A/N: Another story! I have recently discovered Rescue and finished the series last night. I find it extremely flawed that there is no ambulance and Cody, Dani, Graham, and Kade do not have a mother. So, I'm adding First Aid with a slight attitude change, just like how they changed Blades' attitude. And I guess my newest OC will just be a typical mother who was in the army and knows the Autobots... okay, so maybe not that typical.
The only downside is that I can't think of a title for this. Let me know if you have a title!
Disclaimer: I do not own Rescue Bots.
Name: Catherine Burns
Age: 44
Occupation: Doctor, emergency responder, former army doctor who worked with the Autobots
Spouse: Police Chief Charlie Burns
Children: Kade Burns, Graham Burns, Dani Burns, Cody Burns
Personality/history: Graduated from Griffin Rock High School, then majored in Military Science and Medicine at University of Maine. Used to be in the military and worked with the Autobots on numerous occasions. Was an army medic before retiring back to Griffin Rock to raise her children with childhood sweetheart, Charlie Burns. Protective of her children, especially Cody, but not overbearing. Now works at the hospital on Griffin Rock as an emergency responder.
A stasis pod floated aimlessly in space near the Orion Nebula. Inside it, were five bots in five stasis pods. A screen on the wall came to life and revealed the regal faceplates of Optimus Prime.
"I have a message for all Autobots scattered throughout the galaxy. Though Cybertron has fallen, we still stand." A diagram of a spiral galaxy popped up on the screen. "Follow these coordinates to join us. Priority: Prime."
The stasis pod's thrusters activated, and it made its way towards the designated coordinates.
The stasis pod crashed to the ground of an army base in the United States. It opened up and five bots emerged from the doorway. The last one to emerge, an olive-colored bot with amber optics, asked, "What is this planet?"
"Earth." They all turned around and saw the tall frame of Optimus Prime. "And I am Optimus Prime."
"Rescue Force Sigma-17, reporting for duty." A red bot said, saluting.
Optimus' mask retracted, and said, "I was.. unaware that rescue teams were still active."
"Wherever there's an emergency, there are Rescue Bots, sir." A silver bot said.
"Wait, why wouldn't we be active? How long were we in stasis?" A yellow bot asked.
"We'd better check in with Cybertron HQ." A pure white bot with the sign of a medic on his shoulder.
"That will not be necessary, or possible. Cybertron is no longer our home; this planet is." Optimus said, sadly.
Griffin Rock, established in 1649, was filled to the brim with new technology. Even the welcome sign that stated the island's founding date had a robotic arm that shooed birds off of it.
Cody Burns, age 12, the youngest of the Burns family, rode his bike to school. He passed a self-propelled grass cutter, and a man with a jetpack. "Hi, Mr. Harrison!"
Mr. Harrison waved, but then swerved off course, then righted himself. He was a menace in himself, most times. "I'm okay!"
Cody continued pedaling, but a siren sounded behind him and he screeched to a stop.
"Cody Burns. Griffin Rock PD. Please pull over." Chief Charlie Burns, age 45, Cody's father, said, in a joking voice. He patted the side of the side of the car. "Thought you'd like to say goodbye to the old rust bucket. Its her last day on the job."
Cody sighed. "I still don't see why the city's making you get a new car, Dad. This one works fine."
"Progress, sweetie. Town wouldn't be a high tech testing ground if we stayed back." Doctor Catherine Burns, age 44, the matriarch of the Burns family, said from the back seat.
"Forget it Mom." Kade Burns, age 25, oldest child, said from the passenger seat. "If Cody had his way, we'd all be pedaling everywhere."
"Course, you'd still be on training wheels, Kade." Dani Burns, age 22, third child and only girl, teased from the back seat.
"And the helmet might mess up your hair." Graham Burns, age 23, second child, laughed from between his mother and sister, mussing up Kade's hair and making it stick up in all directions.
"Knock it off, Graham!" Kade scowled.
"Don't forget to be at the dedication this afternoon." Charlie reminded Cody.
"Think I could test drive the-" Cody asked hopefully, but Dani cut him off. "Cody, we're getting rescue vehicles, not go-karts."
"Sorry, buddy. For authorized emergency responders only." Graham said, sheepishly.
