All right, everyone, time to do some skipping. I think I covered everything, so all that's left is a bittersweet good-bye from me to you. Yup, that's right: THIS IS THE LAST CHAPTER.


After prom, everything just seemed to fall into place. The New Directions won Nationals and Rachel and Kurt received their acceptance letters from NYADA.

All that was left was a bittersweet good-bye...

"Rachel, come on!" Sam called, carrying one of her suitcases. "You're going to miss your train!"

Rachel finally caught up with him, her rolling suitcase trailing behind her. "Sam, relax. It doesn't leave for another thirty minutes."

"Did your Dads get to New York okay?" He asked.

She nodded. "Yup, they're staying at the Plaza Hotel. We just have to wait for Kurt now."

Sam set the suitcase down and rubbed his hands together. He looked at Rachel who was facing the train. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah." She replied simply, but he knew from the stiffness in her voice that she was on the verge of crying.

He stroked her hair. "No you're not. It's okay to cry, you know."

She turned to him and tried to suck in her chest. "Well...let's not have a sad or dramatic good-bye." She stuck her hand out and he stared at it quizzically. "Good-bye, Sam."

He took her hand, but she pulled him to her with such force, kissing him with all she had. Then she hugged him to her super tightly, he could feel her fingernails digging into her back. She felt the opposite of how she felt that day Sam sang her that last song on Valentine's Day, the same way she felt on New Years Eve when she wanted to burn all the pictures of him. Her heart was breaking so badly, she thought she would faint right there on the spot.

Sam also felt his heart equally breaking. They both worked equally hard to stay together and now they would be apart again. Tears welled up his eyes and softly fell onto the pavement. "It's not really good-bye. We'll still be together, right?"

She bit her lip and nodded. "Of course. I love you, Sam. I always have and I always will. We can do it this time, I just know it."

He looked at her and stroked her cheek. "I love you so much, Rachel. It'll never be over. You're gonna go to the best college in New York and become a great Broadway star, and we'll meet in the middle."

She smiled. "And we'll visit each other. It won't be too long before we see each other again."

He nodded. "And we have phones, remember? We can call each other."

Rachel giggled. "That's right, and Skype too."

She felt a tap on her shoulder and turned around. Kurt gave them a friendly wave. "Hey there, sweetie. You got your ticket?"

She nodded and held it up. "You bet. Ready to go?"

He pointed to the train with his thumb. "I was going to go on already and safe us some seats. I'll leave you two to say your good-byes."

Sam patted him on the shoulder. "It was nice knowing you, Kurt. You're gonna do great in New York."

Kurt hugged him. "Thanks. You have yourself a great senior year." He grabbed Rachel's suitcases along with his and headed onto the train. "Train leaves in twenty minutes."

When he disappeared onto the train, Rachel clung onto Sam again. "No! I'm not going!"

Sam sighed. "Rach, you can't turn back now. Kurt has your luggage and your Dads are in New York waiting for you."

She shook her head. "So what? They'll be fine if I stay."

Sam pushed some loose hair out of her face. "No, Rachel, you're getting on that train." He said firmly. "I want you to go live your dream. You're going to get on that train. And you're going to go to New York...and you're gonna be a star."

She felt her chest tighten and soft tears trickled from her eyes. "Can we at least play the good-bye song one last time?"

He grinned. "It won't be our last, but sure. You start."

She softly sang the first song that popped into her head,

I have died everyday waiting for you
Darling, don't be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

"Your turn." She whispered.

He nodded and gripped her hands tightly.

It's time to begin, isn't it?
I get a little bit bigger but then I'll admit
I'm just the same as I was
Now don't you understand

That I'm never changing who I am

The whistle blew once and the conductor popped out of the train calling "ALL ABOARD!"

Sam looked down at Rachel and felt his heart break again at the sight of her in her fragile, broken state. He gently took her hand and started tugging it toward the train. "Stop crying or I'm gonna cry again too. Come on, I'll walk you on board."

When they got to the entrance of the train, she turned to him. "I'll call you when I get there."

He pulled her to him, cupped her face and kissed her for what would be the last time in months. With the kiss, they tried to savor everything: the sweetness of their breaths mixed with the saltiness of their tears. When they broke apart, he nudged her. "Go on, New York awaits."

She took one last look at him and lowered her eyes. "Good-bye, Sam. I love you."

Letting go of their hands was the hard part. She desperately wanted to hold on longer, to find an any excuse to turn back. But he was stronger, so when he broke the grip, it was too late to turn back.

He stepped back to allow the other passengers to get on, and she trudged he way to find Kurt.

Kurt shuffled over and patted the seat next to the window. "You can have it."

She plopped down onto the seat and heard a light tapping on the window.

Sam's face gazed up at her. She admired how he was trying to be strong and hold back tears while she couldn't. He made a smiling gesture to her and she gave him a small, tearful smile in return. They both mouthed I love you to each other as the doors closed, and the train began to move.

Sam pressed his hand to the window and she did the same to match his. He started running alongside the train until he reached the end of the pavement and the train picked up speed. She tried to look back but Sam was completely out of sight.

Kurt handed her a handkerchief and wrapped his arm around her as she cried. "It's all right."

When Rachel was out of sight, Sam felt as if his heart had been ripped out of his chest. She was gone...again. He knew that she would call when she arrived, but he wanted her to have something of him to hold onto during the ride.

Quickly, he fished his phone out of his pocket and sent a text.

Back on the train, Rachel had finished her cry and was staring blankly out the window. Kurt retrieved a Vogue magazine out of his suitcase and busied himself with it.

Her phone beeped in her pocket, and when she checked it, she smiled.

Don't be blue

I love you!

Kurt looked up from his magazine. "Texting already? See? It's like you never left each other."

Rachel stuck her tongue out at him. "Go back to your magazine, Kurt."

Her phone beeped again with a text that made her smile even wider.

Is this a habit of yours? Falling off of stuff?

She decided to send a witty text back before Kurt had a chance to be nosy.

Only when you're there to catch me.

"It's gonna be a long ride, isn't it?" She asked Kurt.

"That it is, diva." He replied simply. "Eighteen and a half hours. You better save your phone battery for emergencies."

"There's no plug-in sockets on the train?" She questioned.

He chuckled. "Rachel, it's a train, not an airport. I'm pretty sure there aren't any."

She pouted. "Well if I get low, I'll hunt around for one. I've been on trains before, there should be one somewhere."

He shrugged and went back to his magazine.

She rolled her eyes and stared back out the window. Everything will work out, she told herself. Sure, they would be apart again but they would remain close, as long as they loved each other. After everything that happened, there was no way she would let their love fade away again.

She whipped out her IPOD, plugged in her headphones, switched it to the Enchanted covers Sam made and put as a playlist, and let the soothing sounds of Sam's singing lull her to sleep.

Now you're beside me, and look how far we've come, so far. We are so close.

And scene!

That's the end of it, folks! This has been my longest story and I'm sincerely proud of it, like a lot. Thank you all for sticking with me, thank you for answering the trivia questions.

I'd like to give a special thanks and shout-out to Youtube user CarysHarmeen1 who made the video on which this story was based on. Thank you so much for letting me use it as a base for this wonderful story!

I have a special announcement: I will be writing yet ANOTHER Samchel story. This next one will take place while Sam is a high school senior and Rachel is in college, but it won't be a sequel because most sequels suck and I'm gonna wind up forgetting everything that happened in this story to connect the two. I'll be introducing Brody and Penny...ick, I cringed at the thought of her. Anyway, I thank you all and good-night!