Beca's not at all surprised when she walks into the radio station for her shift and sees a juice pouch haphazardly slotted between the M and the Ns. What she is surprised to see though is that when she pulls the juice pouch out – with a roll of her eyes because seriously, she's known him for nearly one and a half years now and Jesse still insists that 'juice is their thing' [it's not, it's really not] – is that he's attached a post-it to it and has scribbled a note on it in his perfect, cursive, almost girly-looking script [she's banned from ever bringing up the fact that his parents made him take calligraphy classes up until he was fifteen…and definitely banned from suggesting that he enjoyed it, maybe even loved it. Because he clearly did, the dork.]

To Whom It May Concern [aka Beca] –

If you're reading this and I'm not there yet, it means I'm probably going to be late [yes, I know, I'm late again; don't roll your eyes at me, Mitchell] so…do your awesome, charming, incredibly handsome boyfriend a favour and distract Luke until I arrive? :)


She rolls her eyes.

She will do no such thing.

His ego needs to be taken down a notch. Or two. Or five.

"Luke," she calls out towards the booth, her voice instantly grabbing the British boy's attention, Jesse's post-it still clutched in her hands, "Jesse's going to be late."

Luke glances at her, walking over, leaning against the doorframe as he frowns, shaking his head lightly. "That boy will be the end of me," he says, his disapproval clear in the tone of his voice, "Why on Earth did I ever hire him?"

Beca shrugs, ever so slightly amused by the way the two boys still can't get along [she's pretty convinced, on Jesse's part, that it's because he's jealous of Luke's abs and—okay, that's another subject she's banned from talking about. Doesn't mean she has to listen to him though and of course, she never does. Teasing him, watching him squirm, it's way too much fun].

"Don't worry," she tells Luke reassuringly as she walks over towards the table to grab a stack of CDs; Luke may let her take the night shift occasionally but it doesn't mean she's above stacking CDs [unfortunately], "I feel exactly the same way."

…except it comes out a little flat because it's not true, not at all.

[Unless he's in the middle of forcing her to watch some sappy, romantic comedy that he really has way too many of and then moaning at her when he's the only one that ends up teary eyed…but, uh, that never happened. Obviously.]

"Well, at least this means that I won't be in fear of walking in on you two having sex on the desk," Luke says casually, his lips quirking up in amusement, "After all, I've been burned before."

"What? We would never," she replies, as convincingly as she can manage, but she can feel herself flushing and Luke's staring between her and the desk, his desk, with an absolutely horrified expression on his face so she quickly changes the subject.

[Stupid Jesse and his stupid ideas; no, seriously, the whole thing had been a stupid idea, she had ended up with splinters in places that splinters should never be and it had hurt—and okay, maybe it was partly her fault too; after all, she hadn't exactly stopped him, had she?]

"Jesse," she repeats, getting Luke's attention once more, though the boy still looks rather dazed and traumatised by the revelation that his precious desk has been defiled once again, "Jesse is late."

And okay, maybe she feels a little guilty for throwing him under the bus [again] in an attempt to distract Luke…but hey, it's his own fault for actually pinching her last night when she had - inevitably - fallen asleep on his shoulder during the 'The Lord Of The Rings' marathon that he had insisted that they had.

It's been one and a half years and Jesse still forces her to have weekly 'moviecations' with him…although, sure, maybe he doesn't actually have to force her anymore; she doesn't mind them so much, she might even like them, just not when he's making her watch the entire 'The Lord Of The Rings' trilogy in one sitting and, because he's Jesse and he has the extended Blu-ray edition, it's over twelve hours long.

Twelve hours. Twelve hours of elves and dwarfs and hobbits and—ugh, she's shuddering even thinking about it.

"Hey, Luke, Beca," she hears from behind her and both of them turn to see Jesse bounding towards them, a grin on his face, as always. "What's up?"

Luke narrows his eyes at the boy, shaking his head in disapproval as he simply turns away and walks back into the booth, and Beca can't help but smirk at the way Jesse's grin falters a little as he pales, instantly whipping his head around to glare at her, his glare only intensifying when he sees that she's retrieved his post-it from her pocket, waving it around at him nonchalantly [except it's Jesse and his glares are only mildly terrifying...]

"Beca! I told you to distract him!"

"Shouldn't have pinched me last night then, should you?" she says, leaning against the shelf as she raises an eyebrow, arms crossed, rolling her eyes at him in amusement as he pouts at her, his eyes as wide as they can go, "Why are you late, anyway? Benji, again?"

Jesse nods in response, a slightly pained look passing across his face as he grabs the stack of CDs from her hands and starts stacking, "I don't know how but he managed to get one of his swords stuck in the wall," he explains, "But that's beside the point. I can't believe you didn't distract Luke for me; you know how much he hates me, he's probably in there crafting up the most intricate, ridiculous lunch order for me to get him later."

She rolls her eyes again [though she guesses Jesse's fears are justified; Luke has been known to mess with his head like that...boys], smoothing out his post-it and scanning it as she replies. "I'm sorry," she says, "Guess you're just not as awesome or charming or incredibly handsome as you think."

He raises an eyebrow, gives her a challenging look, and she swallows as suddenly he's right in front of her, his breath warm on her cheek. "Are you sure about that?" he says, leaning in even further, until his face is just millimetres from hers and if she just moves slightly—

No, he's not winning this.

"Yep," she says instead, as she pushes him away and she laughs as he pouts at her again, refusing to budge despite her attempts. Sometimes she hates her height…or rather, her complete lack of it.

"I'm not moving," he tells her and she rolls her eyes but concedes, grabbing his shirt and reaching up to press her lips to his but before she knows it, he's pulled away and she glances up at him, a confused expression on her face.

"Say it," he says, but he's laughing, his eyes sparkling at her, "Say it, Beca."

She sighs.

Rolls her eyes.

"Okay, you're awesome, charming and incredibly handsome," she tells him, as sarcastically as she can manage when he's so close to her, "Happy now?"

Jesse grins, satisfied, leaning over to kiss her again before he turns away to start stacking CDs. She smiles at his retreating back, biting back a laugh as he begins singing to himself, adding in some exaggerated hip movements as he moves in time with the music.

"What's with the post-it, by the way?" she asks him, as she grabs a stack of CDs and moves to stand beside him, absentmindedly reading the back of the CD on the top of the pile, "You know you could have just texted me, right?"

He just shrugs at her as he gently takes the CD that she's now struggling to place on one of the higher shelves and does it for her. "What would be the fun in that?" he asks, with a grin that's a little too wide and she groans.

She knows what that means. She's going to get bombarded with post-its. It's going to be their 'new thing'.

Jesse just laughs at the unamused expression on her face, nudging her in the ribs with his elbow repeatedly until finally, she cracks, rolling her eyes at him. He's a dork and yes, he made her sit through twelve hours of weird fantasy action last night [or tried to, anyway] ...but hey, she'll keep him.

Oh man, this is so unbelievably random but it didn't fit under any of my other B/J fics so yeah, posting it separately, let me know what you think? :)

PS – Uh, I guess if any of you have any 'post-it' message suggestions, throw them at me :)