Authors Note: Blah, sorry it took so long. I hope you all enjoy, this isn't my favorite chapter ever, but I guess I can't just jump to the good stuff without a little build up.

Chapter Four

The day had started out with a shock when she awoke late with a muttered curse and a stubbed toe acquired while she rushed around her small, shoe box sized room, before hurrying down the hall to wake Michael for school. With each step she sent up a prayer the tiny redhead would be in an unusual chipper mood that morning, so she wouldn't have to deal with his sulky feet dragging attitude he usually treated her with.

Skidding to a stop just inside Michael's bedroom, her eyes widened at the sight before her. Standing in the center of the room, AJ was half dressed. His black suit pants were snug, well fitted as though he had a tailor hand make them just that morning. The white, tight fitting tank top really detailed his attributes. His hair was wet and slicked back, while a toothbrush stuck out of his mouth.

Her eyes roamed back to his broad shoulders, and defined torso. What desk jockey had a body like that? Wasn't there some cosmic law that proclaimed all corporate pencil pushers were required to have a little extra padding? If there wasn't, there should be. Or maybe the law should be all men who looked like AJ Quartermaine should not walk around half dressed near their Nannies.

Staring at one another, him shocked by her sudden arrival, her unable to tear her eyes away from his body, when the logical thing she should be doing was frantically finding the right words to say that wouldn't get her fired.

"I'm so sorry I overslept." Regaining the ability to blink, and break the staring contest, Elizabeth felt beyond stupid. Being late on the first day AJ Quartermaine was back in the house, was not a way to make her employer look upon her kindly. Eying him like he was a Grade A slab of meat was a sure fire way of being fired for sexual harassment.

"Guess no one told you." His expression easily slid from shocked to suspiciously amused, and Elizabeth searched his expression to see if she hearing him right. "I know when I go out of town things run a little . . . differently around here. Your job is not to be Michael's parent. I need a Nanny to help when my . . . when Carly and I are pulled away on business or have engagements that take us away from home and after school."

Well that was good to know, Elizabeth thought, someone should pass that memo onto Michael's mother. Still not completely sure what was expected of her while Michael's dad was in town, Elizabeth felt silly being put in the position to ask. At the same time, she didn't want to even look worse by not knowing her job.

"Just so I know, when you're in town what exactly do you want me to do?" The tops of his ears turned pink, as he choked down a cough before answering.

"Well for right now you can go back to bed." Trying for humor, AJ didn't realize what he'd said until he'd said it. To her it probably sounded like a great idea, to him it created very inappropriate images in his head. "Um, ah a-after that you're responsible to pick Michael up after school and get him to either his practice or his lessons."

She could do that, Elizabeth thought. "Anything else?"

"Basically you're in charge until I get home around six, help get Michael ready for bed, and occasionally step in when Carly or I have plans." So essentially what he was saying was she was on duty after school, after dinner time and a few times in between. It painted a different picture of her new job than the one she had over the last few days.

"Well then I'll leave you to it." Turning on her heel before he could change his mind, Elizabeth retraced her steps and did exactly as he suggested. Falling face first into her pillow, Elizabeth had no issue getting back to sleep.

When she finally awoke, showered and dressed Elizabeth walked into the kitchen and wondered if somehow she missed a turn and ended up in bizzarro land. Alice was clicking away, cleaning and buffing frantically. Every spare space was cluttered by large, obnoxious vases of the ugliest flowers arrangements known to mankind.

"Is it somebody's birthday?" Eyeing one of the tacky floral bouquets, Elizabeth made a face at the overpowering smell.

"Now that Mr. AJ is home, Ms. Carly will arrive around five." Alice's tone was downcast, as though she had to get a root canal instead of prepare the house for its owner. "She has a very particular way she wants the house."

It didn't take long for Elizabeth to catch on that she preferred not having Ms. Carly grace the home with her dominatrix style. The second she breezed through the door, she was snapping orders and throwing out insults on a whim. Her orders were ludicrous, who actually ordered their housekeeper to draw them a bath? While her tongue lashings were beyond obnoxious, it was plain as day that the black scuff marks on the marble entryway were created by the heels of Ms. Carly's own boots. How dare Alice not be ready on her hands and knees the second the prima donna returned home?

Michael seemed to regress right before her eyes five minutes after his mother returned home. True he hadn't been a halo wearing saint, but the nasty little snot he turned into was the worst she'd seen him yet. She nearly strangled the demon when he purposely knocked over one of the large vases in the upstairs hallway, then immediately blamed her when Ms. Carly came screeching out of the Master suite. He followed this up by spitting gum into her hair, of course while cleaning up the mess he'd made.

