Lucy was sitting at the bar and sighing.
"Hey, Lucy! What's wrong?" – asked the white-haired barmaid. She liked the young girl and it hurt her to see Lucy so depressed.
"Everything is wrong, Mira! Today is Valentine's Day and I am alone. Everyone has somebody: Erza is going out with Jellal, Juvia and Gray already went and Levy is at Gajeel's place."
"Why don't you ask Natsu out? I think he likes you!" – Fairy Tail's most famous matchmaker was grinning.
"Ah, Natsu. No, definitely no! He is like a brother to me. And besides that, he went on a mission and won't come back until next week."
"Shit!" – Mira cursed under her breath. She really wanted to get Natsu and Lucy together. – "That means that Natsu is out of the plan. Who is also free? Let me see… Maybe Laxus? No, Lucy is too good for him, besides he is pervert. Bixlow? Nah, too weird. Max? Has a girl…."
"Umm, Mira. It's ok. I will spend it alone in my apartment eating chocolate. I will become fat and no one will ever love me. Aaaaaaaa.." – cried the Celestial Mage.
"Lucy, I heard you are alone for Valentine's Day." – Another Strauss sibling entered the conversation – I am alone, too. Can we get fat together?"
"Of course, you can!" – The two girls hugged each other and started crying together. Mira was shocked. – How is this happening? Two prettiest Fairy Tail's mages were alone for Valentine's Day. Something is wrong.
"Cana? Can you, please, draw me some cards? I have a bad feeling about this." – Mira wasn't sure why but she had a bad feeling about this.
"Sure thing, let me just finish this barrel." – Mira watched Cana as she finished her drink – " You know, you should get a boyfriend not drink here. It's a pity that such a young girl spends Valentine's Day at the bar."
"Heh, I have a date. This is just warming up." – Cana smiled at Mira – "I know what you are going to ask. I am going out with Baccus. That moron asked me yesterday out. I thought I will give him a chance. Don't look me like that! It's only a drink, well maybe few. Stop smiling like an idiot! I know that you have a date with Fried!"
"Ok, ok. I won't tease you anymore. The cards?"
"Oh, just a moment… Hmmm, this is weird. It says expect the unexpected. Nothing more."
But Mira wasn't pleased. – "Lissana, Lucy please take care. If anything happens call me."
"Don't worry Mira. We can only get chocolate poisoning." – Lucy turned to Lissana – "Tonight at 9 at my place. And bring something sweet. I am going now to clean the apartment and buy some drinks. See you guys."
Later that day at Lucy's apartment
"We are too young and beautiful to die alone." – said Lucy between sobs.
"I know. I really want someone. He can be gay, I don't care. I need someone to cuddle with." – The alcohol started working on the girls.
"We sure look pathetic!" – a small smile came on Lucy's lips. Suddenly a brilliant idea hit her. – "I know! Instead of sitting here and crying, how about we go out. Who knows, maybe we will meet someone."
Lissana's face cheered up. – "You are right! We'll go out and have fun. Wait a moment! I don't have any clothes here. I can't go looking like this!"
"Don't worry, I'll lend you mine. Now, let's go!"
After two hours (My roommates need 3 hours to get ready XD)
"Ready Lissana?" – the Celestilal mage looked stunning in her sleeveless tight black dress which showed her slim figure. Her red high heels gave the dress final touch. She was grinning at her friend who was wearing a white blouse and black shorts. Lissana's black heels echoed as she descended the stairs.
"Sure. Boys here we come!"
The disco was crowded. Couples in corners were hugging each other and the dance floor was occupied with half drunken bodies.
"Dance floor?" – Lissana looked at Lucy while grinning. Lucy only smiled and followed the younger Take-over sibling. Soon all eyes were on them. Not only because they know how to move, they had also the figures of a super model.
In the meantime
Two Sabertooth's Dragon Slayers entered the disco. The blond one was grinning like an idiot on the contrary the black haired one wasn't happy at all. – How in the world did he let Sting to bring him along? – Rouge sighed. "I don't know why I came with you." – Boredom was written all over his face.
"Oh, come on Rouge! We came here to have some fun. And to find you a girl, hopefully she will change that bored expression on your ugly face. Or if you get lucky, you'll get laid tonight" – Sting smirked at his partner. He enjoyed teasing him.
"Fuck you, Sting."
Sting only laughed. – I hope, I will. You can …. – Suddenly he stopped. Rouge followed his gaze. His jaw fell down at the sight. Two little fairies were ripping the dance floor. Sting looked at Rouge with a smirk on his face. The Shadow Dragon Slayer only sighed and followed his partner. – "Maybe this won't be a bad night."
Lucy's P.O.V.
With the music playing so loud, I danced like there is no tomorrow. I felt great. A lot of boys tried to get my attention and one of them was really stubborn. He jumped between me and Lissana and tried to kiss me. Just I was preparing to go Lucy – kick on him, he disappeared. Something scared him.
Then I felt warm hands on my hips. It felt so good. This guy knows how to dance. I couldn't see his face because he was standing behind me. I accepted the challenge. Let's see if he can hold up to the rhythm. As I danced I took a glimpse of Lissana. She was dancing with a black haired guy. Is she blushing? How sweet. Shit, I am becoming second Mira.
As I was busy thinking, my dance took this opportunity and slowed me down. His lips brushed my ear. My heart skipped a beat for a moment. What is this guy doing to me? I felt heat coming to my cheeks when I heard a familiar voice.
"Damn it, Blondie. You sure know how to dance."
I turned around and smirked. – "Well, well. Isn't it the famous Sting Eucliffe?"