A/N: Hey! Here's chapter 3 for y'alls, and I'm super excited about this one. It was really fun to write, not gonna lie. I don't have much to say here, so I'll let you get on with the chapter.


Sign is in italics.

Text messages are in bold.

Bay didn't know what had come over her. She'd meant to give Emmett an ultimatum: either accept that they could only be friends or leave, just so she could get on with her life. If he'd chosen the latter, it would've been excruciating… but she could have lived.

Instead, here they were, and Bay had spilled her deepest secret to him. She needed to get back together with him, because he was the only person in this world who balanced her out, who understood her. Her intense longing won out over her fear; her heart triumphed over her head.

But Bay was determined to take this slowly. This time, they couldn't go from 0 to 100 miles an hour in the blink of an eye, because then it would be all the more painful if it ended badly again. Bay was sure she couldn't deal with the hurt if something like the Simone situation happened again.

Emmett was still standing there, staring at her like he couldn't believe his luck. Bay returned his smile for half a second before glancing at her phone, and realized how late it was. She had to get home before her mom and dad killed her. "Oh, crap, Emmett, I've gotta go. Um, call me a little later," Bay said hurriedly, whilst trying to make sure most of her signs were clear. Emmett pulled her close one last time, pressing his lips to her cheek, very briefly. Bay had forgotten how much she'd missed the feel of his lips.

She waved good bye one last time and the got into her car. The time that had seemed so long getting to the timeline seemed to fly in the blink of an eye on the journey home. Bay still wasn't sure why she'd chosen this course of action, but the more she thought about it, the more she was sure this is what she wanted. Emmett, her rock, her muse, her everything. She'd missed him so intensely when he was gone that now, it was like taking the first breath of fresh air. Well, not quite that sweet. Doubt still lingered, but Bay wanted nothing more for that to be blown away. She'd do everything in her power to make sure that happened. Not getting involved in Emmett's home life might seem like a good start…

No. She couldn't blame herself for him cheating on her, but nevertheless, the feeling in her mind never really went away. She always thought that if she hadn't intervened, they would still be together. Then again, Bay knew that if it was a question of his safety, she'd have to do something about it. It wasn't in her nature to stand by idly and let the world pass her by.

She pulled into the driveway, right as the sky was beginning to darken. Steeling herself for what could very well be on onslaught of judging people who didn't have anything better to do with their lives, Bay slowly walked into the kitchen.

Kathryn and John were there, Kathryn wearing her predictably worried face. Daphne and Noah were also there, but they both seemed determine to ignore her as much as possible. Only Toby was missing, who might have been the only person who would be on Bay's side for this. Just her luck.

"Bay, where have you been?" John asked, already sounding angry. "If it was something illegal again…"

"It wasn't Dad, I promise," Bay said, holding up a hand to reassure him. "I was just talking with Emmett. We… kind of decided… to get back together." Her words got slower and slower as her sentence went on.

"WHAT?!" Daphne and Noah exclaimed simultaneously. Bay hadn't expected anything less from Daphne, but Noah was in no position to judge her. It amazed her that he had the audacity to even think he could put his opinion on her choices.

Kathryn, however, broke into a huge smile. "That's great honey!" she exclaimed, throwing her arms around Bay. John opened his mouth to say something, but Kathryn shot him a look and he reluctantly closed it. Bay smiled back at her mom, her contentment growing more and more with each passing minute. That battle had been much easier to win then she had anticipated.

"Here, you need to get some dinner in you," Kathryn said, busily going around the kitchen as John excused himself from the room. "Most of what we had is already gone, but how about I make you some chicken burritos? It'll only take a half an hour." Bay couldn't even have argued if she wanted to; Kathryn already had the ingredients out and was peering at a certain page in a cookbook.

A moment later, Bay felt an angry tap on her shoulder. Her smile fading, she turned to find an angry Daphne glaring at her. How could you do that to him? she signed angrily. Bay didn't have to be Sherlock Holmes to figure out who she was talking about. Still angry at Daphne, she just raised her eyebrows in mock confusion.

He was so messed up by what happened! Daphne practically exploded. Do you have any idea how much you hurt him? Do you seriously want to put him through that again? Do you EVER think of anyone but yourself? And you just broke up with Noah, so you're probably just using Emmett as a rebound.

Seriously, Bay, that's going too far, Noah signed slowly, as if he had any sort of right to give his two cents on the situation.

Actually, what Noah said was going too far. He cheated on me! Bay reminded Daphne, beyond pissed now. If anything, he broke my heart and his own because of what he did. But I love him enough to give him another chance. And Noah, she signed, turning to him. You are in no position to judge me after you used me to get to Daphne. So both of you shut the hell up. I'm with Emmett, and we can make it through others not believing in us. In case you've forgotten, we've already done it! Bay didn't wait for either of their responses. She almost ran back upstairs into her room. She was with Emmett, and nothing was going to change it. And she didn't want it to. They'd gotten through so much. She had to believe that they could get through anything now. They'd have to.

Emmett was in heaven. He hadn't expected Bay to take him back. The fact that she did was the biggest miracle he'd ever seen. Finally, his heart was healed again.

