A/N: Sorry for the wait guys. This thing was supposed to be out like what? Ten days ago? I'm telling ya, School's a total pain...

Anyways, a big big thank you to all those who read, reviewed, faved and alerted my fic and/or me! I love you guys so much!

So, anyways, here's a shout out to the reviewers of the previous chapter: Hibari Katomi, heitan, The lone cloud, TheLemonGoddess , YamadaHikari, Lightning515, DNAngel512, Tsuna 4 Cn4s, detramental, 69AnimeFreak69, Guest (Haha, yes, you're predictions were right! So… I suppose you're Future Foreteller ne?),WaiiKitsune and Lord Pikachu

Disclaimer: I own KHR... even the nice doctor agrees with me. But I wonder why he gave me this strange jacket... I can't move my arms...

Warning: Bad words. Some instances that make absolutely no sense... you know, the usual.

For someone who'd spent the previous night having nightmares of dead Hibirds blaming him for their deaths only to find the bird alive and kicking, Tsuna was handling himself pretty well.

For one, he did not back down from Hibari's turn even though his Hyper Intuition was practically blaring and giving him all signs that showed him something was going to go terribly wrong. He didn't even bat an eye when his Cloud guardian entered the garage with a bandaged bird on his head despite his inane urge to scream, 'How come Hibird's alive?!'; and if that's not enough to prove what a skilled mafia boss he was becoming, then the fact that he had enough mind to snatch Hibird from Hibari before the canary could rat on him must have at least proven something.

"What are you doing Animal?" Hibari asked his bird-snatching boss as his hands hovered over his tonfa. If Tsuna didn't provide him with a good answer, he was going to bite him to death on the spot.

The brunet winced at the name but still forced a smile as he lamely lied. "I… uh… well… You're the driver so… you'll be driving and… I don't want Hibird feeling pressure…" What the heck am I saying?! "What I mean is… since you're driving, I would be more than happy to take care of Hibird's, um… needs, while you're… busy, yeah! Busy, minding the road." He said with a smile as he pinched the canary's beak shut. Just incase.

Hibari's eyes narrowed in suspicion at his boss's actions but he showed no signs of attacking since out of all the other Vongola ring guardians, Tsuna was the one closest to his pet, so the possibility of him truly looking out for Hibird was actually higher than him trying to hide some dastardly deed he'd committed. "Fine."

Upon reaching his car, Hibari fished out his keys and unlocked the door before motioning Tsuna to get inside. With his fingers still firmly locked on Hibird's beak, the brunet nodded and headed off to the passenger's side where he immediately plopped himself on the seat without so much as a word. Tsuna had already put on his seatbelt when Hibari started the car, and for a moment, the Decimo felt a sense of dread well up inside him. However, once they were on their way out of the garage and into the path leading to the gates of the estate, Tsuna's fears were immediately squashed and replaced with shock.

"Um… Kyoya, does your car have any problems?"


Tsuna took a deep breath as he tried to phrase his next question, since the last thing he wanted was Hibari biting him to death because of a simple misunderstanding. "Then, why is it moving so slo- No!" The brunet quickly corrected himself when he saw Hibari's eyes narrow once more. "I mean why is it so velocity…cally challenged?" The Cloud guardian raised an eyebrow at Tsuna's choice of words but he didn't comment on them. "I do not wish to endanger Hibird's health any further."

At the mention of the Hibird's name, a little part of the Decimo died.

He knew he was partially responsible for the bird's condition, although how was still a question he couldn't answer. However, guilty conscious aside, that didn't mean he was going to confess or release the canary's beak any time soon. "Speaking of Hibird… what happened?" Tsuna tried to sound as innocent as possible as he asked that. If he and Mukuro were still alive and breathing, then Kyoya not knowing what really happened to the bird was quite probable.

"Some herbivore ran over him yesterday."

With skills he never knew he possessed, Tsuna feigned surprise. "What?! Do you know who did it?"

Hibari turned to glare at the brunet this time. "No. But when I find those herbivores, I will bite them so bad, not even their parents will be able to recognize their remains."

Although Hibari didn't direct the vow of vengeance at him, Tsuna's too-weak-to-take-much-more heart skipped a few beats out of fear. "… What if… hypothetically speaking, there were two people in the car that ran him over but the driver was an insane psychopath from hell and the passenger was just an innocent human being who'd gotten kidnapped, chained and gagged for no apparent reason b- b- but he still tried to stop the lunatic from hitting Hibird? You'd forgive the hostage right?"

