Hey Guys! I am back with another chapter. I had written most of this chapter in October, but then I have to prepare for my college programs, so have to postpone it till I finish with those fuckers.

And with this we will be effectively ending the Birthday Arc.

I will also be adding a photo link in my profile for Mizuki Shoko, and how I think she would look like. So those who are interested, please check it out.

"I am the guardian."- Dialogue delivery.

'I am the guardian.'-Thought delivery.

I am the guardian-Reading a note or some text.

She smiled amused looking at the bottle of milk he has just bought for himself. Taking sip of her own cola, she glanced towards him, "What's with that?"

He blinked, shaking the bottle filled with white liquid, "This? It's my favourite beverage."

She hummed, "You show maturity of someone far beyond your years, yet you have habits of a kid. I am not sure if you are normal, any longer."

He huffed, taking another sip, "Only idiots drink something that doesn't profit them."

She smiled amused, even though his words do have some merit, but…

"Then why do you drink, it doesn't have any profit, has it?"

And she felt her breath quicken, those beautiful but familiar argent eyes, suddenly look so foreign, as they dulled to grey, losing all the shine they usually have. A cynical smile pulled on his lips, as he chuckled mirthlessly.

"That's because it makes you forget."

Leaning back in the bench, she took another sip of her milk can, the one she has purchased after getting the gift she has wanted for Shoko.

Looking down at her watch, she frowned, "He is late."

"Who is late?"

The woman stumbled of the bench, barely saving her milk can, "Wah! Stop giving me heart attacks!"

He simply chuckled, coming around the bench as he took his seat, as she too returned to her seat. With a smile he took the milk can, she has bought for him.

Pulling it open, he took a sip, tilting his head towards her, "Decided yet?"

She nodded with a smile, patting the pocket of her jacket. She glanced towards him, "What about the cake?"

He sighed, "There was a little complication, but I have it sent to Ossan."

She smiled amused, she could just imagine Ama throwing the cake against the wall or eating it by herself, "I can imagine."

He glanced towards the now setting sun, as he stood up, "Should we? She will be waiting for us."

She too nodded, standing up from the bench as well, giving him a sideways glance, "Though she would be waiting just for you."

Naruto skipped along the footpath, a coy smile on his lips, "So jealous~"

Benibara flushed, "Why would I be jealous?!"

His smiled widened.

Her eyes widened.

"I don't swing that way!"

He simply chuckled, walking towards her car as she followed closely.

"Oi! Naruto, say something! I really don't!"

For once the bar wasn't filled with chatters of the people, nor was it barren as desert, the customers were all there, even more so than usual, as they all patiently waited for the last but the most important guests for the night.

The girl in the beautiful frilly white sundress reaching up to her knees, stood before the cake, her foot tapping against the floor, arms folded to her chest, a frown marring her features, "He is late."

Old man chuckled, "As always."

Shoko glared at her father, "Its not funny Otou-san. He is late every year!" she whined, flailing her arms.

The customers or the guests in this case, surrounding the girl with the cake, smiled. He really has been late for every one of her birthday party.

All felt the sudden gust of wind.

A smile pulled on her lips without her assent, even though she wants to be angry at him right now.

"Ma Ma, can't you forgive me, just today?"

She pouted, looking up, as the glimmering tresses tried to hide his face from her, in that loose black t-shirt and those faded jeans, hiding most of his physique. She leaned forward, the silver necklace escaping the confines of her cleavage for a moment, "Mou, I have been forgiving you for last 10 years."

Benibara sighed, coming out from behind Naruto, "You know he made me wait for half an hour as well."

All chuckled.

Naruto tilted his head, "Then, should we murder the cake?"

Shoko smiled widely, "I have been waiting for just that."

"Happy Birthday to you~ Happy Birthday to you~"

Picking up the piece of cake, she turned towards him, as he lowered his head, allowing her stuff his face. As he took the remaining bite from her fingers, bringing it close to her lips. The girl smiled, flushing as she opened her mouth for him to stuff it.

