Prologue: Edwards POV

Seattle - Reyesbury Prison.

My fist connects with his jaw; he stumbles backwards before falling unconsciously to the floor. I look down at him and try to make sense of his swollen face, but the blood makes it hard for me to even differentiate between his mouth and nose.

I turn towards my next opponent; ready to show him he picked the wrong guy to fuck with.

His head is shaved, he's covered in tattoos and he has an eyebrow piercing. He is so typically thug looking, that he could be the poster boy for prison.

He glances at his friend on the floor and then up at me, he snarls as if to scare me off. I laugh at him and all the others standing around me. Did they not see what I had just done to their friend?

I admire courage, but this is simply idiotic.

He runs at me headfirst. I want to laugh again at how pathetic his move is, but I focus on finishing him off. I grab the back of his head with one hand and rip out his piercing with the other, he clutches his eye screaming like a girl.

Before he knows it I have my arms around his neck, squeezing the life out of him. His eyes are wide and full of surprise. He claws at me, trying to break free, his feet slap against the ground repeatedly, I don't know what he expects to accomplish by doing this, but its no use. He is no match against me.

I can hear the hushed whispers around us, about five minutes ago the cellblock was full of cheers and whistles, begging, to see any kind of action. But their once eager faces are now full of suspense, doubt and worry. They can't anticipate whether I plan to kill this man with my bare hands and the truth is, I don't know either.

I see a few men step forward as if to help the guy out but scared friends pull them back. Good. They should be scared. They should be terrified.

"Masen, let go of that man, you have an important visitor."

I hear a booming voice full of authority behind me, I know already that it's the Warden, his voice is too distinct to mix up. I drop the man in my arms to the floor like hot coals. It isn't that I'm scared of the Warden, even though some would argue that I should be.

No, it's the fact that I haven't had one visitor in the five years that I'd been here.

I look down at the man who has become a crumpled mess, he clutches at his throat, grateful for air. His eyes are full of tears as he scrambles backwards, trying to create space between us.

He is pathetic. He is weak. It only makes me want to hurt him some more, but instead I turn to follow the already moving Warden. He walks past the visiting section and leads me towards his office. I'm confused as to why first of all, he hadn't cuffed me, and second of all why he was taking me to his office.

I reach out with my mind and try to get a feel of his thoughts but all I get is: tired, cranky, annoyed and something about cheating on his wife. Nothing extremely useful.

Opening his door he motions for me to go first, I walk in not knowing what to expect and find myself face to face with a pretty brunette. I'm used to people being shorter than me because I stand at 6'3, but this woman is below average for sure. She looks to be a whole foot shorter and ends up having to strain her neck to look up at me.

"Hi, nice to meet you Mr. Masen, I'm Alice Cullen."

She extends her hand towards me and I shake it, craving a woman's touch. Our hands meet and I feel her power glide through me. It's weird, scary and exciting all at once. I drop her hand almost instantly.

"What are you?"

Her eyes move to the space behind me as she gives me a look as if to shut my mouth. I'm so intrigued by her, I've forgotten the Warden is also in the room with us. I turn towards him, if she isn't willing to talk, he definitely should be.

"What's going on? Why have you brought me here?"

He let out a sigh as he sits down at his desk.

"Ms Cullen here is part of a special organisation that helps convicts create better lives for themselves once they leave prison."

"Why would that concern me? I don't get released for another seven years."

"Its an upcoming project, but long story short, they've picked an inmate from every prison here in Seattle to take part in a trial run. You create a good life for yourself, and show you've become a better person within a year and you get to stay out, you fuck up and you're back here with double your original sentence."

His face looks grim, with no hint of a smile, making it hard for me to think he's just fucking about.

"Is this some kind of sick joke Warden? Why me?"

"Other than your incident today you've been an exemplary inmate, you keep to yourself, and get on with life inside, plus you don't get caught up with any of the bullshit that goes on around here."

I don't know if the Warden has assumed I am some "goody-two-shoes" because I haven't fought with any inmates over the years. I hope he doesn't, otherwise he'd be wrongly mistaken.

The truth is, I don't like bringing unnecessary attention to myself.

I'm what you call a 'supernatural being'.

A half angel.

"Mr Masen, I assure you this is a legitimate organisation. You were hand picked specially, but remember the initial choice is yours. Deal, or no deal?"

I turn towards Alice, I try to grasp at any of her thoughts, but instead I'm faced with a brick wall, she's blocking me out. She smirks at me as if she knows exactly what I'm trying to do, I have no doubt in my mind that this petite women is a lot stronger than she looks.

I nod at them both, giving them my answer.

