A/N: Hello everyone, I'm sorry I haven't updated in so long.I've ended up having two kids and totally forgot about my fan fictions I hate to say. However, I got a review from Nicole today that reminded me. So I decided I will continue the story. If you're still reading this after so long thank you and if you're new I hope you enjoy the story. Fair warning my writing has probably changed a lot. Also do people want smut in this fan fiction? If so I'll change it to M and write it. If not then the rating will remain the same.
Chapter 10: The easy or the hard way
Richard POV
My blue eyes that were hidden behind my always present sun glasses narrowed on Malchior as he slowly began to back up, however I kept approaching him as he did so making an effort to keep the same distance between us at all times. Without meaning to my voice became deeper, in a threatening tone as I asked "Are you going to tell me the easy way or the hard way?"
"Why do you even care so much Grayson? You have Raven don't you? Or do you want to Kori to bed too? Heck even with what that bitch did to me I wouldn't mind riding her for a night and teaching her a..."
The string of my fist meeting Malchior jaw pulsated through my veins. I drew my fist back ready for another punch, Malchior quickly brought his hands up blocking, and yelled, "Wait. I'll talk. I can't go back to Juvie. What do you want to know?"
"Why did Xavier want to talk to you?" I asked.
"We have a mutually beneficial relationship," he stated.
"How so? Does he know what you did to Kori?" My hands balling up into fists as I remembered that day.
"We're business partners. And yes he does. He's not happy about it and he even warned me to stay away from her. I can't believe a friend of mine would get with such a bitch in the first place. He knows what happened and the worst part is he's seems like he's actually falling for her. But no matter there are ways around that," his smirk that played on his lips was pure evil at that point.
"What type of business partners? What do you mean ways to get around that?" I questioned as I heard multiple footprints approaching.
"As much as I love to tell you, it looks like some of my friends need me," he pushed past me at the last part and I was ready to fight again however I was outnumbered. I noticed as I saw Mammoth, Fang and Cheshire who were all members of the Red Hood Gang standing by Malchior. I could tell by the cocky look on Malchior face he knew he won, and his gang all turned around walking to the exit of the building. After I watched them leave I made my way to English.
Bryan POV
"So Bryan, I think I deserve to know. Kori thinks of you as her best friend, what do you think of her as?" Xavier asked, as his dark gray almost black eyes bore into me.
"I'm in love with her, have been since I was seven. What about you? Are you in love with her?" I questioned my emerald eyes scanned him.
Thank you to everyone who favorited, and reviewed the story. Please comment and tell me what you think. You're allowed to vote one per chapter for the couple you want to end up together in the end. Please also let me know if you want this fan fiction to be rated M or stay at T. And if you have any ideas for the song that should be playing when Richard admits his feelings to Kori.
yodakaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat: Depends how the voting goes and thanks for your vote.
Robstarforever2017: Thank you and thanks for your vote.
Starboltz1: Thank you so much for your kind words. Also thanks for your vote.
Guest: I love Bruno Mars also. And thank you.
Miss Geek: Yes I love Bruno Mars and I love the son your man. Thanks for your vote.
Sweetums14: Some of those songs I have not hear but I'll have to check them out. And thank you.
WishToBeYouSomeday: Thank you and thanks for your vote.
XxMickey-luv-UxX: Since I just started writing this again I'm planning on it to be a longer story so I plan to drag a few things out if most votes go one way so everyone gets a bit of there couple in it. I added votes for both and thanks for reviewing.
Starfire Gods WP: I AM SO SORRY! But I updated it's just almost been five years I am so sorry. Thanks for the review.
PiercetheViel: Thank for your votes and review.
Teen titans fan: Thank for your vote and review.
Guest: Honestly I don't know how it will turn out. I don't decide the end result the readers do. It's more fun for me because there's so many different outcomes it can have then. As of right now Kori and Xavier winning too. Thanks for the review.
Morning-Star57: Thank for your votes and reviews.
I AM BATMAN: Thank for your vote and review.
Luna3300: Thank for your votes and review.
Treenie11: Thank you. I love that song. Thank for your vote and review.
Ana Karoliny: Thank for your votes and review.
yolo13: Thank for your vote and review.
cc: I'm so sorry it's been so long but I finally did. Thanks for the review.
Guest: Not that long sorry I found out I was pregnant shortly after posting that chapter then after so long forgot about this. I now have two kids. I'm very sorry. Thanks for the review thought.
NeverRegretAnything: Thank for your vote and review.
MSBlackmon: Thanks I'm glad you're enjoying it and sorry it took so long to update. Thank for your review and vote.
Royal Amphitrite: Thank for your votes and review.
Guest: I'm so sorry I am finally back. Thanks for the review and vote.
Ana Karoliny: Thank for your vote and review.
Nicole Macapagal: Thanks for making me remember about this story. Also thanks for the review, I'm glad you're enjoying it.
Here's where the voting stands so far. Remember you can vote once per chapter.
Richard/Kori- 94
Kori/ Xavier - 131
Bryan/ Kori- 23
Rachel/ Gar- 35
Rachel/ Xavier: 3