Decisions of Love

Chapter 19

"When is Sakura-Chan going to wake up?!" A loud voice asked repeatedly, she tried her best to ignore the stupid boy that kept yelling. Who on earth, heaven and hell yell that loud in the morning.

She opened one emerald eye, and slowly almost hesitantly opened the second. The room was so bright she only saw blurry of color. Instinct told her everyone was watching her, someone reached out to touch her forehead, all of her instincts told her danger, red alert.

She instinctively grabbed the wrist and flipped the person on the bed, she didn't have her eyesight yet, the person struggled and kept asking questions.

"Sakura? What on earth are you doing?"

"Hello Saku-"

"Shut up... Ino." Sakura remembered all of the people in the room, she blinked and Ino's form underneath her body pinned to the bed, Sakura held a kunai to her throat. She felt all the normal Chakra signatures of her friends...she remembered their memories together It wasn't that it's just she didn't feel anything, her emotions were gone.

She recalled Madara requesting she become emotionless and loyal to them... The Akatsuki, he told her when the time was ready he would come for her. So she did, she didn't know why she did just she felt it was right... Like what he wanted she wanted him to have, so he would.

If he wanted her emotionless than she would be. She would wait with Sasuke until they came for her. Her complete vision returned she flipped the kunai in her hand and put it in her pouch before she rolled off Ino and stood, she looked across the crowd of people and didn't stop searching for Sasuke.

She started to panic, he wasn't there, where'd he go? Is he hurt, I can't sense him! Her mind screamed at her to find him, she felt empty, lonely without him.

"Sakura..." Tenten said her chocolate eyes showing sympathy.

"We have a lot to tell you..." Ino said the same sympathy shinning threw her blue eyes.

"Spit it out!" Sakura snapped at the people she once called friends, Madara told her not to trust them, he found them annoying and Sakura agreed with him.

"Sakura I know you don't want to act like this... It's the sire bond that's making you... Colder." Ino said slowly.

"It's going to take some getting used to but... We can get you back to normal... Hopefully!" Ino said with hope and sadness.

"I don't know what your talking about, I'm fine... Actually I've never been better." Sakura said a hint of smugness in her emotionless voice.

"Sakura." Sasuke said stepping out of the shadows and looking at the pink haired girl.

Her heart fluttered, she hadn't sensed him, but he was safe. He stayed all night, her posture relaxed and her mind buzzed with happiness.

"Yes?" Sakura asked with a delicate eyebrow raised, her voice and eyes were softer, compassion was laced in her voice while she spoke the one word.

"Listen to them." Sasuke said emotionless, she nodded and turned her attention to Ino. All this Sympathy was killing her, she was fine! She glared at Ino.

"A sire bond is a emotional link, it's rare in Vampires but possible normally to the turner, but he used it in a jutsu form, sense we're Vampires it worked on you, you became sired to Madara Uchiha. The sire bond messes with your emotions, you want to please him, you'd do anything to please him." Ino informed her and everyone.

"Yeah they didn't hide anything from me, I can telepathically talk to Uchiha-sama. I don't deny being sired I just don't give a damn." Sakura said emotionless.

"How could you not give a damn! Your practically his Salve!" Ino shouted angrily.

"Your right i am sired, Madara told me... To be emotionless and your all annoying, always in others business. I couldn't agree more. Itachi only has interest in Sasuke and Uzamaki. This is the freest I've felt my whole life. So keep out of it, if you get in my way... I won't hesitate to kill you." Sakura said her eyes darkening and flashing red.

"Sakura were not giving up until you return to yourself... This isn't you!" Naruto said desperately.

"Knock... Knock.. Knock!" Three knocks ascended from the door, and a maid walked in. She looked flustered.

"Oh sorry... I'll come bac-" she began but was cut off by Sakura.

"No... That's fine you can make the beds for now." Sakura ordered and the woman walked over to the bed and started tucking sheets in. When she leaned over enough Sakura grabbed her throat and bit into her neck.

Sakura's hand covered the maids mouth, muffling her horrific scream, Sakura's eyes became red while her face crawled, skin lifting a red glow underneath. She dropped the unconscious body to the floor and stepped over it.

"That's one body your responsible for, keep trying to fix me and there'll be a second and twentieth, and hundredth." Sakura said her voice not wavering while her face went back to normal and her eyes switched to green, she licked the blood off her lips and walked to the open window and disappeared.

