A new Cross-over. Shuffle and Naruto. Not one of my favourite anime, but there were so little stories of this, that i want to change that. Hope you people like it.
"I am the guardian."- dialogue delivery.
'I am the guardian.'- Thought delivery.
Humming she poured the chopped vegetables into the beaker.
Setting up the plates for both of them she smiled to herself. Walking towards the backyard.
"Naruto-kun~ Breakfast is ready~"
He lightly sighed, cutting last of the protruding branches. He looked over his Flowerbed.
Colorado Columbine.
Calla Lily.
Blue Bells.
Aqua Flower.
Ruffled Tulip.
Morning Glories.
Frilly Pansy.
Scarlet Carlson has long since gone extinct.
But he still has them.
Not even the world's biggest Botanical Garden has all these flowers in one place.
Nature always brought a smile to his place, no matter what.
'Maybe because I am a Sage.'
He slightly shook his head, those titles mean nothing now. He has long since passed that time, now he has a new title. Not one he is much proud of since he never bothered in telling anyone else. But he still has his place in the world, he isn't unwanted.
Putting the tools back in the shed, he moved back toward the Glass door.
'That's all that matters.'
Sliding into his chair, he looked over his breakfast. An exasperated sigh breaking through his lips, as he stared at the orange-head, "You know Kaede, Breakfast is supposed to be light."
Said girl just smiled, "But Naruto-kun always eats more. So light breakfast won't do." She said with finality.
Naruto chuckled, "You sound like I ate like a Glutton."
"I would really like if you reply." Naruto deadpanned.
She smiled nervously, "A-Ah…Naruto-kun just eats more, but never like a Glutton! You always have so many manners!"
Naruto just stared.
"Thanks for not rubbing.", he deadpanned.
She giggled, as she herself took bite of her breakfast, "How is your Flower garden coming along, Naruto-kun?"
He smiled, "It's quite good. I have about 20 different species right now. 7 of them are rare, so I could say; it was well worth the time."
She smiled, "You have been working on that garden for 7 years now. It really looks amazing."
"Mhm~ Wait till the end of this year. It will be a surprise for you."
"Hai! I will be waiting!" She said smiling.
"Here, Naruto-kun, Your Lunch", Kaede said handing him a bento, closing the iron gate behind her.
Naruto blinked, "And where is yours?"
Said girl too blinked, "A-Ah! I forgot!" she exclaimed, running back into the house.
Naruto shook his head in exasperation, "It amazes me how she could forget even about her basic needs but can still remember where I threw my boxers.".
He glanced back at the truck passing behind him.
"Sorry to keep you waiting!"
Naruto tilted his head, "All our neighbours are shifting. Do you think it's because of us?"
Said girl was still staring at him, at how cute he looks with that cute tilt of his head. She quickly shook that thought away, her cheeks flushing, "Who knows?".
"Anyways let's get going."
"So how long will your dad be out this time?" Naruto asked.
She looked towards him, a slight smile playing across her lips, "He said about 6 months."
Naruto grunted, "He is a bad father I tell you. Who leaves their beautiful daughter behind with a boy for such a long time?" he asked rhetorically.
Said girl giggled, a knowing smile present on her face. Of course she knew, how much Naruto likes messing with her father. "That's how much he trusts you."
Naruto huffed, "I don't think so. Last time he gave me a pack of condoms, saying to always use protection.". He glanced towards her, "I swear he is becoming more of a pervert with each visit."
Kaede was beat red.
How is she going to tell him that her father has given her enough anti-pregnancy pills to last for next 6 months.
"Does he don't understand that at this rate, you won't get any boyfriend during high school?" He asked.
She pouted, "I think he knows what I want.", she muttered taking a glance at him as she flushed.
Naruto perked up, his eyes traveling up the stairs. Only to see a nailed baseball bat held by a…
Bald man in baseball uniform.
He is clearly a pervert.
