Jessie woke up to yelling. She bolted awake, two facts hitting her instantly. The first was this was not Hawaii. The second, she was alone.
"Elphie." Jessie whispered, her voice cracking. This was not the time to panic. Jessie shook it off, got up, and hid in the shadows of the two buildings she woke up in between. She looked down and found herself in the basic black uniform she used for OIA along with combat boots. She knelt low, grabbing a cloak off the wire between the two buildings.
Wrapping it around herself, Jessie crept to the corner. She peeked out from behind the building and saw the source of the screaming. It was a small mob of people, farmers from what she could tell. Some had pitchforks, some had sickles, and some were just carrying torches. Something looked strangely familiar about this place, but Jessie couldn't figure it out. The fact that she was over a foot taller than the average person in the crowd made it a pointless task to try to blend in. Instead, she strolled over towards the mob. Just before she got there, a single little girl caught her eye. The girl waved shyly, getting a smile out of Jessie. Instead of going towards the mob, she walked over and knelt down.
"Hi." Jessie said.
"Hello." The girl said shyly.
"My name is Jessie, what's yours?" Jessie asked, trying to put the obviously nervous girl at ease.
"Atel." The little girl said.
"Nice to meet you, Miss Atel." Jessie said, extending her hand.
The girl looked wide eyed, before shaking it. "Your hands are so big! My daddy's hands aren't that big."
"I've heard that before. So what's going on over there, Miss Atel?" Jessie said, pointing to the crowd that was getting larger by the second.
"You mean you don't know?" Jessie shook her head, "The witch has Dorothy. They are going to save her." Atel said, as though everyone should know this.
"Sounds like a good cause." Jessie said. She hadn't noticed how green everything around her was yet.
"It is. She's wicked. And wickedness must be fought. That's what Glinda the Good says." Atel said proudly.
Glinda the good? Elphie's friend. Jessie slowly got up, walking away from the girl and towards the mob. She could feel her anger building, as she approached.
Glinda the good stood next to Madame Morrible. This was an announcement she would rather have her tongue removed rather than announce. Glinda did have one advantage though, she knew where Elphie was. It wasn't by accident Elphie had managed to avoid the Gale Force. She would put a stop to this, she was the only one who could.
"Fellow Ozians, it is a dark day in Oz. Wickedness has attacked us at our core. Our hero, Dorothy, is a prisoner to the witch." As Glinda said it, boos echoed through the crowd, along with chants to kill the witch, "Please, good people of Oz. I implore you to return to your homes, your families. The Gale Force is here to protect you, protect us, from the Wicked Witch's grasp."
"No! She has Dorothy! We have to get her back!" An angry man shouted.
"Violence met with violence solves nothing. For the sake of Goodness, return to your homes and your families. Let this day serve as a reminder of how much our Wizard loves and cares for each of us. Far too much to want you to risk your lives for something that he has military forces to handle." Glinda said, the towering woman in black catching her eye. Morrible pulled her away from the podium a moment, with a smile.
"You blonde fool. Read the speech I gave you." She whispered so the amplifier didn't pick it up.
"No, I won't. I won't let you turn these monsters on Elphaba." Glinda said, with far more spirit than Morrible had expected.
"Do you want these people to know you are friends with that witch? That you have been protecting her?" Morrible whispered.
"I have done no such thing!" Glinda said, emphatically.
"Did you honestly believe you weren't followed. We know she's in Kiamo Ko, and that you have been warning her of our attacks. Now read the speech, or I will personally see to it this mob rips you apart as it will Elphaba." Morrible warned.
"They'll never believe you." Glinda said defiantly.
Jessie walked uninterrupted through the crowd, her fists clinched. This must be the witch hunters that Elphaba was having nightmares about. She approached the stage, observing the younger blonde and older woman conversating. Using the opportunity, she approached the stage.
"Where do you think you're going?" A guard asked.
"I have something to say." Jessie said, trying to walk past.
"Get back in the crowd. No one approaches Glinda the Good." He said.
