Just in Time for a Wedding


Ava Brett


None of the characters who are mentioned in the below work of fiction belong to me in any shape or form. I am merely using them for my own entertainment purposes.

Author Note

This is me fulfilling a promise.

Overall Summary

All Dean wants to do is enjoy his two week holiday, get his best man speech right at his brother's wedding and keep that same brother sane before his head explodes from the stress. However it appears that the Bride's brother Castiel has other plans for him…

Chapter Summary


Overall Romance

Castiel Novak / Dean Winchester

Sam Winchester / Anna Milton

Chapter Romance

Sam Winchester / Anna Milton

Chapter Five

We are going to talk

Dean pushed himself up into a seated position, his eyes moving slowly around the room taking in as many details he could. It was a fairly standard room for a guestroom if Dean discounted the actual size of it. It was simple in its design, a room designed for the needs of the individual using it rather than for their comfort. The walls were painted white and were bare of all art and photos, the duvet beneath him was also white while the coverings of the pillows and the cushions which were stacked high on the mattress and the curtains which were currently pulled back to allow the sun and fresh air into the room, were all various shades of dark green, the splash of colour helping to break up the starkness of it all. The overall effect with the dark wooden floorboard was surprisingly pleasant and soothing reminding him of his living room back in South Dakota.

A small smile came to his face as he gave into the desire he had felt from the moment he had entered the room and seen the comfortable looking mattress. He glanced quickly towards the closed door making sure he was still alone before he began bouncing up and down on it, his smile widening into a grin when he felt the resistance against him. He was definitely going to get a good night sleep on it.

Shaking his head, Dean breathed out loudly and pushed himself to his feet, heading over to the small doorway he could see in the corner of the room. He opened it, sticking his head through and rolled his eyes with a huff of amusement when he realised it was a large en-suite decorated in the same colouring as the bedroom. Of course it was an en-suite, it wouldn't have surprised Dean one bit if every bedroom in the place had one. It seemed that sort of place, more like a fancy hotel then an actual home where people lived full time.

He stepped fully into the cool room and flipped on the switch to the side of him, flooding the bathroom with some much needed light. He closed the door behind him, hesitating for a moment before he turned the lock, his shoulder's slumping down in relief at the loud clicking sound.

He walked over to the mirror situated over the sink and looked into it, his green eyes narrowing slightly as he considered his reflection with a critical gaze, moving his face side to side in a considering manner. He looked surprisingly normal in view of the fact that he had just had to endure his worst nightmare of flying on a airplane flight which was too short to consider taking sleeping tablets and a flight where he couldn't turn to alcohol to console him through the trauma. Not only that but he had also had to endure an hour of almost being smothered to death by the sheer amount of sexual tension that had sprung into life between him and Castiel after one simple look.

As far as Dean was concerned he deserved a freaking medal for dealing with both things and still remaining fairly sane.

Shaking his head, he unwound the plug from where it had been wrapped carelessly around the old fashioned tap, putting it in the plughole and turning on the cold tap, his fingertips moving against the cool basin in a random beat while he waited for the sink to fill up with enough water for what he wanted.

Once it has reached the required level, he twisted it off leaving him in silence, Dean glanced once more at his reflection, before he took a deep breath and bent down, plunging his head into the icy water, he slowly opened his eyes under the surface, ignoring the fact that he could feel the water dripping down the back of his neck from where his hair was now drenched. He stayed under for as long as he could, allowing the familiar sensation to sooth him, easing away the rest of his tension before he pushed against the sink, sucking in a much needed breath as he straightened, his eyes locking with his reflection again. He nodded once to himself.

Definitely better.

Dean reached up running a hand through his wet hair before he quickly pulled his damp t-shirt off, bunching the material into a ball and throwing it carelessly onto the floor beside him before he used the water to wash his torso. He pulled the plug out, kicking his t-shirt up and scrunching it up in hand before he headed to the door, unlocking it and stepping into his temporary bedroom.