The man glared balefully at Naruto, his teeth shining under his shadow. "I have been waiting for you, Uzumaki Naruto!"
Naruto blinked.
"I am part of the demon bodyguard Kitto-Kitto-Kaede-chan. Simplified as KKK' Magnum Sakai!"
Naruto scrunched his nose.
"Man, you stink. How long it has been since you have taken a bath?"
"Don't change the topic! I challenge you for a match for Kaede-chan's heart!"
Naruto looked towards Kaede, "It's really amazing, how the age group has changed from 17 to 37.".
Said girl too nodded her head in understanding.
"I will confess my love by eliminating you! Now Die!", he shouted jumping in the air as he came with an over-headed swing.
Naruto stared at the airborne man, "You know its start of the mating season of crows."
She blushed, looking at him confused, "M-Mating?"
Naruto nodded, "Yup, so they are quite active, even at this time in the morning."
Caw. Caw.
Kaede's eyes widened as she looked at the pair of crows flying right above the Magnum Sakai.
They Crapped.
"ARGHHH!", the man shrieked as his eyesight was taken by the multi-coloured paste of…
Flying crap.
Magnum Sakai flew over them.
Magnum Sakai fell into the river.
Naruto blinked, "Well, we should hurry to the class."
"Hai!", she glanced back towards the river. "Do you think he will be fine?".
Naruto shrugged, "Don't worry, Shonen don't kill gag members so easily."
Kaede nodded in understanding.
An eep escaped her lips, as Naruto suddenly picked her up in his arms. He gazed towards her face, smiling, "Then let's hurry!"
His hold tightening.
Kaede covered her mouth to hide her flushed smile. As it always happens whenever they are late, she gets her favourite ride to the school. The silver haired boy has yet to miss a single day of that. She doesn't know if he does it because of her, but these rides are something she is always looking forward to! So she never told him otherwise.
Little things like these make her really happy.
Naruto sped off.
Please ignore the crying man standing behind the pole. He is unimportant.
He let out a breath, "We made it in time." He said, as he allowed her on her feet.
Said girl too nodded, still blushing. "T-Today there were three bodyguards."
"And lots of crows." Naruto added.
She giggled.
"Hellooo!" a female voice cooed, as Naruto felt the sudden shift on his back.
Naruto glanced over his shoulder at the green haired girl, "Hello Senpai.", he deadpanned.
Said Senpai pouted, "Hey! You weren't so sad when you were carrying Kaede, huh?" she asked. Leaning to his ear, she smiled slyly, "Do you not like how it feels?" she asked, pressing her breasts against his muscular back.
Naruto hummed, "Hm~ little to the right. Yeah~ it was itching there since morning."
A twitch formed over her eye, as she slipped of his back, "Mou~ you are so insensitive!" she huffed.
Naruto looked at the green-head, a sly smile forming on his lips, "So Asa-senpai, do you like how my muscles felt when you pressed your breasts against them. Do you like how hard they were and how they would feel when both of us are nude and-"
"I get it! I get it!" she shouted, blushing furiously. She huffed, "Arrogant!" she accused, before walking off.
Kaede glanced towards the green-head, before looking back at Naruto, "That was mean, Naruto-kun."
Naruto chuckled, "She just chose the wrong person to tease."
She titled her head, "You know, no one would say things like that to a girl."
Naruto smiled, "I know I am awesome"
She giggled, "Yes, you are!"
Her eyes soften, as she saw them walking away. Placing a hand against her chest, she could still feel her heart hammering. He has put some really vivid images in her head.
She always tried to embarrass him, but it was always her who got embarrassed. There is also a reason, she never get him with a slap on back.
Last time she did, she fractured her wrist. It was like hitting a damn steel wall!
"Mou~ now whole day I am going to imagine him naked~"
She was about to open the door of their classroom, only for Naruto to pull her back.
Standing in front of the door, Naruto slid it open.
A glasses wearing boy, flew out of the door.