Everyone gawked after the girl, Ino knew they had to convince her to turn her emotions on once again or she wouldn't break out of the sire bond.

"We have to be nice to her, literally kill her with kindness or she'll leave." Ino said.

"She can't know we're trying to change her back or well have a village full of dead bodies." Kakashi suggested and they all nodddd.

"Ino sense your a Vampire... And know Sakura best you should lead this mission." Shikamaru said and Ino nodded.

"Okay... Follow me and well go to Sakura!" Ino said while opening the window farther.

"Ummm Ino were ninja not superheroes or vampires... We can't jump seven stories." Tenten said looking at the ground, that seemed so far away.

"Sorry!" Ino squeaked and closed the window before walking towards the door.

"How do you know where Sakura is?" Naruto asked, his eyes lost some of their sparkle, and his bags under his eyes showed the little to no sleep he had gotten, his sloppy posture showed how worried he really was.

"She'll be at the best club or bar here! Whenever we had missions together or girls nights she loved to go to the bars!" Ino said with a smirk.

"All we have to do is find the best bar here!" She reinsured the group and walked down the hallway to the exit.

Get low

Get loose

Get down on the floor

Drink up

'Till you can't

Think anymore

Get low

Get loose

Get down on the floor

I ain't gonna change

I'm not just a

Stupid boy

Sakura threw her head back and forth, whipping her pink tresses around her body, a whole mob of people were watching her and dancing to the booming music as she was. She had a seductive smile on her face, she enjoyed doing things like this... She was finally living.

Sakura danced in her long black high heels on the front tables, her face was set in a happy smile, a few other boys were dancing on the table, here and there she would grind on one or pour alcohol In his mouth.

I do everything I want to

Last night was something I

Wish I knew

You hate all the games that I

Put you through

She pulled one of the boys over to herself, and grinded her ass into his pelvic reign. She smiled and pushed him away before catching a half full bottle of Patron and raising it to her mouth and drinking.

I ain't gonna change

No, I ain't gonna change

For you

The bitter drink burned her throat but she only grinned, this was fun. She jumped down into the crowd and pushed the girls away from the man she wanted to dance with.

"Excuse me! I was dancing with him you bitch get off!" A beautiful blond girl screamed over the music.

Sakura paid no attention to the blond women, and stared into the tall dark and Handsome mans eyes, he reminded her so much of Sasuke... She smirked and started dancing with him before the girl physically pushed her.

"I said get off! Who do you think you ARRRRRREEEEHHHH!" She screams her last words as Sakura twirled around and bit into her neck, fangs throbbing for blood, for life force, she got her wish when she bit an artery, bittersweet blood flowed into her mouth.

Get low

Get loose

Get down on the floor

Drink up

'Till you can't

Think anymore

Get low

Get loose

Get down on the floor

I ain't gonna change

I'm not just a

Stupid boy

The body fell into her, she pushed her up and spoke in the woman's ear. "Go home take care of your wound, I have no intention of you dying... Thanks for the bite and the man." she spoke while licking her lips.

I'm not looking for my one

i'm looking for my

Right now

And baby, we just way too young

Too young for me to

Settle down

She whirled around, and found herself face to face with Sasuke. The dimmed lights made it hard to see but she knew him anywhere. she smiled a real smile one that was only reserved for three people now.

"What are you doing here?" She asked while she backed up into him and started moving her lively body against his stiff one.

"The important question is what are you doing here?" He said Haughtly in her ear.

I know what I'm doin',love

Keep that game

Just trust me

I'm stupid so please

Give me brain

And afterwards just fuck me

"Got irritated... Common it's to loud to talk." She said and grabbed his wrist in a deadlock and pulled him off of the dance floor.

"Hey hot stuff! Where are you going. Unless your heading over to my house your not leaving!" A dark haired girl said pulling on Sasuke from behind him.

Get low

Get loose

Get down on the floor

Drink up

'Till you can't think anymore

Get low

Get loose

Get down on the floor

I ain't gonna change

I'm not just a

Stupid boy

Who was this girl, she saw Sasuke pull his arm from hers, she was furious someone would touch her Sasuke... With her right here, she wanted to kill the girl. How dare she!

