It had been ten years since Hermione and Draco had set foot in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

It was the weekend of their ten year reunion and that was all their friends had been talking about.

Hermione, Draco, and their friends still talked to their friends almost daily and still had their weekly potlucks. Even though their families have grown they still have the same friendships.

Hermione, Draco, and their 4 children were the first of their friends to arrive at Hogwarts, considering that they still lived in Hogesmead (their house had an enlargement charm placed on it).

Blaise, Ginny, and their 2 children arrived next. As the families were exchanging greetings and embraces, Harry, a very pregnant Pansy, and their son arrived.

After greetings were exchanged with the Potters they were left waiting for Ron and his family. Fifteen minutes later Ron, Lavender, and their 6 children arrived, five minutes before the start of the reunion.

Upon entering the great hall they sat at the house table that had the most room for all of their families and friends, ironically it ended up being the Slytherin table.

Dumbledore stood behind the podium on the platform of the teachers table and began yet another welcome back speech.

"My dear friends and families, it is a great honor to welcome you back here again. Your class had the most to gain and the most challenges to overcome (as he said this, a slideshow started behind him). Your year was in the front lines in the war against Voldemort, you and your classmates showed more courage, determination, bravery, and will that was ever asked of you. At this moment I would like for us to pay our respects for those we lost in the war (the whole hall went silent as they were remembering their fallen friends and family). The war changed so many of our lives for the better and many new bonds were made (he looked towards Hermione, Draco, and the rest of the group as he said this). There were many things apart from the war that brought you all together, but tragedy was a major part of this, but let us dwell on it no longer for tonight is a night to celebrate. I would like to re introduce our heads and prefects from your year, if you would all stand"

One by one they started to rise all across the great hall, Hermione, Draco, Blaise, Pansy, Ron, Lavender, Ernie McMillian, Hannah Abbott, Luna Lovegood, and Terry Boot.

As the last one stood up the Hall erupted into cheers (on the slideshow behind Dumbledore there was a magical picture of all of them from their seventh year smiling and waving).

Once they sat back down and the hall quieted Dumbledore started again,

"Now before I sit down and let you enjoy the feast and slideshow I would like to introduce you to this year's Head boy and Girl who put this evening together for you all. Would Mr. Apollo Malfoy and Ms. Emma Grace Pucey please come to the head table?"

As Dumbledore asked this everyone's eyes shifted to the doors of the great hall opening and a young boy and girl made their way to the table, once they got there the hall erupted in cheers, the loudest being from the Slytherin table (where Apollo's family and friends were sitting. Once the hall quieted Dumbledore told them to find a seat and addressed the hall again.

"Once again Welcome back and enjoy your time here at Hogwarts once more" he finished with a twinkle in his eye.

After he said this fireworks erupted from the ends of the head table and the feast began.

Life had been good for the Malfoys, Potters, Weasleys, and Zabinis and they wouldn't change all that had happened to them for anything.

The guide to the second generation children!

The Malfoys

~Apollo: male, 17, Slytherin, Head boy

~Skyler: male, 11, twin, Gryffindor

~Callidora: female, 11, twin, Ravenclaw

~ Michael: male, 9, future Gryffindor

~Elsa: female, 7, future Slytherin

The Potters

~James: male, 1, future Ravenclaw

~Lilly: female, unborn (3 months till due date), future Slytherin

The Weasleys

~Louis: male, 14, Slytherin

~Zayn: male, 13, Ravenclaw

~Liam: male, 12, Gryffindor

~Niall: male, 11, Hufflepuff

~Cayden: male, 7, future Gryffindor

~Eleanor: female, 3,future Hufflepuff

The Zabinis

~Elsa: female, 15, Slytherin

~Sophia, Female, 12, Griffindor