So normally I write Klaine, but Jyder is my second favourite pairing and there aren't enough fics about them. This is my second attempt at writing this. The first one was so bad that I had to start this at the chapter where they get together and then work backwards. So I have a few chapters written already, but I'll post them gradually to allow myself time for writing more.

This story follows cannon for the most part, but I'll avoid actually including the scenes from the show. I guess when it deviates I'll try to let you know. At the moment, I have plans for up until Boys (and Girls) on Film, but hopefully I'll be able to extend it further as the season goes on.


Coach sends him to run laps the first time Ryder sees the guy. As he starts his second lap, he glances over towards the bleachers. He spies Marley up there, bouncing around as she sings with some guy. He tries to work out if he knows who it is. From this distance he isn't sure. As he gets closer, he realises he doesn't. But he's definitely curious as to who it could be. Almost feels like he wants to meet him.

A couple of days later, Ryder's able to put a name to the face. Jake Puckerman. He's definitely heard that name before. There are rumours flying everywhere about just how many girls Jake has been with. He's only been at the school for a few weeks, and he's already got a reputation for being a player. Suddenly, Ryder's curiosity has gone. He doesn't want to know Jake anymore, he doesn't want anything to do with him at all.

More than that though, he doesn't want Jake to have anything to do with Marley either. Not that he really knows Marley, but she's in a few of his classes. She seems super sweet and kind. He feels like he should keep an eye out for her. Her mother is looking out for him after all. So he kinda owes it to her. He doesn't want Jake taking advantage of her, in all her dewey-eyed innocence.


Over the coming weeks, he does his best to watch out for Marley. Peeking over at her during class. Sneaking glances across the cafeteria. Trying to spot her in the hallways. He isn't really sure what this could achieve, but he feels like it helps anyway.

He also finds himself noticing Jake a lot more. He doesn't know how he does it, but somehow he always seems to know when Jake is nearby. He always manages to look up from his locker as Jake walks past. Or spot him the moment he enters the cafeteria. He's accidentally made eye contact with Jake far too many times, and he's pretty sure that Jake's starting to get suspicious. But at least Marley seems to be ok.


After he auditions for Grease, he finally meets Marley. Turns out she's just as sweet and amazing as he'd always expected. He thinks she would make a great friend. But he notices that she flirts with him, so he can't help but wonder if maybe he should date her instead. It means he would be doing her a favour, keeping her away from Jake. And maybe in time he would develop feelings for her.

He also ends up meeting Jake. He doesn't really know him all that well, but it seems clear that Jake is a jerk. He doesn't respect women at all, and he's got some weird thing going on with that Kitty chick. Ryder doesn't trust him. Or really even like him in any form.

The way Jake glares at him, he thinks the feelings might be mutual.