At this, Hibari smirked. "No. I'll bite them both to death."

Tsuna scooted towards the door for his own safety after his Cloud guardian's statement. He is just too cruel! The brunet shifted uneasily for a while, and it wasn't until he was sure that the conversation wouldn't progress any further did he relax. With Hibari's threats of total annihilation, Hibird's attempts to break free from his hold and the unbelievably slow motion of the car, the Decimo decided that it would be best to enjoy the short moment of peace before shit hit the fan.

Because whether he deserved it or not, it was definitely going to.

Several minutes had already passed after the exchange when Tsuna spoke once more, and inwardly, he wondered if he had a death wish- because, really, who in their right mind would try to chitchat with a pissed off Hibari Kyoya. "So… Hibari," the Decimo wasn't exactly comfortable with calling his Cloud guardian by his first name after their previous talk, "I know this is probably not the best time for this but thanks."

The raven shot him a quizzical look but it disappeared as quickly as it came, and if Tsuna hadn't been so observant at the time, he would have missed it. "I mean, thanks for driving me off to my meeting today." The brunet clarified. He'd expected Gokudera, Yamamoto, Lambo and Chrome to accept his request without a moments hesitation, even Mukuro (that sick man) was guaranteed to accept Tsuna's orders- his reasons probably lay under the prospect of bringing down the mafia world through possessing his boss's body but still.

Hibari on the other hand, was a different matter all on his own. The Decimo had thought that the Cloud guardian would simply brush him off without even caring about the vast importance of the meeting he was supposed to take him, but Hibari seemed to take pleasure in surprising Tsuna despite knowing how weak his heart was, for he had readily said yes before disappearing to wherever it was he usually went off to.

"Hn." Was Hibari's only response.

Unbeknownst to Tsuna, his Cloud guardian's reasons for driving him were nowhere near nice, or pure for that matter. His original plan had been to take Tsuna to the forest outside town and battle him without any interference from the other herbivores he's forced to live with, but sadly, that idea was foiled when Mukuro chose to kidnap the Animal before he had the chance to. Of course, after Hibari had cornered the Pineapple parasite a few hours later they'd engaged in battle, and their boss, being the suicidal fool that he was, chose to stop them by promising him ten (it was originally three, but that's not what's important) battles. With the prospect of fighting his powerful boss now an achievable feat, Hibari no longer saw the need for drive Tsuna off to his meetings anymore, but when he noticed the name of the Famiglia he was supposed to take the Decimo to the next day, he simply smirked and canceled his 'ditch the Animal' plan.

"Say… Kyoya, can't this car go any faster?" Tsuna was becoming bolder by the minute. If it weren't for the old lady who managed to literally out-walk Hibari's Bugatti, he wouldn't have even dared to voice his opinion on the car's speed. And upon closer inspection, the Decimo realized that said lady looked suspiciously like the granny Ryohei had almost run over two days before- cast and crutches aside, Tsuna noted that she was doing quite well.

For a moment, Hibari considered just ignoring his annoying animal of a boss, but after some thought, he decided that answering him was probably for the best. "It can."


Short, clipped and to the point.

But apparently, Tsuna didn't seem to understand Hibari's methods of ending conversations. "Then why-"

"Hibird's health is more important to me than your meeting, Animal."

But this meeting is essential if the Vongola want to secure- Tsuna stopped that train of thought in favor of focusing on something else. "Why didn't you just leave him at ho-" Hibari glared and his boss, effectively cutting him off from finishing his question.

So, as his Cloud guardian shot him the coldest glare of his life, Tsuna made a very important discovery.

He was telepathic.

That had to be it. After all, it was the only way he could explain how he could translate a glower into, 'If you don't shut up now, I'll bite you to death'?

Silence reigned in the car after that brief conversation (Tsuna was slightly against calling it that though), and despite being bored out of his mind, the brunet didn't do or say anything more. He merely leaned back on his seat, his grip on Hibird only loosening enough to grant the bird a little freedom of movement and blood circulation.

As he watched the trees, buildings and pedestrians pass by (at an achingly slow pace if he might add), his fingers eventually let go of Hibird's beak in favor of stroking the bird's back. Whether it was to calm the canary or his own agitated nerves, he wasn't sure, however, he was definitely sure of one thing; he was going to miss the meeting he had that day by being late.

After ten minutes, his assumption was proven wrong.

