Weee! new story! :D

this was written cause I love ten/jack interaction. they just work so well together.

I wanted this story to really be about their complicated relationship, but then jack just sorta took over and made it all dirty :P I blame the jack in my head for all the dirty jokes. the title's also jack's fault, he made me. I'm completely innocent. :)

*disclaimer* I own nothing, if I did it would be utter pr0n. XD

*chapter one*

"I like being naked!"

Yeah, you know what, he does.

"I'll say it again. I like being naked!"

The sound of his voice reverberates off the stone walls surrounding him.

Jack really does like being naked. He likes it a lot. He likes it during the day and at night. He likes it before sex, after sex and of course while having sex. He likes it with other people or all by himself. And in all kinds of places too! Like in his office for example, hehehe, yeah that was always fun, or on the beach, in public bathhouses and on the Tardis. Yeah, he'd loved being naked on the Tardis.

Jack likes being butt. Ass. Naked. It was never a punishment when someone undressed him, he was pretty difficult to embarrass. So, fuck it, yeah, he even likes it here, in this dark little stone cell they put him in.

What he didn't like though, was the temperature. He really wouldn't mind the thermostat being cranked up a coupla notches, 'cause with the cold right now anyone walking in could get a very inaccurate impression of certain parts of him. And that would be a darn shame to have happen to people.

So up the heating!

Or maybe get him some underpants after all. He was getting goosebumps in weird places.

Jack had been in this cell for four days now. He'd been fiddling with an Onshal holo-projector…that turned out not to be a holo-projector. Big flash. Big bang. Big freakin' lump on his head and now he was here. He'd teleported himself straight into this cell.

'Course, they shot him. He woke up. They shot him again. He woke up again and they got scared and just decided to chain him to the wall.

A day later they undressed him. Jack immediately seized the opportunity to try and flirt his way out of the chains, but they took offense to that and left. He thinks they might have wanted to change him in other clothes, but he guesses he blew that chance.

Day three was interesting. They came in to feed him and let him pee. And boy, were they ever fascinated by that! They were just reaching up to his manacles when a strange siren went off and they all sort of froze. The siren was followed by a series of bleeps and made them all turn to Jack with a dirty look on their faces. They left in a rush and hadn't come back in the cell since.

He'd spent the rest of that third day listening to the commotion outside of his cell. People shouting commands, panicked sounds and frightened voices. A humanoid voice shouting something, the aliens that were keeping Jack weren't humanoid at all, so a voice like that was pretty distinguishable. Sounded like a guy. He sounded pissed.

Wait 'till they get you naked, buddy, Jack thought. And then he thought, hey, maybe I'm getting a bunkmate. Then he looked down, I hope he'll be reasonable about the temperature in here.

The third day passed without any visitors, though. He didn't see the humanoid man.

So it was the fourth day now. Jack was getting bored. He was still in the same cell, still naked, still shackled to a wall and he really needed to pee –ah, no wait…okay, he was good.

He was starting to think they were keeping him naked for a reason. Usually when you take away a prisoner's clothes you do it to make them feel vulnerable and ashamed. Well, it wasn't working, he was just getting cold and annoyed. It didn't seem to register with his captors though, hence his loud declarations.

No response, though, and Jack was beginning to think they were ignoring him, or even worse, had forgotten about him! And Hell, that was just rude!

He was just about to shout something very impolite, when he heard something outside his cell door.

He strained his hearing, it sounded like it was coming closer. Maybe he was getting a bunkmate after all.

He could hear that humanoid voice again. It sounded different now. It was still the same voice, no doubt, but it sounded…scared or hurt or something like that.

The door opened and in came (well, he was dragged and struggling quite a bit) the one person Jack had never expected to show up. Especially looking like that. Especially naked *woohoo*.

Jack stared at him as he was forced inside the cell with him. The Doctor. Looking nothing like the Doctor he remembered, but it was definitely him. He could feel it, he could tell.

WOW, he was hot like this. Great hair, great bod, GREAT ass, and not affected by the cold at all, Jack noticed. And if he was, then…double WOW.

Jack definitely didn't mind sharing this cell with the Doctor, this was - …wait…okay, something wasn't right here. Something about the Doctor wasn't right at all. He wasn't just struggling, he was fighting to get free. To get away. He was terrified.

"Doctor!" Jack called to him.

The Doctor shuddered and froze, his momentary distraction was enough for the aliens to finally kick him into the cell with Jack. They didn't bother chaining him up, they just quickly shut the door and left. Jack caught a glimpse of one of their faces though. He didn't like the smirk he saw on it one bit.

Jack turned his attention back to the Doctor who had crawled to the very end of the cell, as far away from Jack as he could get, and was currently trying to push himself into the wall it looked like.

He was shaking, his whole body tense, his face was in a grimace and his eyes scrunched shut.

He would not look at Jack.

"Doc…You okay over there?"

At Jack's voice the Doctor jerked. He curled himself into an even tighter ball, his fists grasping large clumps of hair.

"Doc? Doc, c'mon, you're scarin' me."

