Mark 10:14
When Jesus saw this, he was indignant. He said to them "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these".

Sister Mary Joseph closed her office and headed for the dormitories. She'd been in charge of the Sacred Heart Children's Orphanage for thirty-eight years and she'd rarely gone a night without finding some misguided children up to no good. Given their dorm supervisors would have retired for the evening an hour ago, Sister Mary Joseph knew the trouble makers would be up to their usual antics and enjoying the challenge of not being caught. She released a weary sigh. Her role was a challenging one and she felt under resourced and under appreciated. What's more the Catholic Church continued to be embroiled in scandal and innuendo. Two boys had complained to her only yesterday that Father Ignatius had made inappropriate advances. She was between a rock and a hard place. These were children no one wanted. Were she to take the matter any further she knew nothing would be done. As had become her practice she had ignored the complaint and avoided Father Ignatius.

As she wandered the corridor deciding which dorm would earn her wrath tonight, Sister Mary Joseph's mind drifted to her own mother. Her mother had been a bitter angry woman. Of Irish Catholic decent it was nothing for her to beat her children savagely. Sister Mary Joseph pushes the memory from her mind as she stops outside dormitory 2C. She listens attentively through the door. She shakes her head as she opens it. She moves swiftly to the closet where the noise is erupting in bursts of chaotic whispers and laughter. She swings open the door and grabs the first boy she can reach by the ear and pulls sharply. The boy squeals in pain as he falls out. The other boys in hiding react quickly; they each race for their beds hoping to avoid being recognised by their intruder. Sister Mary Joseph shouts a list of names. "Each of you will report to my office before breakfast tomorrow. I'll decide your punishment then." With that she turns and leaves. She's satisfied that her efforts will once again remind the children that bad behaviour will not be tolerated.

As Sister Mary Joseph turns out her light and gets into her humble and cold bed she is not aware that the extinguishing of her lamp signals to another that the time is now right. Outside the perimeter of the orphanage an angry young man lies in wait. With darkness inside he begins to carry out his plans. He moves swiftly to put in place the accelerants that will help to burn this symbol of his miserable life to the ground. Such is his anger, he doesn't care there are innocent boys and girls inside. He's certain that destroying this establishment and everyone in it is doing them and their earthly souls a favour. It takes him an hour to be in readiness. Then without hesitation he flicks his lighter into action. As flames take hold he watches his work with satisfaction. "Suffer" he shouts over the roar that's getting louder as oxygen fuels the flames. "Suffer for your sins. You're evil; you are all evil. Do you hear me?" As fire alarms burst to life and shouting can be heard over the raging fire, the arsonist turns and runs. His work is done.

Sunday evenings at Maura's house had never been the same since Angela Rizzoli had moved into her guest house. Her usually quiet abode gets turned into a mad house as Angela's children descend upon the place for their usual Sunday evening family feast. Not that Maura minds; in fact she loves it. Having never had an engaged or loving family growing up, Maura probably enjoys the evenings more than anyone else there. Most Sunday's you'll find Jane, Frankie and Tommy gathered. It depends on Frankie's shifts. These days the get togethers can sometimes be extended to include Lydia, TJ and Lydia's mum. Secretly Maura prefers it when it's just the core Rizzoli family. They are more reserved when Lydia and her mum are about. Even Jane curbs her boisterous nature so as not to offend the mother and grandmother of her nephew.

Tonight is special as Tommy is caring for TJ without Lydia. The Rizzoli family is engrossed in having the baby to themselves and their gushing fills Maura with just a little envy. Still she finds herself caught up in the fun and emotion and is constantly gushing over TJ as if he were her nephew too.

As they settle down to their meal Frankie is buzzed in to work.

"Oh Frankie, I wish you could turn that off!" Angela can't contain her disappointment.

"What is it Frankie?" Jane looks at Frankie with curiosity.

"Fire at the Sacred Hearts Orphanage at Brookline" Frankie states as he gathers his things and rushes out. He kisses his mother who urges him to stay safe.

"Gosh I hope no one's killed or I'm in for a long night" Maura adds. "I especially hate it when children are involved."

"Let's not jump to conclusions Maura, it's most likely nothing" Jane retorts. Just then Tommy walks back into the room having changed TJ. "Here; I want to hold him." Jane races to be the first to take the baby.

