(Disclaimer: I do not own Glee or any of their characters. I'm just a fan looking to explore.)

This is one of the other short stories I've been working on a part from, A Chance from Something more (which still has more to come) This one is a little different of course, and only three chapters long. I hope you like it.

Friends in Need

Santana was walking home from her abuela's feeling lost. She wasn't expecting her to accept the fact that she was a lesbian with open arms, but to dismiss her entirely, was unbearable. She wasn't in the mood to go home and talk to her parents. She loved that they supported her for who she was, but the last thing she wanted was to tell them that abuela practically disowned her and stir up some more family drama.

Santana called Brittany in the hopes to divulge everything to her, but she had an emergency of her own to handle.

"I'm sorry sweetie, Lord Tubbington clogged the toilet again, and there's a small pool in my bathroom. I have to try to clean it all up before my mom finds out. She already threatened to send Lord Tubbington to kitty boarding school already this week, if she sees this mess she'll send him away for sure."

"Ok, but Britt."

"I'll call you back as so as I can, love you."

"I love you too," but Brittany had already dropped the phone on the ground and was chasing Lord Tubbington around her bedroom."

Santana looked down at the phone and started to cry. She had no place to go or anyone to really talk to, so she just kept walking. As she came upon Quinn's house she looked up and saw her walking back and forth passed her bedroom window and from what she could see, it looked like she was having just as bad of a night as her.

At first Santana didn't want to bother Quinn, but the more she thought about it she realized that the best way for her to completely forget about her terrible night was if she helped Quinn deal with hers, whatever her problem might be.

Santana walked up to the door and rang the doorbell, but no one answered. She peeked through the window next to the door and the house was pitch black. She took a few steps back and the only thing she could see was Quinn's shadow.

"Quinn," She tried calling out for her, but she never came to the window, let alone the door. "Quinn."

When Quinn didn't answer the second time, Santana decided to try the doorknob and to her amazement the door was open.

"A little too trustworthy, I see." Santana stepped inside and locked the door behind her. "Quinn, it's me, Santana," but once again there was no answer. She made her way to Quinn's room a little nervous about what she was walking into.

"Quinn," she said as she slowly pushed open her bedroom door.

"What the hell?" She yelled as she grabbed at her heart startled.

"Sorry, I know you didn't invite me over, but I was walking by your house and it looked like you were having a rough night and wanted to make sure you were ok."

"I've been better." She answered, still a little pissed about the intrusion. "Looks like I wasn't the only one having a bad night." Santana glanced up at the mirror and saw that her eyes were still blood-shot.

"Yeah, but I didn't come here because of me. What's wrong with you, are you ok?" Quinn looked into Santana's eyes and it was obvious she was doing everything she could to stop the next flood of tears from falling.

"I really don't want to talk about it."

"Ok," Santana said feeling stuck. "Well, I guess I'll just go then."

"Wait, Santana, can you stay actually." She glanced up and Quinn looked like she wouldn't be able to hold herself together for much longer.

"Yeah, sure." She answered, hurrying over and took Quinn into her arms before she collapsed.

"Are you sure you don't want to talk?" She whispered. Quinn shrugged as they moved over to the bed. Santana hesitated at first, but seeing Quinn so vulnerable even bother her, so she took her hand and began to rub her back to try to soothe her. "Is this about Beth?" She knew she and Quinn normally didn't talk much about her daughter, because normally she turned into the ultimate bitch when the topic ever came up, making uncalled comments and continuously mocked her.

"Partly," Santana tensed up, but she made sure Quinn couldn't tell. "Do you want me to call Puck?" But this only made her angry as she stormed off the bed and began walking around in circles. "I'm gonna go with no," Santana said under her breath staying perfectly still so she wouldn't distract Quinn from quickly losing it in front of her eyes.

"Why did that woman have to come back here? Doesn't she know that she's slowly torturing me with this idea of being in Beth's life? And of course, now she won't even let me see her. I mean sure, I kind of booby-trapped her apartment in the hopes of family services taking Beth away from her so that Puck and I could raise her." She growled, "oh and Puck, god, I don't even know if I could ever look at him the same again."

"Wow, so that's a hell no to calling Puck then." Santana said slowly standing up. "Quinn, how about you take it down a notch and come back over to the bed," but Quinn wasn't paying any attention to her. Now all she was doing was hissing and mumbling to herself as she paced.

"Good God, what did I walk into?" Quinn's head jerked in her direction.


"Nothing, Q. Do you want a drink or something?"

"Ah, no, there's no alcohol in the house I already checked."

"Yeah, I was thinking of some water with a possible tranquilizer on the side."

"No, I'm fine." Quinn answered, completely oblivious to anything Santana was actually saying and started to break down again. Santana grabbed a few tissues from Quinn's nightstand, handed them to her, and guided her back to the bed.