Picking another piece, she took it towards the black-head, stuffing her mouth a little more than needed, before doing the same for her Otou-san, as they too fed her a bite.

Old man's shoulders sagged, a dark cloud hovering over him, "Now I have been ranked number 3."

Both Sensei-Student chuckled, as Benibara smirked, "That's our charm."

And the gifts started flooding. The girl was bombarded with gifts so many, that she was finding it hard to even place them around her. People from old to young, from men to women, the flow doesn't seem to dwindle even after all those gifts starting to tower behind her like New York's sky scrapers, as the girl continued to smile, thanking them back with a beautiful sincere smile.

Nadeshiko smirked, taking another sip of her sake at the counter, looking at the now busy birthday girl with all those guests, "I don't think even a princess would get so many heartfelt gifts."

Naruto chuckled, as he too took another gulp of his sake, "Every one of them laced with real love and truthful blessings. Not everyone is that lucky to be loved by so many people."

She smiled, glancing towards him, "And who is responsible for that?"

He smiled, taking another sip, "Of course, who can it be anyone else than me."

She giggled, "So arrogant."

Her eyes again darted towards her friend, seems like she is about done with all the gifts.

She stood up from her stool, taking a deep breath, she exhaled slowly.

"Don't worry, she will love It.", he assured her.

She nodded, his words doing her some good, as she walked up to the Birthday Girl.

Shoko smiled, after receiving all the gifts, only two have been left. The two which are most important to her, one more so than the other. But she can't help it! It has always been like that!

Looking at the woman in that loose white top and those fitting black jeans. The same woman that has become so close to her in little more than a year, that they have shared their darkest secrets.

Which mostly involve a certain Silver-head.

She tilted her head, a teasing smile tugging her lips, "I was starting to wonder if you have brought anything for me at all."

Nadeshiko smiled, "You don't know how much trouble you have caused me. I wouldn't have suffered so much, even for a suitor."

Both chuckled.

Reaching in her pocket, she pulled out a small box, wrapped in beautiful birthday paper, simple, sober, it was doing everything it can to look as an incompetent gift.

Her eyes softened, as she gazed at the girl, "Happy Birthday, Shoko."

She smiled softly, tentatively taking the small box, bringing it to her ear; she shook it, "What is it, Beni-chan?"

Nadeshiko tilted her head, "Why not open it?"

Shoko blinked, but then nodded slowly, if she doesn't have any problem with that, then she has none either. Pulling the ribbon that hold the wrappings together, she let it fall on the floor, as she slowly removed the wrapper. Now looking at the plain looking box, her fingers tentatively reached, pulling the lid of the box, as the twinkles of reflected light, fell in her auburn eyes, blinding her just for a moment, before they finally focussed on the gift inside.

And her eyes widened.

Looking at the sterling metal, shining with vigour, the swirl that is connecting them with each other, like they are connected in the real life with each other by a certain swirl.

Her eyes prickled with unshed tears, "Benibara, this…"

The woman looked away, a sigh breaking through her lips, "I know, even though I wanted something better, something special, but that's the only thing I-"

Her words halted, as she felt the two lithe but strong arms, wrapping around her, the mounds pressing against hers, the warm breath tingling against her ear.

"Shoko?", She asked confused.

Said girl rubbed her face in the black tresses, as few tears slipping in, "Arigatou, Benibara."

A soft smile tugged her lips, eyes softening so, as her arms too came up, holding the girl even closer, as she too let her chin rest on her shoulder, burying her face in her tresses as well, "What are you saying, it's so bland."

Shoko giggled, as she pulled back, wiping the tears with the back of her hand, she smiled, taking hold of her friend's left hand, she let one of the bracelets around her wrist. Looking in her eyes, she grinned, "We are now officially best friends."