By the time six rolled around, Elizabeth had her eyes glued to the clock, and her ears searched for any sign that AJ was home to rescue her. She still had the wad of gum was still firmly lodged in her ponytail. By the time she was going to be able to get to it, she knew without a doubt there was no other option than cutting it out.

"I hate you." Michael muttered as he stood on his tiptoes and washed his hands, while splashing water over the rim to drench the counter and floor. Alice had announced dinner would be ready as soon as Mr. AJ returned home, and Elizabeth took that as her queue to get Michael ready. At this point, Michael should consider himself lucky she didn't shove his head in the toilet.

Looking at him in the reflection of the mirror, Elizabeth bit the inside of her cheek and remained silent. This didn't seem to impress the little Quartermaine all that much. "Did you hear me?"

Handing him a towel to dry his hands, Elizabeth only acknowledged him by raising her brow. She was slightly awarded by an ugly scowl.

The sound of a man's voice floated up the stairs, and like that Michael tore out of the bathroom, leaving her to the mess he created when he'd been forced to clean up. Taking the towel, which Michael had refused to use, Elizabeth tidied up the sink. It was at least one thing Alice wouldn't have to worry about.

At this point, Midas didn't own enough gold to entice her down for dinner. Not if she had to share a table with Thing One and Thing Two, instead she opted to take the safer saner route of returning to her room. At least it would give her some privacy in case she ended up in tears while trying to sort out the mess in her hair.

Not even a step out of Michael's room, she could hear the shrill yell of Ms. Carly coming from the stairs. "Nanny Elizabeth."

Closing her eyes at the thought of being called such a stupid name for god only knew how long, Elizabeth wondered if there was any way she could sneak back to her room, get her things and sneak out the window.

"Nanny Elizabeth." Apparently the Mrs. had a set of pipes on her, and instead of taking the escape route, Elizabeth moved to the top of the stairs.

"Yes, Ms. Carly." Looking down at her from the top step, Elizabeth wondered if her boss knew spray on tans only made her look orange.

"Is there a reason Michael is running around the house unattended?" Blunt, to the point and accompanied by a snarl.

"I was under the impression Mr. AJ was home."

This only made her nostrils flare like a mare in heat. "And?"

Elizabeth knew she was at an impasse. By what she'd experienced so far of her charming new boss, was the lady was out of her gourd and probably Bipolar. She doubted if she offered Mr. AJ's explanation of her daily obligations as an excuse to let the little rugrat run loose would hold up all that well. On the other hand, he had told her when he got home she was pretty much free to do what she wanted.

What was a girl to do? Apparently lie.

"I was just cleaning up a mess." A brittle smile on her face, Elizabeth waited to see how the shrew took that.

"I don't pay you to clean." Apparently Cruella De Vil forgot her barking order of cleaning up the three hundred dollar vase not an hour before. "He's downstairs, I suggest you stop wasting my time and do your job."

Watching as the tyrant spun on her six inch heels and make her way across the marble floor, Elizabeth winced at the scuff marks she left in her wake. "And don't use the front stairs."

Muttering a dark curse under her breath, Elizabeth turned and headed for the back staircase, wondering if maybe on her next day off, if she got one, she should pick up a voodoo doll. Perhaps she could acquire a new hobby, like witchcraft. There was a spell or two she wouldn't mind casting at that moment.

In no real hurry to descend to the lower level, Elizabeth was fully aware she was caught in a domestic tug of war. Unfortunately for her, she was the current tool between the battling spouses. Given her little charge's abrupt change in attitude, she couldn't help but wonder if perhaps he too had been an instrument between them. She was pretty sure she'd go postal after a few years of living under this roof.

Hitting the bottom step, Elizabeth sighed. She assumed Michael could be found in the vicinity of the bedroom Alice had indicated was the one Mr. AJ used. Knowing full well she wasn't really needed, she wondered what she could do with herself to stay off the banshee's radar until dinner time.

Wandering toward the suite at the far end of the floor, she paused when she heard Michael's laughter float through the closed door. Well at least she could honestly say she found him, but after the last few hours she had no burning desire to put herself in direct aim of the little heathen. Instead she opted to retrace her steps back to the multimedia room, when the door at the end of the hallway opened.

"Elizabeth." Pausing in midstride, AJ gave her an awkward look, as though she was interrupting his time with his son, but was too polite to say anything about it.

