What if 10 years ago Tony accepted offer for a team leader in Spain, Rota. Now he has completely own team and he is a great leader but his memories are slowly killing him. He is using Gibbs rules to remember him. He headslaps others. He calls his girl member Zate to remember both Kate and Ziva. He bought his own farting Bert to remember Abby. He tries to tell stories about his previous team to be like Ducky. He alway puts Mc in front of his computer master member's surname to honor McGee. He furnished their Bullpen the same way it is in Washington. He was informed about Jenny's death but couldn't make it to her funeral. He is really missing his old friends.
His team are:
Jacob Dull- senior field agent as was Tony before in DC
Simon (Mc) Rock- computer geek as is Tim McGee in DC
Maya Smith (Zate) - girl member of his team as is Ziva in DC
Alisha Torn- forensics specialist as is Abby in DC
David Sumond- performs autopsies as is Ducky in DC
Tony P.O.V
It's sunny morning and I wake up as usual at 5 o'clock. I brush my teeth and hop in cold refreshing shower. As soon as I steps in shower I start thinking about my former team members. I miss them all. At this point I am wondering if I made tight decision when I grabbed promotion and left them all behind. What is their new member like? I never thought that Gibbs would actually replace me. Oh no! It's Gibbs' birthday tomorrow. He'll be 50. They must be planning a birthday party for him and I didn't get any invitation! What if he got shot or was blown up and they didn't inform me? No, this can't be happening to me. I'm still their friend and they would inform me if anything bad happened. OK enough of these bad thoughts they'll kill me if I don't give them away.
When I'm done showering I go in kitchen and pour myself a cup of coffee. Black coffee since I left DC. I make a quick sandwich and one for later. When I am just about to leave my phone rings. I check caller ID and it is Jacob. I answer. "Hey Jacob!"
"Tony, we need you here at the crime scene. Lieutenant Tyra Hudson was found dead about an hour ago. I'll send you coordinate."
"OK. I'll be right there. Before I come, take photos of crime scene and body. Collect any evidence you can find. Call David to pick up body."
"Yes, boss. See you later."
"Yeah, see you later." I hang up and drive to the crime scene. While I'm driving I can't get rid of my friends in DC. I've lived without them for 10 years. Why do these thoughts have to come right now? Why not a year or two after I left. Why now?
I finally get to the crime scene. Everyone is already there. Jacob and Maya are collecting evidence and Simon is taking photos. "Zate have you found anything yet?"