"Kaede-Chan! Welcome into my- ark!"
All boys flinched, crossing their legs.
Naruto smiled, "Welcome to a new world, Itsuki.", he said as he dislodged his leg from between the boy's legs.
"Uuuu…", Poor Itsuki, moaned piteously from the floor.
"That was cruel, Naruto!" Itsuki exclaimed, glaring at Naruto.
"I wasn't trying to be nice." Naruto deadpanned.
Huffing at his friend, Itsuki smiled lecherously towards Kaede, "I was hoping that Kaede-chan might jump into my arms today."
Naruto smiled, "Tell me, what's the first thing come to your mind now you think of hugging Kaede?"
Itsuki whimpered, crossing his legs.
Naruto nodded to himself, "Mission successful."
"You are cruel!"
Naruto just shrugged, "Why don't you go for other girls? There are lot of beautiful girls in class, like Mayumi."
Someone turned red.
Itsuki complained, "Come on man! There is a thing called 'comfort' while hugging. Mayumi's flat-chest is just…"
A new person entered the conversation.
"That's none of your business!" a grey haired girl with mismatched eyes retorted.
Kaede cheered up, "Mayumi-chan, Good Morning!"
Mayumi raised her hand in greeting, "Good Morning.". Before looking towards the four-eyed boy, "Don't diss the flat-chest.", folding her arms to her chest, "There are people who prefer it that way, nowadays!"
Naruto agreed, "Yeah, and think about the other profit. You don't have to worry about them sagging as you grow old. They will always remain taught and perky."
"That's right!...wait-What?" Mayumi exclaimed staring at the silver-head.
Naruto blinked, "You didn't think of that. It happens quite a lot you know." He added sagely.
Mayumi shook her head; she has long since given up in trying understanding Naruto. "Anyways, what do you think about the new transfer students?"
Naruto tilted his head, "Transfer students?"
Mayumi nodded, "Yup, it's a rumour for two days now. But since you were too busy torturing those guys, so I think it's understandable."
All boys shuddered.
"Well, I think they will be from heaven or hell, the way things are these days." She said.
Itsuki smirked, "That means, the new student is going to be a smoking hot young woman."
"How do you know?" Naruto asked deadpanned.
He just brushed his nose, "It's in the air. My nose makes no mistakes."
Naruto raised a sceptical eyebrow. He knew he could smell someone from quite afar, but it would be hard to pinpoint that it would be a girl, even for him.
'Must be a new pervert sensor'
Mayumi folded her arms to her chest, "But when it comes to girls, you can't ignore Midoriba-kun olfaction."
Naruto raised an eyebrow, as he looked towards Itsuki, "Then tell Mayumi is currently on which day of her periods?"
Said four-eyed boy smirked, "Its Fi-Geboh!"
Mayumi stared at Naruto ridiculous, "You didn't just ask that?"
Naruto shrugged, "I was testing."
"Uuuu." Itsuki moaned from the floor.
Naruto sighed, as he turned his gaze outside the window.
Mayumi leaned forward, "What, Not interested at all? Well, you have Kaede, so I suppose it doesn't matter!"
Naruto snorted, not looking back at them, "If it was like that, we would be late every morning."
All blinked, "Huh? Why?" Mayumi asked.
"Because I would have her pushed against the wall every morning."
Cue nosebleed.
Thud. Thud.
Kaede was beat red.
Naruto quirked a smile.
"T-That wasn't nice, Naruto-kun", Mayumi muttered as she wiped her nose.
Naruto just chuckled.
"But Naruto you are right!" Itsuki exclaimed, his fist shaking, "If you lose your passion for girls, than you can't live on as a man!"
Naruto raised an eyebrow, "You still have yours? I thought Mayumi would have castrated you by now."
Both of them held their breakfast inside.
"Like hell!" Both exclaimed at the same time.
