Hey everyone sorry for the amount of time it's taken to get this up. Work and procrastinating took over a bit. But here it is, the new chapter and the new story idea too.

Hope it's worth the wait and I hope all who have reviewed so far are still sticking with me..

I'll try to not take too long next time :P


"I need some air" Kurt stammered, getting up and walking over to the balcony.

"Kurt, I'm sorry" Sebastian said desperately but Kurt ignored him and slammed the sliding door shut behind him in response.

Sebastian swore under his breath and collapsed on the couch, his head spinning. He looked back out at Kurt whose shoulders were shaking with his sobs. Sebastian's heart clenched as he watched Kurt fall apart because of him.

"I can't do this to him. To us. I won't let my fucking Father ruin us. I'm saying no" Sebastian muttered, grabbing his phone out his pocket and dialing Carl's number. "It's about time I stuck up for myself" Sebastian thought as he waited for Carl to pick up.

"Sebastian I thought I told you I would let you know the arrangements later on" Carl said as soon as he answered.

"I'm not marrying Daisy" Sebastian snapped.

"What did you say" Carl seethed.

"I said, I'm not marrying Daisy" Sebastian repeated, ignoring his nerves and forcing his voice to stay calm. He wouldn't allow his Father to hear how nervous he was. He was doing what he should have done in the first place, refusing. Besides he was sure Carl was all talk.

"I see, I was afraid of this" Carl retorted.

"Huh" Sebastian began.

"I'm very disappointed, but if this is what you want then fine. Marry a boy, see if I care. Don't come crawling back to me when you realise the opportunity you passed up" Carl snapped.

"I'm sure that will never happen. I'll never regret marrying Kurt and certainly won't miss having your money or the fact I passed up a chance to keep a stupid tradition alive. This is your problem, so sort it out some other way" Sebastian said.

"Don't worry, I will" Carl said, letting out a laugh. Sebastian felt a chill at hearing it but ignored it.

"Good, anyway I have to go. Also I want nothing to do with you or Mum anymore. So pass the message along and don't call me again" Sebastian snapped before hanging up without waiting for a response.

"That was really brave" Kurt spoke up softly. Sebastian looked up to see Kurt standing by the sliding door.

"When did you come back in?" Sebastian asked, as Kurt walked over to him and sat down on the couch. Sebastian scooted closer and placed his hand on Kurt's knee gently.

"Just near the end. I saw you on the phone and guessed by how upset you looked that you were talking to Carl" Kurt answered before turning and leaning forward to cuddle into Sebastian. "I over reacted" Kurt murmured against Sebastian's collarbone.

Sebastian reached a hand up and stroked Kurt's hair gently. "You didn't, I would have done the same thing. Look, He can't hurt you or me ok. I won't let him. He can say what he wants but I'm not scared of him" Sebastian said, while continuing to run his hand through Kurt's hair and stroke Kurt's back with the other one.

Kurt pulled back and looked into Sebastian's eyes, they were red rimmed like his own. Kurt smiled softly at Sebastian, who smiled back before kissing Kurt's lips. Kurt reached up to wrap his arm's around Sebastian's shoulders as he kissed him back.

"I love you" Sebastian whispered against Kurt's lips. Kurt let out a happy sob and kissed Sebastian hard on the mouth before whispering 'I love you too'.

"We're going to be ok" Kurt continued, pulling away from Sebastian to look him in the eyes again. Sebastian nodded determinedly despite his worry that something was going to happen.

"Yes, we're not going to let him get to us" Sebastian said. Kurt nodded and leant over to Sebastian again and kissing him softly before moving his mouth down to nip at Sebastian's neck gently. Sebastian closed his eyes and blocked out everything but Kurt sucking on his neck.

Sebastian began to grow hard, his hand gripped Kurt's hair lightly. "Kurt" he gasped, as Kurt's hand moved down his arm than landed on his leg just by his crotch and began to stoke up slowly.

"Yeah" Kurt whispered, still kissing Sebastian's neck and scraping his teeth occasionally.

"Bedroom" Sebastian rasped out, reaching down and squeezing Kurt's ass.

"Yeah" Kurt replied before they scrambled off the couch, racing to the bedroom before collapsing onto their shared bed.

"Fuck Baby" Sebastian groaned as Kurt pulled at his shirt, trying to take it off. "Let's not think about anything, just this" Kurt said, discarding Sebastian's shirt aside before leaning down and licking one of his nipples.

"Mmmm" Sebastian murmured, his cock hardening more as Kurt flicked his tongue over his nipple before kissing down his chest till he reached the jeans.