I must have been Hitler in my past life! Tsuna mentally cried out since that was the only explanation he could come up with for his accursed luck. He'd just been minding his own business watching various cars overtake Hibari's vehicle due to his surprisingly slow pace (none of them had the courage to honk, yell or insult the raven for his speed- any sane person in their city was well aware of Hibari Kyoya's ruthlessness), when he noticed a familiar police car park a not so far from where they were. His eyes widened comically, and once he'd recovered from the shock of seeing Ricardo approach them (Tsuna had a feeling that man had him on radar), he unhooked his seatbelt and considered jumping out of the window, but after he figured he wouldn't make it, he settled for leaping into the backseat where he tried to blend into the background and hope that the cop wouldn't notice him.

By Tsuna standards, it had been a good plan.

For his part, Hibari didn't seem to notice the angry policeman approaching them. In fact, he didn't even seem to care that his boss was on the verge of having a panic attack behind him. The only reason Tsuna was sure his Cloud guardian had noticed him was because of the brief glare he'd sent him when he shifted seats. The silent 'What the fuck are you doing' that loomed over that icy stare almost made Tsuna pee in his pants. He knew that if his excuse wasn't good enough, he'd get bitten to death with little to no mercy. It was only after he reminded himself that he could beat Hibari in a fair fight did he relax and focus on stating his reasons for shifting seats so suddenly. "I-"

"Excuse me."

Both Mafiosi turned to face the owner of the voice. Tsuna wasn't sure if he should fear for his life or the cop's as Hibari's mood darkened- but his decision was made for him when his Cloud guardian's violent aura suddenly disappeared as he parked his car on the side of the road. "Herbivore."

"Mr. Hibari?"

If Tsuna hadn't been scared shitless at the prospect of being bitten to death before going to jail, he'd have had a heart attack. Yamamoto, he could understand, the man was the friendliest person he'd ever had the chance to meet, but Ricardo being acquainted with the most antisocial psychopath in history, Hibari? That was just… "How do you guys even know each other?!" The brunet found himself asking. The shock had been too much, and eventually, his curiosity had overridden his self preservation instincts before he'd had the chance to stop himself. Ricardo, who seemed to have not noticed Tsuna at all before, narrowed his eyes when he saw the hiding Decimo, and the only reason he hadn't spoken to him was because Hibari beat him to it. "I met the herbivore yesterday. He… saved Hibird's life."

Although faint, the gratitude in Hibari's voice was not missed by the two men, and Tsuna, for the nth time in his short, miserable life, almost had a stroke. This man, that hated him and blamed him for breaking road rules (even though he was just a mere passenger), had managed to get on Hibari's good side in less than a day, while he, the raven's boss, was still working hard on that despite knowing Hibari for over ten years? How's that even fair?!

After Hibari had finished his statement, Ricardo didn't waste any more time. His professional air returned and he pulled out his handcuffs. "You're under arrest Tsunoshi Shawada." (1)

God, that was random. "What?! I didn't do anything?!" Tsuna knew he was guilty of many things, what with him being a mafia don and all, but he was sure he had a pretty clean slate due to the immense effort he put into covering his tracks. "Two days ago, you were seen riding in a vehicle alongside a lunatic."

What does Ryohei's psychotic driving have to do with me?

"…I don't remember." Despite the turmoil that was haphazardly swirling inside his mind, Tsuna's face was devoid of any expression as he said that- and he knew full well that the cop was dying to say that he had seen him. Ricardo glared at him even harder than before, and the only reason he hadn't pulled Tsunoshi from the Bugatti was out of the immense respect (and slight fear) he felt for Hibari. The man was practically danger personified, and quite frankly, he wondered how a delinquent like the brunet was even acquainted with him. He could easily arrest the man right now, even after he'd claimed innocence, but the cruel streak in him begged to differ. A small part of him felt sorry for Tsunoshi, but once again, his more sadistic part (that felt immense hatred for the man for some reason) won out and a feral grin formed on his face as he pulled out his trump card. "Very well. Mr. Hibari," the blond shot the raven his full attention as his hand reached into his back pocket and pulled out a picture. "This is all I could find out on Hibird's attackers. But I believe it's enough."

At the mention of Hibird, Tsuna hurriedly shuffled from his position and moved forward to see what Ricardo had shown his guardian. As he peered over Hibari's shoulder, the Decimo felt the raven suddenly tense. "Animal…" Gulping at the negative signs already spread out before him, Tsuna's eyes focused on the blurry image on the photograph- that looked so much like the pictures printed out from surveillance footages- and promptly decided that if he hadn't been Hitler in his past life, then he must have been associated with Mukuro.

