Chapter 8: Video Games and Ramen
Two of Japan's most powerful chairmen were seated together in one room. The Chairman of Ouran academy was seated behind his desk with the Ootori seated in front of him. Suoh Yuzuru cleared his throat, trying to dissipate the authoritative and intimidating aura the Ootori gave off. Yuzuru folded his hands on top of his desk and looked at the the man in front of him.
"Well Yoshio, I'm certain this isn't a social visit, so what is the purpose of your visit?"
"I told you yesterday that I wanted to speak to you about Kyoya."
"Right, you did mention that. Well, what about Kyoya? He is at the top of his class as always by far and his and Tamaki's club is doing very well." Yuzuru noticed that, throughout the entire exchange between them Yoshio remained impassive that is, until he mentioned the Host Club. Most would not have noticed the almost imperceptible furrow of eyebrows and narrowing of eyes Yoshio let slip but Yuzuru has been dealing with him for many years. Yuzuru let out small chuckle.
"Not a fan of the Host Club, Yoshio?" Said man narrowed his eyes further.
"I would rather have my son use his time more wisely than entertaining simple minded girls."
"Well," Yuzuru replied, "it's not like his grades are slipping because of it. On the contrary actually. But I doubt that you came here to talk about the Host Club."
"I wanted to ask about Kyoya's behaviour." Yuzuru expected many reasons for Yoshio's visit but this was definitely not one of them. His confusion was made known on his face.
"I am afraid I don't follow you, Yoshio. His behaviour? Kyoya has no record of any inappropriate behavior of any kind."
"I just wanted to make sure that Kyoya is focused at school during classes." Yuzuru studied the Ootori. Again, he seemed impassive, almost indifferent. He came all the way just to make sure that Kyoya was paying attention in class? Yuzuru doubted it. There has to be more to it than that. He ran a hand through his hair.
"Kyoya has been focusing in class like always. No complaints from any teachers." Although, Tamaki did mention something about Kyoya.. "Although, Yoshio, Tamaki did mention to me something." The Patriarch glanced up in interest.
"He said that Kyoya seems to be overworking himself. His grades haven't slipped at all and he is completely focused during class and club, but Tamaki says that he is barely getting any sleep. Just the other day Tamaki noticed that during Club he downed 3 cups of coffee and is taking an excessive amount of stay awake pills. The homework load is the same so I dont think its school that is keeping him up. Maybe it's something at home..?"
"I see." Yuzuru watched as Yoshio took this information in. He wants to believe that Yoshio is here out of paternal concern but doubts it. He only hopes that he didn't place Kyoya in an uncomfortable position with his father by mentioning this information. He watched as Yoshio pushed his glasses up, catching a glint from the sun then stood up.
"Thank you for sharing this with Suoh, and for having me today" Yoshio said, gathering his coat and briefcase. Yuzuru stood up as well.
"No problem Yoshio, anytime. You're leaving already? Are you sure you don't want some tea before you leave." Yoshio didn't even fully turn to respond.
"As you said earlier, this is not a social visit." With that, he exited the office. Yuzuru sat back down and with a sigh. Even with all his years with dealing with Ootori Yoshio, he never understood why he was so reclusive and cold. Although, something tells him that he would rather not know why.
Yoshio's driver opened the door for him, and he stepped in the limo. Yoshio was almost sure his visit today would have been useless but was glad that he managed to obtain some interesting information in regards to his son. So his son was overworking himself? Now the question is what exactly is he working on? He had a pretty good idea what it was, but it was still too soon to make any move. Yoshio pulled out his laptop and goes over information on a small company that is somehow slowly buying many stocks of his own. He doubted it would get any larger but he is going to keep an eye on it.
Kyoya heads to the music room #3 for lunch. He usually sit with Tamaki in the cafeteria but today he needed the privacy. He sits at his desk and boots his laptop. He needs to check his private bank account which his father has no access to. I have to check the one he does monitor and use it so he doesn't suspect anything. He goes online to order some textbooks for the sake of using his family account. Kyoya leans back in his seat, takes off his glasses and rubs his eyes. For the past couple of weeks he has had little to no sleep. He's pretty sure the other Hosts have noticed. They were giving him his space/ avoid him because he tends to be more irritated when tired. Except Haruhi. She's constantly telling him to sleep and to lay off the coffee. Like hell I'm giving up coffee. During their last study session she told him she would not let him into her apartment unless he got some rest. Stubborn girl. His musings were cut short when he hears his phone go off. He puts his glasses back on and reaches for his phone in his book bag. A message from Tamaki.