"Want me to suck you then you can fuck me" Kurt asked, blowing air onto Sebastian's clothed erection. "Yeah, so much" Sebastian replied, licking his lips in anticipation. Kurt grinned, reaching up and undoing the belt then pulling down the jeans, working them down Sebastian's legs then removing the boxers. Once the clothes were gone, Kurt licked up from Sebastian's balls to the tip of his cock, while Sebastian groaned in response. Kurt licked his lips before sucking Sebastian's cock into his mouth.

"Fuck, so good Kurt" Sebastian hissed, reaching down and tangling his fingers into Kurt's hair, Kurt hummed in response and sucked bobbed shallowly on Sebastian's cock for a bit before Sebastian pulled him off.

"Get up here" Sebastian panted, Kurt grinned before moving up and kissing Sebastian deeply. They kissed slowly while Sebastian pulled at Kurt's jeans, his shirt having been discarded earlier.

"Off" Sebastian groaned impatiently against Kurt's lips, Kurt giggled in response but complied, pulling away from Sebastian to remove his jeans and briefs. Once naked, he moved on his back while Sebastian retrieved the lube. They had stopped using condoms after the Wemma wedding as they both got tested in New York and it showed up clean.

Sebastian moved back to hover over Kurt while lubing up two fingers.

"Bas" Kurt gasped, as Sebastian pressed them against Kurt's ass lightly, stroking over his rim and just teasing.

"Stop teasing me" Kurt whined, Sebastian chucked before sliding one inside slowly then adding the other.

"That better" Sebastian asked and Kurt nodded, shifting his ass up more to get Sebastian's fingers deeper. "More baby?" Sebastian asked, scissoring the two fingers while rubbing another against Kurt's rim. "Please" Kurt stammered, rocking against Sebastian's hand.

Sebastian nodded before pushing a third in, he moved the three fingers in and out and in circles, feeling Kurt loosening up.

"I'm ready" Kurt rasped out, rocking a bit faster.

Sebastian pulled his fingers free before grabbing the lube and applying more to his cock. Kurt turned over and presented his ass to Sebastian. Sebastian moaned happily before smacking Kurt's ass lightly. "Fuck" Kurt moaned, thrusting back into the air. Sebastian smirked, stroking Kurt's ass lightly before parting the cheeks and admiring Kurt's hole.

"Are you going to put it in me?" Kurt asked, his ass was moving back and forth almost desperately.

"Soon" Sebastian said, still looking at Kurt's hole, his mouth tingling, there was something else he wanted to do first. He moved down till he was level then he moved his tongue around Kurt's rim before using his fingers to push Kurt's rim apart more so he could thrust his tongue inside.

"Oh Fuck" Kurt stammered, thrusting his ass back against Sebastian's face. Sebastian groaned in approval and began working his tongue in and out a little faster. He could feel Kurt's thighs shaking under his hands, he pulled back and licked over the rim once more, pulling a whimper from Kurt.

Sebastian moved into position, grabbing his cock and pressing it against Kurt's ass before pushing in. "Oh fuck" Kurt stammered, gripping the sheets as Sebastian kept pushing till he was fully inside. "Move baby" Kurt begged, Sebastian didn't need telling twice. He thrust once then twice before slamming brutally into Kurt's ass. Kurt thrashed around on the sheets, making beautiful noises as Sebastian fucked him harder.

"Tell me when you're close" Sebastian asked, his hands gripping Kurt's hips.

"Almost" Kurt stammered, rocking back against Sebastian.

"Fuck baby, you feel so good, you always do" Sebastian said, as he fucked into Kurt who murmured "You too" in response.

Sebastian remembered the first time they fucked without a condom, it had felt so amazing and the connection was even better. Since then, every time felt as amazing as the last. He would never get bored of sex with Kurt.

"Harder" Kurt spoke up, interrupting Sebastian from his musings. Sebastian did as he was asked, fucking into Kurt harder and causing him to move up the bed.

"Wait" Kurt suddenly said "I want to face you when we come"

Sebastian breathed in deeply, pulling out and turning Kurt over. "Like this?" Sebastian asked, stroking Kurt's hip. Kurt nodded and wrapped his legs around Sebastian's waist. Sebastian moved into position, grabbing his cock and pressing it against Kurt's hole till the rim caught then he pushed in before fucking into Kurt as hard as before.

"Oh yes" Kurt responded, fucking up against Sebastian. They both moaned as their bodies worked harder towards orgasm. Sebastian could tell Kurt was close so he removed his hand from Kurt's hip and gripped his cock, pumping it up and down in time with his thrusts.

"Close" Kurt whimpered, his legs shaking. Sebastian pulled back, letting go of Kurt's cock temporally to pull up his legs and move them over his shoulders. "Yes" Kurt gasped out, the change in angle caused Sebastian's cock to nudge his prostrate. Sebastian began thrusting again and resumed gripping Kurt's cock and pumping it.

"Oh, Bas" Kurt whinnied as Sebastian fucked into him as hard as he could.