The Doctor whimpered. Whimpered. At Jack's voice.

Jack pulled on his chains. "Doc, if you don't start talking, I'm gonna come over there."

That got him a response.


"Doc, c'mon, you're freaking me out here. Talk to me. Are you hurt? What'd they do?" Jack paused a moment and then asked the question that was burning on his tongue. "And why on earth are you here?" He didn't ask how, the answer was obvious, he would 've come in the Tardis.


"What was that?"

"Not Earth…Onshal. This is Onshal."

Oh. Well, that kinda made sense. He had been working on a holo-…no transporter- thingy from Onshal. You know what, their workmanship sucked and their transporters play lousy movies.

"And I came here…to get you."

Jack instantly perked up. He came for him? Specifically for him? He wanted so bad to tell the Doctor how much that meant to him, but a good look at him stopped his words.

He looked pained. Jack had seen that he was shaking and tense before, and the whimpering had scared the crap outta him, but now that he looked closely at him, really looked, the Doctor looked awful.

He was pale and breathing hard. He looked like something was hurting him really bad.

Jack realised that the Doctor hadn't answered him when he'd asked if they'd hurt him.

"What went wrong?" Jack asks, softly.

The Doctor cracks open his eyes and slowly, wincing, turns his head towards Jack.

"I didn't know," he says, and his eyes look so sad when he says it.

Jack swallows a lump. "Didn't know…about what?"

"About what happened to you, what she did..," he hesitates. "…What it would mean."

"You mean how I can't die." Jack states more than asks. The Doctor nods.

"And what she did…you mean Rose, right?" Another nod. "Rose did this to me?" Jack breathes. And he sounds so lost when he says it, like he can't believe his sweet Rosie could hate him that much to do that to him, it makes the Doctor want to get up and jump to her defence. Explain how she did it out of love. How she loved both of them too much to let any of them die on her. She just lacked control, is all. And he was so confused at the time, right in the middle of regeneration, nothing made sense back then. He'd thought Jack to be dead. Had mourned him and tried to move on, for Rose as well.

It wasn't 'till he got that signal through the Tardis that he realised Jack was still out there. He'd set course immediately, chased after it and landed without looking where he was. He'd made it a couple of feet before Jack's wrongness had hit him like a tonne of bricks and he'd known instantly what must have happened. What Rose had done. It had taken him a few extra seconds to link his discovery to his current situation, 'cause, blimey, it hurt! And understand that he wouldn't be able to get close to Jack.

He'd tried to leave but he was set upon by their captors, then he'd tried to argue, tried to get them to let Jack go, but they wouldn't hear of it. he'd collapsed shortly after that, they took him too close.

Shalpi, that's what they were, Shalpi from Onshal, were really too clever for their own good. Well…his own good. They'd figured out that his collapse had to do with his proximity to their other prisoner and seeing as they were already in a foul mood from having two unexpected intruders in their cell complex, they took the opportunity to drag some answers out of the Doctor. When he wouldn't cooperate they'd gotten angry and decided to just dump him in the same cell with Jack. See if that loosened his tongue a little.

The Doctor had not known a terror like he felt when he realised they were going to lock him in with Jack.

"And…" Jacks voice cuts through the Doctor's musings. "What does it mean, Doc?"

Jack sounds so afraid and he's just so sorry. It's his fault really. Rose did it, but it was his Tardis and if he hadn't…it's his fault. It always is.

"It means I…that you…it means that…." The Doctor takes a deep breath. Just tell him, better he knows who condemned him. "It means that you burn."

"You're a…a Fact. Time moves, but you stand s-still. You feel…wrong…t-to me. And it's not your fault, Jack, nothing you can do. It's me, really. It's my fault. Time Lord you see, so time-sensitive, you're so bright to me."

"So, being near me hurts you?" Jack asks in a small voice.

"It's my fault", the Doctor emphasizes again. "It's just me. My instincts, they…t-they scream at you, at me too. Everything inside me tells me to run. It's…I-I'm scared, Jack." He finishes and looks away again, hugging himself tight as a shudder overcomes him.

"But you're okay, right? I mean, where you are now. You're not that close to me right now," Jack tries, desperately. The Doctor looks away.

"You're not okay", Jack concludes, resignedly.

"The closer you are to-…I am to you, the worse it gets."


They're both quiet for a while. Both of them, Jack most of all, have to let it sink in before they can say anything again.

Jack breaks the uneasy silence between them. "How does it feel?"

The Doctor hesitates, but then he answers.

"Blinding," he breathes, "the pain is blinding. Searing. Everywhere at once, in every part of my body, every cell, it burns. There's no escape and I feel like…I feel…" he swallows hard and hugs himself. "I feel like I'm on fire."

"Ouch," Jack says.

"Yeah," the Doctor chuckles a little and throws Jack a brave smile.

*end of chapter one*

and so ends chapter one. I have no idea how long this is going to be. I actually thought it was going to be a oneshot, haha...yeah...

tune in next time, more whump, more angst, exactly the same amount of clothing. ;)