"I'm sorry." Making a face, and feeling like a fool, Elizabeth wanted to look for a hole to crawl in. "Ms. Carly insisted I keep an eye on Michael." Watching as he shoved his hands into his pockets, Elizabeth couldn't help but wonder how someone like AJ Quartermaine, got roped with the Queen of the Double-Wide trailers. "I know what you said this morning, but your wife can be pretty persuasive."

She almost thought he muttered something along the lines, "Like a rabid Chiwawa", but she wasn't certain.

"I'm sorry."

He was sorry? She was the one with a glob of chewed gum stuck in her hair. "I can stay out of your way." Her eyes flickered to where Michael was standing with a sulky expression on his little freckled face.

AJ, apparently caught the exchange of looks and looked down at his son. "What'd you do?"

"Nothing." Michael muttered.

When his son wasn't forthcoming, AJ moved his gaze at her. "Elizabeth?"

Oh, no. She'd seen enough movies and daytime television to know if she ratted the little punk out he'd probably retaliate by sneaking into her room in the middle of the night and snuff her out with one of her own pillows.

"I think it's best if we just keep today between Michael and I." Raising her brow a notch, she shared a silent look with the petulant child. "I'm going to leave you two alone."

Feeling good about taking the upper hand with the devil seed, Elizabeth spun on her heel only to have AJ call out to her. "You seem to have something in your hair."

Just like that, the upper hand was snatched from her.

Slowly turning back around, Elizabeth smiled bitterly. "Actually it's gum. I have no clue how it got there."

"Weird." AJ nodded, though she could see he wasn't fooled, not like she tried all that hard. "It seems we've had that problem in this house before. Nannies randomly getting chewing gum stuck in their hair."

"Guess I need to be more careful." Elizabeth responded cheekily, making sure her gaze was stuck on Michael's growing unease.

"Michael, do you have any idea how Elizabeth may have gotten gum in her hair?" Turning to his son, his tone questioning, but his eyes held that hard look every parent had when they were frustrated with their child.

"Maybe she fell asleep with gum in her mouth." Apparently Michael wasn't well versed in reading the parent look, because the only right response to the tone AJ was using combined with 'the look' was the truth.

"True." Nodding his head, while crossing his arms over his chest, AJ drawled. "I've told you that several times." Turning back to her, his face nearly comical, AJ asked. "Elizabeth, did your parents tell you not to go to bed with gum?"

"I wasn't allowed to have gum." Elizabeth smiled back. "They said it would rot out my teeth. Plus it's hard to get gum in refugee camps."

"Yeah." Nodding, AJ sighed. "I don't suppose you went to bed last night with gum?"

"Nope." Playing along, Elizabeth enjoyed watching the half pint squirm.

"So, Michael any other idea on how Elizabeth got gum in her hair?"

Face blooming bright red, Michael's mouth pinched a little, and Elizabeth wasn't proud of how much entertainment she was getting out of this. "I did it when she was cleaning up the vase."

Feeling AJ watch her from the corner of his eye, Elizabeth pretended to find something fascinating on the wall. "Go get your game controllers and your handheld. You're grounded for a month."

"A month?" As far as groundings went, Elizabeth also felt a month was a pretty long time. It was the timeframe parents used in parenting protocol when the offender had multiple strikes. If she thought Michael's face was red before, it was now bordering on purple, which clashed with his devil red hair.

"Now." In a firm voice, AJ pointed in the direction of the stairs. Waiting until Michael's stomping feet were halfway up, AJ sent her a sheepish grin. "Follow me; I have a secret way of getting that gunk out of your hair."

"Don't worry about it." Already taking a step back, Elizabeth saw his face morph from sheepish to insistent. "I was just going to cut it out. I can just keep my hair up until I can get to a salon."

"Your hair is too pretty to cut it." Shaking his head he slipped past her and headed toward the bar in the multimedia room. "No sense being stubborn, I'll get my way."

It was a challenge, and darn it, she never backed down from a challenge no matter how asinine it was. "How do you figure that?" She called out from her spot, and when he didn't answer she was forced to follow his footsteps. Spotting him behind the bar, she asked again. "How do you figure you're going to get your way?"

He was rummaging behind the polished bar, she knew he'd heard her, knew he was baiting her, but instead of just letting it go she moved closer. "I know what you're doing."

"And yet you seem to keep coming closer." AJ smirked pulling out a jar of peanut butter, holding it up to show her. "It's from my secret ice cream stash."

"You're not putting that in my hair." Making a face, Elizabeth took a step back. "I'll smell like a peanut butter sandwich for days.

"I love peanut butter." AJ defended. "And I swear it really works. My sister Emily used to get gum in her hair all the time."