How is this even logically possible?! Tsuna thought as he stared at the image in disbelief. Although it wasn't quite clear, the indigo car definitely resembled an Audi and the two figures within were unmistakably male. The blue haired driver appeared to have a weird pineapple hairstyle while the brown haired passenger simply looked like he'd never used a comb in his life. The faces weren't particularly clear but the plate number was- but even if it hadn't been, Hibari had already figured out who they were. There was only one man in town that would sport that ridiculous fruit shaped hairstyle, and just as fate would have it, he had been with Tsuna yesterday.

This doesn't make any sense! How did he even- Tsuna immediately stopped asking himself any more questions when he remembered something important.

This was his life.

Screw logic.

Fuck common sense.

Menial things like logic, reality, sense, impossibilities… none of them existed in his life's dictionary. Now fully accepting that fact, Tsuna chose to do the only thing that could save his sorry butt from some undeserved biting to death. Calmly placing Hibird on Hibari's head, he jumped out of the car window and dialed Mukuro's number as he ran for his life..

Please pick up! Please pick up! Please pick up! Tsuna chanted mentally as he held his phone close to his ear. He'd already run off quite a good distance when he heard a click on the other end. "You better have a good reason for waking me Vongola." Mukuro's voice was groggy as he spoke and Tsuna briefly wondered why that man was still asleep at eleven in the morning, but he quickly pushed that thought to the back of his head. "Listen Mukuro! I need your help! Kyoya knows we ran over Hibird!" The Decimo then went on to tell his Mist Guardian about their images that appeared on the photograph Hibari had been handed by Ricardo, he purposely left out the fact that he thought that the way they'd been discovered made absolutely no sense whatsoever, thinking that maybe Mukuro would mention it.

"So… did I look good?"

"What is wrong with you?!" Tsuna turned back to check how far he'd gone but his hopes were crushed when he saw Hibari hot on his tail, tonfas raised and malicious aura radiating off of him as he said something about biting foolish animals to death. "I'm about to die for a crime I didn't commit and all you care about is how you looked?!" By the uncaring 'meh' he'd received and the rustling of clothing on the other end, Tsuna supposed Mukuro had shrugged at his remark, but nonetheless, he still continued. "Please Mukuro! Kyoya's after me! I'm too young to die!"

"Kufufufu, it sure sucks to be you."

You horrible, horrible man! "Mukuro!" Then, almost as if it were an epiphany, he was struck by the brilliant idea of baiting his guardian. "You know what, never mind. Kyoya'd probably beat you black and blue anyway." Tsuna almost tripped on an empty can on the sidewalk as he dashed into the alley and hid behind a dumpster. He was lucky that this part of town was practically empty at this time of day, the last thing he needed was endangering other people's lives as a bloodthirsty Kyoya trailed behind him.

"I get what you're trying to do Tsunayoshi-kun. Believe me when I say, I won't fall for-"

Tsuna heaved a sigh of relief when he saw Hibari unknowingly run past his hiding spot. Great, he still had a few more minutes to live. "It's okay to be scared Mukuro. I completely understand. Even I'm scared shitless right now. I mean for someone who usually beats him in a fair fight, I must admit that I knew I had no chances of winning the moment I jumped out the window."

"You jumped out of a window?"

"Yeah, from the back seat. I'm telling you, with the way Hibari was looking at me, I swear I saw my life flash before my eyes." It seems to be doing that a lot lately. "I don't think it would be good if you exposed yourself to such a situation. You probably won't be able to handle it anyways."

"You better watch your words." Tsuna could tell that the cheerful tone in Mukuro's voice was strained. He is definitely pissed. A small smile made its way to his face at that thought, and it wasn't long before he went in for the kill. "It's at times like these that I'm reminded why Hibari's considered the Vongola's strongest guardian."

There were several crashes and thuds on the other end before Mukuro spoke once more. "Where are you now?"

"No, Mukuro. You shouldn't risk-"

"Where in Satan's name are you Vongola?" The Mist guardian all but shouted, and Tsuna being the only sane person to have ever heard that line, raised an eyebrow at the strangely phrased question but he refrained from talking about it. Instead, the brunet tried to recall his surroundings and told Mukuro about his location. He estimated that it would take the bluenette about twenty minutes to get there, if he drove like a mad man- but there was no problem there since he was already insane to begin with- since it took Kyoya about an hour to do so.

"I'll be there in five." Mukuro said with finality and without wasting anymore time, he ended the call.

"Eh?!" What do you think you are doing?! This isn't the fast and the furious!