"Jane, he's quiet. Put him down and come and eat your dinner with the rest of us. Poor Frankie! He misses out again." Angela's seated ready to enjoy her meal.

"I'm not sorry Ma, that's more for me." Tommy sits and dives into the food as if he hasn't eaten in a week.

Maura and Angela start to pack up the table as Jane and Tommy roll around on the floor with TJ. TJ is ruffled up in Jane's hair and his little fists have a tight hold on the wild mange. He's squealing with delight. Tommy is too. Angela and Maura watch the hilarity as Jane's phone starts to ring and she tries to untangle herself from TJ to answer. Before she can, Maura's phone starts to buzz and as she picks up she turns to Angela with a sense of impending dread. Almost in unison the girls announce themselves.


"This is Dr. Isles."

"I'm on my way."

"I'll be right there."

Tommy and Angela have stopped. TJ is still gurgling unaware of the cloud that's descended on the gathering. "What is it" Angela inquires.

"It's the fire Ma; I think it's pretty serious. We have to go" Jane explains. Maura who'd ducked to her room returns tidied up and with her kit. "One car" Jane asks.

"If you don't mind dropping me home afterwards?" Maura's hates to admit to herself she's relieved. When she has to be somewhere in a hurry she really does prefer that Jane drive.

Jane and Maura stride towards the flashing lights, crime scene tape and onlookers. Both are putting on purple latex gloves to protect them from damaging evidence at the scene. They find Frost and Korsack standing with Cooper and Lieutenant Cavanaugh.

"What do we have" Jane asks. Before anyone can answer some one summons Dr. Isles.

"Excuse me" Maura offers. "I'll be back when I can."

"Yeah, go Maura" Jane squeezes her friends forearm as she leaves. She knows people have died in the fire but if kids are involved it knocks Maura around more than other cases. Hell it knocks all of them around. Jane turns back to her boss.

"This is serious" Cavanaugh explains. "Fire Chief is certain this things been deliberately lit. The arson hasn't even tried to cover his steps."

Frost jumps in. "The buildings guttered. Three adults dead and we think five children at this stage."

"Damn" Korsack lets his feelings out. "Could there be more Frost?"

"The Chief still has his team scouring through what's left of the building. The employees are doing their best to account for all the children…" Frost is cut off as a singed and angry Frankie joins them.

"It is hell in there" Frankie bursts with anger. "It's chaos! Our guys and the fireman are doing all they can, but the people who run this place have no f#* $ing idea."

"Whoa, Frankie; take it easy" Frost tries to ease the moment with his friend.

"No man… no it's carnage in there." Frankie struggles to hold his composure.

"Frankie" Jane takes her brothers shoulders. "Come on keep it together. What can you tell us? As a cop what can you tell us?"

"I'm sorry Janey…" Jane waits patiently for Frankie to get it together.

"OK… OK, Jane there are kids and employees running everywhere. Our guys and the fire department are focused on getting everyone out but the damn head Nun can't tell us if we're still looking for people." Frankie shakes his head in distress.

"Alright, stay here. I'll get this straightened out." Jane storms off.

Cavanaugh, Frost, Korsack and Cooper just watch Jane as she moves with authority inside the walls of the Sacred Heart Orphanage.

Jane spots a Nun running around with a Loud-Hailer (hand-held microphone). Jane approaches the Nun. "Give that to me" are her instructions. Sister Mary Joseph tries to resist at first and then gives into to this towering figure of authority.

Screech… screech… sounds blast out of the loud-hailer. Jane tries to manoeuvre the device to stop its angry wails. "Please listen to me…" she shouts. When she's ignored she places two fingers into her mouth, manipulates her tongue and blows a whistle like there is no tomorrow. Everyone stands dead in their tracks. "OK thank you" Jane says.

"I need all dormitory leaders to form a line here." When people react slowly, Jane urges them on. "Please, you're safe here. If you are a dormitory leader or supervisor, form a line here." A number of adults move to form a line with some hesitation.

"Good, thank you… OK kids listen up. Please, if we are going to find all your friends I need you all to line up behind your dorm leader or supervisor. Do you hear me? You'll be safe I promise and it's our best chance to find all your friends." Jane states this with authority and passion. To her complete surprise kids start to fall in line.

