Disclaimer: I do NOT own Katekyo Hitman Reborn!

Chapter 4 - Promise

'I thought I heard someone in the room?' Gokudera queried himself as he carefully looked around, 'Perhaps not!'

As he was about to leave the bedroom, another excruciatingly weak moan echoed around.

He turned in the direction it came from. "Ah, the bathroom. Why did I forget that." Edging up to the ebony door, he realized it was unlocked. The storm guardian gently opened the door wide enough to peak round.

Gokudera found Tsuna still lying on the floor, drifting slightly in and out of consciousness. Only the light wheeze to confirm the other was still alive.

"Jyuudaime?" He shouted as he rushed to his Boss' side.

'What the hell happened?'

A collection of "Hey, wake up!", "You okay?" and "What happened?" fell from Gokudera's mouth as he shook his boss awake.

Groans erupted as Tsuna slowly sat up with the help of the other. Clutching his head, with a serious migraine, Tsunayoshi tried to work out who was talking in front of him.

"Jyuudaime, are you okay?" worry etched into his voice.

Decimo took a while to process what was said and replied with a positive grunt.

The storm guardian wasn't unfamiliar with this as he had had to wake the other up on previous occasions, he had just thought his boss wasn't a morning person.

"Where did you go for five hours, and when I find you, your lying on the bathroom floor groaning?"

Not wanting to lie to his best friend and right-hand man, stated "If I tell you, promise me you won't tell anyone. Please." By the end it sounded as if he was begging.

Shocked was putting it lightly, in the ten years that Gokudera had known Tsuna had hardly if ever begged.

Knowing that what he would probably hear he wouldn't like but knew he would otherwise never find out.

"Sure, I promise." he whispered.

A/N: Sorry it has been a long time since I posted - have been working on other story ideas. Hope you like it. Please R&R