"Right Mr Brookes are we done here? The sooner we get Mr Masen out of here, the better. We have a lot of work to do."

"Right, wouldn't wanna delay anything."

Everything happens way too fast and before I know it I'm sitting shotgun in a black SUV with Alice. I try and recap on what has just happened but it seems to have flown past my head. I circle the face of my watch, intrigued by the moving hands. Its weird to see anything but cuffs around my wrists.

7:13. 7:14. 7:15. 7:16

"Are you ok Mr Masen?"

She snaps me out of my trance and I glance up to see her throw me a reassuring smile. She isn't exactly my type but she's definitely something to look at.

I ignore her question because she still hasn't answered mine.

"You gonna tell me what you are now?"

My voice is brisk and holds no emotion, I watch her hands tighten on the steering wheel as she let's out a little breath.

"I was going to wait until you got to the base but, hell, why not?"

I nod for her to go on, speaking isn't exactly my forte.

"The Warden was right about one thing, I do work for an organisation, but we aren't about helping convicts. We help supernatural beings. Werewolves, Vampires, Fairies, Witches, all of it. Even ah, Angels. We know what you are Mr Masen, we've been tracking you for quite some time, we would've gotten you out sooner but there was so many procedures we had to go through."

"You still haven't answered my question?"

I'm nothing if not persistent.

"That's what you got from that? No big shock that there are werewolves, vampires and so much more out there?"

"I figured a long time ago that if there are Angels out there, there could be other things too, right?"

"Right, that makes sense. And to answer your question I'm an Angel, a Walking Angel. Which basically means I get to walk the earth and keep my powers aslong as I abide by the rules. I understand you must have millions of other questions, and I promise to try and answer what I can Mr Masen."

I'm getting tired of her calling me Mr. Masen but that's not the issue on hand right now.

"So you sprung me from jail, why? You said you protect supernatural beings, does that mean I have people after me?"

"Oh no no, quite the opposite Mr Masen. We want you to protect one of our most important clients. Well she isn't exactly a client yet, but she will be. Her name is Isabella Swan."

Chapter 1: Bellas POV

Arizona - Dales Diner

"Hi, can I take your order please?"

I was tired, I was hungry and I was pissed off. But that didn't matter because to my customers I looked like I loved life. Being a waitress made it easier to keep up the facade of being normal, even though I was far from it.

I don't know what I am, or what someone like me would be called. All I do know is that I can see the future.

To a regular person this might seem exciting, but it's not all that when you can't control when you see things, or what you see. Sometimes I could be in the middle of crossing the street and I'll have a 'premonition'. Sometimes it's of things I don't want to see like, a random woman getting raped, or a kid being abused.

Not exactly things you want to see while you're on a date. That's why I keep to myself now, I go to work, go home, eat, sleep, and then back to work.

My life has become a repetitive cycle and I prefer it that way because it makes me feel like I'm in control.

I think the worst thing is not being able to do anything about it, its not like I can go to the FBI and tell them I see the future. They'd probably send me straight to a mental institution.

"I'll just have a stack of blueberry pancakes please."

I smile down at the blonde wondering how a woman with a figure like hers could get away with eating pancakes.

"Anything else?"

"No thankyou. But I was wondering how one would get a job here?"

I'm shocked that someone like her would want a job like this. She's dressed in black skinny trousers, patent heels and a shirt with a fitted blazer. She does not belong in a place like this. She screams class, sex and glamour all at once.

"You want a job here?"

"This place interests me, it has... character. How long have you worked here yourself?"

"Four years now."

"Do you like it here?"

"Yeah its, er- different. One day is never the same, there's always something entertaining happening."

"Sounds fun. I'm Rosalie, its nice to meet you, ahh Bella is it?"

"That's what the name tag says. Nice to meet you too Rosalie."

"Please, call me Rose."

I nod at her, ready to turn and sort her order out but she calls me back.

"Bella, I'm new in town and I was wondering if you knew any cool places to hang out?"

After four years here, I understand that newcomers tend to ask a lot of questions, so I'm not weirded out by this woman. She's pretty normal compared to most customers I get.

"Erm there's this bar, a couple blocks from here called Prime, its known to have quite the social scene."

"Oh well maybe you could join me?"

Wait, is she a lesbian? I have nothing against them but I'm straighter than a ruler.

Am I giving off a lesbian vibe? I've never had a woman approach me before. What do I say?

"I'm sorry, I erm- I'm not erm-"

I try and search for the right words to say but come up short, luckily for me, she realises my struggle before I make a massive fool of myself.