"OK… OK this is good. I want someone… one person to report to me. I want to know if all in your lines are present and accounted for. Just one person… do you understand? Then come and tell me what you can." Jane breathes for the first time in what seems like hours.

Sister Mary Joseph isn't sure if she's wet her pants. She knows her knees are shaking and she feels damp. Who wouldn't lose their self-control in this situation, she tells herself. Despite admiring the strong woman who has come in and brought a semblance of order to an otherwise chaotic situation, Sister Mary Joseph needs to get control back. "Young lady I am Sister Mary Joseph I am in charge of the Scared Heart Orphanage" she informs Jane.

"Yeah, yeah… right. Right now you can stand in front of that line that doesn't appear to have a supervisor and keep those poor kids calm… please?" Jane doesn't have time for status or politics; it's becoming clear to her that there are lives unaccounted for.

"I beg your pardon" Sister Mary Joseph isn't used to being spoken to in such a way.

"There, Sister! Please." Reluctantly Sister Mary Joseph does as Jane instructs.

A girl of about 13 years of age approaches Jane. "Ma'am no one's seen Father Ignatius. Mrs Morecombe is Sister MJ's assistant and she isn't here. The dorm supervisor from 2C and Harvey the groundskeeper aren't here either. Ma'am there are eight boys missing, they're all from dorm 2C as well." The little girl who has seemed so composed starts to break. Tears well up and she starts to shake.

Jane wraps an arm around her. "Hang on sweetie; you've done great, OK? "Chief… Chief" she shouts.

The Chief of the fire brigade comes to Jane's call. "What can you tell me?"

"I'm confident there are still one adult unaccounted for and three more boys from dorm 2C. Otherwise I think we're clear" Jane informs him.

"Thanks Detective, we're on it." The chief races off without hesitation.

"But Ma'am, that's not what I said." The girl becomes frantic and tries to pull away from Jane.

"It's OK honey, it's OK. There are some people over with the medical examiner. There are five children and three adults." The little girl calms. "What's your name sweetie" Jane asks.


"Donna, you have been very brave tonight." Sensing the qualities in a child who can stay calm in this situation Jane leans in and whispers, "braver than Sister MJ, I think she wet her pants." Jane's relieved when she hears Donna giggle.

When Maura's work is done at the scene she goes to look for Jane. She finds her sitting against a boundary fence. Her knees are pulled up under her elbows and Jane is resting her head against a fence, fast asleep. Maura scans the scene and is aware that the other police officers and the rest or Jane's team are long gone. Maura looks at her friend who is resting peacefully and is reluctant to wake her. Maura leans down and gently pushes Jane's shoulder. Jane is startled and wakes suddenly.

"I'm fine… is everything alright?" Jane tries to sound like she wasn't sleeping.

"Hey it's only me… sorry to wake you. I'm finished here." Maura finds a gentle smile for her friend.

"Oh sorry Maura, everyone else left, I tried to stay awake," Jane looks at her friend. "Are you ready to go home now? How did things finish up?" Jane looks at Maura for answers.

"I have three adults to examine and eight children Jane. I don't want to go home. I need you to run me to the morgue on your way home please." Maura gives her tired friend a very serious look.

"What time is it Maura?"

"It's three in the morning Jane" Maura responds.

"Then I'm not running you to headquarters, I'm taking you home." Jane starts to pull herself up.

"Jane, please! … I'm serious. There are eight children who have died tonight and they weren't wanted by anyone… I'm not leaving them alone in death until I have answers for them. I want to go to the station. You can drop me off or I'll call a taxi. It's your call!" Maura stares intently at her best friend.

"Maura don't get lost emotionally in this one" Jane warns.

"Jane I'm not lost… but eight orphans died tonight. There was no one to hold them. No one to tell them they were loved and that thing's would be alright. I know what that feels like Jane. So please don't try to tell me how to feel or how my emotions should be reacting. I have a job to do and I am going to do it to the very best of my ability for those young lives… Is that OK with you?" Maura stares at Jane.

"Yeah it is Maura. I'll drop you at the morgue and I'll call by your place and bring you fresh clothes in the morning… Is there anything else I can do?" Jane stares just as intently at Maura.

Maura breathes. "Thank you Jane, come one let's go."