In the next few minutes, Tsuna realized that Mukuro had lied. He didn't arrive in five minutes, he arrived in three. There wasn't even enough time for the Decimo to worry about who will kill who before a miniature war was started by his two guardians. From his position behind the dumpster, he couldn't see or hear much of what was going on aside from explosions, kufufufus and the occasional 'For being an annoyance to humanity, I'll bite you to death Pineapple parasite.'

At that moment, the Decimo knew he had two options. He could either run for his life and pray that Kyoya and Mukuro don't kill each other, or he could simply go in and try to stop them before they wiped another city off of the country's map.

Tsuna chose his life. Besides, if I go in, they'd simply annihilate me first. (2)

Okay, this is my chance! Tsuna thought as he slowly exited his hiding spot. With his Mist and Cloud guardians busy trying to draw each others' blood, he was definitely going to make the most of it and run off to safety as fast as his weak legs could take him. As he tiptoed his way out of the alley, over a few piles of rubble and to the four-way stop at the far end (a safe distance away from where his crazy guardians were), he couldn't help but well up with sadness at the amount of paperwork that would result from this. He'd almost reached the nearest junction when his eyes widened as he felt a hand grab his shoulder.

Damn, he wasn't supposed to get caught so soon.

With a strained smile in place, he turned around slowly. "I wasn't running away... honest." He stopped when he noticed that the one touching him wasn't any of his psychotic guardians. "Eh? You're still alive- I mean, here? You're still here?" Although he was too shocked to answer, the cop managed to nod weakly in response. Tsuna noted that the man looked paler than he had been a few minutes ago, but that was understandable since any normal person would react the same way after seeing the inhumanly violent battles his guardians took part in. "W… what are those people?"

The Decimo was about to lie through his teeth and say that he didn't know what he was talking about when an anaconda materialized in the battle field, it's length only stopping a few feet from where he and the blond stood. Changing tactics from ignorant to panicked, Tsuna grabbed the man's arm and ran to the nearest car he could find, which coincidentally turned out to be Ricardo's own. "If you wish to live to see another day, you will get inside and drive like your life depends on it!"

Surprised at the brunet's sudden change in personalities, Ricardo nodded and entered his car almost immediately after he'd received the order. Inserting the key into the ignition, he drove like crazy until they were in the other half of town. They made a quick stop at a gas station, but even then, the policeman and the brunet each had their eyes open for any strange creatures and explosions that would suddenly pop out from behind them. Once they were sure they were safe, they parked at an almost empty parking lot next to a supermarket and tried to regain their bearings.

"What were those guys?! Were they even humans?!"

"I don't know! I always ask myself the same thing sometimes!"

"And you! How do you even know such people?!"

"They're my family!"


Tsuna shrugged. "Long story. It's quite a painful one too." Ricardo ran a hand through his hair after the brunet said that, to think that a guy like him could get involved with such strange people. "I'm guessing they're not the only crazy people in your family huh?" The Decimo nodded his head.

"The terrorist?"

"Right-hand man."


"Left-hand man… though Hayato always wanted him to be the shoulder blade."

"The loud lunatic?"

"Big brother."

"The pineapple maniac?"

"… You really don't want to know."

"Even Mr. Hibari?" Tsuna sighed at this. "Yeah… him too." There was a long moment of silence after that, then, "God, your life sucks." Starting the car once more, Ricardo shot the brunet a sad smile before offering, "Wanna go get a drink?" The brunet checked his wristwatch before nodding, the meeting was probably over anyways. "Sure, why not."

That day, Tsuna missed his meeting with the don of the Chiavarone Famiglia because he went out drinking with a cop after spending a majority of his time fleeing for his life.

"-and I still ended up missing all those meetings..." Tsuna sobbed as he chugged down the last of his drink.

"Wow, your whole life is a mess."

"You poor thing."

"You should write a book Tsuna!"

The Decimo was unaware when his life story had attracted the attention of the other occupants at the bar but he didn't mind. These people understood him- even the pickpocket that had tried to rob him blind had changed his mind after he heard about his tragic life. But of course, even in his drunk state, Tsuna still had enough mind to leave out the bit that concerned him being a mafia boss and all. As far as they knew, he was just some rich guy who had his inheritance and a shit load of lunatics forced onto him when he was a pathetically untalented thirteen year old.

Some of them had asked him why the hell he put up with such things, but he simply smiled fondly and said, "They're my family." From the way, he'd said those three words, everyone could tell that he loved those people regardless of their psychopathic tendencies.

