"FINE, leave! You seem to not care what I think so leave James! Or maybe I should go since I'm no good to you as a non-shadow hunter!" A hysterical Tessa spat at her husband. With that anger finally flashed into Jem's crystalline silver eyes making them stormy.

"I will! You should go find Will since that's all you ever want to do!" Only his voice gave away his sadness. Quickly, Jem stormed out of the fire-warmed room before the love of his life could see the tears gathering and threatening to spill.

Now, all alone in their shared room, but now like always, Tessa didn't know what to do. So, she did what she always did, stare at the wall across from her bed. Even though the fire was raging she still felt cold, for Jem had left… again. The wall that Tessa was now giving her full attention to was a pretty plum color, but the howling wind and flickering fire didn't improve her mood at all. For the past two days it felt like all she and Jem did was fight. This time it was about him agreeing to go on a mission for months.

Burying her head in her hands after falling down to sit on the trunk at the foot of their four poster bed, she started to sob. Embarrassed at what she had lied about to Jem. He did love and care for her. He told her every day. She was the one who was the b$%#*. She was his life. Yet, all she did was talk about how amazing Will was, what Will did today, and how much she loves spending time with him.

"I'm sorry." She whispered between sobs to the empty room. It was too late for anyone but herself to hear. Suddenly filled with resolve, Tessa Carstairs somberly stood up, and walked over to the dark mahogany dresser. In blue ink she wrote a simple note to her husband, folded it up, and set it on the bed. Walking into the bath room she grabbed what she hoped would be enough. As she closed the door to the bedroom, you could see a flicker of hesitation in her eyes, but it was gone the second it appeared.

Sitting down at the aged and scarred table Jem poured himself a little something on the rocks, making a face. This wasn't the first time Tessa and he had fought, but was without a doubt, the worst.

"Why?!" he whispered to the ceiling, too preoccupied to notice footsteps.

"Why what, brother dearest." Inquired Jem's stunningly handsome, raven-haired parabati, Will Herondale. When Will was answered with silence he couldn't help but sigh. Not again. He thought. At this point the question and its paired answer were obvious.

"You fought again didn't you," not waiting for the answer that would never come he continued "What was it about this time!? Whatever it was, probably not worth it, huh? Let me guess the mission you accepted?" Judging by the look in Jem's eyes, he was right. "I was right, not. worth. it! Both of you were at fault for this one though. You, Jem, should have consulted with her, your wife, before accepting. But Tessa shouldn't have over reacted like she did. Now why don't you give me that," Will said with taking Jem's drink "Go find her so you both can apologize, and act like the grownups you are."

"When did you turn into a relationship advisor?" Jem asked in mock seriousness.

"Just go!" Will said pushing his best friend half-way up the stairs.

Silver met ocean blue as Jem turned around "Thank you." he spoke just above a whisper and paused. The Herondale simply made shooing motions with his hands. With that Jem ran up the remainder of the stairwell. Waiting till Jem was out of earshot he spoke to himself

"When did I become their marriage counselor?" shivering at the thought.

After finishing Jem's drink and having been sitting in absolute silence for the past 15 minutes, Will had almost fallen asleep in his chair. That is until he heard the sound that made his blood run cold. Jem's scream.