Attention everyone! I come bearing great news, huge news, life altering news! Okay, maybe it's not that awesome, but I'm pretty excited to be honest.

Nearly five years ago, I took my first step into real writing at the innocent age of 13. The Strongest of the Weak is still to this day one of the most ambitious projects I have ever taken on and it was one of the most amazing experiences I have ever had. In short, I was incredibly proud of what I was producing and the rate at which I was doing it. Looking back, well, I can say that I'm proud of my younger self for the thought put into the original story, and even the first sequel. The second sequel on the other hand was something I, at the time, wish I had never put the effort into. The following was much smaller, the chapters were forced, and I was trying to understand concepts that were just too complex for me at the time. Unfortunately, many of you realize that this led me to unofficially abandon the series. But, at the age of 18 I have come to realize that there is so much that could have been done with the concept! I have grown as a person and as a writer.

As we all know, the TV series that we all came to love so dearly finally came to a close this past January. At the time of writing this, I can honestly say that I never watched past the episode where Spider-Man tried to join the Avengers. But, I have finally hit a point in my life where I am not consumed by stress, so I plan to rewatch it all. Here's the exciting part. With the release of Netflix's Iron Fist, I have come to remember my love for his character, and I realized that I have a lot more to say.

I am here to announce, to whoever is still here to listen, that this series is being rewritten. The general story will stay the same, but the motivations of the characters, relationships, backstories, daily lives will all be expanded upon. I plan to keep the concept of the story I came up with all those years ago, but approach it with a more mature writing style.

In other news, I will start posting to Archive of Our Own to begin making the transition into a different community. Fret not though. For anyone who is still dedicated to FanFiction, the updates will be posted as a new fic on my page. After each one is completely written, the original will be deleted to save from confusion in the long run. I will post an update to Beginning when I create the new fic so that anyone getting notifications here will know to switch over if they are still interested in following the series.

Lastly, I want to thank you all. The support I have received from this community has truly influenced how I write. I have become more aware of how impactful stories can be on everyone's lives and I have grown ever more grateful for my ability to put out content that people seem to really enjoy. Even to this day, so many years later, I still get notifications that people are following this series. Thank you all for listening to me and making my little universe something so much bigger. Thank you for not abandoning this.

So, let's do this! The first chapter of The Strongest of the Weak can probably be expected later this week but, again, I will let everyone know in this fic that it has been posted. If you are interested in making this transition to the Archive with me, my account is under the exact same name there as it is here. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to comment or DM me. I will always answer.

See y'all soon!

Your Mockingjay