Hello again!
So...I know its been a while, and I'm really sorry for what was basically a semi-hiatus on this story. I'm not really sure what happened...It wasn't like I was extremely busy, it was just kinda a mix of having no idea where to go with this story, and procrastination. (Obviously if I don't touch the story for months, it'll just write itself.)
But now I'm have more ideas, and I'm back and ready to write this story!
So, again you guys are awesome, and here's chapter 6:
I've had many places that I could call 'home.'
My mom's apartment, Camp Half-Blood...
The house in front of me, however, was not home.
My home was across the country, not here. Not in a white house in the middle of the woods with people I didn't even know.
The people who had turned me into a monster.
The more I thought about it, the more bitter I felt, why should I stay here with these people? They'd given me a fate that I didn't want. I never wanted to be immortal, and I definitely never wanted to be a blood-sucking monster.
For a fleeting moment, I thought about leaving, just running away till they couldn't catch me, if they even cared.
I don't know about the others, but Bella couldn't catch me, and I had nothing I needed to stop for. Besides the eyes, I looked presentable enough if I happened to run through a town, Bella had already lent me someone's blue jeans and green shirt.
I could back out of the offer to stay, right? I hadn't signed a contract or swore an oath or anything. I could figure this new world out on my own, so what the hell was I still doing here?
You're still here because you can't figure it out on your own, I thought to myself, and it was sadly the truth.
I didn't know anything about what I was now, and bad things would happen if I didn't pick up on somethings. I mean, you don't just send a demigod out on a quest without telling them that there's a special type of metal that can hurt them and things like the mist if you want them to succeed.
If I left now, I was risking being taken advantage of, lied to, and killed...
Well, rekilled.
It would be smarter to at least find out some stuff, then decide if I wanted to leave or not.
Some part of me saw that as taking advantage of these people, when they were trying to extend the hand of friendship, but I shook it off. What else was there to do? There were things I needed to know, and limited ways to get them.
I'm pretty sure I couldn't just google 'rules of being a vampire...but not the traditional vampire, a weird type of vampire that no one has ever heard of before.', and get information.
Then again, the internet is a weird place. Who knows? Maybe these type of vampires run blogs.
It was too late for that though, I realized as I snapped out of my thoughts and saw I had subconsciously continued to follow Bella.
As we walked in, I realized how awkward this was. I was literally walking into a stranger's house that had decided to suck the life out of me, or at least what had been left of it...
And, even though I had trusted them a bit earlier, I was still on guard now.
We walked into a big living room, that was basically the opposite of what you'd expect a vampire's house to look like.
It was very open, with a lot of glass windows showing the forest and river just outside. It was also kinda white, which seemed like a weird color choice, they drink blood, how did they not stain everything they own?
They had a big flat screen with a sports channel turned on, mildly interested, I looked to see who was playing.
"Football fan?" I heard a booming voice say as I looked over to see one of the Cullens lounging beside me.
He was a bit taller than me, but not to the point where I had to look up to see his black-haired head. He was also bigger than me, in the sense of muscles, the dude looked like he could lift up about anything, which probably wasn't an exaggeration considering he was a vampire.
He acted like we'd known each other since we were kids, and had grown up watching and playing football together, like we were old friends.
Before I even had the chance to respond, The blonde...I think her name was Rose...came around the guy's other side.
"Emmett..." She said exasperated, sighing as if he was doing so many things wrong that she couldn't even begin to explain where he had messed up.
"What? Just being friendly." The guy, who must've been named Emmett said.
He then looked at me, not as if just remembering I was there, but with more of a 'Can you believe her?' look.
"So, Percy right?" he asked, to which I nodded.
He thrust out his hand.
"Emmett, though you probably realized that." He said, while I shook his hand.
Not knowing what to say, I just nodded again.
You may be thinking 'what are you doing? Just talk or at least do something', but you don't understand.
Not everyone was even here yet for one, but the biggest reason was how tense the room was. I swear, we could all be suspects for a murder mystery, knowing that the murderer was one of us, and it would probably be less tense than this.
I was also slightly worried, not about the fact that I had just been revived from death's door, though that certainly had a spot in my mind...
I was worried about questions.
If I ask them something, they'll want to know about me, but I don't trust them, and even if I did trust them, I don't think I want to tell them who I really am just yet.
You're thinking like you're planing on staying. I thought to myself, remembering that I wouldn't even have to worry about questions after today, but some part of me actually wanted to stay.
I've got no degree, no money, no home, and no life, it would be kinda nice to have somewhere to stay, make friends.
Yet something in me would always not be satisfied, because I knew it would never be home.
It wouldn't be Camp, with the pranks, laughs, couples, friends, sparkling lake, and good times. Maybe if I could accept that, and just never think about it, then I could stay and not want to bang my head on the wall.
"So, obviously, we both have questions, how about we keep it simple and go back and forth." Bella recommended, coming up beside me.
"Sure." I replied, once I let myself just question things in general, it was easy to think of questions. Before I could think of one the might be more important, I blurted out one after turning to look at Bella.
"Your eyes are different from mine." I said. Ok, so maybe not a question, but I'm pretty sure she got what I meant.
"It's partly because of diet and partly because you're a newborn. See, later diet determines eye color. Vampires that drink human blood, which is most of them, have red eyes, but not as bright as yours, bringing me to why yours are that red. After changing, a newborn's blood still lingers in them, which is what makes them stronger than older vampires, and your eyes red. The diet of animal blood will eventually make them gold like ours, but that takes months." Bella explained.