Pushing up his glasses, "First of all…Kaede-chan spoiled you too much! Being taken care of your every need by a beautiful young lady.-"
Kaede blushed.
"-You didn't even know how fulfilled life you have!" Itsuki exclaimed.
Naruto looked towards Mayumi, "Should I gloat about it?"
Mayumi nodded her head.
Naruto nodded, before looking towards Itsuki, a cruel smile playing across his lips, "Yes, Itsuki. It's like a heaven. To wake up with Kaede's cute voice, as she gently touches me. To eat the heavenly food, she prepares for me every day. And the bath!"
"NOOoooOOO!"Itsuki shrieked.
Mayumi stared amazed, "Naruto-kun is really cruel."
Kaede looked down; she knew how much of that is true. Naruto always woke up before her, he sometimes even prepares breakfast, if he thought she is working too hard. He never gave her the chance to object.
It was always like this.
Sensei entered the class, "Get to your seats, Class is starting."
Naruto lightly sighed, as he continued to stare out of the window.
Ten years ago, the passageway Kaimon opened the gate Shinkai, where God lives, and Makai, where Satan lives.
People of the Shinkai and Makai began to immigrate. Like in this Barbana learning facility, Humans, Shins and Mas all study and live together in harmony now.
The woman smiled, waving the book, "Also, the history of the gates will be on the final exam.". Stomping her hands on her table, as her breasts followed suit, hobbling up and down in an alluring way, "Those who get it wrong will have to rabbit-hop with a barbell on their backs!"
All Groaned.
His eyes caught a cloud, which somehow look identical to a Giant gate. 'It has been 10 years since then. Time sure has gone fast.'
A soft voice reached to his ears, "So elegantly looking outside,"
Naruto felt a smile pulling on his lips.
"You seem so relaxed." Nadeshiko muttered leaning over his desk.
Naruto gazed back into her eyes, his smile turning amused, as his eyes glowed, "Am I?" he asked softly.
Her eyes slightly narrowed, "Are my lessons that boring? Sorry that it's so lame." Words rolled of her tongue with barely restrained ire.
But to her ire, Naruto simply smiled, leaning even closer to her face, that it was just an inch apart. "Not at all, it's just that your beautiful charms just won't let me concentrate on the lesson. So I have to look away."
All jaws hit the floor.
No one except Naruto have the gall to say something like that to Nadeshiko-Sensei. He would always just smile, speaking all those cheesy words right into her face. One another boy tried the same thing.
Let just say, he is still singing Opparangi in hospital bed.
Nadeshiko fought very hard to keep the flush off her cheeks. But all was naught for nothing, as a light dusting of pink covered her cheeks. Her eyes narrowed, "F-Flattery won't get you anywhere, Naruto."
Naruto let her bath in his breath, enjoying the way he felt her breath hitch, "I don't flatter Sensei, I say what I think."
She flushed.
She glared at him slightly, "I will get you one day, Naruto."
He just chuckled, "I will be waiting~"
Slightly huffing to herself, as she supressed her blush, "I have a few things to talk to you about, so come with me."
Naruto blinked.
A slim hand travelled towards her face, as she took hold of her chin, "Naruto, have you ever become acquainted with girls from other worlds, when you were a kid?"
He chuckled, "I was acquainted with lots of girls when I was a Kid."
She frowned, "Stop joking, Naruto."
He sighed, "Hai, Hai, Well, I don't exactly remember. Something wrong?" He asked.
She looked to the side, her hand hiding her mouth, "Hm…I don't think there is anything to worry about."
"That wasn't assuring." He deadpanned.
She took hold of his shoulders. Her eyes widening, as she felt what is under those clothes, 'Hard!' .
Her eyes narrowed, "Don't give up!"
"Good luck! I will do whatever I can to cheer you on as well."
She turned to the right, walking away, her long hair following close behind. "Remember…Will Power, Will power! I know you can survive! Just don't give up!"
She disappeared around the corner.
