the dresser looking into the large mirror as she tamed her hair. Being a woman she did fantasize, but it was a conscious act on her part. She tried to remember the details, for she always remembered them and found she could not remember on detail for the night.
She shook her head. Just her hormones running away again. Maybe she would date if her Master allowed another free month at the end of the year.
She walked into their common room and found the rectangular object no longer there. Feeling a presence, she turned and found her Master at the door leading to his bedchambers watching her.
"I hope you are ready Apprentice. Advanced theory is on your plate this year and this is when most apprentices fail. I am going to push you harder and if you fail one test, then you are finished. I do hope I set the proper expectation."
She looked into his black onyx eyes and found no emotion, deciding not to answer him.
He continued. "Unlike the years in the past, you have only taught while I was away. This year you will be teaching years One through Three and pursuing theory after hours. I do hope you are up to the challenge."
Were those dark circles under his eyes? It looked like he did not get any sleep as well.
She smiled. "Ready for the challenge as always Master." She responded back in what she hoped was a perky voice. Gods she was tired.
"I hope so for your sake Apprentice." He drawled out. "Come. We will discuss the dunderhead's curriculum and what I expect from you as far as teaching. Moving to open the door leading to the Potion's classroom. "This will take us to lunch, of which we will dine here for I am not seen about until staff meeting before the students arrive."
She entered the classroom and he pointed her to sit at his desk. "Find in front of you the curriculum for years One to Three. You have three hours to study before I test you on it."
His last act was to call a House elf to bring breakfast.
Hermione watched the elf arrive with food and went to thank her Master, but he was no longer there.
Six months passed and every Friday night her dreams were erotic. She never caught the face of the man she dreamed about. But oh those dreams! The man sensed what she wanted, needed and moved with not one word, working her body until she was flushed with need. Oh, she was teased until she felt him fill her, slowly moving and allowed her to control the pace. Slowly, languidly almost until the pace began to move forward faster and faster until….Nirvana, heaven meets earth, whatever one would name climax and completion.
She enjoyed Saturdays for she escorted the students to Hogsmeade. After the first few visits, she quickly reignedthem in line and rarely did they wander off from the allowed areas. A few students getting a three month ban from their one day to be free of the school took care of that.
She sat at a table outside of Madame Puddifoot's Tea Shoppe sipping a cup of tea, watching the students walk by while she waited for Harry and Ginny.
Harry walked up with his wife on his arm embracing both witches with a hug.
They sat and Harry ordered tea and scones for all. "Hermione, you are looking good. A glow about you that's been missing since you broke up with Ron. Do you have a new beau Hermione?" Waggling his eyebrows.
"Don't be silly Harry. Master Snape keeps me on a tight leash. Unless it is summer break, Saturdays are the only time allowed to myself and you see how I spend that."
Laughing out, they spent an afternoon together with the couple telling her of their children and their milestones.
Harry and Ginny walked her to the last carriage and left her with the promise that they would write more. "See you Harry and I have one year left. I promise I will spend at least a month with you two and drive you batty!"
Ginny squeezed her hand. "Oh no you won't Hermione. Free babysitting."
She chuckled and climbed into the carriage to be taken back to Hogwarts.
She spent the twenty minutes of travel time thinking about Ron. After their spectacular break up reported by the Daily Prophet she had not heard from him and he literally dropped away from Wizarding society. Wherever he was, she wished him well.
She spent her time walking through the halls thinking of her dreams. She was not one to dream of such erotic encounters. The times she indulged herself was only thinking of Ron only and she felt the man in her dreams was not him.
She only dreamed them on Friday nights. She vaguely remembered them and vowed that she would concentrate and write down what she remembered as soon as she awoke. There has to be an explanation for this.