Author's Note: Welcome everyone who has stumbled across this story. I recently discovered Alias and watched the entire series in a matter of weeks. I immediately fell madly in love with Jack Bristow and the second Irina came onscreen, I adored her as well. And being the kind of person I am, I need romance and happy endings for my favorite characters. This story is a series of scenes throughout Jack and Irina's lives, starting here, at their wedding night, and ending where JJ Abrams left us at the series finale. I hope you enjoy my take on these two fascinating characters, and please take the time to review if you have anything to say. Enjoy!

It's Never Long Enough

The Wedding Night

His hands ran all over her body, lighting her afire with each touch. He was so powerful, so forceful, and yet there was a gentle tenderness in the way he made love to her. Irina Derevko was unaccustomed to such a thing. Perhaps it was just the way with Americans. Or maybe this was something that was so purely Jack Bristow. It was such a nice name. Easy to remember in times like this when he made her forget even her own name. Proklyatiye! What was her name?

"Oh Laura," Jack moaned.

Right. That was it. Laura Bristow. It was so odd to think that she was married to this CIA agent. The idiot had no idea. He was so blinded by his love for her. It was just as well. Too often in recent times she had slipped up. It was too subtle for anyone to notice, but if this American spy had been paying the attention he should have, he would have known. Irina was beyond frustrated with herself. But, she reminded herself, she was so young. At 18, she was recruited. At 21, she was sent here to America to get close to a CIA agent. At least they chose one who was young and attractive. A year later, she was on her honeymoon. The marriage might be a sham, but right now, it suddenly didn't feel that way.

With a confidence beyond her years and experience, Irina flipped herself over, pinning her husband on his back. She had a seductive grin on her face and was about to go in for a searing kiss when she paused for a moment. That sparkle shining in Jack's eyes. The way he was smiling.

"I love you, Laura," he said softly, running his right hand down her left thigh as it straddled his body.

Irina felt something altogether new come over her. She leaned forward, her dark tresses cascading around her face and tickling his chest. "I love you, too," she whispered just before covering his mouth with hers. And for the first time since she met Agent Jack Bristow, she meant her words. She meant them with all her heart and soul.

She would continue to use him, certainly. After all, he worked for the government of the American pigs. The KGB existed to protect the Soviet Union from the influence of such capitalist evil. But this one capitalist American pig, he was different. And no matter what she did for Mother Russia, Irina Derevko would spend every night of the foreseeable future with this man, and she was finding that she didn't mind at all.

Later that night, long after their lovemaking had come to fruition, she silently got out of bed. She kissed Jack's sleeping face. He had performed admirably and deserved his rest. With a silly grin, she threw on a green silk robe and padded into the bathroom. She closed the door tight and turned on the light to gaze at herself in the mirror.

Her bright brown eyes were full of sparkle. That was to be expected after the intense pleasure she had just received. But there was more to the look in her eyes. Those things she had been thinking while Jack made love to her. There were disturbing on so many levels.

"Get your head on straight, Irina," she whispered to her reflection, all in Russian. It was much easier to remember who she really was in her native tongue. Pretending to Laura Bristow was starting to weigh on her. "You are Irina Derevko, KGB operative. You do not love this man. You cannot love this man. You will use him, just as you have been ordered to do. And you will enjoy it!"

A knock at the door interrupted her.


"Come in," she responded, carefully bringing back her perfected American accent.

Jack entered the bathroom, clad only in a pair of silk boxers. She surveyed up and down his body. His broad shoulders, perfectly sculpted chest and abdominals, those Adonis-like legs. It was no wonder she was so attracted to him.

"Is everything alright, sweetheart?" His chocolate eyes surveyed her intently, just as they seemed to focus intently on whatever Jack happened to be looking at. He didn't smile very often, but when he did, it was something magical. Irina wanted the satisfaction of knowing she made him smile. When he was serious like this, it unnerved her. She would hate to be on the receiving end of one of his interrogations.

She walked to where he stood and wrapped her arms around his waist, resting her head against his shoulder so she could breathe in his heavenly masculine scent. His strong arms enfolded her, and she sighed happily. "It's just a little strange to think that we're married."

"Strange how?" he asked, kissing her hair affectionately.

"I don't know. I'm just so happy, Jack." She pulled away from him ever so slightly so she could kiss him.

Jack beamed at her. "I'll make sure you're happy forever."

"It won't be long enough."

Little did Jack know, their time together had an expiration date. Irina did not yet know when she would have to leave him, but forever was not in the cards.