Dean barely had time to blink before his arms were full of Anna Milton, an Anna Milton who was hugging him tightly to her as though her very life depended on the action. Dean rolled his eyes, wrapping his own arms around her and returning the hug, stroking one hand lightly down her long straight red hair before he rested it on her slim shoulder, using the hold to push her away from him.

"Hello Red" he said "Long time no see." He grinned when she made a sound of annoyance, stepping away from him and crossing her arms across her chest.

"Long time no see" she repeated in disbelief. "Dean I haven't seen you in three whole months and that's all you have to say to me? No asking how I am or how work is or anything like that, just a s simple hello Red. I should hit you" she stated before she rolled her eyes. "Why haven't you come to see us before now? Where the hell have you been Dean except obviously at the gym?" she said, her dark eyes dropping away from his face to focus on his chest and abs with an impressed look.

"Put a T-shirt on Dean before she realises she's picked the wrong brother to marry" Sam remarked attracting Dean's attention away from his future sister in law to him. Dean reached out automatically catching the T-shirt Sam threw to him. He quickly pulled it on flashing Anna an amused look at the sound of disappointment she made, before he walked across the room, meeting Sam half way and pulling him into a hug.

"Sammy, Damn it's good to see you" he commented, his arms tightening around his brother. He frowned slightly when he realised that Sam was holding him back tightly, his face buried into the crook of Dean's neck in the same way he had always done when they had been younger and something had upset him. Dean moved his head back, his gaze moving over Sam's face with an increased feeling of concern blooming in the pit of his stomach.

There was definitely something going on here. Something which Dean knew he wouldn't like.

"It's good to see you as well Dean" Sam replied, moving back and clapping his hand down on Dean's shoulder, holding onto it tightly as though he didn't want to let go. "How are things with you? You look great. Sorry we couldn't pick you up earlier like we had originally planned to but-" he stopped speaking, instead shrugging his shoulder with an apologetic look coming to his face.

"But we needed to get the food for the wedding sorted and it was the only slot they could give us" Anna said briskly, walking up to Sam and slipping her arm around his waist, a wide smile coming to her face when Sam automatically wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her close to his side.

"It's no problem" Dean replied with a shrug before he crossed his arms over his chest, tilting his head to the side as he watched them carefully. Whatever the problem was it didn't seem to be between Sam and Anna. "You don't need to tell me of all people the importance of food" he pointed out, smiling when they both laughed at the comment.

"Was there any trouble with Castiel picking you up?" Sam asked with a slight frown. Dean shook his head.

"He was slightly late due to traffic but he found me no problem when he got there" Dean answered.

"I bet he did" Anna said quietly with a knowing smile before she clapped her hands together ignoring the questioning look that Dean shot her. "Right well dinner is tonight at seven but I was thinking that we could go out and get some coffee and just catch up without everyone else around. There's a really nice coffee shop down the road and they do this incredible apple pie there, it's literally to die for" she said grinning when Dean nodded instantly at her.

"Incredible apple pie" Dean repeated. "What the hell are we standing around here waiting for then? Lead the way to the pie Red" he said, reaching up and ruffling her hair with his hand, ignoring her sound of outrage as she reached up and tried to smooth the strands down.

"I'll meet the pair of you at the front door in a moment, I've got to grab something from my room quickly" she said, turning away from them and heading out of the room. Dean stared after her for a moment before he turned to look at Sam, unsurprised to find his brother's gaze already fixed on him.

"We're going out just the pair of us after this meal tonight Sammy and we're gonna talk about whatever it is which is troubling you so much." He stated firmly meeting Sam's' hazel eyes directly, daring his brother to tell him that there was nothing wrong with him the same way he always did anytime Dean asked him if something was wrong. Dean's eyebrow rose when Sam merely searched his eyes and nodded his head, a serious look coming to his face as he spoke quietly.

"Yeah Dean" he said reaching up and running his hand through his hair "I'd like that a lot."

Dean blinked watching as Sam turned and headed towards the exit.

There was definitely something wrong and Dean was going to get to the bottom of it if it was the last thing he did.