"Get out of my way." Jessie said, irritated. The guard shoved her. Using the cape, she wrapped it around the guard's arm, and pulled him into a knee to the gut, followed up by a punch to his temple. With a twist of the cloak, the guard found himself on the ground. Seeing the others approach, she quickly went onstage, and grabbed the microphone. "You heard her Goodness. Return to your families."
"Who are you?" One of the voices in the crowd demanded.
"I'm the one you're going to have to go through if you don't go back to your little lives as her Goodness demanded." Jessie said.
"She's a minion of the witch! Look at her size! No Ozian has ever been that big!" One of them called out.
"You simple minded little sheep. Let me tell you something about your great wizard." Before Jessie could begin, she found herself surrounded by Gale force guards.
"KILL HER!" The crowd began screaming.
"Try it." Jessie said, a challenging smirk on her face. As the first approached, Jessie took the spear away from him, using it to flip him into the crowd. Stepping back, she began twirling the staff, taking a defensive stance with her back to Glinda and Morrible.
"Arrest her immediately!" Morrible demanded.
"Yes, arrest me!" Jessie said, a wide smirk on her face. As the first guard approached, he found himself eating a snap kick. She used the wooden part of the staff to knock another in the temple, sending him stumbling into the others. Jessie had a wide grin on her face, "I'm waiting." She taunted, twirling the staff. A sudden pain in her back brought a loud scream from Jessie, before she fell to the ground, unconcious.
"See, good people of Oz, even now the Witch and her minions draw stronger! We have no choice! We must kill the witch! She is held up in Kiamo Ko! The Wizard is offering to grant the wish of the first to bring back proof of her death! Good Fortune, witch hunters." Morrible said.
Glinda watched them chain the unconscious woman. As much as she wanted to help, she had to get to Elphie first. From the strange woman's actions, it what she would have wanted, anyway.
Elphaba was not quite sure what had happened. The last thing she remembered was falling asleep in Jessie's arms after they had walked out of that dreadful 'family' dinner. She was definitely NOT on the island anymore, her hand snapped up towards her neck. Elphaba breathed a sigh of relief when she felt Jessie's dog tags still around her neck. Wait a minute...she was wearing the dress she had left Oz in...
"No, no, no, no. Why now?" She said to herself. Looking around Elphaba realizes that she is inside that trap door she used after faking her death. She had been sent back to Oz! How and why she didn't know, but she definitely needed to find Jessie. A sense of panic began building within Elphaba; did Jessie even come with her to Oz? Closing her eyes Elphaba focused on Jessie, she released a breath when she sensed her nearby. Jessie was in Oz! Elphaba had to find her before she got arrested...or worse.
Elphaba's eyes finally adjusted to the dim light in the small room. She wondered when they had been sent back to this unforgiving world. After a few minutes there were two loud knocks on the door above her head. Knowing how few people know about where this door is Elphaba decides to throw caution to the wind. Opening the door she looks at the person who had knocked. The familiar features of the scarecrow causes her jaw to drop slightly. "Fiyero?"
Fiyero looks a bit concerned at Fae's question. "Of course it's me. Don't tell me that this little fall caused you to forgetify me? Besides, your plan worked! It worked Fae! They bought it, we must hurry if we are going to get out of here."
Crawling out of the hole she shakes her head, "No...I-I can't leave without her. I have to find her, before it's too late." The thought of losing Jessie now…the pain was just too great for her to think about it.
Fiyero looked terribly confusified, "What are you talking about Fae? Glinda will be fine; we've talked about this. She must never know we are alive. That is what WE agreed on remember? It is what you told me would be best for her and us." Now Fiyero was really worried that Elphaba had gotten injured during her little stunt.
Elphaba pauses for a moment when she hears that. Taking a deep breath, she shakes her head, "No Fiyero, not Glinda. Although, it would be nice to see her again." Sadness washes over Elphaba as she looks over Fiyero. Seeing him stuck as this scarecrow really made her feel guilty. As she looked at him Elphaba suddenly remembers the spell that had turned him into straw originally. During her time with Jessie, Elphie had been looking into how she could change both Fiyero and Boq back to their old selves. She had finally found a solution.