T: Where r u?
K: Club room
T: Oh
K: Did you need something?
T: No, just asking. But you know, it's been awhile since we've hung out, mon ami :((( I know you're busy these days but one guy's night would do you good (^ ^)
Kyoya stared blankly at the message. Almost immediately, he felt guilt course through him. He's been so caught up in his plans and although he hates admitting it, he's also been holding some resentment towards Tamaki for loving Haruhi. He's been avoiding Tamaki. I can't believe I was being so childish. Tamaki is my best friend even if he's a pain in the ass. But he's like a brother to me. Hell, he's more of a brother than my actual brothers and is the one person who knows me better than I know myself. Kyoya quickly types a response.
K: Alright, it's my turn to bring the Ramen right?
T: \(^ ^)/ So you're up for it? Awesome:D
K: Just be ready for me to kick your ass at Black Ops
T: wahh, kyoyaaa I never win in that game:'(
K: Too bad. Your place after school?
T: Yup
Kyoya could already feel a little of his tension slipping away at the thought of indulging in his guilty pleasure, video games. Violent, bloody, and murderous games. He couldn't take out his anger on people so he had to settle for doing it digitally. Very therapeutic. A smirk graced his features. Kyoya quickly sent Tachibana a message informing him of his after school plans and asking him to go buy some instant ramen. He was definitely looking forward to kicking Tamaki's ass in Black Ops.
" Merde, Kyoya, you are actually scaring me." Tamaki was slightly terrified of the hidden glee in Kyoya's eyes as he wiped out an entire squad and reached a new level.
"You're just a sore loser Tamaki" he replied as he finished his second cup of instant ramen. Kyoya and Tamaki started the tradition when they were first years. Tamaki discovered Kyoya's...fondness towards violent and bloody video games while at his house once and the ramen was introduced because of Tamaki's (and Kyoya's) amazement of commoner food. Whenever they hung out, it was the same, killing each other in video games and eating ramen. Both Tamaki and Kyoya relished these hangouts as moments where they can be just step back from society and be two ordinary teenage best friends. During the past two hours, Kyoya has felt more relaxed and rested than the past three weeks. His hair was slightly disheveled and he wore a regular shirt and some worn jeans. He glanced at Tamaki, knowing he was also enjoying the casual evening. Although to most it might seem that Tamaki is loose and at ease at school, it was in moments like these he truly was comfortable. Tamaki was wearing a long sleeve thermal hoodie and shorts, with the occasional French words slipped into their conversations.
They were on the floor in Tamaki's room with ramen bowls and soda cans around them and the giant curved TV in front of them, depicting extremely detailed graphics of blood and gore. When they finished the level they were on, Tamaki set his controller down and stretched before sitting upright.
"Tired of losing?" Kyoya quipped.
"Tired of seeing you tired everyday."
Tamaki's reply caught him off guard that he almost choked on his soda. A couple of heaving coughs later he turned towards Tamaki who had an amused look on his face, hiding a grin. Kyoya cleared his throat. He sat back and crossed his arms.
"What makes you say that?" Tamaki raised an eyebrow and leaned forward. Kyoya fought the urge to lean back, away from Tamaki's gaze.
"Kyoya, it's so painfully obvious even the twins have noticed. Your dark circles, you're constantly rubbing your eyes and yawning. And don't get me started with the inhumane amounts of caffeine you're drinking and your stay awake pills. Kyoya, you promised you would stop using those.."
Kyoya cringed not only at the concerned look in Tamaki's eyes but also at the fact that his friend found out about the pills. He looked down at his empty ramen bowl. Perhaps he would find a proper answer for Tamaki between the leftover noodles and soup.
"Kyoya what's going on? The last time you were on these pills was-"
"It's nothing like that, you idiot" The blonde gave him a look that showed his doubt.