"Oh no, I'm sorry! I hope I didn't give you the impression that I... Just as friends ofcourse, I don't seem to have a lot of them right now."

Universe swallow me up now, please. Damn Bella, even if she was a lesbian, she wouldn't go for a plain looking girl like you.

"Right well I'm sorry its just, I'm not one to really go out and er- socialise. It was really nice meeting you though. I'll get your order to you right away."

"Oh- okay. Its fine, don't worry about it."

I leave her table and carry on about my business.

"Order for table 7 Bella."

I take the blueberry pancakes off Dale and head over to Rose's table. I'd set them down and then walk off. Simple.

I look over at the vacant table and then back to my order. I hadn't mixed up the tables. Where had she gone? I beckon over one of the other waitresses. Maybe she had popped out for a few minutes and is planning on coming back?

"Hey, Sasha. You don't happen to know where my customer went, do you?"

"Blondie? She was on the phone after you left her table, things seemed to become a little heated from her side, a few minutes later, she was gone."

"Right, thanks."

Was she offended that I mistook her for being a lesbian? I head back to the kitchen to get rid of the pancakes and decide to ignore the weird feeling that has overcome me. I don't have time to wonder, I only have time to work.

3 hours, 28 minutes and 48 seconds later I head out, finished for the night.

I zip up my hoodie and pull on my leather jacket, grateful for the extra warmth it gives me.

"Bella you need a ride home?"

I look over to Dale, the chef, the boss, the owner. I think every single one of us waitresses thank our lucky stars we have a boss like Dale. He's understanding, sweet, kind, and treats us like his daughters.

"Not tonight Dale, I think I need the walk."

"Suit yourself Bella, you stay safe out there."


I pat the can of pepper spray I keep in my side bag, it comes in handy when I encounter drunks on my walk home, so I never go anywhere without it.

I head for my normal route, walking a little faster as the feeling of dread washes over me.

"Five more blocks Bella."

"Four more blocks Bella."

I'm rounding the third block when I feel a presence near me. I look up from the floor and see a man in a suit about two metres in front of me.

He's tall at about 6' ft with broad shoulders. He looks down at me, smiling. It wasn't an inviting smile.

"Hey there darling. You wouldn't happen to know where Dales Diner is do you?"

His voice is deep but cracked at the same time, it's as if he has gravel stuck in his throat. He isn't ugly, but he isn't what you'd call sexy either. He is just ok.

"It's closed now. But it's three blocks from here, right on the corner. You can't miss it."

I walk around him and focus on getting myself as far as possible from here.

"Oh don't leave. Maybe you could keep me company tonight?"

He is beside me within seconds; I reach for my pepper spray, ready to blind him if he carrys on pestering me.

"You ignoring me? Now, now there's no need for that."

I take my spray out and aim it at him, right in the eyes.

"Leave. Me. Alone." My voice is a lot stronger than I expect it to be.

He lets out a maniac laugh that sends a shiver down my spine.

I take no chances and spray him in the eye. His hands fly to his eyes, rubbing and itching at the same time.

"You bitch!"

I turn and run as fast as I can, my pepper spray still in hand. I let myself look back to see if he is following me. There's no one there.

I look forward again and end up bumping straight into another suit.

"Well hello there."

I look up at this man knowing straight away he is with the first one I had just ran from.

Their suits are identical, they are both similar in height, and they both stand with that same posture. The only thing that makes them different is this man has long blonde hair, whereas the other had dark brown.

I back away from him sensing immediate danger.

Where the other man looked scary, this one looks downright evil.

I feel my back come into contact with another body. Could this night get any worse? I grip onto my pepper spray, ready to use it. But before I can do anything, the man behind me grabs me by my arms. Panic sets in as I realise what is happening. The pepper spray drops and I inwardly cry as I realise I've lost my only weapon.

"You nearly blinded me, you're gonna pay for that bitch."

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

The blonde man walks up to me as I struggle in the first mans grip.

"Let me go you bastard!"

"Oooh she's got spirit James."

His voice at my ear makes me cringe. Why didn't I just get in the car with Dale?

"Well we'll break it once we're done with her Riley."

The blonde one, James moves his face so it is mere inches from mine.

"Isabella Swan, my my. We have finally found you. What a pleasure it is."

"How do you know me? What do you want?"

"Oh I'm sure you know what it is we're after. That little power of yours is sure gonna come in handy."

I knew my power would get me into trouble one day, but I didn't ever think it was going to get me kidnapped. I always thought I'd get put into a mental institution, or even prison.

"Let me go! I don't even know what you're talking about."

I wriggle from side to side, intent on breaking free.