Apparently her expression still looked doubtful. "Your sister got gum in her hair all the time?"

"She had two older brothers." His smile turned back into that devilish smirk that made him look way too handsome.

"Seriously, you don't have to -."

"Do you really want to cut your hair?" AJ interrupted. "I was under the impression women worshiped their hair."

And Elizabeth couldn't say he was wrong. "Fine."

"Told you I'd get my way." Pointing to one of the barstools, he moved around the bar. "Sit, this should take no time at all."

Eyeing him suspiciously, Elizabeth pulled herself up on one of the tall stools as he went to stand behind her. Feeling him gently remove the rubber band that held her hair back, Elizabeth winced when he let out a low whistle.

"He got you good." The second his fingers threaded through her hair to separate the area effect by Michael's handiwork, Elizabeth felt a shiver go up her spine. It was a secret obsession of hers, to have someone play with her hair. She loved having her hair brushed. When she was little, she and her sister used to take turns doing each other's hair.

But having AJ's large hands, delicately move her hair over her shoulder, while sectioning off the affected area, well it definitely didn't feel like her sister playing with her hair.

"I'm really sorry about this." His voice was apologetic as he moved more hair to the right; his fingers grazing her neck in the process almost had her flying off the stool. "I'd like to say he's really not a bad kid, but I think we'd both know I was lying."

"He's had his good days and his bad ones." Elizabeth answered as politically as she could. Though a part of her wanted to scream at the top of her lungs YES YES YES.

"Between you and me, he used to be worse." From the corner of her eye, Elizabeth watched as he dip two fingers into the peanut butter jar.

At this point she really didn't know what to say. There was no way she was going to tell him the truth, that the kid was a likely candidate for shock therapy. But remaining silent pretty much said the same thing. "I don't have a degree in early childhood psychology, but there seemed to be a noticeable change today. Maybe he just has a hard time with transitioning from one environment to another."

It was the nicest way she could say that perhaps going from having no parents on a day to day basis, to having both suddenly arrive at the same time, could mess with a kids head. Children weren't dumb. They knew when they were being shoved to the side. Understandably, AJ's business took him away. A lot of parents had to travel on occasion for business. But Carly had no excuse to avoid her home for the last week, or at least that's how she saw it.

"Well he must like you." Hearing the humor in his voice, Elizabeth leaned her head back slightly as she felt his fingers smearing the goopy mess into her hair.

"I wouldn't go that far." Her voice trembled slightly as his hand cupped the back of her neck to reposition her head forward.

"He put Carly's hair remover into the last Nannies shampoo."

Twisting her head to look over her shoulder, she stared at him. "He did not."

Not looking overly proud, AJ nodded. "Listen, I know this household can be intense, and you've probably picked up on how my wife and I aren't living a happily ever after life here. But Michael has gone through ten Nannies in the last year. I know he has issues, and I've been working with him to give him a stable, safe environment. I'm not pleased to say that hasn't always been so."

Turning his attention back to her hair, he started to remove some of the gum, putting the freed pieces onto the bar. "If Michael or Carly ever cross the line to the point you consider quitting talk to me first. If you can't reach me, then call Jason."

Well at least he was aware his wife originated from the ninth level of hell.

She did have doubts on how much she could actually take. Historically her temper had gotten the best of her. Mostly it was her inability to swallow down smart assed comments in the heat of the moment. In the past she'd gotten herself into hot water over and over again, by not being able to put a muzzle on her fat mouth. Whether it was her parents, friends, and even her art instructor, she just couldn't help but lighting a match and tossing onto a fire already doused in gasoline.

"I can do that." Or, at least she wanted to believe she could do it. If not, she was back to Gram's house of doilies, where her every move was scrutinized and lectured upon. As much as she loved Audrey Hardy, the woman had a gold medal in meddling and lecturing.

"Thanks." Instant relief washed over AJ's handsome features, as he turned his attention back to the mess in her hair. "Alright. Most of its out. You just need wash your hair."

"So I don't smell like a peanut butter cookie." Elizabeth joked, looking over her shoulder.

"Like I said." AJ grinned slyly. "I love peanut butter."

Their eyes caught for a moment and for some insane reason AJ's comment felt almost like some kind of innuendo to her ears.

"Here's my controllers." Nose bent out of shape, Michael appeared and dumped his arm load onto one of the tables.

Feeling as though she'd been doused by a pail of ice water, Elizabeth jumped off the barstool. Blinking a few times, she looked at the man studying her intently. "I should go take that shower." Without waiting she bolted for the stairs.