AN: Hey guys I'm with another chapter this one is going to be a little shorter than usual but I've had stuff to do and this is the first chance that I've got to write. So without further adieu hear it is.

After I had gotten my Pokémon healed I headed straight to the gym so that we could challenge the gym. Once we had gotten there I pushed open the doors and took a look at the field, which was just dirt with rocks scattered everywhere just what I had thought it would be. I was ready I had my Pokémon choose the only thing I needed to do now was win, and I was confident in the skills of my Pokémon.

"I'm here for a gym battle" I shout as to get someone's attention. Out came a tall man that was tan very tan and his eyes were squinted but I decided not to comment.

"I see so you wish to challenge me then" the man said

"Yes I am and the name is Ash Ketchum" I introduce myself

"And I'm Brock Pewter's gym leader" the now identified Brock replies.

"Then shall we get this battle started" I say.

"Yes, Geodude at the ready" he says as he throws a poke ball

"Charmeleon standby" I say as throwing Charmeleons poke ball.

"Begin" the referee said

"Alright Charmeleon lets start things off with a smoke screen" I command while he covers the whole arena in smoke.

"Geodude wait for him to come to you" broke says.

"Charmeleon get in close and then fire a dragon rage" I exclaim.

"Wait tell he gets close then rollout" Brock commands.

Charmeleon fires of his dragon rage which slows down Geodude so the rollout barley does any damage while the dragon rage had the desired effect.

"Charmeleon while he's recovery use ember" Ash shouts

"Geodude Defense curl" Brock exclaims, he had no idea that he had done exactly what Ash had wanted. He waited until Geodude had finished before "Dragon rage Charmeleon" Geodude didn't have a chance after the attack had hit.

"That was a good strategy Ash; not very many people are able to beat Geodude with a type disadvantage" Brock praises. "But now it's time to get serious, Onix I choose you." Brock exclaims

"Charmeleon return" I say while giving him praise once he is in the poke ball.

"Dratini your up" I shout

"Let's start the match, Onix bind" Brock commands

"Dratini get out of the way" I shout desperately. But it was too late as soon as the words were out of my mouth Onix had already caught Dratini. As Onix started to squeeze I panicked as I heard Dratinis' desperate cries, I couldn't think of a good way to get out of this situation.

"Brock" I start to say but am interrupted by the white light that has started to envelope Dratini. 'Yes I knew he was close to evolving' I think excitedly. as the white light died down Dratini was no longer there in his place was a long serpentine like Pokémon that was just as big as Onix if not bigger that had wings on each side of his head.

"Dragonair" the Pokémon shouts as he breaks free of Onix's grasp and starts to fly back over to my side right above my head.

"Dragonair finish Onix off with a twister, dragon pulse combo" I shout.

Brock sat there stunned and could do nothing as Onix was hit with the ruthless combo. As Onix hit the ground Brock grabbed his poke ball and returned him with good praise.

"Very well fought Ash" Brock congratulated. I thanked him while taking the gym badge that he had in his outstretched hand that I shock after putting the badge away. With that I had left Brock to go get my Pokémon healed after returning Dragonair to his poke ball.

AN: I know short chapter but I don't have much time so I thought I'd post this.

Ash's Pokémon Moves and Level

Dragonair 30: Twister, Thunder Wave, Dragon Rage, Leer, and Agility

Charmeleon 20: Scratch, Growl, Ember, Smoke Screen, and Dragon Rage

Pikachu 19: ThunderShock, Tail Whip, Thunder Wave, Quick Attack, Electro Ball

Pidgeotto 18: Tackle. Sand-Attack, Gust, Quick Attack, and Whirlwind

Butterfree 16: Confusion, Poison Powder, Sleep Powder, Stun Spore, and Gust

Beedrill 16: Fury Attack, Focus Energy, and Twineedle

AN: Thanks everyone who read this and if you have any questions just ask, till next time...