Why wasn't my 'power' super human strength? Or the ability to fight? No, instead it had to be premonitions.

Fucking premonitions that hadn't even warned me about this.

I could feel the anger boil up inside of me as they fought to keep a hold of me. I was not going to be taken.

This was my life, I'm in control.

"Get. Off. Me. Now!"

I feel like my brain has exploded as rays of light surround me. The men are now crumpled against a wall, lifeless. I look down at my glowing hands, wondering what the hell is going on.

I wipe at my jeans, hoping it will wipe away the blinding light, but it's no use.

I can hear the men groaning, finally coming back to their senses. I feel a hand at my shoulder pulling me back.

I expect a third man, but instead I'm faced with someone I never thought I'd see again.

"Wha-what are you doing here? What's going on?"

"Bella, oh God I was too late. Are you ok? Come with me."

"What? Why? What's going on?"

"We don't have much time before they start to wake up. Your power Bella. They want it. I can keep you safe."

"You? Wait, how do you know about my power? How do I know you're not just like them?"

"I'll tell you everything later, just please come with me. It's way too dangerous here."

"Aahhh Rosalie Hale. Look at you, always the stunner."

We both turn to see James staggering towards us. He's smiling that evil smile of his. Rose pulls me behind her, as if to protect me.

"James, walk away."

"How about you give me the girl and I let you live."

"You know I can't let you have her."

"That's too bad Rose. I kinda liked you."

He lunges at Rosalie, but she's faster than he is and probably a lot more stronger than he is right now.

She blocks his thrown fist; grabbing it and twisting it round his back. I hear bones crack as she knees him in the back, he falls to the floor and within seconds she has him pinned down. She pulls out a tranquilliser dart, and injects him in the neck. I watch him go limp underneath her as his eyes slowly close. His face looks almost peaceful when he is asleep, every inch of malice is wiped away.

I stand still, unable to move as I watch Rose walk over to Riley and inject him with a different dart.

What the fuck is going on?

"Come on, we don't have a lot of time. They'll be awake soon. We need to leave."

She grabs my arm and drags me towards God only knows where.

"Bella you need to move a little faster. My car is close."

I focus on moving my legs faster and try to keep up with Rosalie and her long strides.

"Right we're here. Get in."

We walk upto a black SUV, Rose opens up the passenger seat and pushes me in before she gets into the drivers seat.

I stare down at my hands as she drives, wondering when the glow had decided to leave. There is no blood on me, and my clothes are fairly intact but I feel dirty, I feel violated.

Thankyou for visiting Phoenix, Arizona.

"Wait, where are you taking me? I need to go to my apartment."

I turn around in my seat, watching as we drive further and further away from my home.

"I'm taking you to the base. Its not safe at your apartment, there'll be more guys waiting there for you."

"Well then we'll go to the police. I can't stay away from my apartment forever, I have to go back."

"You can't go back Bella. And we cannot under any circumstances go to the police, do you understand?"

"What is going on? You said you'd explain everything?"

"I guess we have time. Right well Bella your power, it's rare. There's probably one case of it every 50 years. You're what we like to call, a prophet."

"A prophet? You're kidding me right? I'm not religious."

"You don't have to be. Prophet is a word that can mean many things, in your case its someone who foretells the future. So that explains you. You can ask me questions later. Now onto those guys back there. They're part of an organisation, run by scientists who are intrigued by all things supernatural. They search for humans with powers, like yourself, and they capture them, to experiment and they try and replica the power. They haven't been successful as of yet, but we don't know what goes on behind those walls of theirs. Some of the people they capture they use to their advantage, to protect them. They're clever, I'll give 'em that."

"So these scientists, they want to experiment on me?"

"Mostly yes, and to use your power. Like I said Bella, you possess a rare power, not a lot of people can see the future, you would be an asset to any organisation."

"Right, well its not like I can control it anyway. The premonitions come when they want to."

"You can't control your power?"

Her voice is full of shock as she looks over at me.

"No, I can't. Anyway, what about you? How do you know about me? How do you know those guys?"

"I'm part of another organisation, but unlike the scientists we are the good ones. We protect people like you, and other supernatural beings from people like the scientists. I was sent here to protect you, we've been keeping an eye on you for quite some time. You've been under the radar and managed to hide yourself well. Not well enough, but well."

"So you're taking me to the base, to protect me from people like those guys?"

"You catch on fast." She stated while winking.

"So where's the base?"

One side of me was telling me to jump out of the moving SUV and to go back to my apartment and carry on with my normal life. The other side was curious about everything Rose was saying, she seemed to have answers, and I had a lot of questions.

"We are off to Seattle."