Hello Everyone! Wow I can't believe the response I'm still getting with this story! Thank you everyone for still reading/reviewing/following/ and favoriting! Finally i am providing an update!

For this story since Katya and Hermione's relationship is pretty much established now I'm going to be skipping ahead in time pretty quickly. I'm going to be sticking to the main harry potter plot line tho ... so chamber or secrets ... the triwizard tournament etc. but I'm going to be skipping through their second and third year pretty quick, so just a heads up!

Same Disclaimers, I DO NOT OWN HARRY POTTER!

Fell free to leave a review and tell me what you think! or any suggestions you may have!


Over the course of their first year Hermione and Katya's friendship blossomed in hidden corners of the library, lazy weekends in the boathouse, and stolen moments at Hogsmede. It was one of those days that found the two girls in a quiet corner of the library.

"I can't believe Professor Snape assigned so much course work on the day of the Quidditch match!" Hermione complained in a whisper.

"You don't even like Quidditch!" Katya said as she laughed.

"Yeah, but poor Harry …"

"Oh, boy wonder will be fine!" Katya assured her friend.

"Hermione!" Ron Weasley shouted as he finally located his friend in the library, "Why are you with this snake?!"

Katya merely rolled her eyes at the boy and sat up a bit straighter. He was always calling her names in front of Hermione and trying to get the girl to dislike her, stupid weasel.

"Because she is my friend, Ronald!" she exclaimed in a scolding tone, "When are you going to get that through your thick skull?!"

Katya turned and looked at Hermione with a surprised look on her face, she had never heard her talk to Ron like that. Ron had always expressed his hatred of Katya, Harry didn't like her but he knew Hermione could take care of herself.

Ron stood there flabbergasted to say the least; his mouth opening and shutting much like a goldfish.

"Let's go Kat," Hermione said firmly as she stood up and held out her hand.

The young Slytherin grabbed her friend's hand and laced her fingers with the little lion's. They had held hands a few times before but for some reason to Katya this felt different than the other times. They walked through the halls like this, which were luckily deserted, and out to the grounds near the Black Lake.

"I'm sorry Kat," Hermione says sadly after they've both sat down on some rocks by the shore.

"It's okay Mione, really. Don't worry about it … I'm used to it," Katya said with a reassuring smile.

Hermione just looks at her with a sad look on her face before resting her head onto Kat's shoulder, both girls just watching the serene lake.

"You shouldn't have to be …" Hemrione whispers, "I just can't believe how prejudice people can be based on the past …"

Katya chuckles at her naïve friend. She grew up around this prejudice and she honestly knew nothing else; Katya knew people had disdain for her based solely on her family name.

"Really Hermione, it's okay … I know how to handle it," Katya says as she puffs her chest out proudly, "I'm a LeStrange after all"

Hermione smiles and kisses her friend softly on the cheek. Both girls sit there a little awkwardly before giggling and pulling back out their studies on the shore of the lake.

Christmas. It was getting close and Katya loved watching how excited Hermione was about the holiday; talking about family traditions, decorations, gifts and Christmas eve. She knew she had to get her best friend the perfect gift.

"Doesn't the Great Hall just look beautiful!" Hermione exclaimed as they met for lunch.

Katya nodded with a chuckle as they sat down at the end of the Gryffindor table. She could feel someone staring at her and when she looked up she met the angry gaze of one Ron Weasley. Harry nudged his friend to distract him; Katya and Harry were indifferent about one another and she offered him a nod when Ron finally turned away.

"Are you going home for Christmas?" Kat asks as she takes a bite of food.

"Yeah, and we always travel somewhere for the Holiday," said Hermione with a bright look in her eyes, "What about you?"

"We always have this huge Christmas Ball," Katya says with a sigh, "Lots of people, fancy dresses, and boring conversation," she finished with a chuckle and an eye roll.

"I'd love to go to a fancy party like that!" Hermione gushed with an awe struck look on her face.

"Maybe one year you can, I'll have to talk to mother of course …" then she noticed the nervous look on the girl's face, "Don't worry, I'd help you with all the pure blood stuff"

Hermione's nervous look then changed to one of relief and excitement and they spent the rest of lunch talking about what it would be like at the party and what kind of dresses they would wear. Of course Hermione described something frilly and with lots of light colors, to which the Slytherin scrunched up her nose in dislike.