Naruto just stared behind her.
"Am I going to a war?"
Walking over the orange-head, "Shall we go home?".
Said girl looked up, "Sorry, Naruto-kun."
Naruto raised an eyebrow.
"Kaede, sorry to keep you waiting!"
He glanced up, only to see two girls walking up to them.
"Senpai-tachi?" He asked.
Said blonde smiled pleasantly, "Hello, Naruto-kun. I heard something about you and Midoriba-san again."
Naruto's smile sweetened to the degree of diabetes, "Would you be so kind to tell me who it was?"
"Ah! Forbidden Love! Ma~Ma~Ma~"
Naruto sweat dropped.
"Kareha-senpai~ who was it?" he asked a way too sweetly.
All girls felt their hairs stand.
"Naruto-kun, you can't! They will suspend you!" Kaede fretted.
Naruto chuckled, "If they found any proof that is. I am going to let the fox out of the bag, Kukukuku~"
"Uh…shouldn't it be cat out of the bag?" Asa asked.
Naruto just shrugged, "I like foxes more."
Cue sweat drop.
Still all three girls stored that knowledge for later use.
"Scoop, Scoop!"
They blinked, as their eyes travelled towards the excited heterochromatic girl.
"The Transfer students are girls! And I hear there are two!" Mayumi shouted.
All boys gathered around the girl, eager to listen the news.
Said girl haughtily stepped on the teacher's pedestal. "One from Shin and one from Ma, I hear they are both superhot!"
Asa glanced at Naruto, "You are not interested, Naru-chan?" she asked.
Naruto blinked, "Right now, I am more interested in what horri-wonderful things I could do to my Senpai." He chirped.
Giggles escaped the greenhead's lips, "I get it! Since you have Kaede, I think she doesn't have to worry about love rivals anytime soon."
Kaede blushed.
Naruto snorted, he could easily feel the animosity coming of his Senpai. It's painfully visible to him That Asa is smitten with him, the way she every time tries to increase the body contact between them. The times he could feel her staring at him from afar, or the times when he could almost feel them to go at it like a cat fight.
But it's their mistake to think that he would come and relent to them so easily.
He is a goddam ethereal being!
But no one said he couldn't have fun.
Tilting his head towards the crowd, he chuckled softly, "If that was the case, Kaede would limp most of the month."
Asa was beat red.
Kaede was beat red.
Kareha- "Ma~Ma~Ma"
-Yeah, that.
Naruto quirked a smile.
Shaking her head, Asa took hold Kaede's arm, albeit painfully, "Come on! We are running out of time to teach you, let's get going!"
"Ah-Hai!", Kaede glanced back at Naruto, "Sorry Naruto-kun!"
Naruto just smiled, "Take your time, I will prepare the dinner tonight."
"Oh, and don't get too distracted while cooking. Like you accidentally spill something on each other, then you decided to clean it by licking each other off. One thing will lead to another, and you would be kissing and then your clothes will-"
"We get it! We get it!" Asa exclaimed, pushing Kaede out of the room.
Both were beat red.
And Kareha.
You got the gist.
A sigh escaped his lips, as he picked up his bag. Pulling it around his shoulders, letting it rest at his hip. "Let's see, first have to take care of a Senpai, then groceries, then dinner. I sure have my time cut short."
"Let's see, I got the milk, Eggs, Onions, Potatoes, some fresh cabbage would be good too and finally…"
He glanced over the packed red slices.
Picking up a packet, he slightly sniffed, "Hm its two days old, this won't do then…", he hummed as he glanced all over the rack.
He blinked, as his eyes travelled to the side, gazing at the redhead with a questioning gaze.
Said girl felt a blush creeping on her cheeks, as she saw those silver orbs focussed on her. "W-Which one do you think I should buy?"
Naruto tilted his head.
'CUTE!', She buried that thought deep in her mind, "I managed to limit my choice to one of these two, but…"
Naruto nodded in understanding.