Cody sighed. "So in other words, everyone in the family but me."
"Gotta drop these trouble makers off, then your mother and I have to catch a chopper to the mainland." Charlie said.
"You get to school, now, okay sweetie?" Catherine said to her son, putting a hand on her son's shoulder. "And Cody? Give it a little time. I'm sure you'll find your place soon."
"Okay." Cody said, glumly.
The police car pulled away from the curb and to the rescue station, leaving Cody in the dust.
Optimus entered the bunker in which the Rescue Bots were staying temporarily. They all stopped what they were doing when he entered the bunker.
"Heatwave." The red bot straightened.
"Chase." The silver bot blinked.
"Blades." The yellow bot fidgeted a bit.
"Boulder." The olive-colored bot looked up at Optimus.
"First Aid." The medic nodded.
"After careful consideration, I chosen your next mission." Optimus paced in front of them.
"Yes!" Heatwave whispered.
"We are happy to join the battle, sir." Chase promptly saluted.
"So, when you we roll out?" Heatwave asked.
"You do not." Optimus said, and the others blinked. "As, perhaps the last Rescue Bots in existence, you are uniquely suited to help the people of this planet, as well as learn from them."
"You mean, we get to interact with humans?" First Aid's optics lit up.
"You will be ambassadors to the people of this planet, as the first Autobots to live with a human family. Study their customs. Follow their rules. And work together to keep this planet safe. During this mission, you five must appear to the humans as Earth vehicles; robots in disguise."
"What?!" Heatwave exclaimed.
"You are right to question what's best for your team, Heatwave, which is why I'm putting you in charge of this mission." Optimus said, holding out a hand.
Heatwave looked hesitantly at Optimus' outstretched hand, then shook it, and the other Rescue Bots breathed a sigh of relief. Heatwave wasn't the kind of bot to listen to others with higher rank.
Optimus walked over to the garage and opened it. Five vehicles were behind the door. A fire engine, a bulldozer, a police cruiser, an ambulance, and a helicopter.
"To maintain your cover, you will each adopt a vehicle mode, based on Earth technology."
"Whoa, look at those lines." Boulder said, looking at the bulldozer. "This thing's a power house!"
"Boulder, do you wish to scan first?" Optimus smiled.
Boulder nodded, then scanned the bulldozer and transformed.
Heatwave eyed the fire engine, critically. "Primitive, but apparently they use this for what I did back home."
He scanned it and transformed also.
Chase looked at the police cruiser and the emblem on the side. "Is this what Earth authorities use for rule enforcement?"
Optimus nodded, and Chase immediately scanned the cruiser.
First Aid looked at the ambulance and, apparently, universal medic symbol and said, "Medical vehicle? Fascinating."
He scanned the ambulance and transformed.
Blades looked at the last vehicle and sighed. Optimus walked forward and put a hand on Blades' shoulder. "It looks like your decision was made for you."
Blades scanned the helicopter and transformed. He hovered a little bit, but immediately landed again. "Wait. This thing flies?" Blades squeaked.
"He doesn't like heights." Boulder explained to Optimus.
"Well, he better get used to it." First Aid said. "I really want to see humans now."
The door on the other side of the bunker opened and Chief Charlie Burns and Army Doctor Catherine Burns walked in.
"This is Chief Charlie Burns and Army Doctor Catherine Burns. They know our secret and will help you keep yours." Optimus said, as Catherine looped her hand through Charlie's arm. "Rescue Bots, good luck."
Charlie turned to the inanimate vehicles. "It's an honor and a privilege."
Heatwave flashed his headlights at the Chief as Catherine chuckled under her breath, "Over here."
Charlie looked confused at the set of vehicles and Catherine laughed. "Here's a hint, hon: look at the emblems."
Charlie looked closer and then back at Optimus' emblem and nodded.
"Well, sorry about that, team." Charlie apologized. "Let's get a move on, huh?"
"It was nice seeing you again, Optimus Prime." Catherine said.
"And you, Dr. Burns." Optimus responded. Then, he nodded to Heatwave.
"Rescue Bots, roll to the rescue!" Heatwave said.
A/N: Done! I hope this fic takes off!
Thanks for reading and please review!