Last chapter!

Korea, Romano, and Spain were trying to break up Zoro/England and Sanji/France's fight (while everyone else watched) when the telephone rang. Prussia jumped up and ran to the phone, yelling "I got it!"

He picked it up and said "Hey, you've reached Best Time of Your Life, the number one role-play phone sex hotline in the world! If you want regular sex, press 69. If you want it weird, press pound to reach our specialist on everything from ropes to handcuffs to spanking! If you called because you're lonely and desperate, hang up right now because we don't have time for your shit."

A spurt of laughter came from the other end. A different voice said "Prussia, shut up and listen will you? Actually, put the phone on speaker so that everyone can hear me."

"Oh, hey, England." Prussia pressed the speakerphone button and England/Zoro's voice was amplified. "Guys, it's everyone else."

They crowded around the phone.

"Everyone there? Well, anyway," continued England/Zoro, "we found a solution. I've made some tweaks to the process, so hopefully it will work better than it did last time. Okay, now pay attention here…"

"So we all stand here?" asked Nami/Italy for confirmation. Everyone nodded, with a few saying "Yes." The ones who had switched stood close together in the center of the chalk circle, surrounded by strange symbols drawn on the floor. England/Zoro had instructed them to stand there until he could bring them over to the Sunny. Meanwhile, Franky/America was holding a pack of Mentos, which America/Franky had instructed him to bring so that he could demonstrate something.

"How long do we have to—?" began Franky/America, just before they began sinking into the floor. Since none of them had experienced it before, almost everyone clutched someone near them and started to panic.

"Um, this is supposed to happen, remember?" said Spain, standing just outside the now glowing chalk circle. "It's okay."

They relaxed, but only a little bit. Their torsos were now sinking in. Some held their breath as if about to dive underwater.

Finally, they sank entirely into the floor. The circle's blue glow faded. The nations stared at the spot where they had disappeared.

Back at the Sunny, England/Zoro had finished chanting. Slowly, six heads came up through the center of the circle with a red glow, growing to the chests, the hips, and finally the feet. The circle stopped glowing and everyone that had come through stepped off of it. They looked at those who were already there, smiled, and went up to them.

Chopper/Canada ran up to Luffy and Usopp with a big grin. "Guys! Hi! It's me, Chopper!"

"Chopper!" cried Usopp. "Is it really you? We missed you!"

"Missed…" Chopper/Canada started dancing. "I-I don't care if you missed me or not, you bastard~!"

"That's Chopper, definitely!" laughed Luffy.

Nami/Italy was approaching Italy/Nami with an accusing expression. "You better not have done anything to my body while I was away!"

Italy/Nami hid behind his hands. "What? You mean like touch your boobs? I didn't do anything like that!"

Nami/Italy smacked him anyway. Italy/Nami fell over from shock and Nami/Italy started freaking out because she had hurt her delicate body.

"Okay, bro, what are these things?" Franky/America held up the Mentos pack. America/Franky grinned.

"That doesn't really matter. Look at this!" he took out an almost-full bottle of cola from his fridge. "Okay, put one in here!"

Franky/America shrugged and dropped in the tablet. Immediately the cola bubbled over the top, spilling down the sides and dripping onto the deck. His eyes widened.

"Whoa, that's super! Can I keep the rest of these things?"

"Yeah, sure, I only use them for this kind of thing anyway! Why does this thing run on cola, anyway?"

"Because cola is the super drink of men!" to prove his point, he grabbed a bottle and downed the entire thing. Wiping his lips, he added "By the way, bro, your flying machine is AWESOME!"

"You flew one of my airplanes!? Which one!?"

"It said Curtiss on the side! Anyway, I took Chopper—" he gestured towards Canada/Chopper, "—for a ride on that thing until the engine started smoking. But don't worry! I fixed it up good as new!"

"You're the best, dude!" As one, they put their forearms together (or, in Franky/America's case, the back of his wrists) and yelled "SUUUUPER!"

Meanwhile, Zoro/England and Sanji/France were yelling at England/Zoro and France/Sanji, the latter of who was cuddling up to the former.

"I'm telling you, get my body off that disgusting swordsman's body!" yelled Sanji/France in frustration.

"And I'm telling you to get that shit-cook's body off of my body!" yelled Zoro/England.

"Yes, do get the hell off," growled England/Zoro. France/Sanji pouted and snuggled closer to England/Zoro.

"I love my angleterre and refuse to let him go!"

Japan/Robin and Robin/Japan stood by and surveyed them with amusement.

England/Zoro sighed and muttered something, waving his hand. In an instant, everyone found themselves in a different body than before.

"Eh!?" exclaimed Zoro/Usopp. "What's happening?"

"This isn't my body!" yelled America/Luffy.

"Whoa, what!?" cried Usopp/France.

There was general confusion. England/Nami exclaimed "Er, sorry about that! I'll try again…"

"Okay," he said several tries later. "Raise your hand if you're not in your own body."

No one raised their hand, though America said that he felt a bit nauseous from the constant switching.

"Anyway," said England, "we have to get back home now. We have duties to take care of, such as important political business and cleaning up the mess from last night. And for me, purchasing a new television is in order – again."

Franky started crying. "You guys are great! I'm not crying, shut up!"

The nations waved goodbye to the Strawhats as they stepped inside the circle. It started glowing blue and they slowly sank into the deck.

The circle in America's house was glowing red when the nations slowly came up through the floor. When they were all the way through and off the circle, the glow faded. England went to wipe the chalk away while everyone greeted them.

"Veneziano!" said Romano. "It's you again, right? Not the crazy chick?"

"Hi, fratello~! It's me~! That lady was scary…" he hugged his brother while Spain hugged them both.

"You two are so cute!"

"Get the hell off!"

"Dude," America was saying to Prussia, "that was an awesome way to answer the phone! I'm gonna have to use that next time!"

"Only if you give credit to the awesome Prussia!"


"Hold on…" said Korea. "England, what did cause that? You said that you didn't do anything, correct?"

"Well," said England, straightening up with the wet and dirty rag, the floor clean, "I honestly have no idea. It may have been one of my hi-lar-i-ous elder brothers playing a prank, it may have been Sealand again, or it may have been a bend in the space-time continuum which somehow caused two universes to collide and thus causing the swap." He shrugged. "But who knows?"

"I vote three," said America. "It sounds cooler."

"It's not a democratic matter—"

"I vote three too!" said Prussia. He and America high-fived. There was a knock on the door upstairs.

"Hold on, I'll get that…" America went to the door and opened it. "Oh, hey, dude. Yeah, he's downstairs. Come on down."

He went back downstairs with Germany behind him. Prussia jumped. "West! Hey, how's it going?"

"Brüder, I told you that I needed your help cleaning the house!" Germany yelled. "You're coming home now and you are going to help me with the cleaning!"

He grabbed Prussia by the ear and dragged him away with a nod to the rest of the nations.

"We should get going too," said Spain, stretching. The others nodded.

"So, what, we're not going to talk about what happened?" asked France.

"Maybe we can bring it up at the next party," said America, grinning. "Hey, you guys wanna come over next week and—"

"Dear Lord, no," said England quickly.

That's it~! I'm sorry if any of you are dissatisfied (and I'm sure that many of you are).

I think someone asked about the Mentos/Cola thing in a review or PM. I can't find it if they did, though, so if that was you, please let me know so I can give you credit!

Story's done~! Thank you for all your support, minna-sama~!