Nadeshiko smiled, as she took the other bracelet, pulling it around the brown-head's wrist, "Yup, we are now stuck together, for the rest of our lives. Whether you like it or not." looking in the auburn eyes of the girl in the sundress, she grinned at the grinning girl.


She sighed, finally flipping to the next page of her book. Her eyes roaming over the words written there, which look like nothing but scribbles to her. She has hardly read 5 pages in last two hours, as she could hardly understand a thing written there, right now. And there is only one reason for that…


Ting Tong.

Her eyes widened, before a radiant smile pulled on her lips, she hurried towards the door of her room, shuffling down the stairs, even shuffling past the grey-head standing in the hallway, who was too looking at the door.

Her smile widened, as the door slowly opened, "Welcome back Na-"

Her words died in her throat.

Red-head smiled widely, waving her arm in greeting, "How are you, Kae-chan?"

Orange-head lightly shook her head, smiling uneasily, "I am fine Sia-chan, Please come in."

The ever energetic girl shook her head, "Not now, Kae-chan, I am in hurry!"


"Tomorrow is English's exam!"

"Oh…", she could understand her distress, if somewhat.

Sia rubbed the back of her head bashfully, smiling sheepishly, "So I wanted to ask Naruto-kun for help again."

Kaede's smile strained, "Um, Sia-chan…Naruto-kun is not at home."

Red-head blinked owlishly, "Huh?"

Orange-head tilted her head, "Today is his friend's birthday, so…"

Sia gibbered, her hands twitching, as she hoped against hope, "P-Please say it's a lie…"

Kaede could only smile apologetically, "I am sorry."



"I don't have time! I have to prepare for exam!" Red-head screamed, as she ran out of the door, stumbling back to her home. That was supposedly her only chance of survival.

Kaede smiled, before a sigh escaped her lips, as she slowly made her way back to her room, "I have to prepare as well…"


All eyes were focused on them, standing in the middle of the bar. Everyone knew from the start, that the birthday girl was waiting just for this moment. To finally get gift from her beloved Naruto-kun, who like every year has waited till everyone was done.

She grinned, looking up in the argent eyes, "Then, where is my gift, Naruto-kun?"

A coy smile formed on his lips, "Hoo, eager aren't we?"

She huffed, "Hey, I waited till everyone was done. Do you know how hard that is? Exactly 499 times harder!"

He is the last one.

His eyes drifted down to her dress, his fingers brushing along the waist, "You look beautiful."

Her cheeks flushed, as she looked away, argent necklace twinkling, "Of Course, since it was your gift. There is no way I wouldn't."

'She is so lovable…'

He smiled, "Is that so?"

She glared at him, pouting, "Mou, stop teasing me. I have been waiting for it the whole night!"

He chuckled; she hasn't changed a bit in last 20 years. He still remembered, the first time he has laid eyes on her, ripe from the womb of her dear mother, so weak, so fragile. The first time when she has walked up to him with those baby steps. The time, she has gotten a broken arm after a fight with a boy because he has insulted him. The time, she has drunk with him for the first time, hardly 10, just to stay with him at bar. The time she has so proudly declared that she love him those 9 years ago. Now she is 20…

It has finally come to an end.

His eyes narrowed, "Then close your eyes."

She didn't hesitate, it's their tradition, and he would not have it any other way. But she has come to love it, more and more with each passing year. Because she knew as always it would be the best gift for her.

His eyes softened, as he gazed at her face. How beautiful she has become in such little time, how mature she has become. How she has finally grown up to step out of his shadow.

His head lowered.

Her breath was taken away, as she felt the touch on her lips, the feathers brushing against them. Sending jolts of electricity through her being, as every inch of her body shuddered in incomparable happiness. And before she knew it she was pressing harder, trying to prolong this feeling for as long as possible, to make it last even a moment longer.

The cheers were never louder before, as the long awaited moment finally happened. As the men whistled, women cooed at the loving scene happening in front of their eyes that has been stalled for years.

