Hey, I haven't written a fanfiction in a long time. Like over 6 years ago. But this has been in my brain for the past few weeks and would not leave me alone. So I decided to give it a go.
WARNINGS: This story will have character deaths, lemons, action, romance, and will be Alternate Universe. This is not going to follow the Inuyasha anime story line. This is for pleasure not for accuracy. I am just posting this to see if anyone would find it interesting. I am also not an English major or anything close to it. I do not have perfect grammar by any stretch of the imagination. So if it bothers you go somewhere else and don't send a nasty review my way. I am warning you now. If you have any comments or questions please review of send a PM. I will answer you as soon as I can.
I also work a lot. So updates might not come every week.
This is your only warning. If this does not appeal to you then don't read. Move on!
P.S. A sort of glossary will be at the bottom if you need it for some of the characters. I am going to have a lot of them.
SESSHOMARU stared out at the sweeping landscapes surrounding his citadel. The normally lush landscape was barren of life, lacking in all plant and animal life besides the few demons roaming outside the gates looking for sanctuary. He sent a small glance to his general standing to his left a few paces back. With a single decisive nod of his head Ichiro left the room for a span of only a few moments before his entrance back into the room.
"It has been done, my Lord." He said as Sesshomaru observed two guards and a healer open the gate, closing the gate as soon as the last demon went through.
They led the refugees into the citadel toward the barracks. The Western Lord knew from there they would get the proper care they would need without fail. With his keen sight he observed the marked rib cages, bruises, and matted hair that was becoming very common place in these troubling times.
Sesshomaru said nothing, not that Ichiro expected anything, this he knew.
"Be prepared to leave in the morning for the south. The miko is hiding in the capital city in plain sight."
"Yes, my Lord." Ichiro said as he turned swiftly to leave.
"My Lord, are you absolutely certain she will be able to help us. She has gone into hiding and the spies say that she has no remarkable powers. She is a simple miko who isolates herself from others. This priestess from all accounts is a low-level human with no remarkable power. She sounds nothing like the miko whom defeated the half-breed along-side yourself, my Lord."
Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes at his general. "Do you question this Sesshomaru?"
"No, my Lord. As ever I will follow you." Ichiro said as he bowed to his lord and made a swift exit to make the preparations for departure in the coming morning. Ichiro has been the first general of Lord Sesshomaru for over two hundred years. He above all others knew what the Lord of the West was like. Many misjudged him for his cold demeanor and seemingly ruthlessness. But Ichiro knew what most didn't know about him. He knew that Sesshomaru was a compassionate lord who took into consideration all facets of his lands without fail. He had more compassion than any would believe.
Once his general was dismissed from his presence Sesshomaru found himself reflecting on the happenings that brought the lands to this very spot. It all started with the death of the half-breed, Naraku, which led to the eventual deconstruction of his half-brother's pack. He was there to witness the breaking of this unusual pack. And it all started with the center, the miko known as Kagome Higurashi.
He could remember that time from years ago like it had happened that very day. It all started with the death of the kit which destroyed the miko, whom everyone knew was what kept them all together.
"HIT the mark!" Kagome shouted out as her pink arrow shot through the air, leaving a trail of pink purification behind like a tail. Sesshomaru and Inuyasha, at the exact moment, blasted their most powerful attacks toward Naraku. Naraku tried to avoid the attacks but he and his heart were slowly turned into ash before their eyes.
"You might have killed me this day, miko, but I still remain the victor. Your kit will share in my fate." And Naraku was no more.
Sesshomaru looked on the ashes of the half-breed that had caused his lands so much turmoil. A strong wind blew over the battle field, raising the remaining ashes to follow.
"Shippo!" the miko cried out. Then grabbed her chest and fell to her knees.
The utter agony made him feel an ounce of pity toward the distraught miko. He, like the rest of them, had guessed that the young kit was dead in the village of Edo. The kit and his ward were placed there with the elder miko for protection. His eyes widened a fraction. Rin!
He flashed to the last remaining chunk of the tainted Shikon Jewel. He placed a hand in his haori only to produce a small silk cloth. He quickly picked up the remaining jewel in his clawed hand before flashing before the kneeling miko. He could remember thrusting it into her hand before removing his hand. He had no use for such a false power.
She looked at him in anguish before clutching it to her neck. A pink flow emitted from her hands before she withdrew them. And hanging on a chain made of metal was the complete Shikon Jewel, its purity radiating power.
Sesshomaru did not give his half-brother the chance to speak before grabbing the miko by the waist, turning into his orb form, and shooting toward Edo.
