Hello everyone!

I've decided to try out my first TVD fanfic, but before I get into the actual storyline, I wanted to post a sort of character introduction for my OC (Olivia) so that you readers have some background on her. I am still planning out the basic storyline, so the first chapter probably won't be up for another week or two. Hopefully as soon as possible though!

Also, I did NOT abandon Renew. I am just having a little trouble with it recently.

I stole this little template from southernbellewv and her story Someone Special(which is a GREAT KolxOC story if you are looking to read one!)

I hope you enjoy this little intro.

Disclaimer: I only own my OC, Olivia Grace Gilbert, and any original plot lines that I come up with throughout this story.

Character Name: Olivia Grace Gilbert

Title of Work: The Other Gilbert Girl

Physical Appearance: (I am sort of imagining her to look somewhat like Lily Collins, without as pronounced eyebrows and more resemblance to Jeremy)

1. Sex ; Female

2. Age ; Sixteen

3. Height ; 5'3" Weight 115 lbs

4. Color of:

-hair ; Dark Brown

-eyes ; Brown

-skin ; Fair/somewhat tan

5. Posture ; Good, always stands up straight.

6. Appearance ; Attractive, but somewhat reserved looking. Wears glasses. Tends to try and blend in when in large crowds such as in the hallways at school.

7. Unique Characteristics ; Birthmark on the inside of her left arm. Small, barely noticeable scar near her hairline from a childhood accident.

Sociological Aspects:

1. Class ; Upper-middle class(?)

2. Occupation (type of work, hours of work, condition of work, union or nonunion, attitude toward organization, suitability for work.) ;

Olivia does not have a paying job, but she enjoys helping out with school events or aiding organizations when it comes to charity.

3. Education: (amount, kind of schools, marks, favorite subjects, poorest subjects, aptitudes.) ;

She is a junior in high school, despite the fact that she is a year younger than Elena. Since Olivia is so smart, she was able to skip third grade and be bumped up into her sister's class. Since she has been emerged in this group of people for so many years, most of her classmates have simply forgotten that she skipped a grade in the first place. Her favorite subjects are history (mainly Mystic Falls and other US history) as well as language arts, since she adores writing. She is a straight A student and takes pride in that. She is not afraid to show of her intelligence and attempts to do so in the least snobbish way possible. Her worst subject is science. She takes French and was able to pick up the language fairly easily.

4. Home life: (Parents living, earning power, orphan, parents separated or divorced, parents habits, parents mental development, parents vices, neglect. Character's marital status.) ;

Olivia's parents are deceased. Before their death, she was incredibly close to both of them, much like her two other siblings. She was okay with the fact that Jenna would be her new guardian, but still took some time to become used to the drastic change. In general, she gets along very well with Jeremy and Elena. There are still the occasional disputes, since they are siblings and all. Currently, she is content with her home life, though still misses her parents each and every day.

5. Religion: Christian

6. Race, nationality: Caucasian

7. Place in community: (leader among friends, clubs, sports.) ;

Although she is generally introverted, Olivia still manages to make a significant dent in the community of Mystic Falls. She volunteers when the opportunity arises, especially with the town's events (Miss Mystic, Founder's Day, etc.) This is what helps her to get along so well with Caroline. At school, she is involved in the student council, French club, National Honor Society, and photography club. She has had a few pieces published in her school's newspaper and literary magazine. She tried out tennis and track during her first two years, but decided she would rather pursue both sports on her own outside of school.

8. Political Affiliations:

Olivia has no specific opinion on this yet.

9. Amusements, hobbies: (books, newspapers, magazines she reads.) ;

She absolutely loves both reading and writing. Due to her love of book, she one day aspires to become an author. She enjoys taking runs through the woods during the early morning. In her free time, she almost always finds time to snap a few photographs, whether they are of town activites or something artistic. She also likes to spend time on her own, either jotting down thoughts or simply sitting in the peace and quiet.


1. Sex life, moral standards:

She is a virgin. She is still unsure of whether she believes sex should be saved for after marriage, or until she finds someone whom she truly loves. She does not drink alcohol, and doesn't plan on doing so until she is 21. She wants to stay as far away from drugs as possible.

2. Personal premise, ambition:

She dreams of going to a good college and getting a degree in literature or writing. She wants to travel the world one day more than anything else. Her main goal is to visit Paris before the start of her college education.