They sat there for a while as Quinn let everything out that was destroying her inside. Santana made sure to keep an extra tissue for herself as Quinn's tears splattered onto her and tried not to cringe as Quinn nuzzled up on her shoulder.

"How about we clean you up?" Quinn nodded, but didn't move from Santana's side. Santana carefully started to stand up and repositioned her so that she was leaning up against the bed post. She grabbed a washcloth, soaked, rinsed it, and handed it to Quinn who just let the washcloth sit in her hand causing Santana to roll her eyes. She wanted to help her, but this was turning out to be more like babysitting, and she was not one to ever enjoy doing that. But Quinn was one of her best friends and she knew what it felt like to be completely broken


Santana squatted down beside her, lifted her chin, and gently wiped away the sadness that covered Quinn's normally stunning face.

"Thank you."

"Not a problem Q." Just as Quinn was beginning to calm down her phone went off, and when she looked down she stood up and started to get worked up all over again. "Ok, give me that." Santana snagged the phone and handed Quinn the washcloth instead. She glanced down at the phone and read the message out loud.

"Please, just tell me that you're ok."

"Puck is only checking to make sure you're all right. Why is that so bad? Are you sure you don't want him to come over?"

"He was just here! I sent him home," Santana's eyes widened.

"Oh, good lord, how about I just tell him you're fine. Is that ok?" Quinn nodded and threw the washcloth on the nightstand before sitting back on the bed.

Santana still wasn't sure how to deal with Quinn's craziness, but she knew she needed her. She sat back down next to her and wrapped her arms around her waist as Quinn laid her head back down on her shoulder. Santana pulled her closer so she would feel safe. Quinn tossed her arm across Santana's chest as her face fell into her neck. She hushed her as she moved her hand up and down her back. Quinn's breathing began to steady and all of a sudden the only thing Santana could think about was Quinn's mouth resting against her neck. She nonchalantly took a deep breath to try to calm the nerves that were slowly building up in her stomach, but each time Quinn would exhale more butterflies would rush in.

Santana closed her eyes next to try to concentrate on her own breathing. What was going on? It had to be that they were both so raw from their overly emotional night, but each time Quinn released a breath on her neck a lighting bolt would shoot through her body. She did her best to think of things to distract her from Quinn's intoxicating nature. First she thought of Berry's face, then Tubs without any clothes on, even thinking back to the two prancing ponies serenading her during Glee practice the other day didn't work. It wasn't until Quinn was no longer breathing on her that she was able to start coming back to reality.

"You ok?" Quinn asked. When Santana looked up, their noses grazed. She was so close to her, and couldn't think properly, let alone form words. "Santana?"

"Um," she tried to start, but Quinn's lips were mere inches from hers, and they never seemed so inviting. Quinn backed up, now she was the one concerned and confused.

"Hey, I know there's something going on with you too. I mean you had one hell of a week.

"Yeah," she answered finally exhaling.

"I guess we needed each other tonight." Santana nodded, as she looked away still trying to regroup.

"I just came from my abuela's house and it actually was much worse than I thought it would be."

Santana filled Quinn in on what happened with her and her abuelas and toward the end, she felt herself collapsing. Tears were pouring down her face and Quinn moved closer to her so that their legs were touching and started to rub her thigh tenderly back and forth to comfort her as she finished telling her the events of her night. Once she was finished Quinn stood up to get Santana her own wash cloth.

"Thanks," she said as she tried to control her breathing. "I know I should be grateful that most of my family and friends support me, especially when there are so many people out there who have no one, but she's my abuela Q."

"I know, I get it," Quinn replied reassuring as she sat back down on the bed. Again, Santana felt an intense warmth creep through her the instant Quinn's skin brushed up against hers and discreetly tried to inch away, but she got caught.

"You ok?"

"Yeah," Santana answered flustered as she stood up and adjusting her outfit. "You know Q, I should probably get going." She didn't look at Quinn for a response; she just went straight for the door. Quinn quickly stood up.

"Wait, Santana." She froze in the doorway, closed her eyes, and took another minute to breath before turning to face her friend. "Do you think you can stay? My mom's away for the night and I really don't want to be alone right now."

There was so much going through Santana's head at that very moment. First, Brittany, she loved Brittany, but she hated that she couldn't grasp certain things at times, like tonight, when she needed her the most. Then she thought about her abuela, and realized that she too, didn't want to be alone, and if it wasn't Brittany at her side, the next person she would turn to would be Quinn; Quinn, with those incredible hazy eyes gazing at her, begging her to stay. She knew it took a lot for Quinn to open up and divulge everything to her tonight; she had the same problem with being open with people. They both hated feeling raw and weak, and did everything in their power not to let the outside word see. There was no way she could abandon her friend now when she needed her most.