"There's someone in my house who eats a lot. I didn't know If I should get two medium bags or one large bag. I don't know what to do!" She whined.
Naruto hummed, "Hm, since he eats a lot, you should buy two medium ones."
Redhead nodded eagerly, "I think so too! Alright! I will get two of these bags!", putting two bags of meat in her basket, she turned to him, slightly bowing, "Thank you very much."
She blinked, as she felt a hand atop her head. Looking up her face burned, as she saw that beautiful smile on his face, the one she remembered from all those years ago.
Naruto smiled, "Your welcome."
She flushed.
The redhead seemed to be debating, before she resigned herself, "I know I just met you but there is a limited sale on toilet paper in front of the station!"
Naruto chuckled, "You should hurry then."
Said girl too smiled, waving her hand, "I will see you later then, Naruto-kun!", as she left.
Naruto blinked, before he shrugged, looking over the meat rack.
"Let's see…"
Walking down the street toward his home, "Mhm~ Dinner will be delicious tonight. Kaede will love it."
~Hajimete kizuku hamon no oto ni~
~Sono toki wa mada ~ tomadou bakari de~
He blinked as the beautiful voice invaded his ears. His steps taking turn in search of the owner of the voice, who was singing so beautifully.
~Hirogatte yuku… sazanami-tachi wa~
~ Imamou…Tsuzuku Keredo~
~Anata no shigusa…Anata no koe o~
~Hitotsu hitotsu omoidashite mireba~
~Nazeka fushigi ni shizumaru minamo~
~Kanjite imasu~
He gazed at her, sitting there on the swing. Her eyes seized shut in concentration, as the dimming rays of the sun made her appearance almost angelic.
~Ima wa tada tsunagitometai~
~Hitotsu demo ooku no kizuna~
~Mada mienai negai no ito~
~Aru to shinjite...~
He silently stepped forward, taking a seat beside the girl on another swing, without making a sound, as he carefully listened to her song…
~Ano kumo no you ni hanarete ite mo~
~Itsuka kitto kasanari yuku~
~Onaji sora kara...Kaze no yukue o~
Naruto felt his eyes soften. This song, it has such deep meaning, such quality to express the deepest desires of the soul. It's something so beautiful, that just shouldn't allowed in this world. Last ten years weren't as easy as they might seem.
Her head lifted slightly, as she reached the finishing lines of the song.
~Garasu no yurikago no naka no~
~Tsutaerarenai kotoba sae~
~Uketomete kureru anata to~
~Yume no tsuzuki o...~
Her voice slightly rose, as she lifted her head towards the setting sun. Allowing it to bath in the redness of the evening.
~Ano hoshi no you ni hatenaku tooku~
~Kurai yoru ni tsutsumarete mo~
~Tashika na hikari…Sono atatakasa~
Her hands tightened around the chains of the swing, her brows knitting together as she poured her heart in the last lines.
~Ano tsuki no you ni michikakete yuku~
~Michi wa tabun yasashikunai~
~Sore de mo kitto…Towa ni anata o~
Her voice lowered, almost to a whisper, as she cooed the last line of the song.
"You have a beautiful voice."
An eep tore through her lips, chain sleeping from her fingers as gravity took control as she fell back.
Only for a strong hand to took hold of her wrist.
She stared startled in those silver orbs, glimmering under the red light of the setting sun. She saw the rays reflecting of his hair, making them seem like astral, as they twinkled.
"Did I startle you?" He asked.
She felt the blood rushing towards her face, 'His voice is so soft!'.
"A-Ah, N-No" she stuttered out.
Naruto softly smiled, as he pulled her up, allowing her to stand on her legs.
Making sure that she was stable, she took a deep breath. Her cheeks flushed, as she gazed towards him, "U-Um…were you listening the entire time?"
Naruto slightly tilted his head, his eyes curving down in a smile, "Yeah, you have a beautiful voice."