"Yeah u like that, you gonna come for me baby" Sebastian said, twisting his wrist just so and Kurt cried out as he came over Sebastian's wrist. His body spasmed and his ass clenched harder around Sebastian's dick. Sebastian stroked him through it, while fucking harder till he felt his own orgasm crash over him. He let go of Kurt's cock as he collapsed forward and breathed in deeply.

Sebastian felt his heart racing against Kurt's own.

"Mmm, that was amazing as always" Kurt said, reaching up carding his fingers through Sebastian's hair. Sebastian smiled, kissing Kurt's collarbone.

"Yeah it was baby" Sebastian answered.


Carl scowled as he deleted old emails from Sebastian's betrayer and old Warbler chum Thad hardwood from his inbox. The boy had said his reasonings for helping Carl was because Kurt deserved to be hurt as he had hurt Blaine. Thad said he had liked Blaine for ages and apparently Sebastian was also a threat. Carl never cared for these reasons, he just needed a mole.

What good use it had done. His son had refused to co-operate and now all this time and years of family tradition was down the toilet. Carl sneered at the screen before standing up and storming over to his table with his glass of whiskey on it. He took a sip and smirked as he remembered what he was planning. His time may have been wasted but he refused to let it be for nothing if Kurt was the reason Sebastian was refusing then he was the problem and needed to be eliminated. Time for action.

Carl grabbed his phone and dialed the number he hadn't contacted in a while.

"Hello Carl, long time no talk. What can I do for you?" Roger Larson answered when he picked up. Roger had been an associate of Carl's for a while and had been the one to sort out former problems that had affected Carl's business before. Roger was the best man for the job.

"I know, I haven't had any issue in so long and well this time it's my son who is causing them" Carl said, sitting down in his desk chair and taking a sip of his whiskey.

"Oh can I ask why" Roger inquired.

"He won't uphold tradition and marry into the Winsor family. This has been planned for so long and yet Sebastian seems to think he's above this. He plans to marry Kurt Hummel instead" Carl seethed, slamming his glass down on the table in disgust.

"I see and Kurt is the threat then, without him Sebastian would be up holding his family tradition and marrying Miss Winsor" Roger said.

"Yes" Carl answered.

"Ok so what do you want me to do then?" Roger asked.

Carl grinned then began telling Roger his plan.


A few day's passed and there had been no contact from his Father. So Sebastian was able to rest easy a little, knowing Carl must have been all talk. Still it didn't mean he wasn't on edge at all. For all he knew Carl was biding his time then he would strike.

Sebastian eyed Kurt up again as he closed his brief case. "Are you sure you don't want me to stay here, I mean this study session isn't that important" Sebastian said to Kurt who rolled his eyes from where he was sitting at the kitchen table and flicking through Vogue.

"I'll be fine, you're only going out for a couple of hours and all study sessions help" Kurt replied, changing the page in the magazine.

"It's not that important besides who seriously makes these sessions at eight at night. I would rather be home with you" Sebastian complained, grabbing his brief case off the table angrily. He knew he was over reacting but he didn't want to take any chances. It had only been two days after all.

"I'll be fine ok" Kurt repeated.

"Alright, I'll go. Can you at least give me a kiss goodbye" Sebastian said, opening the door and leaning against it. Kurt smiled before walking over and kissing Sebastian slowly. He pulled away and straightened up Sebastian's shirt collar before patting his shoulder.

"Have fun, I'll see you later" Kurt said, Sebastian sighed before kissing Kurt's cheek quickly.

"Love you, see you later" Sebastian said.

"Love you too" Kurt replied, Sebastian straightened up and smiled before walking off to the stairs. Kurt watched him go before turning and walking inside and shutting the door after himself. He walked over to the couch and sat down, leaning against the pillows to get comfortable so he could watch what ever was on TV. He would be fine, Carl was all talk.


An hour had passed since Sebastian had left when there was a knock on the door. Kurt muted the old episode of 'Big Bang Theory' that was playing and got up to answer it. Part of him wished they had a peep-hole in their door sometimes, as he opened it to see who was there.

His heart did a jolt of panic as he came face to face with a man in a balaclava. He tried to slam the door but the man was too quick and grabbed it as well as Kurt's upper arm. "Hey" Kurt gasped out, his arm beginning to throb in pain.

"Kurt Hummel" the man sneered, gripping Kurt's arm tighter. "How would you like to go on a little vacation"

"Don't, let go of me" Kurt demanded, trying to wriggle free.

The man laughed and reached into his pocket and pulled out a cloth smelling strongly of Chloroform. Kurt struggled harder but it was no use, the mans arm reached up and the cloth was pressed over Kurt's nose and mouth.

"There, that's a good boy. We're going away and you'll love it" the man sneered. Kurt wriggled helplessly, his body began to grow weaker till he eventually stopped struggling and sagged against the man.