Surprisingly, I understood. Really, it made sense.
"Ok, so-" I started, but got cut off by Emmett.
"Hey, not so fast, I think we get a question now." He said, causing me to want to roll my eyes.
"Where are you from?" He asked, thankfully starting it easy.
"NYC." He nodded, giving me the go to ask again.
"So, I'm getting the gist that all the regular vampire stuff doesn't apply here?" I asked Bella, even though everyone else had joined us by now.
"Yea, I mean, the fundamentals are all there, that's how you get the myths." She started. Although, I wouldn't be surprised if she was wrong and we were just a different breed. If I'd learned anything over the years, it that there were no coincidences, and most myths turned out to be real in some way, shape, or form.
"Obviously, we don't have fangs, as you've probably noticed by now." She said, and I nodded.
"And sunlight?" I asked, causing Bella to pause.
"That one's harder to explain, it doesn't kill or hurt us, but we also don't go unaffected, I'll show it to you later."
"Stake to the heart?" I asked.
"Nope, to kill a vampire, you rip the limbs to pieces and light it on fire." Bella said, to which I nodded.
"Avoid people with chain saws at bomb fires, got it." I joked, causing smiles across the room.
Before I could continue down the list, Bella stopped me.
"And no, we don't sleep in coffins, we don't sleep at all." I rose my eyebrows, not being able to sleep? The thought kinda confused me, but I slowly realized she might be right. After the events of the past two hours, most people would be a bit drained, but I was fine, I felt like I could go run to Canada again.
It basically continued like that for the better part of an hour, me asking stupid questions, and them asking about me. They didn't push, which I was grateful for, and if I didn't want to answer one, they picked a new one. It was all going pretty well until bronze hair in the corner, I think his name was Edward, looked up from what he was doing.
"He's lying." He said, more confused than anything.
We all sat in silence at the ping-pong table in the big house, still staring at Nico after what he had just said.
"So, he's not dead?" Jason asked, still seeming to be reeling from the news that Percy wasn't in the underworld.
Nico glanced worriedly at Chiron.
"Well, I wouldn't go that far." He said, causing confused looks around the table.
"How can he be dead but not in the underworld?" I asked.
Nico sighed.
"Yea, that's what I'm trying to figure out. Look, I know when people die, I can feel it, but with Percy..." He let out a deep breath, shaking his head.
"I don't know, there's no reading on him at all. Like I said, I would know if he died, and by extent if he was still alive, but it's almost like he never existed, like he never lived or died." Nico sat down in his chair, looking frustrated.
"I don't know what to make of it."
"Hey, we know you're trying Nico, its ok." Jason reassured him.
Nico nodded absent-mindedly.
"Is there anything else you guys could tell me?" Nico asked, looking for more information.
Annabeth shook her head.
"We've told you all we know, they got ambushed by monsters, got split up, Jason heard Percy's scream, and only found blood on the ground of the meadow." She said in a monotone voice. I was worried about Annabeth to be honest. She wasn't taking Percy's second disappearance very well, then again, who could blame her? Wouldn't I be just as messed up if Jason had not come back?
It was then that it really hit me, all Percy would've had to have done is call different sides for them to take, and it would be me mourning. It would've been Jason's body that would've gone unfound. It would be Percy at this table grieving for his friend, as Jason was.
I found myself grabbing Jason's hand under the table, reassuring myself.
"We'll find him Annabeth." I promised her, but what good was a promise that couldn't be kept? If Percy was truly dead, the most we could find to bring back to her was a cold, dead body.
To my surprise, Annabeth shook her head.
"It's not like last time Piper. Last time, I knew he was still out there, I could feel it, but I think Nico might be right. I don't feel the hope I felt last time, I don't think he's out there." She said, her voice wobbling slightly at the end.
"They should've never gone to Forks." I said bitterly, it was then that Nico practically jumped out of his seat in surprise.
"Where did you say they went?" He asked, more alert now. We all gave him funny looks.
"Forks, Washington. We were getting crazy monster ratings from satyrs in the area, so they went to do a little crowd control." Hazel said.
"Why? Does that change something?" Annabeth asked.
Nico and Chiron seemed to have a conversation just by looking at each other.
"How about you guys sleep on it?" Chiron suggested, as it was getting very late.
Annabeth shot up.
"Nico, I swear, if you're going to keep information from us again." She threatened.
"Annabeth, he had to last time, that wasn't his choice, but I'm going to have to take Annabeth's side on this one. You can't keep information from us, its more serious this time." Jason said, standing to join Annabeth on the way out.
Nico nodded.
"I just need to talk to Chiron about it, then I'll tell you guys." He promised, but I saw right though it, he was only going to tell us what he wanted to. We needed someone on the inside.
"Come on guys, lets just go." I said, leading the way out as the rest of the seven followed me out, once we were a bit away from the Big House I turned around.
"He's not going to tell us everything." Annabeth said, to which I nodded.
"I mean, Nico's my friends, but…" She trailed off, to which we all nodded. Nico didn't have the best history of coming clean with all the information.
"So, who want's to ease drop with me?" I asked, a plan already half-formed in my head
Well, what did you guys think? A bit cliffhangery, and maybe a bit OOC (please tell me if it was).
Also! This story is 4 reviews away from 100, so please review! It would be awesome to hit 100 reviews! :)