Woody & Buzz: The trip

Woody was in the room keeping an eye on Andy's toys; Woody was kind of like the sheriff in his terms with the toys, and they accepted him as one. He was glad to be the leader, he loved to be in control, but, sometimes he didn't want to be in control. His pride had stopped that of course and it complicated things. Woody noticed the window was open and walked over towards it. He knew Andy left it open usually just to air out the room so it wouldn't be so stuffy in the house.

Woody stopped while staring out to the wide open world out there; toys had no real idea what lay beyond their limits, and more than most wouldn't push that limit. Buzz called out to Woody, but, he hadn't heard him as he was lost in his thoughts. Once summer came, Andy went to camp, and totally forgot about Woody for the very first time.

Buzz placed a hand on Woody's shoulder startling Woody to quickly turn around accidentally falling out of the window. He felt himself fall, fear inside him grew, and before he knew it Buzz was there grabbing his hand as Woody hit the side of the house. "B-buzz, let go or we'll both fall" he knew this, but, he knew Buzz was way stronger than him now.