"Nah," she says as she shakes her head, "I usually wear something black and simple, but mother always insists on a ribbon in my hair!" she says before sticking her tongue out in disgust.

"Oh but Kat you always look so pretty with a ribbon in your hair!" Hermione exclaims with a wide smile.

Katya looks at the girl and makes a mental note to wear more ribbons. She feels herself blushing at the thought and turns away with a chuckle and a mumbled 'whatever'. Before they knew it lunch was over and to the girls' dismay they had to part ways again until dinner, which had become their normal routine.

Christmas morning came quick and Hermione was roused from sleep by a beak tapping on her hotel window. Her parents watched nervously as Hermione opened the window and let the large raven into the room. Hermione gently stroked the birds soft feathers before reaching for the small box lied to its leg. The raven squawked quietly and Hermione began to pet it again while she read the note, her parents still looking on slightly frightened.


Hope you are enjoying your Holiday! I miss you and cannot wait for term to resume. I hope Calliope didn't frighten you, she is a very friendly bird … a bit greedy for affection, but she is light natured. I hope you like your gift!

Happy Christmas!


Once Hermione had untied the box from the bird it flew off suddenly, and she could hear her parents let out a sigh of relief. She opened the box and on a soft pillow laid a jade cameo with a white lioness on it. Hermione smiled brightly and took the necklace from the box, clasping the chain around her neck. She didn't take it off for the rest of her holiday.

When term was ready to resume Katya stood on Platfrom 9 and ¾ with her parents looking around anxiously.

"Who are you looking for, darling?" her mother asked as she began fixing the ribbon in Katya's hair.

"Just a friend," she mumbled.

"Don't mumble," her mother scolded lightly.

"You know you guys don't have to wait with me," she said once she spotted Hermione, "I'm not a child anymore" she said as she stood up straighter.

"My, my … 11 going on 20!" Her father chuckled loudly at his daughter, which earned him a scowl, "Fine, fine!"

He lifts his hands in surrender and leans in to hug his daughter. Bellatrix smiles as her husband and daughter share a few parting words before she leans in herself to kiss and hug her little serpent goodbye.

"Remember to write home!" she gushes as she hugs her daughter tightly.

"I know mum!" Katya exclaims when her mom lets her go.

Katya spots Hermione out of the corner of her eye so she bids her parents one last goodbye before running off to her friend. Rod and Bella smile at her as they turn to leave but Bellatrix catches a glimpse of the girl her daughter runs to.

"Did you get your gift?" Kat asks excitedly as the two girls find an empty cabin.

"Yes! Oh Kat its beautiful!" Hermione exclaims as she grabs the pendant out from under her sweater, "It's absolutely my favorite!" she says happily before pulling her friend in for a tight hug.

"I'm glad!" Katya responds as she returns the hug, "I didn't know if our bird would find you, " she says with a giggle.

"Scared my parents that's for sure!" Hermione says as she starts laughing hard, "You should have seen their faces!"

Both the girls laugh loudly as Hermione mimics her parents' reactions to the giant raven that delivered the gift, but their laughter soon died down when they heard the familiar cruel tone of Ronald Weasley.

"Good Christmas killing muggles LeStrange?" He asks with narrowed eyes.

"Oh Ron don't be so ridiculous!" says Hermione with a scowl as she scoots closer to Katya in a protective way.

"Why do you defend her?! Her parents are awful! You know they are training her to be just like them! To be Death Eaters" he says with such disdain and acid in his voice.

Katya looks away ashamed now, but her head snaps back to the door when she hears the voice of her cousin.

"Do we have a problem here Weasle?" Draco asks in accusing tone.

Ron looks Draco up and down before looking back at Katya, "Watch yourself", He says warningly before turning and walking away.

"You okay Kat?" Draco asks as he enters the cabin with Crabbe and Goyle.

Katya looks away with tears in her eyes but sits up confidently and nods as she wipes the tears away.

"He's just a stupid boy" says Hermione quietly as she grabs Kat's hand and holds it tightly, "He isn't worth it …"

Again Katya nods, but she spends the rest of the train ride listening to the conversations as she stares out the window.