SESSHOMARU roused himself from his thoughts of the past. Even one such as himself, known for his ruthlessness and cold demeanor, didn't want to dwell on the events that proceeded. Even shaking off the memory his mind still conjured up the sound of the miko's agony at finding the purified ashes of her son.
Walking to his chambers, he rested on his futon to drift away from his memories. The coming days, and the outcome of his encounter with the miko, would decide the fate of Japan. He needed the strongest allies by his side to destroy the newest evil to enter the shores of Japan. And the priestess was the strongest ally that he still had yet to recruit. One thing was for sure in his mind as he drifted off.
The miko will be mine.
KAGOME walked along what would be considered Main Street in the capital city of the Southern Lands. The very essence of the people permeated the air with working men and woman. Lining the street were vendors selling their hard earned produce, merchandise, and weaponry. As she was strolling, Kagome had to stop a few times to avoid the occasional rambunctious child or bow to an elder who recognized her. She made sure to stop at her favorite spot, the place where she got her beloved bow hand-crafted specifically for her. It could withstand spiritual powers and was strong enough to act as a weapon in a pinch.
She was a nomad for the first year after her kit was killed before finally settling in the Southern Capital City, run by the Lord of the South himself. She had found that the well was closed for the foreseeable future, and the likelihood of it opening again was slim to none in her eyes.
She left her friends to their happy lives with each other and disappeared. She could still remember the lingering looks she got even after weeks preceding the final battle. She was trapped in a time not her own with reminders of her son following her everywhere she went. Inuyasha continued to protect the village and would go to any in distress when called. It was funny to her that after so much growling from him when she forced him to help her save innocent lives years later he was doing it on his own with no prodding from her. The stone that broke her back was when Sango and Miroku announced their engagement. She stayed for the ceremony before leaving to find her own path in life.
And she did find a path! For the first year she roamed the lands being a simple miko, helping where needed. She made sure to avoid any areas where she might meet up with her former group though. She learned a great deal on her own though. More than she every would have if she was sheltered by Sango's weapons, Miroku's staff, and Inuyasha's sword. She learned to rely on herself and her own gifts. While traveling she was introduced to many different styles of fighting and even a more varied range of powerful attacks. She had even, for a brief time, stayed in the northern mountains training under a witch in solitude. Kagome learned more in that year than most priestess's learned in a lifetime.
Most things have to come to an end though. It was just past the year mark when Kagome found her sorrow had lessened. She then felt the need to settle down. It was then that as she passed through an eastern village that she had first heard the whispers of the grand capital of the south. Two burly demons were arguing over the insanity of the Southern Lord. They spoke of a city where everyone was welcome to live in peace, be it human, demon, or a combination of anything. All were welcome so as long as they did not disturb the peace. It sounded just like the place she would live in.
The city itself was a leap forward for the times. The Lord of the South, a hawk demon, was a visionary himself along with his mate. Hajime had a vision when he took over for his father. He believed that all should be welcome to his lands as long as their intentions were innocent. He was fierce in battle if roused, but he overall enjoyed the simple pleasures in life. His mate, Kumiko, kept him grounded to his roots of family and friends. She kept him honest and unbiased toward all complaints or fights that might happen so close to home. Between the two of them, the city prospered into a place where anyone, no matter race or gender, could come to have a home. And it was such a place that a powerful priestess such as herself could blind in unnoticed with no one the wiser.
It was this very place that she had taken up residence for the last half decade. She suppressed her powers so much that most only called upon her for simple colds or the occasional child birth when needed. No, Kagome wasn't known as the Shikon Miko here. She wasn't worshipped for killing Naraku or courted by every male whom might have learned her true importance. Her life was simple and ordinary. Just the way she liked it now a days. She was only known for her medicine. She was famous for her herbs that could cure almost any disease. Sometimes it helped coming from the future and all the knowledge that came with it. She was very glad when her mother had the thought to include numerous medical and biology books in her backpack one summer night. Its knowledge was well used even to this day. She loved the fresh plant life that she used. She could never have used most of them in the future because of their rarity.
This place was so peaceful that she had no need to announce her true powers. There was no need. The lord himself settled all disputes or, if occupied, his generals would do it in his stead. Arguments rarely happened as it was. So she lived hidden from the world in plain sight to any whom looked hard enough to find her. It was the perfect plan to stay unseen! Who would look for her in a place like this? No demon would ever think that the Shikon Miko resided in a place filled with demons and half-breeds. No one would ever suspect a lowly miko could have the power that she truly had. She had more power than most spiritual beings had in the palm of her hand. She wasn't trying to be cocky or seem godlike. She just knew that not many could surpass her in power. She had a few traveling miko's tell her this as well as a sorceress. She was content to live in quiet solitude though.