Her cheeks redden even more, as she looked down, "Not really. There are many who are even better than me."
Naruto chuckled, "There will always be someone better than you, but that doesn't mean you should sell yourself short."
She too smiled.
Bling. Bling.
She blinked, hearing the chime in the distance, "I am sorry; I must be going back soon."
Naruto smiled, "I would like if I could hear your song again."
She smiled, tilting her head slightly, "If you wish to hear it…then I will be waiting for the next time we meet, Naruto-sama.", she slightly bowed, her cheeks still flushed as she walked away.
Naruto turned towards the west, gazing at the setting sun, "Naruto-sama, huh. How long it has been since someone called me like that.", a chuckle escaped his lips,
"Not too long, I guess."
~Hajimete kizuku hamon no oto ni~
Slipping the chopped vegetables in the pot.
~Sono toki wa mada ~ tomadou bakari de~
He went towards the rice cooker, checking the timer.
'Ten minutes…I should set the table until then'
Picking up the cutlery, he went to the dining table, setting table for the two of them.
'Looks like I now understand what Benibara meant by not giving up. I just hope I am not their reason for coming to the human world.'
He silently moved back to the kitchen, shutting off the cooker.
"I am home!~"
Naruto perked up.
Slipping off the shoes of her feet, she moved toward the kitchen as the delicious scent filled her nostrils. She almost swayed in her place, before steadying herself. Entering the kitchen, she saw him checking the vegetables.
"Welcome back." Naruto greeted back.
Skipping forward, she sniffed slightly, "Mhm~ It smells delicious~"
Naruto tilted his head, "So, what do you learn today?"
Girl smiled eagerly, "Its Bourbon Chicken!"
Her lips curled downward, when she saw his smile. That oh-so amused, all knowing smile. "Don't tell me you can make that too?" she asked slightly frustrated.
Naruto merely chuckled, "Do you want me to make it tomorrow?" he asked.
There goes her happy mood down the drain.
Naruto smiled, affectionately rubbing her head, as she flushed. "You can make it tomorrow, I will help you, okay."
She still did not smile.
"Okay?" he repeated himself.
"Okay…" she mumbled down-heartedly. It's always like this, no matter what, Naruto knows everything. He could cook better than her, he could clean the house better than her, everything! He let her do it, because she wanted it, so badly!
Naruto knew what was going through her head, "Patience Pumpkin, I have been taking care of you since you used potty in your diapers. It will take time for you to surpass me…if I allowed it that is." He added smugly.
Her face burned, as she was reminded of that time. She pouted, "That doesn't make me happy, you know." She mumbled softly.
A gasp escaped her lips as she felt a soft pair of lips, almost like feathers pressed against her cheek, before they pulled back.
"Does that make you happy?" he softly asked.
Her face burned red as she stared into his glimmering orbs. She could clearly see it, like the time when they were kids. Those eyes haven't changed, not even a little.
They still held that…
All of that hovering in those ghostly eyes of his.
She fell forward, her face landing softly against his chest, her arms tightly wrapping around his waist, as he softly patted her head. "Why you…" she softly mumbled, as she buried her face deeper into his chest to keep herself from saying something she shouldn't say.
Naruto was with her, as long as she could remember. He has taken care of her like a mother, like a brother…and above that all, like a father. He never let her feel the need of her parents…albeit that one time, which she still regretted.
'I don't deserve this…'
Next Day in School.
"Starting today, you will have new comrades in this class. Well…I suppose there is no need to explain." Nadeshiko deadpanned, as she looked at the eager faces of her class.
Mayumi looked towards Itsuki, who was literally humping in his seat, "Calm down a little!"
Itsuki looked at the girl ridiculous, "What are you talking about? When meeting new girls, first impression are crucial!", he said, as he returned back to his humping.
Mayumi sighed, "Hai, Hai, do whatever you want."