Well, not so much healed as having the potential. Bay wasn't going to want to jump right into things, he could see that in her face. He'd have to be patient these next few weeks as she warmed up to him again. Patience was nothing now. It was so much more bearable now that he could call Bay his.

Of course, there was Melody and Daphne they'd have to contend with. Again. Although, Emmett thought his mom was much more fond of Bay since she'd gone to Melody with her concerns. That took a lot of guts on Bay's part.

Daphne was going to be harder this time. The two girls were fighting again, and Daphne would be using any excuse to find fault with Bay. Right now, she was placing Carlton's less-than-ideal situation on Bay's shoulders, which Emmett thought was ridiculous. They should be doing nothing less than thanking Bay for supporting them as wholeheartedly as she'd done. Daphne was being ridiculous.

Emmett parked his motorcycle in his driveway. It would be best to tell his mom now that he was back together with Bay, instead of her finding out later. That scenario would be nothing short of disastrous.

Travis was in the living room, playing some video game when Emmett walked in. He acknowledged Emmett with a nod of his head. You look happy, Travis noted, pausing his game. What happened?

I'm back together with Bay, Emmett replied, unable to stop his grin from growing. Travis just shrugged. He wasn't Bay's biggest fan, but that was mostly because of Noah more than anything else. That, and his hatred of hearing people in general. Poor kid had been poisoned against them because of his parents.

Do you know where my mom is? Emmett asked Travis, who was returning to his game. Travis pointed upstairs, which probably meant Melody was either in her room or her office. Emmett quickly climbed the stairs, deciding to try the office first.

Sure enough, there was his mom, grading papers. He placed a hand on her shoulder and she immediately turned around. What's going on? she asked. I can tell in your face you've got something you need to say to me. Just spill it out already. I'm not in a good mood, there's this one kid at Carlton who says he's going to start vandalizing the school if we don't 'fix it'.

That didn't give Emmett the best hopes for the impeding conversation, but he had to just go for it. Best to get it over with now. Mom, what would you say if I wanted to get back together with Bay? he asked, giving himself just a little bit more time. Melody pursed her lips, which Emmett didn't take as good sign.

You know I don't think that deaf and hearing relationships work out, she signed. Emmett's heart sank. He wouldn't end his relationship with Bay just because his mom didn't approve of them, but it would make it ten times harder. He knew Bay had strived with her entire being to gain Melody's approval last time.

I didn't finish yet, Melody said, seeing the look on Emmett's face. While I don't necessarily believe in hearing and deaf relationships, there are always exceptions, and I think Bay is one of them. She understands you in ways that I didn't see before. And she cares about you so much, enough to come to me. You need someone like that. Her signing is getting much better and she chose to stay with you and Daphne at Carlton. She's got guts, and I know that you love her very much.

Emmett could barely believe it. His mom finally accepted Bay, something he'd wanted for months upon months. It seemed like a sign that this time, they were going to last and endure.

You have no clue how much this is going to mean to her, he signed. She's going to be so happy. I don't think I can thank you enough, if you support us this time. It'll make everything so much easier, and we need that. She's had enough to deal with from me, it was my fault we broke up. This will be everything for her.

Emmett hugged his mom gratefully after he signed what he needed to say, words not able to express all the gratitude he felt. Bay would be so happy. One of the biggest obstacles they'd faced last time (though certainly not the most difficult) wasn't even a factor now. His mom had blown all expectations out of the waters.

I just want you to be happy, Melody said when she released Emmett. And Bay is definitely what makes you happy. And I don't want to ruin our relationship like I did last time. I promise, I'll be supportive this time. Well, unless she does something I seriously disapprove of, but other than that, I'm behind you. Emmett thanked his mom one last time, hugged her again quickly, and went into his room. He grabbed his phone out of his pocket and sent a quick text to Bay.

My mom's OK with us dating! She's actually supporting us this time.

A few minutes later Bay responded, and Emmett's smile faded considerably as he read through it.

Bay: That's awesome! I wish I could say the same about Daphne. She's being difficult, and so is Noah. I don't really care what Noah thinks, or Daphne, but I know Daphne's your best friend…

Emmett didn't care that Daphne was his best friend. She had no right to be hard on Bay when the situation was clearly his fault. Even he admitted it. Emmett rolled his eyes. Girls caused so much drama sometimes… They could be insane. Grabbing his phone again, he sent out two more messages the first to Bay.

Don't worry. We can get through anything now. You know that.

The second of his messages went to an entirely different recipient, one whom needed to get her head straight and understand that Bay was what he wanted, needed, and wouldn't live without.

To Daphne: We need to talk. Now.

A/N: Oh, the drama they always face… Well, you know Emmett and Bay, they can't have a relationship without someone disapproving of it, and I didn't want to make it Melody this time… it just didn't work. Anyway, big thanks to my Beta slytherinprincess8870, as always. Next chapter, Emmett confronts Daphne about her attitude, and Angelo returns much earlier than Bay expected. Please don't forget to review, and I'll have the next chapter ready for you soon!