But like all things, good things must come to an end. Rumors were reaching her ears of trouble on the rise. An evil on Japan's shores was starting to destroy the surrounding lands. From the most recent gossip she had heard yesterday morning, it had hit the Northern, Eastern, and Western lands. And the more troubling rumor was that the west was hit the worst out of the three. Some were worried that the South was the next target once the west was taken over. If such a thing were to happen should would not be able to stand back to watch innocent people die.
Kagome tried to shake this off. Sesshomaru was a more than capable ruler. She knew from experience for she traveled his lands for a short time. She had almost run into him more times than was comfortable to her at the time, so she moved to others parts of the country.
She pushed forward in her path toward the outer edges of the city. She needed more herbs for her work. It seemed like she could never pick enough anymore. As the city grew larger every day, her skills seemed to more in demand than ever. Well, at least for the human ailments. Not many demons became sick and those rare few always went to be treated at the palace. No one knew here that she could heal just about anything and anyone if she so chose to. But that was one of the abilities that was most known about the Shikon Miko. She didn't want to be known as her so she left them to be treated at the palace. If she was truly needed for something that even the palace healers could no accomplish she would then step in. She had not changed all that much over the years; she had just learned to like the simple life. It was very relaxing for her. No demons coming to kill the most famous miko of these times or humans trying to worship at her feet.
On her travels she had learned that Miroku and Sango had returned to the slayer's village to rebuild. There they got solitude from all those who wished the remaining survivors in the great battle against Naraku. That sounded like them, too. They, much like herself, didn't like all the attention. They did what they did because it was needed and no one else was going to help them. They did it for honor and revenge on their families. Miroku did it to live. If Naraku wasn't killed he would have died eventually from the wind tunnel in his hand. Sango did it for honor and revenge on her family. And Inuyasha took revenge for his murdered love, the very dead love that looked just like her. Kikyou. She was her reincarnation from five hundred years in the future. And because of Naraku, Inuyasha lost her twice to him. The first time was when she died while still human; and the second time when she was the undead with a part of my soul. When she returned to the afterlife for the second time my soul was oddly enough never returned. Who knew where it went. But life for her went on.
And well for Kagome it was all about doing what was right. She started this whole mess with the jewel. It was her duty and responsibility to correct her mistake. Looking back on her life only a few years ago she never would have believed her life would have turned out like this.
SHE crouched down picking up the desperately needed plants. She methodically put them in a basket clasped by her elbow. Her blue miko bottoms brushed against the grass as she moved about. She had long ago abandoned her future attire. She now wore the traditional miko outfit with a few modifications to suit herself. The entire outfit was a little tighter than most miko garb while her pants were a dark blue instead of the traditional red. These changes were the only things Kagome would allow to distinguish herself from the other priestess's. It suited her well.
When the basket was bursting with various plants Kagome was straightening up from her crouch when she heard it. A twig snapped nearby. Her senses went into over drive with anticipation. She swiftly put her basket down at her feet and moved into the nearby forest. She weaved in between sprawling ferns like she was doing a choreographed dance. Creeping behind a practically large tree she glanced around to look in front of it. She smiled as she saw the culprits trying to sneak up on her. Five children were peering out at her forgotten basket in unabated anticipation. Several were giggling as the oldest girl, a hawk demon, tried to shush the more rambunctious ones.
The group of children would seem unusual to most not familiar with them. Outside of this city never would you find a hawk demoness, lion demon, a human girl, a human boy, and a half-breed girl in one spot playing together. And never would you find such children sneaking up on a miko, no matter her perceived persona. Kagome smiled at them. This is why she loved this city.
"Shh, she will surely hear you!" The young hawk girl hissed.
"When do you think she is going to come back?" This time the human boy asked.
"I don't know. But we have to be ready." Said a lion demon. "She has to come back sometime."
Kagome knew he was the second oldest of the five. She slowly crept forward right behind them. She tapped the human boy on the head. "Tag, you're it!"
She then ran for it. She laughed as she heard them gasp in surprise and chase after her.
"Hey, no fair! You cheated!" Hitoshi, the young human boy, exclaimed. "I'm going to get you, Lady Kagome!"