She could only stare wide-eyed, before she chuckled, "I should have realized. What greater gift can be for her than her first kiss with her beloved Naruto-kun."

Her eyes narrowed, as she gulped down the rest of the glass of sake, 'That idiot…'

The girl smiled widely, still the tears prickled at the corner of her eyes, glimmering with the love she has conjured for him over the years, to show all the feelings they have been keeping at bay, now came flooding out.

His finger rose, wiping the twinkling tear, "What is it?" he asked softly.

She shook her head, the smile never receding, "I-It's just that…I… I am whappy!" she slurred slightly, like she used to years ago.

He softly smiled, leaning his forehead against hers, peering in her auburn eyes, "I told you, it would be your best birthday."

She smiled, gazing back in those argent eyes of his, filled with love.

"Yes, it really was my best birthday."

"You sure you would be fine?" Old man asked.

Naruto sighed, picking up the unconscious woman in his arms, "Yeah, just have to get her to her apartment."

Old man smirked, "Well, for a change, you are carrying a girl back home yourself."

He stare deadpan, "You are lucky today is her birthday."

He just smiled, before it slowly wore down, as the silent moments passed between them, until his lips were set in a thin line, eyes wearing down with distress he knew is coming their way.

"Are you sure about this?" he finally asked.

Naruto smiled, a smile so broken that he could literally saw it falling apart, into pieces, as it fell away leaving behind a face so tortured that he was terrified by just the glance of that despair.

"I don't have any other choice Tazuko."

The bar was empty, Shoko has already fallen asleep, rather Naruto has tucked her in bed like he used to years ago. It was his farewell, a farewell so cruel that the girl won't even realize it until much later, until it can't be changed back.

He sighed, peering into the colourless liquid of his sake; it has been years since he has been drunk, last time was when his wife died, that time Naruto has drank with him. His eyes crinkled, he felt so powerless, he wasn't able to do anything back then, and he is still unable to do anything now.

His head hung, as he gritted his teeth, his fingers tightening on the glass, till it shattered, cutting into his palm. The blood dripped down his closed fist onto the counter, pooling there as he let out a sob, "I wish I could do anything for you, Nii-san, if only a thing…!"

His eyes drifted towards the sleeping figure, sitting on the passenger seat, he softly sighed, getting past another car, "Really, passing out on a day like this. You never cease to amaze me Bara."

The woman giggled in her sleep.

He let out another sigh, as he parked the car near her apartment building, getting off the vehicle; he opened the other door, picking her up in his arms. Walking in the building silently, he shuffled up the stairs. Her apartment is just on the second floor.

Looking at the door, then at the woman in his arms, "Bara, where are the keys?"

The woman giggled slovenly, "Kiss Kiss Kiss…"

He sighed; she isn't going to be any help. His eyes drifted up, focusing on the door, more specifically on the lock, as he let the black mist manifest around him. Slowly moving towards the door, entering through the key hole, as the little gears in the lock chugged.


The door slowly swung open, with the gust of wind that came out of nowhere. Stepping inside the apartment, as the door shut itself with another gust of wind, getting rid of his shoes at the door step; he went towards the bed room, remembering the house from the few times he has been here.

The door of the bed room swung open. His eyes flickering around the darkness inside the room, before they focused on the bed, illuminated by the light from the door way. Walking up to it, he lowered the woman to the bed, cautious with her head. He went towards her feet, removing her sandals. Leaning back, he gaze down at the sleeping woman, there is no need of removing her clothes, it quite cool in the room.

He shook his head in exasperation as he covered her with the blanket glancing towards the watch, the darkness doing little to hinder his eyesight.

'It's already 2. I should get back home.' he turned around to leave.


His steps halted, feeling the slim but strong fingers restricting around his wrist. The glowing eyes peered over the shoulder, looking in the bleary ones of the woman.

"Stay.", was the only thing she murmured.

His eyes soften, as he lowered beside the bed to his knees, "You know I cant."