She grips both sides of his face tenderly, staring deeply into his eyes. "Nahmen eleka tum ah tum. Nahmen Namhen Eleka Tum Ah Tum." She chanted over and over, a green mist enveloping Fiyero, beginning at his head. Seeing his soft brown hair instead of straw, she continues the chant.
Fiyero doesn't know what Elphie is up to, but stays still while she is chanting. He is amazed to see the straw disappear and his skin return. His jaw drops when he feels like himself again and sees that the only evidence left that he had been a scarecrow just moments before were the random pieces of straw sticking out from his clothes and a few in his hair.
Elphaba, panting a little, gently places a hand on his cheek and looked tenderly into his eyes. She pulled out Jessie's dog tags for him to see. "I'm so sorry Fiyero, I should have explained earlier. I've just now returned to Oz. I've been gone for about a year. While I was away...I met the love of my life. She was brought here with me, and I need to find her before Morrible or the Gale Force does."
Fiyero was still amazed that she had changed him back. He knew that she couldn't do that a day ago, what she was saying must be true then. He was still processing the time she claimed she had been gone when she continued to talk. His eyes widened when he heard that she had fallen in love with...a woman? He shook his head with a small smile on his face; honestly he wasn't overly surprised that Fae would fall in love with a woman. He wasn't fully prepared for her to say that she was in love already. However, he knew Fae well enough to know that she didn't say things like that unless she meant them "A woman? Can you describe her?"
"Six foot tall, black hair, blue eyes, and appears to be nearly made of muscle." Elphaba said, a small smile on her face as she pictured Jessie, "Why?"
"She's the one. The reason I'm late. She attempted to stop the Gale Force and the Munchkinlanders from getting to Kiamo Ko. Before the Wizard would see us, he had to decide what to do with her." Fiyero said.
"Oh, no." Elphaba said, concentraing harder on Jessie. She gasped, seeing Jessie pacing a cell in her mind's eye, and Glinda approaching her.
"Where is she?" Fiyero asked, concerned.
"She's in a holding cell, with Glinda. I think it's the …." Elphaba focused her dwindling energy even more, "The Wizard's palace. Come, we have to hurry. Chistrey, will you be my eyes?" Elphaba asked, as the monkey landed next to her.
"It would be my honor, Miss Elphaba." He said, bowing. To his surprise, Elphaba gave him a tight hug.
"I have missed you, my friend. Go." She said, reaching into the trapdoor to summon her broom.
"And you're sure this thing can hold two people?" Fiyero asked a bit nervously.
"I'm certain, Fiyero. It carried Jessie and she is nearly twice your size." She said, allowing him to get on the front. Seeing the signal, she took off into the clouds, towards the Emerald City. She intended to stay hidden, after all, she was technically dead.
Jessie paced that cell like a caged cat. She had managed to beat the holy hell out of a few of those mob members, so that did make her feel at least a little better. Not that the thought of where they were heading made her feel anything but sick to her stomach. Ephie had told her it was a plan, but waking up here a few hours ago had her thinking maybe she could change that outcome all together.
Judging from the joyful noise upstairs, she obviously hadn't changed a damn thing. Jessie had already cracked a few bricks with punches when she turned, to see a woman in a pink gown.
"Calm down." The woman said calmly.
"Calm down? Do you have any fucking idea what's going on? What a fucking mistake those assholes are making? And you want me to calm down?!" Jessie said, scowling.
"I'm aware of the festivities going on above us. I am Glinda the good. I may need your help. It's too late to save Elphie, but I think we can put a stop to this before anyone else gets hurt." She smiles at Jessie gently.
Glinda the good, Elphie's best friend from this world. Jessie remembered Elphie telling her that. "What did you have in mind?" Jessie asked, curiously.
"Come with me." Glinda said, unlocking the cell door.