3. Frustrations, chief disappointments:

Olivia is often disappointed by the fact that she does not fit in, socially, as well as her older sister does. She becomes frustrated when she realizes that she can't have a hand in controlling everything, especially when it comes to getting Jeremy away from his bad habits of drugs and alcohol. She is also somewhat embarrassed by the fact that she has never had a steady boyfriend, while most high school boys are attracted to her older sister.

4. Temperament: (choleric, easygoing, pessimistic, optimistic.)

She is generally easy going, but is not willing to be pushed around by anyone. She does not advertise that, but is very difficult to pressure into anything. When it comes to her family or people that she cares about, Olivia is willing to go to many lengths to protect them, and always tries to put herself last. Overall, she is an optimistic person, but is not prone to the occasional defeated and pessimistic outlook on life.

5. Attitude towards life: (resigned, militant, defeatist.)

She enjoys her life as it is currently, but always has the nagging feeling that things would be different if her parents had also survived the accident at Wickery Bridge.

6. Complexes: (obsessions, inhibitions, superstitions, phobias)

After her parents' accident, she developed a fear of water, and is only willing to appreciate it from a distance. She does not have the same extreme fear of Wickery Bridge as Elena does, but is still very wary of it. Her greatest fear is losing people that she loves. This fear has recently been heightened, after the death of her parents. Once we get into the story, we will see how she responds and reacts to the appearance of supernatural beings in her everyday life.

7. Extrovert, introvert, ambivert:

Olivia is an ambivert (both introvert and extrovert), though she generally leans more on the introverted side. Her extroverted side only appears once you have come to know her very well.

8. Abilities: (language, talents.)

She was able to pick up the French language pretty easily and is also talented when it comes to speaking it. She is a fantastic writer, and has had her work published in different school publications. She is also talented when it comes to taking photographs, and is a great contributor to the yearbook. She took dance lessons when she was younger, so she has better ability than most.

9. Qualities: (imagination, judgment, taste, poise)

One of her main qualities is her great imagination that helps contribute to her writing, photography, and everyday life. She is willing to give everyone a chance, despite things that other people say about them. She generally likes to present herself as a put together girl who is serious about her future, family, and friends.

10. I. Q.

Never been measured.

Significant Pre-Standing Relationships:

Elena Gilbert (Sister, 17): Olivia has always been close with Elena, especially since they are in the same grade at school. Olivia feels very comfortable coming to her asking for advice or just wanting to talk. They definitely lean on each other through hard times. Olivia often looks up to Elena, wishing that she could be as approachable and fun as her when it comes to social scenarios. The two sisters would do anything for each other.

Jeremy Gilbert (Brother, 15): Olivia is very close with her younger brother. Jeremy often feels more comfortable coming to her with his problems than he does with Elena. The two enjoy each other's company, and are able to engage in both sarcastic and serious conversations. Olivia and Jeremy are usually able to overcome any fights that they partake in very quickly. Olivia would also do anything to ensure her little brother is safe.

Jenna Sommers (Aunt/Guardian, 20's): Olivia and Jenna generally get along very well. Unlike her other two siblings, Olivia was less sure when she found out that Jenna would be deemed their new guardian. Due to knowing about her somewhat crazy behavior in high school, Olivia finds it harder to relate to her aunt. Overall, Olivia loves Jenna very much and is appreciative of all that she has given up to take care of her, Elena, and Jeremy.

Caroline Forbes (Close Friend, 17): Olivia and Caroline have always found connections through their love of getting involved at school. Caroline is a good balance to Olivia's introverted behavior, with her perkiness and bluntness.

Bonnie Bennett (Friend, 17): Olivia and Bonnie get along very well. She is not as close with her as Elena is, but really enjoys hanging out with her both in and out of school.

Matt Donovan (Close Friend, 17): Due to growing up with him, Olivia has a very close friendship with Matt. He, much like he is with Elena, is very protective of Olivia and does not want to see her get hurt. During Matt and Elena's relationship, Olivia had a small crush on him, but got over it pretty quickly and hasn't thought about it since.

Tyler Lockwood (Friend, 17): Olivia would not have a (sort of) friendship with Tyler if she hadn't tutored him in math all throughout sophomore year. They do not see each other a lot outside of school, but always say hello when they come across each other in the hallways.

I hope this gave some useful information on my OC! I also hope that she actually sounds interesting to you guys!

The first real chapter should be up within a week or two.

xo, liz