She just giggled at him as she ran. She was going considerably slower than normal to make sure he could catch up to her. She felt him coming up to her as the other children shouted for her to watch out.
A slight wisp on her sleeve was the only indication of touch upon her person. "Ha! You're now it Lady Kagome."
"Come on, this way!" Hoshi, Hitoshi's twin sister, yelled.
"No, split up! She will never be able to catch us then!" Isamu, the lion cub, commanded.
The children split up, all five going in different directions. Kagome glanced around to see which one was trying to hide in plain sight. A fuzzy black tail peeked out in some tall grass nearby. She smiled and raced over.
She pounced on the half feline child with gusto.
"I got you!" she exclaimed in a fit of laughter.
"No!" Takara denied in defeat.
"I have a proposition for you. Let's team up. Us against them. What do you say to that?"
"Yeah, let's get them!"
They both jumped up and raced toward the tree line.
"I'm on Lady Kagome's team!" Takara shouted. Grumbles of protest were heard about the woods.
"Next time I'm going to bring Yoshiro." Yuka said in confidence.
She obviously didn't like it when she got help in her games against the children. For a brief moment she wondered what trouble Yoshiro had gotten himself into now. But she was sure she would find out very soon. Yuka loved to tell her what was happening in the palace. Looking at the two demon children you would never guess that they were royalty. Kumiko must have allowed them to come play with her so as long as she got her work done first. Kumiko was not like most Ladies. She didn't mind her children or other royal children playing with others not in the same social standing. She knew that to be a great leader the young had to learn what it was like for those below them. Kagome had been playing with these children for the five years that she had been here. Their parents didn't see her as a threat even being a miko. Though she had only met Isamu, heir to the Eastern Lands, twice before. She was curious as to why he was here now. She hadn't felt any massive power entering the city as of late. At least, not to the degree that a cardinal lord would give off anyway. She surely would have felt if his parents had made a visit. She briefly wondered if the rumors of great trouble were worse than she had anticipated. She might have to hand-deliver the children back to their parents. It was a useful way to get the truth out of them. After all, servants knew everything. And they loved it when she visited them, especially the cook. She loved it when Kagome came to visit. They would both cook together, and Kagome would get the latest news of the outside world.
Kagome would have to think on this later though. She had children that needed her undivided attention.
SESSHOMARU looked upon the invisible line separating the south from the west. He stood waiting for a single sign of welcome from the residing lord, to be granted entrance into his region. A slight tug in his mind was all that it took for him to continue traveling with his first general closely following. As he started a steady pace toward the capital city Sesshomaru noticed the unusually green grass, tall magnificent trees, and numerous sounds of animal life. It seemed that this was an untouched land for now. But on closer inspection of these details Sesshomaru's senses revealed something not noticeable to the naked eye. If he had been anyone else he would not have noticed the subtle magic interwoven in his surroundings. If there were any doubts in his mind about the location of the miko they were now without refute. Only the miko could do such a thing.
"My Lord?" Ichiro murmured. Even he sensed something not right about his surroundings.
"Hn." He didn't say anything else.
A few hours later they both sensed the presence of a strong demonic energy coming straight at them with great haste. A transformed hawk demon flew over them, circled once, then settled down on the ground in his human form.
"Lord Sesshomaru, what do I owe this great surprise?" Hajime asked.
"The Western Lands are in need of allies."
"The south will be ready when you call upon us Sesshomaru. I will not, however, frighten my people unnecessarily until a threat is made to my lands."
Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes. "This Sesshomaru is looking for a miko. The Shikon Miko. She is located in your city."
Hajime look doubtful. "Lord Sesshomaru, there are several miko's in my city. But none of them have the kind of power you speak of."
"She is there. I will retrieve her."
"Now wait one moment, Lord Sesshomaru." Hajime refuted. "If she is in the city I will allow you speak to her, but no citizen of the south will be forcibly removed from my lands."
"When she learns of the true happenings she will come with me of her own free will." Sesshomaru said. "She will not want to be found."
"I can call a city meeting in the center square. She should show up there for you to identify." Hajime said. "Let us make haste. I have the Eastern Heir in my protection along with my own. I will not leave them unattended for long."
Sesshomaru gave a small nod of understanding. He manifested his energy under his feet and rose into the air. His first general quickly raced forward to start the remaining journey from the ground. Hajime transformed into his hawk form and flew alongside the Western Lord.
It was finally time to draw the miko out. And he knew the perfect trap.
