Naruko had been stuck in limbo for years, thousands or even hundreds, she had no idea, there was no concept of time there, she at first tried to escape of course before giving up after what seemed to be many years of trying. She would not have been as lonely if Kyuubi had been with her, but the fox had died by keeping her alive from the blast of chakra that the incomplete Juubi Madara or his real name Obito Uchiha freed trying to capture her and complete it.


Sakura, Sasuke, Kakashi-sensei, Tsunade-baa-chan... Everyone... Dead. The body's littered the battle field, many Shinobi lay dead or wounded as Naruko scanned no man's land until her eyes focused on the beast in the distance. Memories flashed through Naruko's mind, when she was first appointed a Shinobi, how every year Jiji would take her to Ichiraku's ramen and buy her as much as she wanted when Sasuke left, shopping and sleepovers with Sakura and the girls, laughing and joking with the guys... Sasuke and her confessing there love fire each other...Sasuke proposing...Sasuke sacrificing himself to save her from Madara, meeting her mother... getting along with Kyuubi.

All these memories came back as she disappeared in a black red and gold flash appearing in front of the beast doing the hands sigh as for her two powerful attacks before Rasengan appeared in one hand and a Chidori in the other, rule three of the Shinobi... Never show your emotion. Naruko pushed all her sadness, depression, loneliness bitterness, everything into this move including half of her chakra. Before running toward the beast she turned to the Shinobi on the battle field and spoke in a loud clear voice "Do You See! Let this be a lesson, Pain is a never ending cycle, sadness, hatred and fear brings war, war brings death, death brings, sadness, hatred and fear, which breeds more war, it's a never ending cycle, you must stop this cycle a bring peace to the elemental Lands, which in turn will bring happiness!" Naruko finished her speech and ran to the hideous beast pumping chakra into her legs she jumped up and thrust her two attacks into its chest.

The Juubi screeched in pain slashing Naruko across the stomach sending her spiralling into the ground creating a huge crater, in a flash of speed causing the greater to grow bigger crater she jumped out doing multiple hand signs making two seals appear on the palms of her hand pumping all her life chakra and 50% of Kyuubi's into this one Jutsu her palms started glowing a crimson red from Kyuubi's chakra before she slammed them onto the ground making a huge chakra wave as the two seals appeared on the ground and in a flash of light her and the juubi disappeared. The Juubi sealed in the moon once again PERMANENTLY and Naruko nowhere to be found. It started to rain soon after and as the Shinobi thought, even the sky wept for the loss of Naruko Uzumaki Namikaze. Her story would not be forgotten...

Flashback over

A bright light surrounded Naruko as she passed out. Once she regained consciousness she saw she was in a big bedroom lying in a big California king sized bed, laying in front of her was several books on Greek mythology, several languages seals each for a different language, five other packages and a bundle of letters. She went for the letters first untying the rope that held them together opening the first letter.

Dearest Great Granddaughter

I'm your grandfather as your mother told you already you are barely human, you are what we call a demi- deity as you know I am great-grand mother Amaterasu, goddess of the sun.

I want you to know I am proud of you and all you have done, through facing a life like yours is an extremely hard thing to do. I myself am ashamed I was not there to care for you. But I expected you to be cared for as a hero as your father said you would have been, so by time I came back to the elemental Lands I found out you had been sent to limbo, I sent you here, were your father is this is not part of the elemental Lands but a parallel dimension I'll leave you to talk to your father yourself.

I have left a gift for you in the packages.

Good luck

Love Your Great Grandmother Amaterasu


Hello My Great Great Grandchild,

I am Nyx your great great grandmother, goddess or Titan of the night in the world you have been sent to.

I advise you to read about Greek Mythology.

I was unaware of your existence until you turned thirteen. I have watched over you the best I can, have you noticed you started feeling safer at night or heard a voice steering you away from danger after dark?

I love you with all my heart and will always be watching over you

Love your Great Great Grandmother Nyx


I will speak with you soon, I have left you a gift also.

My dear granddaughter,

I am your grandfather Omoikane God of wisdom,

As you know something that has guided you through most of your life, I have left you a little something that will be of great use to you,

I will speak to you face to face soon,

I love you and of course, your mother's personality which you have gained growing into a fine young woman.

Love your Grandfather Omoikane.


Hello young one,

This is from your uncles, Susano-o god of storms and sea, and Raijin, god of thunder and lightning we shall bestow on you a blessing, In which you shall be able to use our powers, good luck on your Journey but of course we will train you after you meet your father.

All the best,

Love Uncle, Susano-o and Raijin.

P.S We left you a gift.