The man grinned as he pulled Kurt against his body. "Carl will be ecstatic, great work Roger" Roger murmured, referring to himself in the third person before he pulled Kurt inside the apartment. He called his friend Mark, who had watched the place with him. Kurt and Sebastian had gone past their car the last few days and had no idea they were being watched.

Mark arrived in no time and walked inside, they managed to sneak Kurt onto the fire escape before taking him down the stairs and shoving him into the waiting car parked in the alley.

"Great work" Mark said and Roger grinned.

"I know" he replied before they sped off.


Sebastian shut the door behind him. The apartment was quiet and the only sign of anything happening was the TV flickering in the living room. Sebastian felt a feeling of un ease slide down his spine. It was not like Kurt to go out this late without texting and on top of that he refused to leave anything going even if they left the place for less than an hour.

"Kurt" Sebastian called out, walking over to the couch and sitting down. He grabbed the remote and turned off the TV. He stood up and walked slowly over to the kitchen. He swore under his breath. He was worrying for nothing. Kurt was probably in bed and must have left the TV on accidentally. He was about to head to the bed room when a cloth by the door caught his eye.

Sebastian beant down and picked it up, as soon as he smelt what was on it and felt himself go dizzy, he dropped the cloth and collapsed against the door. "Fuck" Sebastian gasped out.

He pulled out his phone to call the cops when it began ringing with Kurt's set ringtone. 'Beautiful' by HIM. Sebastian noticed the Kurt is requesting a video call on the screen. Sebastian ignored his hammering heart and pressed accept. The first thing he saw was Kurt gagged and sitting in a chair.

His heart dropped into the pit of his stomach. "Kurt" he choked out, tears blurring his vision.

"Hello Sebastian" a voice he didn't recognize spoke up.

Kurt wasn't moving and his eyes were closed.

Sebastian gripped the phone tighter, hoping to see a sign of Kurt being ok, he hoped he was only knocked out, not dead. When he noticed the rise and fall of Kurt's chest, Sebastian felt relief.

The camera moved and a man wearing a balaclava was on the screen.

"Don't you hurt him" Sebastian threatened.

"Oh that won't happen, unless you don't co operate" the man snapped.

"Please, what do you want" Sebastian begged, choking back tears.

"It's not what I want, it's what you should do" the man demanded and Sebastian was hit with the realization, why didn't he figure it out.

"My Father is behind this" Sebastian asked, he felt sick. He should have stayed home. Fuck this was his fault.

"Who said that" the man retorted.

"Please this has him written all over it, I wouldn't marry Daisy so he's done this to get his way. He knows how much I love Kurt" Sebastian snapped.

The man chuckled before turning the camera to face Kurt again, the camera moved forward to show Kurt close up.

"I can see why, he's pretty" the man said on the other side and laughed. "Looks close enough to be a girl, surprised your Father couldn't accept this"

"Shut up" Sebastian snapped, clenching his fist in his lap.

"Well I might have some fun with him why he's here" the man continued, ignoring Sebastian's outburst.

"You better not" Sebastian shouted, his hand shaking from how angry he was.

The camera moved to face the man again and he laughed. "Calm down princess, I won't do that just as long as you do as you're told. Ring your father and don't you dare let the police know what's going on. I find out you've told them. I'll force you to watch me rape him then I'll slit his throat after" the man snapped.

Sebastian swallowed a cry, gripping the phone in his shaking hand harder. "I won't call the cops, just don't hurt Kurt" Sebastian begged. His heart hammering in his chest.

"I'll try to contain myself, anyway better go. I suggest you get on and call your Father" the man said before ending the call.

Sebastian screamed out loud before sobbing hard against the door. After crying for a bit, Sebastian grabbed his phone and dialed his Father's number. Rage had replaced anguish and he was out for blood now. He would keep his Father in the dark, let him think that the arrangement would go ahead. While he had no idea that Sebastian would be trying to find Kurt, once he found him he would make sure that Kurt's captors and his Father would suffer for what they did to Kurt.

His Father picked up and Sebastian calmed down before speaking into the receiver. "Hey Dad, seems I've been a bit rash. I'll marry Daisy".

While Carl rambled on about plans, thinking Sebastian wouldn't go after Kurt, Sebastian was planning how he would find his love and then have his revenge.

If it's a war Carl wanted, it's a war he would get.


Well that's it for this chapter. Sorry for the cheesy last line. Just felt like adding it. What do you think of the new plot? Sebastian is out for blood now and I have lot's of interesting things planned. It's going to be good.

Also what did you think of Thad being the spy, did you like it or not. Thought it made interesting plot also Blaine would have been a bit predictable and I'm not using him in this story. His plot is finished now.

Anyway, I'll try to get the next chapter out soon.

Thanks for supporting this

You all rock

