Is It Love?
Rating: Mature
Present Mpreg
Shizuo / Izaya (Main)
Shinra / Celty
Izaya and Shizuo have a one-night stand and Izaya finds himself pregnant with Shizuo's child. How can he carry this child, how will their relationship be affected? Will Shizuo fall in love with Izaya? What will Izaya do when he finds out that he is pregnant and Shizuo is falling in love with him, only for the child?
Thank you all for encouraging me to continue writing. I was thinking that this Fanfiction wasn't so well but after so many followers and favorites. I can't help but not stop. I hope you enjoy this chapter.
The characters do not belong to me, except the story plot and story belongs to me.
I am now putting the Genera's as what is in the Chapter. They are above. Each one will change during each chapter.
Thank you!
Chapter Five:
Disgusted by Myself.
"Dammit!" Shouting out with frustration, the raven-haired male narrowed down into the toilet. The vomiting was becoming a daily routine for him but his throat continued to burn from stomach acid.
"Namie! You are free to leave for the day." Heading past his secretary, he yanked his jacket from its hook and slipped it on before turning to Namie with a smirk.
"Lock the building after you leave…"
Shinra's House
"Nothing appears to be wrong with you, Izaya… You are entirely healthy." Shinra ran over the medical sheets once again; everything seemed to be in check. But the vomiting was beginning to worry him, could it be possible that he is pregnant? That was impossible… Wasn't it?
"Izaya… I actually have one more test. I need you to take this and follow the directions." Shinra searched through one of the large, white drawers; taking out a small, unopened box. Tossing them over to the other male.
"Pregnancy Test? Are you fucking serious?" Izaya expression formed into amusement, Shinra had to be kidding around now. Wait… Why did he even have these?
"Very serious, you know where the bathroom is located. I'll be waiting."
"This cannot be happening… Maybe they are incorrect or something… But… I used every one… They all can't be incorrect."
"Izaya. You have been in here for a while now, are you having trouble?" Shinra knocked on the door, he stepped back when the door creaked open and a trembling hand held the Pregnancy Test box.
"They all tell me positive. Are these incorrect or… am I really pregnant?" Trembling, why was he trembling over this? It could be a mistake. A simple joke that Shizuo and Shinra planned together. His vomiting was just because he wasn't eating correctly. That is the only answer.
Shinra received the box with interest, an gloved hand pulled out an test; reading over to make sure that he was correct.
"I am sorry but you are pregnant. Oh, who is the father?"
"I haven't slept with anyone…"
"Is it Shizuo? I know what happened."
"It can't be…" Izaya whispered in panic.
"Shizuo has unique D.N.A… It is possible that you have become pregnant." Shinra laid his fingertip on his chin, thinking about the results of the tests Shizuo preformed for him.
"I think you should tell him."
"That is one good way to commit suicide… All I need is something to stop the vomiting and a way to rid of this thing inside of me." Izaya placed his palm onto his abdomen. Was there truly something growing inside him?
"Why rid of it? It is a miracle. You have to let me study upon you."
"It came from the monster. It is nothing but a parasite that must be depleted." Izaya ran his slim fingers within his bangs, glaring down at the flooring of the dim hallway.
"This must be looked into!" Shinra shouted at Izaya. Causing the informant to scowl at him.
Fingers dancing across a screen were faintly heard from the other end of the hallway. Celty, Shinra's fiancée stood with an hand on her hip while the other typed.
[Leave Izaya alone, Shinra. It might be dangerous for him to carry a child. Men are not made to carry or birth as women. If Izaya does not want to carry it, I think you should listen to his choice.]
Celty headed towards the two men, raising the screen when she stopped before them. Their eyes ran over the text's, taking in everything she had told them.
"I understand. Izaya, I would appreciate it, if you could at least tell Shizuo that you are pregnant." Shinra scratched his scalp with disappointment.
'Telling Shizuo... Wait… He wouldn't be able to harm me for the child I am carrying. I could do whatever I wanted to Shizuo.'
"Shinra, is it true that you can not harm a pregnant woman?"
"Well… Yes, you would get in trouble. It is abuse on the woman and on the child; two crimes in one. It can kill the child. Why?"
Izaya's lips curled into a smirk, his expression darkened.
"No reason, Shinra…"
Time: 3:00 PM, Sunday
"Izaya! How many times have I told you to stay out of here?" Shizuo reached out, gripping an unlucky street sign out of the concrete. An pulsing vein appearing on his temple while he stared at the Informant chuckling before him.
"Shizuo… I haven't come for a fight, I came to tell you some news that you must know." Izaya stood on top of a car's roof, hands in his jacket pockets. Though his left hand's fingers gripped onto the switchblade located inside.
"Make it quick, Flea. I am not in the mood for any bullshit today." Shizuo grasped the sign pole tighter in his grip, a throaty growl escaping from his throat, hoarse and deep.
"You remember when I told you that you had sex with me? Well, I ended up carrying Shizu-Chan's baby." Izaya's hands headed towards his for-now flat stomach.
"Is this some kind of sick prank? You and I know you are male. There is no way in hell you could be carrying a baby." Shizuo stomped towards the raven-haired male with a grin.
"But Shizu-Chan… I am telling the truth, I went to Shinra. You can't harm me for I am pregnant."
"Like hell I won't hurt you!" Shizuo threw the sign towards the Flea, when Izaya blocked the incoming attack and ran off into the streets.
"Get back here, Bastard!"
"Shit… If I let him get a hold of me now, he could kill the pest and my plans will be ruined." Izaya whispered to himself, hurrying past obstacles and humans.
Nausea washed over him once more, covering his mouth with the back of his hand. He could not stop running now…
Last thing he could remember was his coat's hood being yanked by a strong hand, a fist soaring towards his stomach then everything turned black.
When he awoke, he found himself lying on garbage bags; the scent of rotting food filling his nostrils. Forcing him to gag.
He sat up, pain finally showing itself to Izaya as he gripped his stomach; groaning and flinching while he stood on shivering legs.
It was going to be a long night back home.
End of Chapter Notes:
I forgive the shortness of this chapter. I have been quite busy with schoolwork. I now it has been a few months since I last updated.
But it brings a smile to my face to see so many wonderful readers favoring, following and reviewing my Fanfiction.
If you liked this chapter, please review or give me some ideas of what you wish to see in the next chapter.
Shizuo regrets punching Izaya when he goes to Shinra to see if what Izaya was saying was true. Shinra shows him the papers and Shizuo regrets punching the Flea in the stomach, more than a few times. Then he goes and tells Izaya he is sorry… I AM LETTING YOU DECIDE. Unless you want me to chose this way for the next Chapter. Or I could make something better.
THE READERS DECIDED CHAPTER 6. Just nothing, to crazy or anything.