"Wow… Tsuna," The brunet had told Ricardo to call him that since it was what he usually went by, "I'm really sorry man. If I had known that life was this cruel to you, I'd have never tried to arrest you in the first place."

"It's okay. At least I was safe in jail. The assassins never came after me while I was there."

Most of the people winced at that. It was a miracle this man hadn't died yet.

Tsuna was just about to tell his new friends about his nonexistent love life (because no girl in their right mind would date him) when the doors burst open and five people in designer suits entered the bar. The brunet didn't seem affected by their appearance at all, in fact, he looked like he'd won some sort of bet. Turning to Ricardo with a knowing smile, he said, "See, I told you they had me on GPS."

"Tenth!" The silver haired man yelled as he rushed to the Tsuna. "I knew I shouldn't have left you alone with that bastard in the morning! I'll skin him alive when I see him!" A lot of eyes widened at that declaration because the man stating that definitely looked like he could do such a thing. One of the suited figures just laughed at his friend's antics as he made his way to Tsuna as well, albeit at a much slower pace. "Maa maa Hayato, there's no need for that. The most important thing is that Tsuna's safe ne?"

"Don't 'maa maa Hayato' me, you Baseball idiot! Help the Tenth!"

The raven laughed once again before he followed his friend's instructions. Grabbing Tsuna's left arm, he slung it around his shoulders as Gokudera did the same with the other arm and they both lifted their boss to his feet. "Wow, Tsuna! You're totally wasted… Oh, hey Ricardo!"

"Hey…" Ricardo stated weakly. After what he heard Yamamoto could do, the blond wasn't exactly sure what light he was supposed to look at his friend from now on. He also decided that for his safety, he wouldn't bother arresting those people, even if he had the chance. Besides, Tsuna told him not to bother, prison wouldn't hold them anyways.

"This is EXTREME Sawada! Why didn't you tell me you were coming here?! I could EXTREMELY use a drink or two as well!"

"Ryo-nii… you're not allowed to drink." (3)

"Nonsense Lambo! I can EXTREMELY-"

"Ah, shut up Lawn-head! Let's head back to the car- the Tenth doesn't look so good. Chrome…" The only female of the group nodded at the silverette, already knowing what she was required to do even before she received her orders. As the rest of the dangerous men walked to the door, she headed to the counter and spoke. "I hope boss didn't cause any trouble." And without even asking for the bill, she pulled out her wallet and took out a bundle of notes. "I hope this will be enough to cover for his drinks."

With shaking hands, the bartender accepted the exceedingly large wad of cash. He had originally thought of not charging the brunet since he really needed those drinks anyway (after all, the man had one hell of a shitty life)- but now that the money, as well as a three hundred percent tip, was right in front of him, he didn't have the heart to say no. "I- I- It's more than enough Ma'am!"

Nodding, the lady, Chrome turned around to leave, but before she could get far, Ricardo stopped her. "Excuse me… Is Tsuna going to be alright? We-" he gestured to the rest of the bar occupants, "-heard him say that uh… what was his name? Reborn? Yeah, Reborn, would… do things to him once he got home as punishment for missing his meeting." He felt a little too scared to even state the torturous activities his new friend had told him, so he settled for being vague, hoping that she may get what he meant.

Blinking one large, violet eye, Chrome smiled ruefully at the blond and said, "Boss… is a very strong man."

The rest of the people in the bar paled, but Chrome didn't pay them much attention as she walked out the door.

A/N: Well, that''s it for now! I hope you guys liked it :)

Sorry if the little bar scene at the end annoyed some of you. Tsuna just needed some people who'd actually understand him. Who knew it'd turn out to be at a bar of all places XD

(1) Remember Reborn in chapter 1. The lawyer thing... his client... Tsunoshi Shawada.

(2) TYL Tsuna is strong, I'm sure we all agree with that. But if he just threw himself into a battle with Hibari and Mukuro out of the blue, those two would likely get rid of him first. Hibari because... he's Hibari and Mukuro would do so because he's a backstabber. Plain and simple. Remember, despite Tsu-kun being a BAMF, those two guardians of his are just as good. Two against one in a serious battle would just be...

Plus, this is humor. I do not wish to expand on Tsuna's amazingness... in this fic. Sorry :(

(3) Ryohei should not be allowed to drink! We have better luck with a drunk Mukuro than we do with him. I don't know what the mangaka was thinking when she had TYL Ryohei drinking at Hibari's place. (But then again, that's just my opinion).

Anyways, see ya!

Please review! It means a lot :)