Her grip tightened, as she sluggishly pulled herself up, leaning towards him, closer to his face, her warm flavored breath tingling against the whiskers, "Why not?"

His voice was soft, "You know it too."

She frowned, her lips curving into a childish pout, "Then kiss me."

Closing his eyes, he let out a sigh, "You are drunk Bara."

Her eyes softened, as she leaned closer, her hands pressing against his muscular chest, trying to peer in the eyes she wants to get lost into, her voice was steady, "I am not drunk Naruto, not since I saw you kissing Shoko."

Her eyes were pleading, "Can't I get even a little of that, just a little?"

The argent came into being, as the glimmering orbs focussed on hers, softening so, "Do you think it will be fair to you?" he whispered.

She giggled, her lidded eyes glinting, her arms encircling around his neck, "All is fair in love and war."

Her lips brushed against his, the electricity tingling between them. She whined as he didn't respond, "Please… just once…"

Naruto felt his restraints dissipate little by little, his mind clouding as he felt the brushes of her lips. The way they brushed against his, the way she is pressing herself to him. The way she held him so lovingly, her eyes filled with desire, with affection, with love.

The love he wants to drown into.

A smile pulled on her lips, when she felt his arms going around her, holding her almost urgently, almost like a need to himself. His lips finally replying to her feelings, brushing so softly, that she yearned for more. She gasped, feeling the wet appendage touching her lips, only to feel it inside her cavity the next moment.

A slight oof left her lips, mixing with the grunts as they continued to let their saliva mingle with each other's on her bed. Her hands going inside his shirt, her fingers grazing against the sculptured body she has wanted to touch for so long.

A moan broke through her lips, as he squeezed her breasts over her white top. Only for the piece of clothing to come flying off the next moment, her bra flying next. As she sluggishly unbuttoned the black shirt of his, pushing it off his shoulders, as it too fly off to some corner of the room.

She sucked in a faltering breath in between the ravishing kisses of his, her nipples brushed against his hardened chest. Her fingers moving along the pecks, as she moved downwards, unbuckling the belt of his jeans. He tore the thin fabric of her black panties along with the jeans with a growl.

And their worlds halted, gazing into each other's eyes. The desire swirling in each other's eyes, the same desire they have been holding back for so long, mixing with the love they both held for each other that was just being nurtured behind the wall.

Her cheeks reddened, as she looked away, "I-It's my first time."

He blinked.

And blinked.

A soft chuckle fled past his lips, while the naked woman under him reddened even more.

She was forced to focus in his eyes, as he pressed his forehead against hers. "Really.", his eyes soften, amusement dancing in them.

"You never cease to amaze me Bara."

Before she could say anything, her eyes grew too heavy to be kept open any longer. As she fought against her body, this isn't the time to fall asleep! But, yet she did, as the heavy lids slowly cover the auburn of her irises.

Taking a deep breath, he exhaled slowly. Falling to the right of the woman, he gazed at the roof. The moments passed in silence, as he dwelled on what has almost happened.

It has always been hard, to deny them what they want when they show such pure love for… for him. At that moment, he can't help himself, he can't control himself as the desires deep buried in his heart came rushing with ferocity of a demon.

To ravish his women, that they were left moaning his name.

To be with them, every moment of their lives.

To love them to his heart's content.

To drive this loneliness away, even for a little while.

Yet he can't do that. Not now, not ever.

He finally turned towards the now sleeping naked woman. His eyes focusing on her beautiful face, as his hand rose brushing along her warm cheek.

"Naruto…" the woman mumbled in her sleep, as she too turned towards him, snuggling in his side.

His eyes soften, a soft smile tugging his lips, letting his fingers move through her long black tresses, as he allowed her to do as she wish. He smiled, "To love me so much…", his eyes narrowed.

"You are such an idiot."

And we have ended the Birthday Arc with this.

So what do you guys think? Love it? Hate it?



Kindly Please. ^_^