Chapter 1 -Finders Keepers "Give it back!"

Draco stood facing the fire in the small sitting room. He smirked at the fiery voice behind him. Without turning, he drawled, "Looking for something?"

Pausing for dramatic affect, he turned around and faced the redheaded girl. He fully realized the affect the firelight had on the situation, casting his shadow across red carpet. It made his lean six foot one frame appear to loom over the petite girl. The light flickered across his hair, the red and orange giving him a fiendish quality. That was precisely why he had chosen that spot - he wasn't above being melodramatic when it suited his purpose. And right now, that purpose was to appear both threatening and sexy.

She gave him a withering stare, worthy even of her mother, Mrs. Weasley.

"You know I am. Now give it back to me."

Draco, assuming a disinterested look, extended a frog leg in front of him, pinched between the tips of his forefinger and thumb. "You mean this thing?"

Ginny gasped at the leg - the leg that, up until an hour ago, had been attached to Neville's frog.

"You didn't!" she said, feeling stupid as soon as the words left her mouth. Why wouldn't he? It was Malfoy after all, the stupid git who lived to make others miserable.

He smirked. "I see you have inherited your brother's flare for stating the obvious."

"Sod off, Malfoy. What did you do to him?"

"You mean...the rest of him?"


"Why do you care? The frog was never any good to anyone, at least now he might make some one a tasty treat. Neville should be thankful that I got rid of such an embarrassing pet. You may even say that I did him a favor." He wasn't exactly telling the whole truth, but she didn't need to know that yet.

"Neville might want him," she blinked at Draco, as the corners of his mouth started to turn up in amusement. "I mean, he might want to bury him." Damn him! Why did he always have the power to unnerve her?

"Sorry, finders, keepers. Tell Longbottom if he wants his precious pet back, it'll cost him.... and he better hurry - frogs don't keep for very long."

He brushed past Ginny.

"What will it cost?"

"Where do you expect to get the money, Weasel? Sell a lung?" he sneered, as he kept walking.

"Just name your price, ferret boy!" Ginny got out through clenched teeth.

Draco paused at the doorway. Got you now, Weasley.

Slowly, he turned around, pretending an innocent air. Leaning against the doorframe he crossed his arms in front of his chest. "Now that depends on if you want him back - dead, or alive."