I don't own Twilight

"What are you doing here?" Bella yawned sitting up her head was swimming and she blinked trying to clear her vision.

"I thought I would come over and check on you girls." Emmett chuckled looking around him at the other girls still passed out and the empty liquor bottles surrounding them. "How much did you three drink last night?"

"Not sure." Bella shrugged standing up and running her hand through her messy hair she wobbled a little and Emmett reached out to steady her.

"Here why don't you sit down?" He lead her towards the couch and settled her. "So looks like you girls had fun last night."

"Fun not really more letting Alice get some things off her chest." She leaned against him and closed her eyes. "I think it was good for her." She mumbled. "She really needed to get things off her chest things only another woman would understand. Emmett brushed Bella's hair from her forehead and kissed her forehead and kissed it. He looked over as Alice sat up holding her head and moaning.

"Emmett." She blinked looking at her brother on her couch.

"Hey Pixie stick" Emmett smiled.

"What are you doing here?"

"Can't a brother just come check on his baby sister."

"Mm sure though I think you're really here to see Bella."

"Guilty." Emmett chuckled. Bella mumbled and opened her eyes.

"Don't let him fool you he was worried about all of us." She sat up and shook her head closing her eyes and then opening them. "I guess I should try and clean this place up Emmett why don't you wake up Rose."

"Yeah right I like my body parts where they are thank you very much." Emmett snorted.

"Smart choice." Rose sat up yawning and stretching. "Wow we really overdid it last night." She shook her head looking around. She chuckled at the sight of Bella who had flopped back against the couch.

"Hey what's going on in here?" Jasper walked through the door his eyes widened at the sight in front of him.

"Girls night." Alice got up and picked up a bottle kisses him on her way into the kitchen. "My mom and dad said hi since you missed another family dinner. She tossed the bottle away and glared at him.

"I'm sorry." Jasper sighed looking at the flash of pain and fear in his wives eyes. "It looks like you had fun though."

"Right." Alice snorted.

"Well I think we should get going." Rose stood up "Emmett wake up Bella."

"Um I think I'll just carry her." He turned towards her.

"I'm up." Bella mumbled.

"You sure." Emmett chuckled.

"Yep I'm up." She stood up. "Can I go over to your house."

"Sure lets go." Emmett grabbed her hand. "Rose are you coming?"

"To your house no but I'm going yes." She blew a kiss at Alice. "Love you Ali."

"Love you too Rose." Alice sighed. Bella went and hugged her and whispered.

"You love him." Alice nodded mutely as she shut the door behind her brother and friends. She turned towards her husband.

"I'm upset I'm scared and I don't know what to do. I love you but I'm scared so scared." She was shaking as he came near her and gathered her into his arms. "I know baby I know." He whispered as he gathered her closer. "I know. "

Bella waved at Rose and held onto Emmett hands as she walked into his house. "So this is where you live." Bella looked around. "It's nice."

"Thanks." Emmett caught her mid twirl and turned her towards him kissing her.

"mm what was that for?"

"Because I wanted to. You look like you could still use some sleep."

"Probably." Bella made her way towards the couch sitting down. She grabbed a pillow and snuggled down with it. Emmett joined her on the couch and let her lay on his lap. He wanted to talk to her but she'd already drifted off to sleep. He sat there watching her sleeping. He'd only been on one date with her but already he was falling fast and hard for this girl, this girl who he'd known as a child this girl who he'd hadn't thought about in years but who know was quickly becoming the center of his world.

He looked up when he heard someone knock on his door. He didn't want to disturb Bella. "Come in." He called out. The door opened to reveal Edward.

"Hey dude why is my fiancée passed out on my couch?" Emmett stifled a laugh as not to jiggle Bella. "The girls got into the wine last night at Alice's. Which is why Bella here is passed out on me and why Rose is passed out at your house. If Alice isn't throwing things at Jasper's head she's probably passed out to."

"They don't have any vases left." Bella mumbled. Alice smashed them all." Emmett looked down at her.

"Bella are you awake?"

"Kind of but I want to go back to sleep now."

"Okay you just drift back off them." He bite his lip looking at his brother. "So I guess Alice broke all the vases.

"She always did have a temper that one." Edward sat down in a chair kicking his feet up.

"Yep." The two boys talked until Edward decided he should go and check on Rose and Emmett gently woke Bella up. "You hungry?"

"Yeah." She stretched and looked at him.

"Okay I'm going to order a pizza." He made the order and they talked as they waited for the delivery. "So how did my parents take everything?"

"Good I wanted to strangle Alice but that's normal." Bella bite into some pizza. The conversation flowed around them as Bella finished her pizza and stood up. "Thanks for dinner and letting me sleep on your couch. I should get back home class tomorrow." She bent down and kissed him. "I'll see you next weekend."

"I'm sure I'll sneak some time before then he winked. Causing her to blush. She walked towards his door waving as she left the house and got into her car. Her life was certainly different then it had been in the past.

A/N thanks for everyone that reviewed and I'm sorry for he wait.