He sighed. "It's nothing like that, I promise."
"You also promised that you wouldn't take them again." Ouch.
"I know. I'm sorry. But I am telling the truth it's nothing like that time." Tamaki nodded, believing him. Then proceeded to grip Kyoya's shoulders and shake his startled best friend.
"Then what is it? Why do feel the need to take those pills to the point of overdosing? You're going to kill yourself!"
Kyoya shoved the blonde off and sighed, although slightly amused at the blonde's dramatic train of thoughts. He smoothed his shirt out and fixed his glasses up his nose. Tamaki won't drop this. Although I'm surprised that he managed to wait until now to ask me. Although he might overreact if I tell him everything...His best friend was staring at him anxiously, clearly holding himself back from shaking the answers out of the raven. Kyoya picks up his can of soda he takes a long sip, wanting to prolong his friends suffering.
"Kyoyaaaaa…." He swats Tamaki's hands away before the moron can rattle his brains again.
"Alright, alright you idiot I'll tell you as long as you stop physically assaulting me."
"I've been busy."
Tamaki groaned.
"It's true."
"I'll call Fuyumi."
"You wouldn't dare."
"I guess we'll find out."
The blonde and the raven both stared at each other, neither one relenting. Kyoya didn't think Tamaki would actually blackmail him. He couldn't have Fuyumi find out. SHe would come and bring all the layers of hell with her. He mentally blanched. It's not that he didn't like Fuyumi. If anything, he was closer to her than any of his other family members. But she was like another Tamaki, too much energy in one would come and make him tell her everything using very creative methods and then force him into spend brother-sister bonding time. He couldn't handle both of them right now. His internal dilemma must have unknowingly slipped and shown on his face because when he glanced at Tamaki the corners of his mouth were rising and his eyes were laughing. Kyoya threw his soda can at him.
"Fine, you idiot. Give me a minute I'll try to make this easy to understand for you."
"Hey! Meanieeee"
"Tamaki, I swear if you go to a corner I will not talk to you for a month. Good, ok. So this all started a couple months ago."
"What the caffeine and pill addiction?"
"Would you let me finish?" He snapped. Tamaki shut his mouth and raised his hands in surrender.
"As I was saying, this started a couple of months ago. I invested some money in the stock market and one thing led to another and now I have a pharmaceutical business that has been slowly buying many stocks of my Father's company." Tamaki gaped at his friend. His eyes widened his mouth open and closed, and was speechless. Kyoya took another casual sip of his soda.
"Mon Dieu, mon ami. I know you're a genius but this is something else. How will your Father react? How have you kept this a secret he monitors your accounts?"
"I have a private account and I'm being careful, I wouldn't be surprised if he's already noticed my company but I don't think he has figured out it's me. He may have his suspicions but nothing concrete." Tamaki furrowed his eyebrows and ran his hand through his fair, taking in what Kyoya has just told him.
"But how does that explain the coffee and pills?"
"The business and my stocks take a lot of time. But I can't let it affect my grades or the club. If my grades lower, my Father will start to suspect something. I have to do this Tamaki. I don't want to depend on him, I don't even want to be the heir to his company. I want my own company, something I built, be successful on my own. After graduation, I'm planning on moving out of the house because I can't stand being there anymore. Him watching, judging, and comparing me. Besides, I don't want to keep living in that house that caused my mother so much pain. I'm going to prove that I can do this on my own." Tamaki did not expect Kyoya to open up this much. He was glad he did though. He gave his friend a smile and gripped his shoulder, instead of hugging him because he could still feel the pain his friend caused him the last time he tried to hug him.
"I'm relieved it's not because of something else. Me and the other Hosts we're getting worried. It's great that you are doing something like for yourself, but remember you don't always have to handle everything on your own. If you ever need anything and i mean anything-"
"I know." Kyoya was surprise at how much he told Tamaki, but telling him made him feel like the entire weight of the world wasn't on his shoulders anymore. At least for now.
A/N: Hi…..Life has been interesting…..But here is this chapter. Even during my huge hiatus people were still reading and following my story and that gave me the motivation and inspiration to keep writing. And the awesome people who reviewed. This chapter is out because of you guys.