Hello, people of fanfiction. :) This is my new, and first story: Forever Demigod. I hope you enjoy it! I also put an Eleventh Doctor, Doctor Who reference in here, sorry :) I couldn't resist. If you find it, tell me in your review.
Now, on with the story!


"Okay, so I think this is the last batch, and then we can go home." Jason said. I smiled at that thought. We'd been on this quest for a week, we were ready to go home, and worn out.

Jason was smiling too. He would be going to Camp Half-Blood this summer. It had been a year since the Giant War, and him and Piper had previously had some serious arguments about which camp to go to, now that they're both open to everyone. Eventually, they'd decided on Camp Half-Blood, at least for this summer. Both camps were still under construction because of how damaged they'd both gotten during the war.

Back to the stupid 'quest.' Forks was stalked full of monsters for some reason, the mortals were even starting to notice. So, who gets sent on the dirty work? Me and Jason, of corse. There hadn't been any close calls yet, these monsters weren't anything major. When we had gotten the 'offer'/order to go Annabeth and Piper had objected instantly, but we'd assured them that we'd be fine.

"Sounds good to me." I said. The 'last batch' seemed to only be a group consisting of one hellhound and two basilisks.

"On three." Jason said. Then we charged, slashing away. I barely broke a sweat. Once we finished, Jason went for a high-five, but I tensed, something felt off.

"Common man, don't leave me hanging!" Jason joked (Leo was rubbing off on him), but I held up my hand as in 'wait.'

"Something feels off." I muttered. At first, Jason seemed to think I was just paranoid, that had happened a lot since Tartarus, but then he tensed too. Good, he felt it also. Then, I saw something that made my heart skip a beat.

"Jason, don't move and look to my right." I muttered. Exactly at the same moment he whispered:

"Percy, don't move and look to my left." Slowly, I looked the place you never want to look, the corner of your eye. My heart nearly stopped.

We were surrounded. It had been a trap. In the woods, I saw the beady eyes of eleven Hellhounds. Along with three empousai, fangs bared. If that wasn't enough already, five of those scorpions that me and Annabeth had fought together the night we'd found the Labyrinth clicked their pincers, eager to sink them into our exposed flesh. Finally, one lone dracenae waited in the dark, daggers ready and dripping with green poison. Twenty monsters waiting in total, all of their evil, dark eyes fixed on their prey, me.

And that was just the side Jason had warned me about. On the side I'd warned him about, there were another ten monsters.

I held my sword ready. There was no way out of this, Jason could fly, but there were some gryphons up above, blocking our only way out.

This might be it, I realized with a shock, but I wouldn't let it be. I'd promised Annabeth that I'd be back in a week, and I intended to see her again.

"You take the side I told you about, and I'll take the one you showed me." I whispered. Jason nodded.

"Then, after we each get as many as we can get by ourselves, we'll meet back in the middle and finish them off together." Jason muttered. We both nodded. Then, I charged.

Things went wrong quickly. I stabbed, sliced, and hacked at the monsters on the side I'd taken. Three hellhounds were already gone, and I focused on the dracenae, who, with her poisonous daggers, had become my number one priority. I attacked with a Greek fighting style, and then finished her off roman style, one thing that I'd appreciated from my stay at Camp Jupiter. Unprepared for me to switch tactics, she screamed as Riptide slashed through her, dissolving her into the golden powder of dead monsters.

Sixteen left. Thinking of the 'plan' Jason and I had quickly made, I went after some hellhounds. If I got three, just three, I could probably head back then.

Two hellhounds later, I realized that teaming up with Jason would be impossible. Without even realizing it, the monsters had slowly lead me away from the clearing that we'd been in. Me and the monsters were now in a beautiful meadow, but far away from where Jason was.

The monsters seemed to enjoy knowing that they had me where they wanted me, and they stopped moving us away, we just stood and fought.

I launched myself out-of-the-way as a hellhound lunged at me, I thought it had actually worked, until I felt another one get me with its claws on my arm. Thankfully, not my sword arm. I stabbed the one that got me, and on impact, it exploded into golden dust.

Thirteen of the beasts-who-make-my-life-hell-on-a-daily-basis left. Hmm...maybe I need a shorter title for them.

I fought harder than I'd fought since the Giant War. I managed to kill one empousa, but barely. I was tiring out, rapidly.

Another two hellhounds came at me. I dodged their extended claws and sharpened teeth. Finally, I managed to get them both.

Only ten monsters left, half way done, I told myself. The scorpions were my huge problem now. I slashed down at the one closest to me, forgetting momentarily that it would just block my attack with its tail. I stumbled backwards from the force that my swing had, when it had smashed against its tail. Surprisingly, the scorpion had been flipped on its back, leaving it helpless. I brought Riptide down in an arc, and it turned to golden dust.

Nine left. Three hellhounds, two empousai, and four scorpions. I deflected one of the scorpions tails. I almost had it finished when another one's pinchers got my left leg. I staggered, and stabbed it hard. It exploded into dust.

While I was fighting the scorpions, two hellhounds managed to get in a good place. The two of them lunged. I sliced one as it leaped through the air, and it turned to dust. The other one smacked straight into me like a brick wall. Its claws went down my chest, I didn't have any armor, so it left some bad cuts. In a desperate attempt, I stabbed it in the back and it turned into dust on top of me.

Six left. I managed to get up. I almost fell. The cuts on my chest were worse than I'd thought, maybe even fatal, and I'd defiantly managed to break some ribs. My left leg had a bad cut from the pincers that was really deep.

I didn't care, and went to fight again. This time a scorpion and a empousa teamed up. I got the scorpion, and was about to finish off the empousa when it happened. I felt a sickening pain explode in my back and screamed, falling on the spot. The other empousa stood above me. Holding one of the dracenae's poisonous daggers, now coated with blood.

She laughed and smiled down at me. I was dead meat. She lowered her jaw to my neck to finish me off, but the other one called out.

"Wait, Kate, this area, its claimed, remember?" she told the one about to kill me, who must have been Kate. I had no idea what she was talking about, but Kate stood.

"Fine, let's go back to the other demigod." Kate ordered. So, the two empousai, three scorpions, and one hellhound turned to leave. Until Kate turned to the last hellhound.

"Make sure he's gone, but not dead. Let him suffer!" she told it.

The hellhound got in place and lunged at me again. Helpless, I watched as it closed in, in slow motion. It landed on my chest, damaging a lung and breaking more ribs. I heard a scream as its claws went up and down my chest. After that it turned, got up and ran away.

My life started to flash before my eyes as I laid in the beautiful meadow, dying. The poison in the dagger would probably get me first, but the lung / chest thing could too. I only had minutes left, and I knew it. There would be no escape from the cold, dark clutches of death this time.

I called on a good memory to hang onto, one that would allow me to leave this world in peace. At least, as peaceful as it gets when you're laying in a growing pool of your own blood. I saw Annabeth's face and smiled. I felt terrible for breaking my promise, what kind of person was I?

"I'm sorry Annabeth." I muttered as I started to recede into the blackness of death. My last glimpse of this world that I'd fought with my life to protect was of a women, beautiful with brown hair kneeling beside me, saying things that I couldn't hear anymore. The blackness took over, and for a couple of seconds it was peaceful.

Then, the burning began.

So, what'd you think? Hate it, love it, like it, don't give a crap about it? Tell me, using that shiny, pretty review button down there. See how shiny it is? Don't you just want to click it? :p But, seriously, please tell me what you think, what I did wrong, ect... I want to make this story as good as I can, so criticism is welcomed!