Itsuki, as perverted as he is, got to his feet, his arm rising majestically, "Everyone, are you all ready!?" He shouted.
Boys were eager to reply.
Nadeshiko sagged, "It can't be helped.", looking towards the door, "You two, come in." she ordered.
Boys jumped, "Welcome!"
"WaHaHaHaHaHa!" A manly laughter echoed.
What the-?
The man in the Kimono folded his arms, a smirk on his face, "The Human School seem to be quite the interesting place."
Man in black agreed, "Indeed. There are so many young beautiful maidens, I feel youthful again."
Ugh…boys were still standing.
Kimono clad man blinked, looking around, "What's up with you guys?".
Naruto snorted, "Looks like my mission was more than successful. He has even changed his likes.", he muttered, before he finally turned to the window, To get back on his sightseeing.
"And, which brat is it?" Kimono clad man asked.
Man in black, rubbed his chin thoughtfully, "Etou~ Ah, there he is." He said pointing a clawed finger.
All eyes turned to the silver-head, who was gazing out of the window.
As always.
Walking up to him, Kimono clad man grinned, as he rubbed his chin, "Hm, he is quite good. Now I can rest easy leaving Sia with him."
Man in black smiled, waving his hand like a royalty, "No 'stealing a match' Shin-chan. Naruto-chan is Nerine-chan's husband, you know."
"Hey, No way!", he looked towards Naruto, who was still looking out of the window. "Naruto-dono, please take care of Sia."
Naruto finally seemed to notice that there was someone talking to him. He looked towards the two old men, blinking.
"Hm, did you say something?"
Cue face fault.
Kimono clad man was instantly on his feet, his fist hovering dangerously, "Hey, wake up! You need energy to handle Sia and-ark!"
Naruto blinked.
'Where the hell did that chair came from?'
A flushed redhead, glared balefully at her father, "Otou-san, stop saying weird things!"
Man groaned painfully, "S-Sia. I tell you all the time, using a chair is going overbroad!"
A new person entered the scene.
Rin held out her hand, her brows knitted together, "Sia-chan, that was a bit too much."
Naruto blinked. "Hey."
"Anyway, lets restart the introductions" Nadeshiko said.
Redhead was the first, "I'm Lisianthus. I came from Shinkai. The name is a bit too long, so please call me Sia.
Blue-head was next, "Um, I am called Nerine. I came from Makai. If it is alright, please call me Rin."
Kimono clad man was next; "I am Eustoma. I am Shia's father and also the Shin King."
Man in black was next, "Forbesii, I am Nerine-chan's dad and also the Ma King. Nice to meet you all."
Nadeshiko felt her eyebrow twitching, "You two are excused." She ground out.
Mayumi chose that moment to ask a very important question, raising her hand, "Ano, Sensei, I am not sure I heard this right?" Shin King and Ma King…?" she asked lamely.
"Well…It's like this. It may seem unbelievable, but…these two are Shinkai and Makai Royalty," Sensei said.
Sia perked up, a smile on her lips, "Ano, please don't let the fact that I am the daughter of the Shin King bother you."
Rin too nodded, "At least, I will be happy if you all just treat us like regular friends."
Nadeshiko folded her arms to her chest, "And because of this…Naruto, I will let you take care of these two."
"EH?", that was class's reaction.
"Hm~ Weather is good today.", that was Naruto's.
"Listen to me!"
He lightly sighed, "But why me?" he asked.
"Allow me to explain that.", Forbesii stepped forward, "Naruto-chan, you were selected to be the husband of either Nerine-chan or Sia-chan.", he said smiling.
Naruto blinked, "Ha?"
Eustoma grinned, "To put it boldly, you will be the future king of either Shinkai or Makai. If you select our Sia, you will get to use all of God's powers."
Forbesii smiled sharply, "Of course, if you select Nerine-chan you will have complete authority over Makai."
Naruto stared at the happy girls.
He face palmed.
'I need my Sake.'
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