KAGOME flopped onto the ground in a very unladylike manner. She laid back flat on the ground with her hands shielding her eyes from the suns unrelenting glare. Seriously, it could give Sesshomaru some competition. She giggled out loud at her thoughts.
"Lady Kagome, please don't stop now. You have to play with us." Hoshi pleaded over her.
"Let me rest for a moment. I am not as young as I use to be." She replied. "Why don't you join me down here?"
Moments later five bodies lay on all sides of her.
"You are the best, Lady Kagome." Isamu said. Out of all the children Kagome had the least amount of time with the heir to the east. He always seemed to find her when he came to visit though.
"Well, thank you! I didn't know you were coming to visit today, Isamu. Are your parents at the palace looking for you?"
"No, I came with Daisuke. Daddy said I needed to be a good boy while here. And if I wasn't he would punish me when they came to take me home."
"How long are you staying?" Yuka asked him, curiosity evident in her eyes.
"Mommy didn't say. She just said as soon as they could. Daddy written a scroll to Lord Hajime though."
"Isamu, your father wrote." Kagome lightly corrected.
"Ugh, you sound like our tutor, Lady Kagome!" Yuka said.
"I'm sure Isamu will be joining you in your lessons." She replied. "What did your brother do now, Yuka?"
"He covered Akihiro-sensei with the remaining dishes from last night's meal." Yuka was laughing so hard she could hardly speak.
"Really?" Hitoshi asked in wonder.
"Father was so furious that he was sent to the kitchen for the next three days!"
The children gasped in awe. Kagome wasn't surprised though. The royal children were treated like everyone else. Hajime once told her that his children would never become royal snobs like the northern heirs. He would not have dishonest, disobedient, or disrespectful child. It was this kind of thinking that allowed his children to roam the city under careful watch of unseen guards. The only time guards were not watching, he once said, was when with her. She could always call for help if in trouble. Kagome had smiled at this but of knowledge. She wouldn't need the help, but it was humbling to know she was thought of so highly.
Before she could continue Kagome felt him. Sesshomaru, Hajime, and one other were closing in fast. They veered to the palace with a speed much unexpected for such a fine, carefree day. What was going on here? In the five years that Kagome had been living here Sesshomaru had never visited. Hajime had always gone to him.
"I think that it is time," Kagome started to say but was interrupted mid-sentence by a loud dong sounding.
"Daddy is calling a meeting?" asked Yuka, clearly bewildered.
"Well, let's not be late." She said as she got up. She brushed her pants off as the children leaped up. You could tell they all were eager to find out what was going on.
Kagome wasn't so giddy though. Something was wrong. Sesshomaru didn't just come by. He always had a purpose to everything he did. He was methodical, calculating, and logical. The city meeting was also suspicious activity. Not liking this new development, Kagome put up extra barriers around herself to appear as if a normal human. She didn't think she had enough time to change her clothes though. She wouldn't leave the children by themselves without a caretaker. She would just have to try to blend in with the crowd. This city was rather large in size so she should be able to pull it off.
Probably not.
She was so screwed.
ENTERING the city square was a hard feat. Kagome was squished between farmers and merchants all trying to get closer to the raised rock platform. Lord Hajime, Lady Kumiko, Lord Sesshomaru, and various generals were there. She noticed the unknown power standing closely behind Sesshomaru. If she had to gander a guess he was the first general, the person whom took orders directly from the Lord. He was also the person in charge if the Lord was unavailable. She was sure that he was the one in charge when Sesshomaru was out hunting Naraku. Seeing him there meant a great deal. Sesshomaru only brought his most trusted general with him if he thought it was warranted. This was no ordinary visit, Kagome thought. This was just the cherry on top of the sundae in her book. Whatever was going on was big. She had a feeling that it had something to do with the rumors going around.
Behind the Lord and Ladies legs stood the heir to the throne along with his younger sister. Just behind them was Isamu. She couldn't see what he was doing, but she imagined it was clutching onto their robes from behind.
Yuko and Isamu were taken from her care just inside the city by the second general. He had nodded to her in thanks before leaving with his charges. The twins were taken by their father, a farmer by trade, while Takara went with her human mother just outside the squares perimeters.
Minutes went by as every able body tried to pack in the space. It seemed that almost everyone was there when Hajime addressed his people.
"I guess I need to rebuild this space?" Lord Hajime chuckled. Everyone laughed in amusement. It didn't surprise Kagome. Hajime was easy going and loved to put people at ease in his presence.