Sakura appeared right in front of the girl and brought her hand back to snap the girls neck. Sasuke quickly pulled Sakura back and out of the crowded bar, moving people away with rough shoves and hard hits.

"Why didn't you let me kill her? She was all over you?!" Sakura hissed angrily.

"Because... When you turn you switch back on... You'll hate what you did to people. Your compassionate and loyal but your completley opposite right now." Sasuke said in a monotone voice, she smirked.

"Not you to... Huh?" She asked.

"I want you to explain everything to me! I know its more complicated than your letting on... Or you know something they don't." Sasuke demanded while he pulled her farther away from the strobing club.

"Fine... I'll explain but don't question until the end!" She teased and walked beside him.

"Hn." He deadpanned and held onto her wrist, like a master holding on to a leash, he felt her tug on her wrist a few times, before she sighed and slipped her hand half way in his own, she was letting him choose... They could hold hands or he could keep his iron grip on her wrist.

He glanced at the girl from the corners of his eyes, she looked slightly nervous, and was looking down. He knew something wasn't right, but what was he suppose to do. Ino explained everything to him, maybe he could explain a few things to Sakura or she could explain a few things to him.

He loosened his grip and moved his hand into her half closed one, he intertwined their fingers, all while looking ahead. With the sudden display her head snapped up, and stared at him a mixture of relief and smugness flashed across her face.

He abruptly stopped in front of a cherry blossom tree and turned towards her, he fell backwards and laid against the trees large roots, he looked up at her almost expectantly.

She hesitantly sat down beside him, in-between the two large roots that squished her and Sasuke together, they had about an inch apart but for Sakura that didn't feel like enough, yes she was sired to him but if also made her... UnComfortable around him, a part of her was fighting while the other part just wanted to party and have fun.

She cocked her head at him while he spoke. "Explain... Who are you sired to?" He demanded more so than asked, yet his eyes softened.

"Uchiha Madara... And Uchiha... Itachi." She stated and flinched when she said Itachi's name, Sasuke may very well flip out at the Meir mention of his brother.

"And... you.." She said quietly while looking away almost embarrassingly. His eyes widened and he forcefully pushed the shocked and scared Girl up against the tree, his close prolixity making her blush and look away.

"S-Sauk-kke." She stuttered nervously, gently pushing his chest back, indicating her uncomforted aura.

"Say that again!" He asked urgently, it had to be her cherry perfume effecting him, he wasn't thinking before he talked, he just let his emotions out...but it was so exciting... Maybe there would be saving her after all. His hopes had pummeled when he heard she was sired to Itachi but with him as a sire... Maybe... Just maybe.

"I'm S-Sire-erd to Y-You." She said, and dared to glance at his beautiful charcoal eyes, that was a mistake the second she looked she couldn't move away from his luring eyes.

"Sakura! Explain everything before we talk more..." He urged her. She was his responsibility, he was going to get her back... No matter what.

"Fine... during the fight I got sired, i'm sure you have figured that out! Well I guess i accidentally got sired to all of the Uchiha instead of Madara. I have access to your minds as do you to me. A sire bond is emotions before used to control someone. So my emotions have been amplified and I want to make you happy."

"What about Itachi and Madara?" Sasuke asked.

"I want to make them happy but my emotions have been turned off due to their order. My connection is different to each of you, Itachi is confusing, he's so unemotional actually all of you Uchiha's are am I." She spoke with nervousness and played with the hem of her shirt.

"So basically your emotionless and you follow an order given to you by the three remaining Uchiha's." Sasuke said bitterly.

"... Basically..." Sakura said a bitter smirk playing in her lips while she looked at Sasuke from the corners of her eyes.

"Kiss me." Sasuke ordered and turned towards her, shocked form. He had a wild idea... If he could get their connection stronger than maybe he could order her to drop the sire bond with the others.

It was worth a shot, the next thing he knew Sakura placed her hand on the side of his neck and cheek, she leaned forward and he sealed the gap that separated them, after a moment he whispered against her lips.

"Thats not an order."

"I... Know." She whispered against his rough pink lips, before she lightly pecked him on the lips and pulled back with a wicked smirk on her face, she had a mental

connection with the Uchiha, she could see what he was thinking and what he wanted.

"Enjoy the little things for one day you will look back and see they were the big things."