Once Naruko finished all the letters for the first time in many years a smile graced her lips Naruko Unlocked all the language seals and instantly all the knowledge filtered into her head. She opened the first long parcel wrapped in black paper It revealed a long shiny black box opening the box carefully only to reveal a shiny black Katana with the words 'Black Night' Night in Kanji engraved on it in silver. She pulled the sword open from the hilt to reveal the pitch black blade with a crescent moon carved into it, she knew It was from her great great grandmother Nyx.

Putting the Katana down she moved on to the next parcel tearing off the paper it revealed a small flame pattern box with a picture of the sun on top. Opening the small box she was suddenly covered by a warm light coming from the small box, It stayed like this for a whole minute before the light died down. Inside the box was a note saying 'My gift to you Is activating your dormant powers, all the powers you have yet to activate, have now been activated, plus to extra gifts, One of which is called 'bending' were you control the elements, although you will need practice, another is familiar to you with a few minor adjustments I made, you may want to look in the mirror, From the one and only Amaterasu'.

Naruko got up of the bed and to the body length mirror only to find herself back to age ten, Naruko looked herself over, the same azure blue eyes, same blond hair with black highlights only as a ten-year-old...

She sighed although she thought it was better this way and go through growing up again then looking like she was hundreds of years old...

She climbed back on the bed and opened the rest of her gifts from her Grandfather she got a book on anything and everything, It was a retentively small book about the size of a regular notebook and was empty until she thought of something she wanted to know, had seen, or heard or was just simply looking from A to Z.

From her uncle's she received a Pair of steel plated gloves like Sakura's covering the whole hand, and a platinum diamond Encrusted bracelet, on the note that came with it 'These are resistant to almost everything and are pretty much indestructible, you can use it with your bending, they grow as you grow and they also mend themselves, The bracelet Ironically always protects you and Is Indestructible, you'll defiantly need it in this dimension. Love, your Favourite Uncle's, Raijin and Susano-o xx'.

Naruko got off the bed only for there to be another flash of light revealing a woman with pale blond hair and silky smooth skin and a figure that would make a gay man straight. Naruko knew who this was, It was Kami holding a white box wrapped in a crème lace. "We have many things to discuss child come sit," she said her voice calming and soothing radiating power Naruko Nodded before going to sit down Orange couch on the corner, which for some strange Naruko never notice before. While sitting Naruko looked all over the room and noticed that there was a book case full of different books and story's fiction, nonfiction, science fiction, in the corner next to it was a bean bag chair, with loads of pillows surrounding the area. Leading up to the corner on the opposite side of the book case next to the beanbags was a basket sort of hair hanging from the ceiling next to that a few feet away were a pair of double doors that she guessed led to a walk in closet.

"Naruko" Kami said gaining the young blonds attention, "You were the child of the prophecy in the Elemental Lands, you have been though a great deal but you have brought peace. Since you have power over darkness I shall give you power over light, your power shall be both Divine and Destructive, you have balance now, remember we are always watching over you, the one who brought peace, who had been though torture, and still had soul so pure, this is my gift to you." and with that she disappeared in a beam a ball of light, as soon as she disappeared another ball of light appeared but unlike Kami's this one was Pitch black, it turned into a woman the opposite of Kami, still equally as beautiful, but instead of blond hair she had Jet black, and was dressed in black, instead of radiating an aura of life she radiated death.

"Naruko, I have very little time to talk to you but I have brought you a gift, It's someone you know, but he may be a little smaller than you remembered" She smiled as she brought out a fox about as long as a full grown cat, with nine tails swishing behind him and a familiar foxy smile. A smile broke across Naruko's face that could put Apollo to shame.

"KURAMA" Naruko shouted in shock and happiness.

"Hello, kit" Kurama smiled transforming into a fifteen-year-old boy with crimson coloured hair smooth skin wearing a black wife beater that clung to his muscles, with black jeans and black Addidas high tops, he looked good. Naruko ran up to him and gave him a huge hug her being lifted into the air because of the height difference "Ok kit we have much to discuss, this world is much more different then the elemental lands" Kyuubi stated.

"Fare well," Shinigami said before disappearing in a flash of somehow black light. Leaving the two, to have their own private talk.

Three Years Later

Yancy Academy

"Settle down class, settle down, before we begin today I would like to introduce a new student that would be joining us please greet her warmly—" A man said to his class. Seeing that finally, all his students were giving him their undivided attention, he turned toward the door at the front of the room. "You may come in now." A 10-year-old blonde entered the room walking toward the teacher's desk before facing all her new classmates for the next few years. She was tall at least 5'0 and had tan-skin with silky smooth, golden-blond hair, and vivid Azure blue-eyes that seemed to pierce your soul. She wore a pair of red and black hightop air force shoes, black jeans, red shirt, and a large black unzipped hoodie.

"Sup, everyone my name is Naruko Uzumaki" She smiled from under her hood before going to take a seat.