"I will address this issue as soon as I can. However, the reason I have called you today is for a specific purpose. Lord Sesshomaru of the Western Lands is looking for a miko. He says that the Shikon Miko is in residence in this very city. If you are her please step forward."
Gasps and murmurs quickly traveled like wild fire.
"The Lady Miko is here?"
"I don't believe it."
"Why would she be here?"
"The Holy Priestess in our city. How does my hair look?"
"It is said she is more powerful than Midoriko herself."
"There is no miko here that powerful."
"I am the strongest miko here so she cannot be here!"
"What an honor it would be to actually meet her in person."
"Didn't you here what Lord Hajime said? She lives here. We might have already seen her!"
"Miko, come out and face me." Sesshomaru's voice rang out.
Kagome stood, frozen. She couldn't understand what was going on. Why was Sesshomaru, the Killing Perfection, looking for her after six years?
"If you do not reveal yourself, this Sesshomaru will use force."
Kagome prayed he was bluffing. Lord Hajime would not allow such violence in his own city.
"Very well." Sesshomaru lashed his poison whip at a child standing in the front row. People screamed in terror.
Kagome acted on instinct. A barrier was thrown around the child while a blast of purification slammed into Sesshomaru like a wrecking ball. He slid back a few feet, but held his ground.
"Lord Sesshomaru! That is enough! How dare you?" Lord Hajime shouted over the screams. He crouched in a defensive pose in front of his family as they were taken away. Hajime didn't get to speak any further. Kagome lashed her hand out and an invisible force launched him clear off the platform. All the guards went to secure the royal family and move bystanders out of the way.
Sesshomaru moved his hand again to use his whip attack when he was slammed into his general. They both fell to the ground, hard!
"You want a fight, Fluffy? Bring it!" Kagome yelled out. She dropped her barriers and, in her anger, began to radiate a pink purity. Demons and humans alike quickly backed away from her. Many of them exclaiming their astonishment at the new turn of events. The Shikon Miko was masquerading as a low level miko with no impressive powers in their very city for five years.
She ignored those around her in favor of staring at Sesshomaru as he elegantly stood again. He smirked at her.
"I knew you couldn't resist, miko."
Her anger only grew. She couldn't believe that he did that to draw her out. He knew her weakness. A child. That was all it took to make her act. Shippo's face flashed in her mind. He would pay for doing this. What an underhanded trick.
"You will pay for this." Kagome said as she concentrated on her legs. Forcing energy into her feet she jumped into the air and actually levitated several feet above everyone's heads. She turned around and began to run. It was like a pink road appeared in her path. She ran away knowing he couldn't resist. And sure enough Sesshomaru followed her.
"Come on, Fluffy! Here, puppy, puppy, puppy!" taunted Kagome. "That is such a good boy!"
Sesshomaru tackled her to the ground just outside the city. They were both in the center of a field, grass swaying in the wind. Sesshomaru quickly leaped off her to land twenty feet from her.
"Show respect to your betters, miko."
"I am your better, Sesshomaru. How dare you do that?" Kagome said. "And for what? To draw me out!"
He growled. "The pup would not have been harmed."
"Well, it was a shitty way of asking for help, Fluffy."
Sesshomaru growled at her. He did not appreciate her nickname.
"Oh, bite me. This Kagome will call you what she will until you apologize. Now why don't you tell me why you and your general are here? I know it isn't to catch up on old times."
Sesshomaru scowled.
"Oh, a facial expression. Sesshomaru you are beginning to slip. Have you lost your edge?"
Sesshomaru drew his sword so fast that Kagome only saw the attack as it was coming at her. She raised a barrier at the last second, but it still forced her back several yards. She uncrossed her arms from in front of her before lowering them.
"Now that is the Fluffy I know." she exclaimed.
Ichiro – first general to Sesshomaru
Hajime – Lord the Southern Lands, hawk demon
Kumiko – Lady of the Southern Lands, hawk demon
Hitoshi – young human boy (group of five) has a twin sister
Hoshi – young humane girl (group of five) has a twin brother – Hitoshi
Takara – half human/half black feline demoness (group of five)
Isamu – heir to the Eastern Lands, lion demon (group of five)
Yoshiro – heir to the Southern Lands, hawk demon, older brother to Yuka
Yuka – second child to the Southern Lands, hawk demon, younger sister of Yoshiro (group of five)
Daisuke – third general to the Eastern Lands, caretaker to Isamu while in the care of the Southern Lands
Akihiro – tutor to the children of the Southern Lands
(group of five) refers to the five children she plays with after picking herbs and such