Cause I,

think you're from another world,

And I,

I couldn't love another girl,

Cause you,

you make me feel like I'm,




This time it was about her hair. It was a few days ago he had a dream about her purple eyes. Or was that yesterday? Time was different when someone was sleeping. It didn't quite matter, she was still there. He couldn't see her whole face at all and if he ever did, he wouldn't remember.


His eyes shot open and he gasped. Sweat clung to his collar bones as he laid on his elbows. His blue orbs looked to the alarm clock. It was time to get ready for school. He groaned, throwing himself onto the bed and staring up at the barren ceiling. He slipped his socks and boots on, scanning the room. His fingers curled around the strap of the bookbag, slinging it over his shoulder.

"Bye Manny! I'm heading out now." He called to his Uncle, shutting the door as the cold air kissed his face. Sliding across the cool pond that was in their front lawn, Jack sighed heavily. He continued on the front lawn before walking into the small patch of woods heading towards the school. The campus wasn't too far from his house, only a couple blocks.

There he would meet North, Sandy and Aster. His best friends. Aster has anger management issues, Sandy is mute but very wise. North moved from Russia at the beginning of Jack's freshman year. Well, everyone's freshman year. Jack, Aster, North and Sandy are all Juniors now. They have been through thick and thin together and basically made a blood pact to stay best friends.

Aster is the one with the many tattoos and built frame. Jack's nickname for him is Bunny or Kangaroo, because of his ears and accent. they are pointed like them. He would get punched if he called him 'Elf'. Sandy is the short stack, while North is the tallest and...widest. Jack was the slim and stubborn kind. He wasn't particually nice. Not ever since what happened.

Now that he was on the campus he walked to the corner in the front of the school where the gang would meet. And as usual, there they were.

"I hear that new girl is coming to town today!" North said with his thick Russian accent. Jack discarded it and walked toward Bunny.

"Aster! I need you to draw me something real fast." Jack urged.

"Dreamt about that Sheila again, eh?"

Jack rolled his eyes and nodded, explaining what he had saw. Aster quickly colored the eye in, showing the canvas.

"That's it." He breathed.

Jack had his own page in Bunny's art book, that filled with the dreams he had been having. Jack's blue pools looked from the eye, to her vibrantly colored hair, then to her hand. On the hand, there was a birth mark shaped like a little flame. She had a couple rings on and it flashed back into his mind once more. Oh how he wished she was real. Sighing slightly, Jack's eyes fell to the ground, kicking the snow around.

Sandy patted his back; Jack ignoring his gestures to help the boy. "I'm fine." he mumbled, walking into the school.

Maybe she wouldn't even be what he wanted her to be if she was real. She could be the total opposite of his liking. He walked into his homeroom, class 159 a.k.a Chemistry. Taking his spot in the third last row, he laid his book bag upon the table beside him. His eyes wandered outside as flashbacks happened to his dreams, yet again.


A soft giggle, before a blink of her violet eye.


Her hair blew in the wind, revealing nothing.

These were the exact same images he'd been seeing for a while. The eye was new, but the last two were in a time period of 6 weeks. Sighing, he watched the soft snow fall to the ground. His blue hood rested upon his head, before the bell disturbed his train of thought. Jack wouldn't be able to see his friends until his free period/lunch. That was 7/8th period. There were 12 periods in a day. It was only the first few months of school and Jack wanted it to be over.

He was hoping that a new start would come out of this year. Sophomore year had been hard on him, his grades, his family...everything. He got his hopes too high...again. The thing about Jack, is if he is promised something, or told something will happen, he puts this false faith in himself and when it comes crashing down, he dreads it. That's why he's so difficult and stubborn.

Mrs. Hennington walked in, the makeup on her face ridiculously dark, the wrinkles more visible than the gray hairs upon her head. Jack hated her with a burning passion, as for her...she hated him more than anything and would make up excuses for him to get out of her class.

Jack would come to class late most of the days, because he would walk Jamie and Sophie to school. He would arrive to school, but leave before the bell rang to hold Soph's hand and talk to Jamie while taking them to the Intermediate School. It wouldn't be long before Jack would have to leave for College, where he wouldn't see either of them.

Sophie had a snow day and was probably snuggling a sick Jamie.

The sound of a slap snapped Jack into reality. The meterstick was on his desk and Mrs. Hennington was glaring.

"Mr. Frost! Would you please stay on planet earth!" She nagged.

"Would you please.." Jack started, before stopping.

Jack had a bad habit of not thinking before words spilled from his lips. Only telling his secrets would he only think. He could tell Jamie everything without thinking and regretting. It was one of the great things about their friendship really.

"...What was that?" She asked.

"Would you please shut the hell up!" he yelled, looking bluntly into her eyes.

"That's it! I've had it with you! To the office now!"

"What am I? Five? Gosh." He mumbled, grabbing his bookbag and striding out of the classroom.

"You'll be fine honey." Her father reassured.

"Well we move from place to place all the time, it's hard when I just got used to Boston, now we're in Burgess." She replied, taking a deep breath.

"Did you brush?" He asked as she was half way out of the car.

"Of course I did dad. Couldn't miss it even if I wanted too."

"Okay. I have a good feeling about this place Toothiana. Just wait." Her father reassured once more, before she hopped out of the car. Her auburn hair glistened as the colored streaks became lighter in the suns smile.

Her bookbag slung over her shoulder, all of her notebooks, sketchpads, pencils, pens, erasers, lunch..Shit! She knew she forgot something. Groaning loudly, Tooth made her way up the stairs to get to the main office. Placing her blue beanie on her head, she covered the colored streaks. Hanging from her neck there was a feather with a small charm of a tooth and a few other gems. It was originally her mother's who left Tooth at a young age.

Her shirt was lace in the back, the design were roses and hints of snowflakes. The front design was black and white grunge stripes. Her jeans looked like the sky with the clouds and everything. Her boots were white and comfy. She stopped to dig around in her bookbag. Grabbing her glasses, she placed them on her face, now getting to see where she was going. Her natural violet irises looked brown now, a purple hue still visible.

Once she reached the main office, she smiled. "Uh..H-hi." she mumbled, looking to the fragile lady that sat at the desk.

"Ah! The new student!" Said a voice that made her jump catching her off guard. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a white haired boy rolling his eyes before looking out the window.

The assistant principle walked to the white haired young man, as the principle talked to Tooth. "So this is you're schedule." he said handing her the piece of paper. Her eyes skimmed the paper and she nodded silently.

"You've made it just in time! It's only half way through first period." He exclaimed excitedly.

'Oh greaaaat. A whole day of people looking at me like I'm an alien.'

Once everything was sorted out, Mr. Jared, the principle took her to her first period. Room 146 Mr. Chalke's History Class.

"Ah! You must be Toothiana Fisher." Mr. Chalke said. Another nod came from Tooth.

"Have a seat next to Aster. Aster! Wave so that Miss. Toothiana can tell where to sit, please."

Aster looked up, waving his hand as his eyes went wide. Toothiana walked over and sat next to him. Bunny knew she looked all too familiar. Why the hell couldn't he remember her?