A/N: Here's the last chapter of The Lightning Strike. Thank you to everyone who read. You all have fat hearts to me!

III. Daybreak

"Something was bound to go right sometime today

All these broken pieces fit together to make a perfect picture of us

It got cold and then dark so suddenly and rained

It rained so hard the two of us were the only thing

That we could see for miles and miles"

I felt my eyes began to flicker and I groaned as I started shifting on a hard ground. My body felt sore, but quickly faded away. What the hell happened? I thought curiously to myself. My eyes flickered open, expecting to find a highway in my line of vision.

However, that was not at all the case.

I was in a giant forest, filled to every brim with sunshine. It seemed fairytale like, magic breathing into every aspect. The colors were so brightly vivid I briefly wondered if I had ever truly been able to see at all. Trees were distanced enough to reveal a lake that must have been made of diamonds, because it shimmered so brightly with no sign of ever stopping. I sat up and turned slightly to face the lake thirty feet in front of me, idly letting my fingertips brush the soft grass that I was surrounded by. Everything seemed so…perfect.

"Wow," I breathed out, unable to believe my eyes. How did I go from a highway to th-…

I'm dead.

I died.

I stared out to the view for a moment, letting my death sink in to my body. My soul, rather. Why am I alone? I turned my head and looked around, soaking in more gorgeous view, but lacking any other human contact. I stood in order to get a better look, but no such luck. I turned back around when I heard it.

Small whimpers and heavy breaths were echoing throughout the trees. Someone's crying. Intrigued, I followed the sound. What's the worst that could happen? They kill me?

I subconsciously rolled my eyes at my own lame joke as I continued through the path along the lake I woke near. After a minute of these whimpers, I finally found the source.

A young brunette was crying into her hands, leaning over the shimmering lake to the right of where I had revived from my unconscious state, but she did not even casting a shadow on the water. As I got closer, I felt a sense of familiarity. Then, I heard it.

"Chloe, no," Beca Mitchell whimpered into her hands. She seemed to be looking into the lake and, curious about what she saw, I looked over her shoulder to see an image of my body on Earth, bruised and battered lay on the highway. The paramedics all seemed still until one checked their watch. Time of death.

Beca's tears continued and I was snapped out of the image that was fading into the shimmering lake colors once more. I placed my hand on Beca's shoulder, and she froze up. It finally sank in to me that this was the first time I had seen my wife in three years. It was a bit overwhelming when all I wanted to do was kiss her senseless, but I wanted to comfort her first and foremost.

I squeezed my hand gently and she turned around, standing up as she did so.

She stared at me for a moment, her face betraying her demeanor as tears slowly dripped from her eyes as she looked at me. She looks just like she did back at Barden when I first met her I thought briefly.

With a small crooked smile, I softly asked, "Hi, any interest in joining our acapella group?"

Beca stared at me for a second. Then, in a way I cannot express enough how much I missed, she broke out into a full out belly laugh. Tears continued to fall from her eyes, but she was happier.

"Chloe," she shook her head muttering. "God I love you," she whispered and then grabbed my face, backed me up to a tree a few feet behind us, and kissed me like she never had before.

I smiled into the kiss, my own happy tears falling as I gripped shamelessly onto my wife's body.

Beca leaned her forehead against mine as we broke apart (though air was no longer a necessity).

"Why were you crying?" I whispered, looking into Beca's dark blue eyes that had finally been cleared of tears. Her eyes darted down and then looked back at mine.

"You deserved to live longer, Chloe," she answered after a brief pause.

I chuckled softly. "Coming from you?" I ask, my tone playful rather than bitter.

She smirked that Beca Mitchell smirk that drove me wild. "Point taken, but still Chloe. I just wanted you to be happy."

I smiled incredulously at the brunette in front of me. "Babe, if anything this whole experience has shown me that things happen for a reason and if it's meant to be it will be. I was never meant to go too long without you, clearly."

Beca smiled in spite of herself. I could tell she wanted to argue, to not be selfish, but she was allowed to enjoy me being back.

I sure as hell was enjoying seeing her again.

"Is it nice here?" I whisper, closing my eyes and affectionately brushing my nose against my wife's.

"It's beautiful, especially now that you're here," Beca automatically responded.

I smirked lightly. "Such a cliché."

"You love it."

"I love you, Beca Mitchell," I responded, sincerity lacing my voice. There was a lot to figure out, there were a lot of questions to ask, but none of it mattered right now other than letting the woman in front of me know that when I said forever in life, I meant it then, and I mean it now until the end of time.

Beca smiled, and pecked my lips, filling me with butterflies that died with her those awful three years ago.

"I love you too, Chloe Mitchell."

A/N 2: The end! A pretty cheesy ending, but hey there was a lot of angst in the first two chapters so there needs to be enough fluff to make up for it!

Thank you to everyone who read and supported this story! And hey, if you'd like, there's this story called Perfect Timing and a Perky Redhead that I'm in the process of writing, so if you like more BeChloe awesomeness, feel free to check that out too! It will be updated soon!

Thank you all again!